How to apply the Menu button ============================ The menu button is starting point for the menu. It first has to be added to the panel. To add the KBFX Menu to the panel, proceed as following: Right-click on the panel, on which you want to place the KBFX button Select "Add Applet to panel" in the context menu Select "KBFX Spinx" A tooltip appears "KBFX Spinx Added" If you move your mouse over the button, a tooltip appears (turned off in the default configuration). If you want to, you can now remove the K-Menu button and move the KBFX to the desired place on the panel. To open the menu, just click on the button. How to create themes for KBFX ===================================== So you want to create your own themes for KBFX The guide is done in a simple manner and we hope that you will easily and simply create themes for KBFX If you don't like something in this guide, please feel free to contact us at IRC on on channel #kbfx NOTE: - The values for Width and Height are only our suggested values. You can use whatever values you feel are appropriate for your theme. - If ANY of these images are missing KBFX will use the image with the same name from the "default" theme. - In order to be used by the Configurator and by KBFX, every theme for MUST HAVE a file in it's folder named "version-2" ! topbg.png --------- This is an image that is at the top of the menu. Width = 504px Height = 95px dudebox.png ----------- This is the background image where your personal image is displayed. Width = 95px Height = 88px menu_top_image_person.png ------------------------- This image is used for theme's default personal image. Width = 48 px Height = 48 px find.png -------- This is a small image displayed in the search field. Width = 22px Height = 21px rhstile.png ----------- This is normal image displayed in categories. Width = 132px Height = 23px rhshovertile.png ---------------- This is a hover image for categories.Used as hover image for rhstile.png Width = 132px Height = 23px scrollnormal.png / scrollnormalbot.png -------------------------------------- These images are used as top and bottom scrollbars. Width = 240px Height = 10px separator.png / indexseparator.png ---------------------------------- These are the separator images which separate your different subcategories. Width = 240px Height = 27px tilenormal.png -------------- This is the normal image where your applications are showed. Width = 240px Height = 46px tilehover.png ------------- This is the hover image where your applications are showed. Width = 240px Height = 46px listboxbg.png ------------- This is the background under the categories. It can be viewed on description on both sides of the menu. Width = 108px Height = 23px middleboxbg.png --------------- This is the background of the middle part of the menu. Width = 200px Height = 270px botbg.png --------- This is the background image at the bottom of the menu. Width = 504px Height = 38px lock.png -------- This is the lock image. Width = 84px Height = 38px lockhover.png ------------- This is the lock hover image. Width = 84px Height = 38px logout.png ---------- This is the logout image. Width = 84px Height = 38px logouthover.png --------------- This is the logout hover image. Width = 84px Height = 38px mask.png -------- This is deciding what size your menu will have when users install it and which will be the transparent parts of the menu (through the alpha mask of the png image). Of course the size can be controlled later by the configuration of KBFX. Width = 504px Height = 513px logo.png --------- logo.png is used as a theme's or author's logo shown in the Information box of the KBFX Configurator. You can put whatever image you want and it will be scaled to 100px width by 100px height. Width = up to 100 px Height = up to 100 px preview.png ----------- preview.png should be a snapshot of the working KBFX theme. It is used in the configuration application in order the user to see what the theme will look like. Width = 170 px Height = 205 px normal.png / hover.png / pressed.png ------------------------------------ These are the KBFX Buttons for the kicker panel that are used in the theme. Width and Height - as you like, but preferably Height not to be too much. More information can be found on: How to write theme's kbfxfontrc and kbfxlayoutrc files ====================================================== Every theme MAY have two configuration files named: kbfxfontrc - configures the fonts properties that the theme uses kbfxlayoutrc - configures the layout of the theme, the KBFX button and some other properties of the theme If one or both of these files don't exist, KBFX internal configuration options will be used for fonts and layout. All the properties and values are separated between different Sections in the way showed below: [Section] property = value When you want to prepare a theme, have in mind that every change that you make in the "KBFX Configurator" is kept in files in your home KDE directory. Usually these files are here: ~/.trinity/share/apps/kbfx/themerc and are named: THEMENAME_layoutrc THEMENAME_fontrc So if you want to ship your theme settings from the "KBFX Configurator", the best thing to do is to use the buttons: "EXPORT KBFXFONTRC FILE" ("Fonts" section of the Configurator) and "EXPORT KBFXLAYOUTRC FILE" ("Layout section" of the Configurator) and put the exported files in your theme folder. NOTE: - Pay close attention to the case of the properties and Sections names because the configuration is CASE SENSITIVE! - The order of the sections in the file is not important! - Have in mind that the Layout of the theme also depends on the sizes of the images! File kbfxfontrc --------------- It's best the colors to be represented in RGB format. Font Properties should constrain to QFont class representation. The values bellow are the default ones: [Fonts] TooltipText=0,0,0 TooltipTextFont=Arial,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 ApplicationText=0,0,0 ApplicationTextFont=Arial,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 CommentText=128,125,0 CommentTextFont=Arial,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 GroupText=0,0,0 GroupTextFont=Arial,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 UserName=255,255,255 UserNameFont=Arial,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0 SeparatorColor=0,0,0 SeparatorFont=Arial,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 PluginColor=0,0,0 PluginFont=Arial,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 LineColor=255,220,125 # This is if the font when you hover on an item will be bold HoverBold = false File kbfxlayoutrc ----------------- The values bellow are the default ones: [KbfxButton] # Time in msec for which the button # to fade in/out FadeTime=75 # The three properties below describe the # paths to the theme's buttons. # KBFX uses the normal.png/hover.png/pressed.png # that are in the theme's folder by default. # So we recommend NOT to use the below three # properties! Normal = KBFX Normal Button Full Path Hover = KBFX Hover Button Full Path Press = KBFX Pressed Button Full Path [TopBar] # Face Position X DudeX=-1 # Face Position Y DudeY=-1 # Face Box Height FaceH=64 # Face Box Width FaceW=65 # Face Box Position X FaceX=27 # Face Box Position Y FaceY=8 # User Name Position X UserNameX=130 # User Name Position Y UserNameY=32 # Hide User Name DisableUserName=false # Top Bar Height Height=95 # THE PROPERTIES BELOW ARE NOT USED FOR NOW # Top Bar Width Width=504 # Top Bar Position X X=0 # Top Bar Position Y Y=0 [BottomBar] # Bottom Bar Height Height=38 # THE PROPERTIES BELOW ARE NOT USED FOR NOW # Bottom Bar Width Width=504 # Bottom Bar Position X X=0 # Bottom Bar Position Y Y=428 [Scrollbars] # THIS SECTION IS NOT USED FOR NOW # Bottom Scroll Bar Position X ScrollBarBotX=108 # Bottom Scroll Bar Position Y ScrollBarBotY=95 # Top Scroll Bar Position X ScrollBarTopX=108 # Top Scroll Bar Position Y ScrollBarTopY=95 [ListBox] # List Box Position X X=0 # List Box Position Y Y=95 # List Box Width Width=132 # THE PROPERTIES BELOW ARE NOT USED FOR NOW # List Box Height Height=275 [SearchBox] # Search Box Height Height=22 # Search Box Width Width=240 # Search Box Position X X=130 # Search Box Position Y Y=48 [ItemView] # Item Position X X=132 # Item Position Y Y=95 # Item Width Width=240 # THE PROPERTIES BELOW ARE NOT USED FOR NOW # Item Height Height=275 [ItemProperties] # Comment Margin in Item CommentMargin=66 # Icon Size in Item IconSize=32 # No Comments in Item NoComments=false [ToolBar] # THIS SECTION IS NOT USED FOR NOW # Tool Bar Button Normal Size ButtonNormalSize=48 # Tool Bar Button Pressed Size ButtonPressedSize=48 [MainMenu] # Main Menu Height UserMenuHeight=513 # Main Menu Width UserMenuWidth=504 # Contracted Menues ContractedMenu=false File version-2 -------------- This file is obligatory to exist, though it can be empty. It is used to designate that the theme is in the new format and the properties that are in the file are used in the KBFX Configurator for showing the user some info about the theme. The values in this file cannot be overwritten by the KBFX Configurator. If existing, the file should contain information about the theme's version, author's name, author's email and a homepage for the theme. The unspecified fields are replaced with the string - "Not Specified". The values bellow are self explanatory and are just an example: [ThemeGeneral] ThemeVersion=0.51 AuthorName=Nookie Homepage= How to create a ".kbfxtheme" file for ============================================= The ".kbfxtheme" file is a simple archive file (.tar.gz or .tar.bz2) that should contain at least these elements: - one or more theme folders with all the necessary images/files inside. Have in mind that the name of the theme is the name of the folder. - in the theme(s) folder(s) there should be an image named preview.png that serves as a live preview of the look of the theme. - in the theme(s) folder(s) there should be a file named version-2 - the extension of the archive should be ".kbfxtheme" You can create ".kbfxtheme" file following these instructions (there is an option in Konqueror's rightclick "Actions" menu for preparing KBFX Theme Package OR you can create the ".kbfxtheme" file manually as described bellow): - Create a folder with a name that is identical to the name you want for your theme. - Put the necessary images/files inside it (see the above instructions for the images part). - Create an archive of the folder (with ark/tar etc). - Rename the archive file to ".kbfxtheme" and you are ready. How to help us out ================== You can help us for the KBFX releases with the translation of the interface. For this purpose please download the kbfxconfigapp.pot file from SourceForge: . Another way to get a .pot file is to use the command "make package-messages" just after the configuration of the compilation process is done. Then use KBabel ( or poEdit ( to make the translation. Next send the .po file to my mail - Thanks in advance for this help.