KCHMSetupDialog MyDialog1 0 0 654 343 1 1 0 0 KchmViewer settings false true unnamed 11 6 Minimum tabWidget Widget8 General behavior unnamed tqlayout4 unnamed buttonGroup1 If no arguments given on load unnamed m_radioOnBeginOpenDialog Open the 'open CHM file' dialog m_radioOnBeginOpenLast Open the &last used CHM file, if exist Alt+L buttonGroup2 History unnamed tqlayout3 unnamed textLabel1 Store history information for m_historySize 10 textLabel2 latest files m_rememberHistoryInfo R&emember extra information for history files Alt+E Remembers the information about the files, which were opened. Remembers last opened page, search history, font size, bookmarks and so on. groupBox1 CHM security settings unnamed buttonGroup4 When external link clicked unnamed m_radioExtLinkOpenAlways Alwa&ys open it in external browser Alt+Y m_radioExtLinkAsk Ask for confirmation m_radioExtLinkOpenNever Do not open the link buttonGroup5 When link pointed to a new CHM file clicked unnamed m_radioNewChmOpenAlways Always open a new CHM file m_radioNewChmAsk Ask for confirmation m_radioNewChmOpenNever Do not open a new CHM file Widget9 Version-specific settings unnamed m_groupQtsettings Qt version settings unnamed textLabel1_2 5 7 0 0 1 Enter the path to the program, which will be used as a browser for external links. A <i>%s</i> symbol will be replaced by the URL clicked. WordBreak|AlignVCenter m_qtBrowserPath 1 0 0 0 m_groupKDEsettings KDE version settings unnamed buttonGroup5_2 To show HTML content, use unnamed m_radioUseQtextBrowser &QTextBrowser-based widget Alt+Q m_radioUseKHTMLPart &KHTMLPart-based widget Alt+K groupKhtmlSecurity KHTMLPart security unnamed m_enableJS Enable Java&Script Alt+S m_enablePlugins Enable &plugins Alt+P m_enableJava Enable &Java Alt+J m_enableRefresh Enable &refresh Alt+R TabPage Advanced unnamed buttonGroup7 View HTML source command uses unnamed m_advViewSourceInternal Built-in HTML source viewer m_advViewSourceExternal E&xternal program, specified below Alt+X tqlayout4 unnamed textLabel1_3 External program: m_advExternalProgramName groupBox6 Search engine to use unnamed m_useSearchEngineInternal m_labelUseSearchEngineInternal 5 5 10 0 Use the search based on internal CHM index. This engine cannot search for any symbols except underscode, does not support multibyte languages, and is not always available. WordBreak|AlignVCenter m_useSearchEngineNew m_labelUseSearchEngineNew 5 5 10 0 Use new kchmviewer internal search engine (recommended). This engine indexes symbols, so it is possible to search for special symbols (like "C++"). All languages are supported. The index will be generated before the first search. WordBreak|AlignVCenter Layout1 unnamed 0 6 buttonHelp &Help F1 true Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 buttonOk &OK true true buttonCancel &Cancel true buttonOk clicked() MyDialog1 accept() buttonCancel clicked() MyDialog1 reject() m_radioUseKHTMLPart toggled(bool) groupKhtmlSecurity setEnabled(bool) m_advViewSourceExternal toggled(bool) m_advExternalProgramName setEnabled(bool) m_radioUseQtextBrowser toggled(bool) groupKhtmlSecurity setDisabled(bool) m_advViewSourceInternal m_advViewSourceExternal m_useSearchEngineNew m_useSearchEngineInternal tabWidget m_radioOnBeginOpenDialog m_radioOnBeginOpenLast m_historySize m_rememberHistoryInfo m_radioExtLinkOpenAlways m_radioExtLinkAsk m_radioExtLinkOpenNever m_radioNewChmOpenAlways m_radioNewChmAsk m_radioNewChmOpenNever m_qtBrowserPath m_radioUseQtextBrowser m_radioUseKHTMLPart m_enableJS m_enablePlugins m_enableJava m_enableRefresh m_advExternalProgramName buttonHelp buttonOk buttonCancel m_radioUseKHTMLPart_toggled( bool )