PgmArgsBase PgmArgsBase 0 0 528 410 Program Arguments true unnamed 11 6 layout1 unnamed tabWidget argsPage &Arguments unnamed layout2 unnamed labelArgs Run <i>%1</i> with these arguments: programArgs programArgs Specify the arguments with which the program shall be invoked for this debugging session. You specify the arguments just as you would on the command line, that is, you can even use quotes and environment variables, for example:<p><tt>--message 'start in: ' $HOME</tt> layout3 unnamed insertFile Insert &file name... Alt+F Browse for a file; the full path name will be inserted at the current cursor location in the edit box above. insertDir Insert &directory name... Alt+D Browse for a directory; the full path name will be inserted at the current cursor location in the edit box above. spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 61 20 spacer2 Vertical Expanding 81 180 wdPage &Working Directory unnamed layout6 unnamed wdEdit Specify here the initial working directory where the program is run. layout5 unnamed wdBrowse &Browse... Alt+B Browse for the initial working directory where the program is run. spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 321 31 spacer5 Vertical Expanding 111 161 envPage &Environment unnamed layout9 unnamed layout7 unnamed envLabel Environment variables (<tt>NAME=value</tt>): envVar envVar To add a new environment variable or to modify one, specify it here in the form <tt>NAME=value</tt> and click <b>Modify</b>. Name false true Value false true envList Single Environment variables that are set <i>in addition</i> to those that are inherited are listed in this table. To add new environment variables, specify them as <tt>NAME=value</tt> in the edit box above and click <b>Modify</b>. To modify a value, select it in this list and click <b>Modify</b>. To delete an environment variable, select it in this list and click <b>Delete</b>. layout8 unnamed buttonModify &Modify Alt+M Enters the environment variable that is currently specified in the edit box into the list. If the named variable is already in the list, it receives a new value; otherwise, a new entry is created. buttonDelete &Delete Alt+D Deletes the selected environment variable from the list. This cannot be used to delete environment variables that are inherited. spacer6 Vertical Expanding 51 141 xsldbgOptionsPage &xsldbg Options unnamed xsldbgOptions Multi layout4 unnamed 0 6 buttonHelp &Help F1 true spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 buttonOk &OK true true buttonCancel &Cancel true buttonOk clicked() PgmArgsBase accept() buttonCancel clicked() PgmArgsBase reject() insertFile clicked() PgmArgsBase browseArgFile() wdBrowse clicked() PgmArgsBase browseWd() buttonModify clicked() PgmArgsBase modifyVar() buttonDelete clicked() PgmArgsBase deleteVar() envList selectionChanged() PgmArgsBase envListCurrentChanged() buttonHelp clicked() PgmArgsBase invokeHelp() insertDir clicked() PgmArgsBase browseArgDir() envVar envList buttonModify buttonDelete programArgs insertFile insertDir buttonHelp buttonOk buttonCancel tabWidget wdEdit wdBrowse browseArgFile() browseWd() modifyVar() deleteVar() envListCurrentChanged() invokeHelp() browseArgDir()