version 2.0 -> 2.0.1 Fixes: - Do all section actions on the whole section (#154272) - Fix possible crash due to unchecked index bounds - Some i18n fixes (#153371) - cwl files: fix wrong commands with \left and \right and make them more complete - Typos in symbols (#158749) - Sync kile project on disk before archiving - Add figure* to the structure view also (#151743) - Fix completion for multiple citations/references (#152766) - Fix crash at template handling, reported and fixed by Vincenzo Di Massa - Rename some cwl files so that they not only differ by case (#158600) - Search also in $BIBINPUTS and $TEXINPUTS paths if opening files from the structure view - Add missing package definitions to some symbols from the misc-text pane - Allow spaces in the name of images in the includegraphics dialog (#161101) - Don't recompile forever if some file timestamps are in the future (#121956) Features: - Add \newlength as a variation of newcommand - Add url.cwl, svninfo.cwl, svn-multi.cwl, yfonts.cwl, virginialake.cwl - Allow ":" and "-" in citation keys, important for codecompletion Syntax: - Highlight & and @{} in tabular like environments - Ignore Noweb blocks version 2.0beta2 -> 2.0 Fixes: - Added some new logic to really disable all debug output if --disable-debug is given to configure, should make kile faster Features: - New documentation kile-remote-control.txt - Added new DVItoPDF config Modern which calls dvipdfmx instead of dvipdfm, set Modern as default version 2.0beta1 -> 2.0beta2 Fixes: - Polishing Quickdocumentdialog - More agressive recompiling - Cwl fixes - Mathsymbol commands were biased with one, some symbol cleanups (#148855) - Don't make system check if the user has defined a master document (#148800) - Don't offer eqnarray in the latex menu (but we still support it for math environment completion etc.) (#101583) - Consider also files located in $TEXINPUTS and $BIBINPUTS paths for codecompletion. (#149652) Features: - Call asymptote if needed on latex run version 1.9.3 -> 2.0beta1 Fixes: - More than 50 bugs have been closed - Symlinked files and directories in combination with inverse search - Autosave fix: If a file is two autosave cycles not writable we will skip the file until it is writeable again. - Fix starting directory for add Files. Take the project's basedir - Fix bug in tabular wizard, when breaking some multicolumn cells - Remove selected text in any case if the user insert " - Fix bug where environments were completed which should not have been completed. - Textcolor bug in tabular wizard - Only use special quotes if we have a tex file - Fix bug in lyxserver when the filesystem in the users home directory does not support FIFOS - Use the $PATH variable to search for the tools - Remove our own "not perfectly" working spellchecker implementation, now the katepart spellchecker is always in charge - Call "Refresh Strcuture" after changing the encoding - Grep for \newenvironment and add them to the completion lists - Smart newline now also recognizes comment lines Bigger Features: - Add auto completion in abbreviation mode: a) All abbreviations can be shown in the sidebar (configurable) b) All abbreviations from a local abbreviations list 'kile-abbrevs.cwl' are editable. This file can be found in the local application path of Kile. c) Editable abbreviations are marked with a star. d) It is possible to add new abbreviations or delete existing ones. e) A new auto mode to expand abbreviations was added (configurable of course). If an abbreviation is followed by a space or a punctuation symbol, it is immediately expanded without further user commands. - Added a set of commands to work directly with sectioning on the structure view: copy, cut, paste, select, delete, comment, quick preview - New Symbolview which contains: - Most frequently used symbol list - Complete revamped symbol list with more items (nearly 1000) and more categories - Show command and depending packages in the tooltip - Send a warning in the logwidget if a package is not included - By pressing CTRL and SHIFT while inserting an item one gets {} or $$ around the inserted command - Added a scripting interface to kile - A big bunch of new cwl files, mostly from kile users , so kile has now more than 80 :) - Add support for TexLive 2005/2007 - Preview of mathgroups from Mathias Soeken (with some additions and extensions by Holger Danielsson) Smaller Features: - New tool entries for: - Asymptote - PDFLaTeX draftmode (available in PDFTeX from TeXLive 2007) - Bibtex 8bit Version - Added Lilypond tool (4 variants), icon will follow - Renamed LaTeXtoDocBook to DBLaTeX , use programm dblatex for that and also introduced 4 variants of it. - Renamed LaTeXtoHTML to LaTeX to Web and added tex4ht variants (to XML, to HTML and to MathML), but keeping the latex2html tool also - Added a variant of quickbuild , do only LaTeX - Added DVItoPDF variant, Landscape and "Black and White" - Moved Archive tool from type none to Archive and also added much more configs, now users can also alter them - Changed default bibtex viewer for new kile users to kbibtex - added gbib, jabref, kbib to bibtexviewers - Recursive parsing of footnote command - New citeViewBib action, which asks the bibtex viewer (currently only kbib) to send marked references. Thanks to Thach Nguyen for the initial patch - New function "Save Copy as..." - Revamped the new-file dialog. - Add support for templates types other than LaTeX. - Use the extension ".kileicon" for template icon files. - Added lyx:paste command in kile's lyxserver - Add Readme, Readme.cwl and Building-with-cmake.txt - Show todo/fixme tasks in structure view - Enhance completion configuration dialog usability and support local directories for completion files - Merge labels and sections in document structure view as user configurable option - First preliminary support for the beamer package - Select a single LaTeX command with CTRL+MouseDblClick-left - Autocomplete $ to $$ - Move cursor out of braces after selecting from a keylist - Make include commands configurable through our nice latexcommand menu - Assign the keyboard focus to the active text view after Kile has started up - FindInFiles dialog can be moved into the background - Add additional double quotes for babel supported languages (czech, icelandic) - Highlighting of Section Titles as bold - Add emacs-like delete-to-end-of-line command - Removed metapost view in the sidebar, the commands can be accessed via kile's dictionary mode - Sort items in references list box - Some new toolbar icons - Added more optional fields in the predefined bibtex entries, patch from Martin Weis - Added CMake build support. - Add scripting support. - We always remember now the current most top item of the structure view and restore it after an update. - Add new actions gotoNextSection() and gotoPrevSection() - Quote replacement should not happen inside verbatim/verb environment - Add new actions gotoNextParagraph() and gotoPrevParagraph() - Fix rebuild structureview if changing the expansion level - Add mathgroup preview to the popup menu (right mouse button), where either a selection or a mathgroup is shown - More tools in kile's system check - Add drag-and-drop functionality - Remember MakeIndex checkbox settings in kileprojectdlg - Add autoref command to std. ref. commands version 1.9.2-> 1.9.3 Fixes: - Recognize escaped chars in \newcommand. (#132899) - Use KPDF as embedded viewer for quick preview, because KPDF can remember current settings. (#129177) - Bugs in tabular wizard, when merging, breaking and merging again some cells - Quote replacement should not happen inside verbatim/verb environment (#133112) - Fix bug in tabular wizard, when breaking some multicolumn cells - Don't use default permissions for backup file (CVE CAN-2005-1920 also applies to kile) - Fix bug in syntax highlighting: mathmode in optional parameter (#134146) - Allow tools with brackets in the configuration string also in sequence tools, fixed also the crash which hid the bug. (#134605) - One fix in latex-document-cwl and color.cwl - Fix crash when adding a file to a project (with no open documents) which contains an undefined reference (#135575) - Improve the logic for closing environments (#134793) - Don't treat \\[foo] as a math environment (#137131) - Remove selected text also if we insert a " (#137272) Feature: - Prepared the latex syntax file for beamer commands version 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2 Fixes: - Add autoref command to standard reference commands (#130037) - Remember the setting of MakeIndexOptions checkbox in the project settings dialog. (debian #337550) - Added utf-8 and other encodings to the quickdocument dialog. (#131402) - Make the "New Tool" dialog box big enough. (#132425) - Check if masterdocs in kilepr files exist, should fix some problems with upgrades from kile 1.8. - Searching for environments in Edit functions improved. - Take array as math environment instead of tabular in Configure->Latex Environments. - Don't crash if a user changes the icon of a toolbar item. (debian #382317) - Allow a few more punctuation in codecompletion of citation keys. (#130148) - Remember last working directory in 'find in files' dialog. (debian #359932) - Tabular wizard should insert all entered elements. (#132736) - Only autosave files which have been modified. - Delete comma of last bibtex entry if Bibliographie->Clean is called. (#129499) - Quick Preview fails if graphics are included in selection (#126019) version 1.9.0 -> 1.9.1 Fixes: - Restore support for KDE 3.2.x. - tex files starting with numbers can now also used for "Forward DVI". (#124613) - now we respect the default project location set by the user also in projectOpen(). (#124099) - don't restore the line position if the file is already open. (#125175) - honor users who want to cancel the close request to embedded parts. (namely kbibtex) - fix ViewBib, if we support $BIBINPUTS for compilation we should also do it for viewing. We now also check in all paths in BIBINPUTS for an bib file. (#125133) - if "show labels" is disabled in structureview, we should nevertheless gather them for codecompl. and undefined ref. - don't fake pressed buttons, now the log message button does not looked pressed when you start kile. (#124098) - only add an trailing slash to the default project location if we need one. - hide the latex menu when we don't have docs open. - don't see unstarred env. as closing for starred. (#120509) - we are now much more carefully if the autosaving has succeded. We now warn if we can't autosave and don't overwrite backups with empty backups. (#125975) - only use special double quotes if no slash is in front of the cursor. (#127813) Features: - Add the possibility to use bullets in user tags via a new placeholder %B. - Colour bullets so that they can be spotted easily. - new cwl file for the textcomp and import package. - we now highlight TODO, FIXME in comments. (only if they are not in normal text) - added Readme.MacOSX [...] version 1.6.3 -> 1.7a3 major: - smart LaTeX: rerun automatically when needed, runs BibTeX and/or MakeIndex if required - a more flexible and powerful tool system - automatic completion of LaTeX commands - access to teTeX help system - system configuration checker (Settings->System Check), detects installation errors, missing apps and wrong Kile settings minor: - BibTeX files are now parsed as well, references in a BibTeX file can be used in \cite autocompletion now as well - user defined commands (using \newcommand) are added to the autocompletion list - improved structure view, remembers its state, it doesn't collapse anymore after a save - find in files dialog - several LaTeX specific editing options (close environment for example) - convert accented letters (like Ë) to ASCII TeX commands (like \"E) and vice versa - new side and bottom bars version 1.6.2 -> 1.6.3 - fix a crash when opening/closing projects with common files - warn if user tries to overwrite an existing file in the "New Project" dialog - make usertags/tools shortcuts configurable - place cursor after a bracket when inserting a usertag - polished up the "New File" wizard, the size and selected template are now remembered, an option to start the Quick Start wizard after selecting an empty template is also added - double clicking on a non-existent file results in a dialog requesting the creating of this file, instead of just an error version 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2 - bugfixes version 1.6 ->1.6.1 - bugfixes version 1.5.2 -> 1.6 major: - new editor (katepart) - project management minor: - auto-complete environments - statistics dialog for document (word count) - can open multiple files in one go (using the open file dialog or the sidebar) - launch you favorite BibTeX editor using the bilbiographies found in your document - interaction with gBib and pyBliographer - restore files and projects on start up (optional) - checking whether or not the document is a LaTeX root before compile is optional now - structure view: jump to line AND column, allow multiple labels on one line, allow space between \struct and { }, don't parse structure elemented that are out-commented - configurable shortcuts to focus log/messages, output, konsole, editor views (resp. ctrl+alt+m,o,k,e) - more advanced \includegraphics dialog (thx Michael Margraf) - check for modified on disc - highligthing inside math environments - allow user to set PS-PDF, DVI-PS, PDF-PS, BibTeX, makeindex commands version 1.5 -> 1.5.2 : - prompt user when trying to run LaTeX on a document which isn't a document root - better syntax highlighting (deals with \verb and verbatim environment) - summary of compilation results after running LaTeX - improved "clicking on errors in the log file jumps to corresponding line" - user can define an arbitrary number of user tools/tags. - autosave - added an Output view, the Output view is the location for the raw output of the shell processes (latex,dvips, etc.) - more error messages/warnings when the user tries to do compile/view non-existing/untitled documents - added templates support (user can select a template when creating a new file, user can create templates from existing documents). - added a stop button, (La)TeX can now be stopped while compiling - added a Toolbars submenu, toolbars can be hidden now - output of compilations remains visible, log file can be shown on request - inverse search now also works for documents whos name starts with a number - more flexible command syntax, instead of having latex and pdflatex as commands, one can use latex %S.tex or make %S.dvi now version 1.4 -> 1.5 : - added metapost support - added "user commands" menu - added ability to change or add gnuplot commands before plotting with the Gnuplot frontend - fixed the bug for files with accents in the Kite file selector - added the ability to show the line numbers and to choose the colors for the editor version 1.32 -> 1.4 : - added dvi and postcript embedded viewers (based on kdvi and kghostview tdeparts) - spell checking is now possible for the selected paragraphs and not only for all the document - overwrite an existing file must now be confirmed - the bug about the "report" document class in the "quick document dialog" has been fixed version 1.31 -> 1.32 : - the user can set the encoding character of the file with a combo box included in the Kite file selector. - two color schemes are available for the editor (Black on White/White on Black) - improved the "Multiple Function" dialog of the "Gnuplot frontend" version 1.3 -> 1.31 : - new dialog box for the "ref" and "pageref" tags (the user can select one of the existing labels) - the "--unique" option is now used for the "Kdvi Forward Search" command - the bug about the "report" class in the "Quick Start" wizard has been fixed - the GnuPlot front end code has been cleaned (only QString are used instead of string) version 1.3beta -> 1.3 : - fixed some minor bugs - new user manual - added more options for the "Quick Start" wizard version 1.2 -> 1.3beta : - the "label" tags written on the same line than a "section" tag are now detected - added a "find next" command - improved the "replace" command - improved the "edit user menu" command (ability to insert several lines) - added more options for the "quick start", "tabular" and "array" wizards - added new LaTeX tags (maketitle, footnote, tableofcontents, ref, pageref) - added DCOP support (no new instance when kile is already running - Kdvi "inverse search" should work better) version 1.1 -> 1.2 : - new panel (file selector, structure view, mathematical symbols and the greek letters) - no more embedded viewers - classical order for the "recent files" list - added shortcuts for the "item" tag and icons for the "enumerate" and "itemize" environments - added info about the size of the .eps file while using \includegraphics{} - the Konsole is now synchronized with the current document - added ability to remove the optional fields of a .bib file. ("Clean" command) - added "watch file" mode for the "quick build" command (the viewers are not launched) version 1.0 -> 1.1 : - added toolbars configuration - added new modes for the 'Quick build' command - user can now print the ps/pdf file directly with kite - added a wizard for the 'Tabbing' environment - by typing %myenvironment in the 'LaTeX content' field of an 'user menu', Kite inserts directly this code : \begin{myenvironment} \end{myenvironment} - fixed some minor bugs