path: root/kdirstat/kdirtreeiterators.h
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diff --git a/kdirstat/kdirtreeiterators.h b/kdirstat/kdirtreeiterators.h
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index 0000000..c3e2569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kdirstat/kdirtreeiterators.h
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+ * File name: kdirtreeiterators.h
+ * Summary: Support classes for KDirStat - KDirTree iterators
+ * License: LGPL - See file COPYING.LIB for details.
+ * Author: Stefan Hundhammer <>
+ *
+ * Updated: 2003-01-07
+ */
+#ifndef KDirTreeIterators_h
+#define KDirTreeIterators_h
+# include <config.h>
+#include "kdirtree.h"
+namespace KDirStat
+ /**
+ * Policies how to treat a "dot entry" for iterator objects.
+ * See @ref KFileInfoIterator for details.
+ **/
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ KDotEntryTransparent, // Flatten hierarchy - move dot entry children up
+ KDotEntryAsSubDir, // Treat dot entry as ordinary subdirectory
+ KDotEntryIgnore // Ignore dot entry and its children completely
+ } KDotEntryPolicy;
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ KUnsorted,
+ KSortByName,
+ KSortByTotalSize,
+ KSortByLatestMtime
+ } KFileInfoSortOrder;
+ // Forward declarations
+ class KFileInfoList;
+ /**
+ * Iterator class for children of a @ref KFileInfo object. For optimum
+ * performance, this iterator class does NOT return children in any
+ * specific sort order. If you need that, use @ref KFileInfoSortedIterator
+ * instead.
+ *
+ * Sample usage:
+ *
+ * KFileInfoIterator it( node, KDotEntryTransparent );
+ *
+ * while ( *it )
+ * {
+ * kdDebug() << *it << ":\t" << (*it)->totalSize() ) << endl;
+ * ++it;
+ * }
+ *
+ * This will output the URL (path+name) and the total size of each (direct)
+ * subdirectory child and each (direct) file child of 'node'.
+ * Notice: This does not recurse into subdirectories!
+ *
+ * @short (unsorted) iterator for @ref KFileInfo children.
+ **/
+ class KFileInfoIterator
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor: Initialize an iterator object to iterate over the
+ * children of 'parent' (unsorted!), depending on 'dotEntryPolicy':
+ *
+ * KDotEntryTransparent (default):
+ *
+ * Treat the dot entry as if it wasn't there - pretend to move all its
+ * children up to the real parent. This makes a directory look very
+ * much like the directory on disk, without the dot entry. 'current()'
+ * or 'operator*()' will never return the dot entry, but all of its
+ * children. Subdirectories will be processed before any file children.
+ *
+ * KDotEntryIsSubDir:
+ *
+ * Treat the dot entry just like any other subdirectory. Don't iterate
+ * over its children, too (unlike KDotEntryTransparent above).
+ * 'current()' or 'operator*()' will return the dot entry, but none of
+ * its children (unless, of course, you create an iterator with the dot
+ * entry as the parent).
+ *
+ * KDotEntryIgnore:
+ *
+ * Ignore the dot entry and its children completely. Useful if children
+ * other than subdirectories are not interesting anyway. 'current()'
+ * or 'operator*()' will never return the dot entry nor any of its
+ * children.
+ *
+ **/
+ KFileInfoIterator( KFileInfo * parent,
+ KDotEntryPolicy dotEntryPolicy = KDotEntryTransparent );
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Alternate constructor to be called from derived classes: Those can
+ * choose not to call next() in the constructor.
+ **/
+ KFileInfoIterator ( KFileInfo * parent,
+ KDotEntryPolicy dotEntryPolicy,
+ bool callNext );
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Internal initialization called from any constructor.
+ **/
+ void init ( KFileInfo * parent,
+ KDotEntryPolicy dotEntryPolicy,
+ bool callNext );
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ **/
+ virtual ~KFileInfoIterator();
+ /**
+ * Return the current child object or 0 if there is no more.
+ * Same as @ref operator*() .
+ **/
+ virtual KFileInfo * current() { return _current; }
+ /**
+ * Return the current child object or 0 if there is no more.
+ * Same as @ref current().
+ **/
+ KFileInfo * operator*() { return current(); }
+ /**
+ * Advance to the next child. Same as @ref operator++().
+ **/
+ virtual void next();
+ /**
+ * Advance to the next child. Same as @ref next().
+ **/
+ void operator++() { next(); }
+ /**
+ * Returns 'true' if this iterator is finished and 'false' if not.
+ **/
+ virtual bool finished() { return _current == 0; }
+ /**
+ * Check whether or not the current child is a directory, i.e. can be
+ * cast to @ref KDirInfo * .
+ **/
+ bool currentIsDir() { return _current && _current->isDirInfo(); }
+ /**
+ * Return the current child object cast to @ref KDirInfo * or 0 if
+ * there either is no more or it isn't a directory. Check with @ref
+ * currentIsDir() before using this!
+ **/
+ KDirInfo * currentDir() { return currentIsDir() ? (KDirInfo *) _current : 0; }
+ /**
+ * Return the number of items that will be processed.
+ * This is an expensive operation.
+ **/
+ int count();
+ protected:
+ KFileInfo * _parent;
+ KDotEntryPolicy _policy;
+ KFileInfo * _current;
+ bool _directChildrenProcessed;
+ bool _dotEntryProcessed;
+ bool _dotEntryChildrenProcessed;
+ }; // class KFileInfoIterator
+ /**
+ * Iterator class for children of a @ref KFileInfo object. This iterator
+ * returns children sorted by name: Subdirectories first, then the dot
+ * entry (if desired - depending on policy), then file children (if
+ * desired). Note: If you don't need the sorting feature, you might want to
+ * use @ref KFileItemIterator instead which has better performance.
+ *
+ * @short sorted iterator for @ref KFileInfo children.
+ **/
+ class KFileInfoSortedIterator: public KFileInfoIterator
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Specify the sorting order with 'sortOrder' and 'ascending'.
+ * See @ref KFileInfoIterator for more details.
+ **/
+ KFileInfoSortedIterator( KFileInfo * parent,
+ KDotEntryPolicy dotEntryPolicy = KDotEntryTransparent,
+ KFileInfoSortOrder sortOrder = KSortByName,
+ bool ascending = true );
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ **/
+ virtual ~KFileInfoSortedIterator();
+ /**
+ * Return the current child object or 0 if there is no more.
+ *
+ * Inherited from @ref KFileInfoIterator.
+ * Overwritten to overcome some shortcomings of C++:
+ * Virtual methods cannot be used in the constructor.
+ **/
+ virtual KFileInfo * current();
+ /**
+ * Advance to the next child. Same as @ref operator++().
+ * Sort by name, sub directories first, then the dot entry (if
+ * desired), then files (if desired).
+ *
+ * Inherited from @ref KFileInfoIterator.
+ **/
+ virtual void next();
+ /**
+ * Returns 'true' if this iterator is finished and 'false' if not.
+ *
+ * Inherited from @ref KFileInfoIterator.
+ **/
+ virtual bool finished();
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Delayed initialization for class parts that rely on availability of
+ * virtual methods. This is a kludge to overcome a major shortcoming of
+ * C++: Virtual methods are not available in the constructor yet.
+ * This is a neverending cause of trouble.
+ **/
+ void delayedInit();
+ /**
+ * Make a 'default order' children list:
+ * First all subdirectories sorted by name,
+ * then the dot entry (depending on policy),
+ * then the dot entry's children (depending on policy).
+ **/
+ virtual void makeDefaultOrderChildrenList();
+ /**
+ * Make a sorted children list according to the current sort
+ * criteria - unless KSortByName is requested, in which case
+ * makeDefaultOrderChildrenList() above is used.
+ **/
+ virtual void makeChildrenList();
+ // Data members
+ KFileInfoList * _childrenList;
+ KFileInfoSortOrder _sortOrder;
+ bool _ascending;
+ bool _initComplete;
+ }; // class KFileInfoSortedIterator
+ /**
+ * Specialized KFileInfo iterator that sorts by (total) size, yet
+ * disregards children below a minimum size. This can considerably improve
+ * performance if the number of children that need to be sorted decreases
+ * dramatically.
+ *
+ * For example, treemaps can only display a limited portion of large
+ * directory trees since the number of available pixels is very
+ * limited. Thus, files (or directories) below a certain size usually don't
+ * get a individual visual representation anyway, so they may as well be
+ * omitted right away - no need for expensive list sorting operations.
+ **/
+ class KFileInfoSortedBySizeIterator: public KFileInfoSortedIterator
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Children below 'minSize' will be ignored by this iterator.
+ **/
+ KFileInfoSortedBySizeIterator( KFileInfo * parent,
+ KFileSize minSize = 0,
+ KDotEntryPolicy dotEntryPolicy = KDotEntryTransparent,
+ bool ascending = false );
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ **/
+ virtual ~KFileInfoSortedBySizeIterator() {};
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Create the (sorted) children list. Disregard children below minSize.
+ * Reimplemented from KFileInfoSortedIterator.
+ **/
+ virtual void makeChildrenList();
+ // Data members
+ KFileSize _minSize;
+ }; // class KFileInfoSortedBySizeIterator
+ /**
+ * Internal helper class for sorting iterators.
+ **/
+ class KFileInfoList: public QPtrList<KFileInfo>
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ **/
+ KFileInfoList( KFileInfoSortOrder sortOrder = KSortByName,
+ bool ascending = true );
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ **/
+ virtual ~KFileInfoList();
+ /**
+ * Returns the sum of all the total sizes in the list.
+ **/
+ KFileSize sumTotalSizes();
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Comparison function. This is why this class is needed at all.
+ **/
+ virtual int compareItems( QCollection::Item it1, QCollection::Item it2 );
+ KFileInfoSortOrder _sortOrder;
+ bool _ascending;
+ };
+ typedef QPtrListIterator<KFileInfo> KFileInfoListIterator;
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Static Functions
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Generic comparison function as expected by all kinds of sorting etc.
+ * algorithms. Requires operator<() and operator==() to be defined for this
+ * class.
+ **/
+ template<class T>
+ inline int compare( T val1, T val2 )
+ {
+ if ( val1 < val2 ) return -1;
+ else if ( val1 == val2 ) return 0;
+ else return 1;
+ }
+} // namespace KDirStat
+#endif // ifndef KDirTreeIterators_h
+// EOF