/* * dvbcam.cpp * * Copyright (C) 2008 Christophe Thommeret * Copyright (C) 2006 Christoph Pfister * * code based on ca_zap (LGPL) * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Manu Abraham (manu@kromtek.com) * Copyright (C) 2006 Andrew de Quincey (adq_dvb@lidskialf.net) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dvbcam.h" #define TIMER_EVENT_MMI_OPEN 500 #define TIMER_EVENT_MMI_CLOSE 501 #define TIMER_EVENT_CAM_READY 502 DvbCam::DvbCam(int adapter, int ca_device, int demux_device, int ci_type, int maxService) { Adapter = adapter; CaDevice = ca_device; DemuxDevice = demux_device; ciType = ci_type; CamMaxService = maxService; fprintf(stderr, "DvbCam: CamMaxService = %d\n", CamMaxService); stdcam = NULL; menuDialog = NULL; sidList.setAutoDelete( true ); isRunning = true; start(); } DvbCam::~DvbCam() { isRunning = false; wait(); sidMutex.lock(); sidList.clear(); sidMutex.unlock(); } int DvbCam::probe( int adapter, int ca_device ) { int fdCa; ca_caps_t cap; ca_slot_info_t info; TQString s = TQString("/dev/dvb/adapter%1/ca%2").arg( adapter ).arg( ca_device ); if ( (fdCa = open( s.ascii(), O_RDWR )) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "DvbCam::probe(): %s:", s.ascii()); perror(" "); return -1; } if ( ioctl(fdCa, CA_GET_CAP, &cap) == 0) { if ( cap.slot_num>0 ) { info.num = 0; if ( ioctl(fdCa, CA_GET_SLOT_INFO, &info) == 0) { if ( (info.type & CA_CI_LINK)!=0) { fprintf(stderr, "DvbCam::probe(): LLCI slot found on %s\n", s.ascii()); if ( (info.flags & CA_CI_MODULE_PRESENT)!=0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "DvbCam::probe(): CA module present on %s\n", s.ascii()); close (fdCa); return CA_CI_LINK; } else fprintf(stderr, "DvbCam::probe(): no CA module present on %s\n", s.ascii()); } else if ( (info.type & CA_CI)!=0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "DvbCam::probe(): HLCI slot found on %s\n", s.ascii()); if ( (info.flags & CA_CI_MODULE_PRESENT)!=0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "DvbCam::probe(): CA module present on %s\n", s.ascii()); close (fdCa); return CA_CI; } else fprintf(stderr, "DvbCam::probe(): no CA module present on %s\n", s.ascii()); } else fprintf(stderr, "DvbCam::probe(): unsupported CI interface on %s\n", s.ascii()); } else fprintf(stderr, "DvbCam::Probe(): ioctl failed on %s\n", s.ascii()); } else fprintf(stderr, "DvbCam::Probe(): no CI slot found on %s\n", s.ascii()); } else fprintf(stderr, "DvbCam::Probe(): ioctl failed on %s\n", s.ascii()); close (fdCa); return -1; } bool DvbCam::canPlay( ChannelDesc *chan ) { int i, n=0; TQMutexLocker locker( &sidMutex ); for ( i=0; igetState()getChannel().name==chan->name ) return true; } return ( ngetChannel().name==chan->name ) { sidList.at(i)->restart(); return; } } sidList.append( new CamService( Adapter, DemuxDevice, chan, CamMaxService ) ); } void DvbCam::stopService( ChannelDesc *chan ) { int i; TQMutexLocker locker( &sidMutex ); for ( i=0; igetChannel().name==chan->name ) { sidList.at(i)->setState( CamService::Remove ); return; } } } void DvbCam::resendPmts() { int i; TQMutexLocker locker( &sidMutex ); for ( i=0; igetState()==CamService::Added ) { sidList.at(i)->setState( CamService::Ready ); } } } void DvbCam::run() { int i, reset_loop, query_loop, state_loop; bool cam_ready = false; fprintf(stderr, "CamThread: started\n"); int ca_fd = dvbca_open(Adapter, CaDevice); if ( ca_fd<0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "CamThread: [error] opening ca device failed\n" ); return; } //fprintf(stderr, "CamThread: just using the first cam slot\n"); reset_loop=0; while ( isRunning && reset_loop++<6 && !cam_ready ) { if ( ciType!=CA_CI ) { // do not reset HLCI if ( dvbca_reset(ca_fd, 0) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CamThread: [error] resetting cam slot failed\n" ); //close( ca_fd ); //ca_fd = -1; //return; usleep(1000000); continue; } fprintf( stderr, "CamThread: reset cam slot\n" ); } state_loop=0; query_loop=0; while ( isRunning && state_loop++<30 ) { switch( dvbca_get_cam_state(ca_fd, 0) ) { case DVBCA_CAMSTATE_MISSING: { //fprintf(stderr, "CamThread: [error] no cam detected\n"); //close(ca_fd); //return; // FIXME: find a more reliable solution break; } case DVBCA_CAMSTATE_READY: { fprintf( stderr, "CamThread: cam 0 is ready\n" ); cam_ready = true; break; } case DVBCA_CAMSTATE_INITIALISING: { fprintf( stderr, "CamThread: cam is initialising\n" ); if ( ciType==CA_CI ) { // workaround needed for hlci fprintf(stderr, "CamThread: cam 0 is ready [hlci workaround]\n"); cam_ready = true; } break; } default: { if ( ++query_loop>3 ) { fprintf(stderr, "CamThread: [error] querying the cam state failed\n"); close(ca_fd); ca_fd = -1; return; } } } if(cam_ready) { break; } usleep(100000); // 100 ms } } if ( isRunning ) { switch(dvbca_get_interface_type(ca_fd, 0)) { case DVBCA_INTERFACE_LINK: { fprintf(stderr, "CamThread: LLCI cam slot detected\n"); break; } case DVBCA_INTERFACE_HLCI: { fprintf(stderr, "CamThread: HLCI cam slot detected\n"); break; } default: { fprintf(stderr, "CamThread: [error] unknown cam slot type\n"); close(ca_fd); ca_fd = -1; return; } } } close(ca_fd); ca_fd = -1; if ( isRunning ) { if ( !init() ) { fprintf(stderr, "CamThread: [error] cam slot initialisation failed\n"); return; } } fprintf(stderr, "CamThread: cam slot initialised\n"); CamService *cs; while ( isRunning ) { if ( stdcam->stdcam->poll( stdcam->stdcam )!=EN50221_STDCAM_CAM_OK ) { usleep( 100000 ); continue; } sidMutex.lock(); for ( i=0; igetState()==CamService::Remove ) { if ( sendPmt( cs->caPmt, cs->caPmtSize ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CamThread: %s removed from camlist\n", cs->getChannel().name.ascii() ); sidList.remove( cs ); --i; } else fprintf( stderr, "CamThread: %s failed removing from camlist\n", cs->getChannel().name.ascii() ); stdcam->stdcam->poll( stdcam->stdcam ); usleep(100000); } else if ( cs->getState()==CamService::Destroy ) { fprintf( stderr, "CamThread: %s service deleted\n", cs->getChannel().name.ascii() ); sidList.remove( cs ); --i; } } for ( i=0; igetState()==CamService::Ready ) { if ( sendPmt( cs->caPmt, cs->caPmtSize ) ) { cs->setState( CamService::Added ); fprintf( stderr, "CamThread: %s pmt sent to cam\n", cs->getChannel().name.ascii() ); } else fprintf( stderr, "CamThread: %s pmt failed sending to cam\n", cs->getChannel().name.ascii() ); stdcam->stdcam->poll( stdcam->stdcam ); usleep(100000); } } sidMutex.unlock(); usleep( 10000 ); //sleep a bit } fprintf(stderr, "CamThread: stopping requested\n"); if ( stdcam ) { if (stdcam->stdcam->destroy) stdcam->stdcam->destroy(stdcam->stdcam, 1); en50221_sl_destroy( SessionLayer ); en50221_tl_destroy( TransportLayer ); delete stdcam; } fprintf(stderr, "CamThread: stopped\n"); return; } bool DvbCam::init() { TransportLayer = en50221_tl_create(1, 16); if ( TransportLayer==NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create transport layer\n"); return false; } SessionLayer = en50221_sl_create(TransportLayer, 16); if ( SessionLayer==NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create session layer\n"); en50221_tl_destroy( TransportLayer ); return false; } en50221_stdcam *sc = en50221_stdcam_create( Adapter, 0, TransportLayer, SessionLayer ); if ( sc==NULL ) { en50221_sl_destroy( SessionLayer ); en50221_tl_destroy( TransportLayer ); fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create stdcam\n"); return false; } stdcam = new StandardCam( sc, this ); // hook up the AI callbacks if ( stdcam->stdcam->ai_resource ) { en50221_app_ai_register_callback( stdcam->stdcam->ai_resource, aiCallback, stdcam ); } // hook up the CA callbacks if ( stdcam->stdcam->ca_resource ) { en50221_app_ca_register_info_callback( stdcam->stdcam->ca_resource, infoCallback, stdcam ); } // hook up the MMI callbacks if ( stdcam->stdcam->mmi_resource ) { en50221_app_mmi_register_close_callback( stdcam->stdcam->mmi_resource, mmi_close_callback, stdcam ); en50221_app_mmi_register_display_control_callback( stdcam->stdcam->mmi_resource, mmi_display_control_callback, stdcam ); en50221_app_mmi_register_enq_callback( stdcam->stdcam->mmi_resource, mmi_enq_callback, stdcam ); en50221_app_mmi_register_menu_callback( stdcam->stdcam->mmi_resource, mmi_menu_callback, stdcam ); en50221_app_mmi_register_list_callback( stdcam->stdcam->mmi_resource, mmi_menu_callback, stdcam ); } else { fprintf(stderr, "CAM Menus are not supported by this interface hardware\n"); } return true; } bool DvbCam::sendPmt( unsigned char *pmt_buffer, int size ) { if ( !stdcam ) return false; if ( en50221_app_ca_pmt( stdcam->stdcam->ca_resource, stdcam->stdcam->ca_session_number, pmt_buffer, size) ) return false; return true; } int DvbCam::infoCallback(void *arg, uint8_t slot_id, uint16_t session_number, uint32_t ca_id_count, uint16_t *ca_ids) { StandardCam *std = (StandardCam*)arg; (void)slot_id; (void)session_number; fprintf(stderr, "CAM supports the following ca system ids:\n"); uint32_t i; for ( i=0; idvbcam, new TQTimerEvent(TIMER_EVENT_CAM_READY ) ); return 0; } int DvbCam::aiCallback(void *arg, uint8_t slot_id, uint16_t session_number, uint8_t application_type, uint16_t application_manufacturer, uint16_t manufacturer_code, uint8_t menu_string_length, uint8_t *menu_string) { StandardCam *std = (StandardCam*)arg; (void)slot_id; (void)session_number; fprintf(stderr, "CAM Application type: %02x\n", application_type); std->dvbcam->setAppType( TQString("0x%1").arg(application_type, 0, 16 ) ); fprintf(stderr, "CAM Application manufacturer: %04x\n", application_manufacturer); std->dvbcam->setAppManu( TQString("0x%1").arg(application_manufacturer, 0, 16 ) ); fprintf(stderr, "CAM Manufacturer code: %04x\n", manufacturer_code); std->dvbcam->setManuCode( TQString("0x%1").arg(manufacturer_code, 0, 16 ) ); fprintf(stderr, "CAM Menu string: %.*s\n", menu_string_length, menu_string); TQString s = (const char*)menu_string; s.truncate( menu_string_length ); std->dvbcam->setMenuString( s ); return 0; } int DvbCam::mmi_close_callback(void *arg, uint8_t slot_id, uint16_t session_number, uint8_t cmd_id, uint8_t delay) { fprintf( stderr,"mmi_close_callback, delay=%d\n",delay); StandardCam *std = (StandardCam*)arg; (void) slot_id; (void) session_number; (void) cmd_id; (void) delay; // note: not entirely correct as its supposed to delay if asked std->mmi_state = MMI_STATE_CLOSED; TQApplication::postEvent( std->dvbcam, new TQTimerEvent(TIMER_EVENT_MMI_CLOSE ) ); return 0; } int DvbCam::mmi_display_control_callback(void *arg, uint8_t slot_id, uint16_t session_number, uint8_t cmd_id, uint8_t mmi_mode) { fprintf( stderr,"mmi_display_control_callback\n"); struct en50221_app_mmi_display_reply_details reply; StandardCam *std = (StandardCam*)arg; (void) slot_id; // don't support any commands but set mode if ( cmd_id!=MMI_DISPLAY_CONTROL_CMD_ID_SET_MMI_MODE ) { en50221_app_mmi_display_reply( std->stdcam->mmi_resource, session_number, MMI_DISPLAY_REPLY_ID_UNKNOWN_CMD_ID, &reply ); return 0; } // we only support high level mode if ( mmi_mode!=MMI_MODE_HIGH_LEVEL ) { en50221_app_mmi_display_reply( std->stdcam->mmi_resource, session_number, MMI_DISPLAY_REPLY_ID_UNKNOWN_MMI_MODE, &reply ); return 0; } // ack the high level open reply.u.mode_ack.mmi_mode = mmi_mode; en50221_app_mmi_display_reply( std->stdcam->mmi_resource, session_number, MMI_DISPLAY_REPLY_ID_MMI_MODE_ACK, &reply ); std->mmi_state = MMI_STATE_OPEN; return 0; } int DvbCam::mmi_enq_callback(void *arg, uint8_t slot_id, uint16_t session_number, uint8_t blind_answer, uint8_t expected_answer_length, uint8_t *text, uint32_t text_size) { fprintf( stderr,"mmi_enq_callback\n"); StandardCam *std = (StandardCam*)arg; (void) slot_id; (void) session_number; TQString s; TQMutexLocker locker( &std->mutex ); std->menuList.clear(); fprintf(stderr, "%.*s: ", text_size, text); s = (const char*)text; s.truncate( text_size ); std->menuList.append( s ); fflush(stdout); std->mmi_enq_blind = blind_answer; std->mmi_enq_length = expected_answer_length; std->mmi_state = MMI_STATE_ENQ; std->menuType = MMI_MENU; return 0; } int DvbCam::mmi_menu_callback(void *arg, uint8_t slot_id, uint16_t session_number, struct en50221_app_mmi_text *title, struct en50221_app_mmi_text *sub_title, struct en50221_app_mmi_text *bottom, uint32_t item_count, struct en50221_app_mmi_text *items, uint32_t item_raw_length, uint8_t *items_raw) { fprintf( stderr,"mmi_menu_callback, session=%d\n",session_number); StandardCam *std = (StandardCam*)arg; (void) slot_id; (void) session_number; (void) item_raw_length; (void) items_raw; TQString s; TQMutexLocker locker( &std->mutex ); std->menuList.clear(); fprintf(stderr, "------------------------------\n"); if (title->text_length) { fprintf(stderr, "%.*s\n", title->text_length, title->text); s = (const char*)title->text; s.truncate( title->text_length ); std->menuList.append( s ); } if (sub_title->text_length) { fprintf(stderr, "%.*s\n", sub_title->text_length, sub_title->text); s = (const char*)sub_title->text; s.truncate( sub_title->text_length ); std->menuList.append( s ); } uint32_t i; fprintf(stderr, "0. Quit menu\n"); std->menuList.append( "0. Quit menu" ); for(i=0; i< item_count; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%i. %.*s\n", i+1, items[i].text_length, items[i].text); s = (const char*)items[i].text; s.truncate( items[i].text_length ); std->menuList.append( TQString("%1. %2").arg(i+1).arg(s) ); } if (bottom->text_length) { fprintf(stderr, "%.*s\n", bottom->text_length, bottom->text); s = (const char*)bottom->text; s.truncate( bottom->text_length ); std->menuList.append( s ); } fflush(stdout); std->mmi_state = MMI_STATE_MENU; std->menuType = MMI_MENU; TQApplication::postEvent( std->dvbcam, new TQTimerEvent(TIMER_EVENT_MMI_OPEN ) ); return 0; } void DvbCam::timerEvent( TQTimerEvent *e ) { switch ( e->timerId() ) { case TIMER_EVENT_MMI_OPEN: showMMI(); break; case TIMER_EVENT_MMI_CLOSE: closeMMI(); break; case TIMER_EVENT_CAM_READY: resendPmts(); break; } } void DvbCam::showMMI() { if ( !menuDialog && stdcam ) { menuDialog = new MCamMenuDialog( stdcam ); connect( menuDialog, TQT_SIGNAL(enteredResponse(TQString)), this, TQT_SLOT(mmiResponse(TQString)) ); menuDialog->exec(); closeMMI(); } } void DvbCam::closeMMI() { if ( menuDialog ) { delete menuDialog; menuDialog = 0; if ( stdcam && stdcam->stdcam->mmi_resource ) { en50221_app_mmi_close( stdcam->stdcam->mmi_resource, stdcam->stdcam->mmi_session_number, MMI_CLOSE_MMI_CMD_ID_IMMEDIATE, 0 ); stdcam->mmi_state = MMI_STATE_CLOSED; } } } int DvbCam::showCamDialog() { CamDialog dlg; dlg.maxServiceSpin->setValue( getCamMaxService() ); dlg.appTypeLab->setText( getAppType() ); dlg.appManuLab->setText( getAppManu() ); dlg.manuCodeLab->setText( getManuCode() ); dlg.menuStringLab->setText( getMenuString() ); connect( dlg.camMenuBtn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(enterMenu()) ); dlg.exec(); CamMaxService = dlg.maxServiceSpin->value(); return CamMaxService; } void DvbCam::enterMenu() { if ( stdcam && stdcam->stdcam->ai_resource ) en50221_app_ai_entermenu( stdcam->stdcam->ai_resource, stdcam->stdcam->ai_session_number ); } void DvbCam::mmiResponse( TQString s ) { TQString res = s.stripWhiteSpace(); switch( stdcam->mmi_state ) { case MMI_STATE_CLOSED: case MMI_STATE_OPEN: { en50221_app_ai_entermenu(stdcam->stdcam->ai_resource, stdcam->stdcam->ai_session_number); fprintf(stderr,"en50221_app_ai_entermenu 2\n"); break; } case MMI_STATE_ENQ: { if ( res.isEmpty() ) { en50221_app_mmi_answ( stdcam->stdcam->mmi_resource, stdcam->stdcam->mmi_session_number, MMI_ANSW_ID_CANCEL, NULL, 0); } else { en50221_app_mmi_answ( stdcam->stdcam->mmi_resource, stdcam->stdcam->mmi_session_number, MMI_ANSW_ID_ANSWER, (uint8_t*)res.ascii(), res.length() ); } stdcam->mmi_state = MMI_STATE_OPEN; break; } case MMI_STATE_MENU: { en50221_app_mmi_menu_answ( stdcam->stdcam->mmi_resource, stdcam->stdcam->mmi_session_number, res.toInt() ); stdcam->mmi_state = MMI_STATE_OPEN; break; } } } MCamMenuDialog::MCamMenuDialog( StandardCam *sc ) { stdcam = sc; connect( inputLine, TQT_SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, TQT_SLOT(validateClicked()) ); connect( &readTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(setMenu()) ); readTimer.start( 500 ); } void MCamMenuDialog::setMenu() { if ( !stdcam ) return; TQMutexLocker locker( &stdcam->mutex ); if ( stdcam->menuType==MMI_MENU ) menuText->setText( stdcam->menuList.join("\n") ); } void MCamMenuDialog::validateClicked() { emit enteredResponse( inputLine->text() ); inputLine->clear(); } // class CamService CamService::CamService( int adapter, int demux_device, ChannelDesc *chan, int maxService ) { Adapter = adapter; DemuxDevice = demux_device; CamMaxService = maxService; channel = *chan; parsedPmt = NULL; state = NotReady; isRunning = true; start(); } CamService::~CamService() { stop(); } void CamService::restart() { setState( NotReady ); } void CamService::stop() { isRunning = false; wait(); } int CamService::createSectionFilter(uint16_t pid, uint8_t table_id) { // open the demuxer int demux_fd = dvbdemux_open_demux(Adapter, DemuxDevice, 0); if(demux_fd < 0) { return -1; } // create a section filter uint8_t filter[18] = {table_id}; uint8_t mask[18] = {0xff}; if(dvbdemux_set_section_filter(demux_fd, pid, filter, mask, 1, 1)) { // crc check on close(demux_fd); return -1; } return demux_fd; } int CamService::processPat(int demux_fd) { // read section unsigned char si_buf[4096]; int size = read( demux_fd, si_buf, sizeof(si_buf) ); if ( size<0 ) return -1; // parse section section *parsed_section = section_codec( si_buf, size ); if ( parsed_section==NULL ) return -1; // parse section_ext section_ext *parsed_section_ext = section_ext_decode( parsed_section, 1 ); // crc check on if ( parsed_section_ext==NULL ) return -1; // parse pat mpeg_pat_section *parsed_pat = mpeg_pat_section_codec( parsed_section_ext ); if ( parsed_pat==NULL ) return -1; // try and find the requested program mpeg_pat_program *cur_program; mpeg_pat_section_programs_for_each( parsed_pat, cur_program ) { if ( cur_program->program_number==channel.sid ) return cur_program->pid; } fprintf( stderr, "CamService (%s): [warning] channel couldn't be found in PAT\n", channel.name.ascii() ); return -1; } int CamService::processPmt( int demux_fd ) { // read section memset( pmtBuffer, 0, sizeof(pmtBuffer) ); int size = read( demux_fd, pmtBuffer, sizeof(pmtBuffer) ); if ( size<=0 ) return -1; // parse section section *parsed_section = section_codec( pmtBuffer, size ); if ( parsed_section==NULL ) return -1; // parse section_ext section_ext *parsed_section_ext = section_ext_decode( parsed_section, 1 ); // crc check on if ( parsed_section_ext==NULL ) return -1; // parse pmt struct mpeg_pmt_section *pmt = mpeg_pmt_section_codec( parsed_section_ext ); if ( pmt==NULL ) return -1; parsedPmt = pmt; return parsedPmt->head.version_number; } void CamService::setState( PmtState st ) { TQMutexLocker locker( &mutex ); switch ( st ) { case Ready: { int listmgnt; if ( CamMaxService==1 ) listmgnt = CA_LIST_MANAGEMENT_ONLY; else listmgnt = CA_LIST_MANAGEMENT_ADD; if ( state>Ready ) listmgnt = CA_LIST_MANAGEMENT_UPDATE; if ( setCaPmt( listmgnt, CA_PMT_CMD_ID_OK_DESCRAMBLING ) ) state = st; break; } case Remove: { if ( state!=Added ) state = Destroy; else if ( setCaPmt( CA_LIST_MANAGEMENT_UPDATE, CA_PMT_CMD_ID_NOT_SELECTED ) ) state = st; break; } default: { state = st; } } } int CamService::getState() { TQMutexLocker locker( &mutex ); return state; } bool CamService::setCaPmt( int list_management, int cmd_id ) { if ( !parsedPmt ) return false; caPmtSize = en50221_ca_format_pmt( parsedPmt, caPmt, sizeof(caPmt), 0, list_management, cmd_id ); if ( caPmtSize<=0 ) return false; return true; } void CamService::run() { int i, pmtVersion=-1; int demux_fd=-1; fprintf( stderr, "CamService (%s): started\n", channel.name.ascii() ); while ( isRunning ) { loopLabel: demux_fd = createSectionFilter( TRANSPORT_PAT_PID, stag_mpeg_program_association ); if ( demux_fd<0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "CamService (%s): [error] opening demux device failed\n", channel.name.ascii() ); demux_fd = -1; usleep( 100000 ); goto loopLabel; } pollfd poll_desc; poll_desc.fd = demux_fd; poll_desc.events = POLLIN | POLLPRI; while ( isRunning ) { int ret = poll( &poll_desc, 1, 1000 ); if ( ret<0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "CamService (%s): [error] polling demux device failed\n", channel.name.ascii() ); close( demux_fd ); demux_fd = -1; usleep( 100000 ); goto loopLabel; } if ( ret>0 ) { int processed_pat = processPat( demux_fd ); if ( processed_pat>=0 ) { close( demux_fd ); demux_fd = -1; demux_fd = createSectionFilter( processed_pat, stag_mpeg_program_map ); if ( demux_fd<0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "CamService (%s): [error] opening demux device failed\n", channel.name.ascii() ); demux_fd = -1; usleep( 100000 ); goto loopLabel; } poll_desc.fd = demux_fd; break; } else usleep( 10000 ); } else usleep( 10000 ); } while ( isRunning ) { int ret = poll( &poll_desc, 1, 1000 ); if ( ret<0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "CamService (%s): [error] polling demux device failed\n", channel.name.ascii() ); close( demux_fd ); demux_fd = -1; usleep( 100000 ); goto loopLabel; } if ( ret>0 ) { //fprintf( stderr, "CamService (%s): parsing pmt\n", channel.name.ascii() ); i = processPmt( demux_fd ); if ( i==-1 ) usleep( 10000 ); else { if ( i!=pmtVersion || getState()