/*************************************************************************** begin : Sun Dec 28 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Jeroen Wijnhout 2005-2007 by Holger Danielsson email : Jeroen.Wijnhout@kdemail.net holger.danielsson@versanet.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ // 2005-11-02: dani // - cleaning up source (local variables etc.) // - added different TQToolTips for each item // - add more types of KilelistViewItems // - KileStruct::Sect and KileStruct::BeginFloat will remember assigned labels, // which are displayed as TQToolTips, if these labels are defined in the // same or the next line // - Caption for type KileStruct::BeginFloat are displayed in the title // of this item // - \includegraphics and float environment items are displayed // - if an item has a companion label, you can use the context menu (right mouse) // to insert this label as reference, as a page reference or only the keyword // into the text or copy it to the clipboard. // - graphics files have also a context menu to open them with a special program // 2005-12-08: dani // - make some items like labels, bibitems, graphics and float environments // configurable for the user // 2005-12-16: dani // - add listview item for undefined references // 2007-02-15: dani // - class KileListViewItem gets two new members to // save the real cursor position of the command // 2007-03-12 dani // - use KileDocument::Extensions // 2007-03-17 dani // - remember how document structure is collapsed, when structure view is refreshed // 2007-03-24: dani // - preliminary minimal support for Beamer class // - \begin{frame}...\end{frame} and \frame{...} are shown in the structure view // - if a \frametitle command follows as next LaTeX command, its parameter // is taken to replace the standard title of this entry in the structure view // - \begin{block}...\end{block} is taken as child of a frame // 2007-04-06 dani // - add TODO/FIXME section to structure view #include "kilestructurewidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "kiledebug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kileinfo.h" #include "kiledocmanager.h" #include "kiledocumentinfo.h" #include "kileconfig.h" ////////////////////// KileListViewItem with all info ////////////////////// KileListViewItem::KileListViewItem(TQListViewItem * parent, TQListViewItem * after, const TQString &title, const KURL &url, uint line, uint column, int type, int level, uint startline, uint startcol) : KListViewItem(parent,after), m_title(title), m_url(url), m_line(line), m_column(column), m_type(type), m_level(level), m_startline(startline), m_startcol(startcol) { setItemEntry(); } KileListViewItem::KileListViewItem(TQListView * parent, const TQString & label) : KListViewItem(parent,label), m_title(label), m_url(KURL()), m_line(0), m_column(0), m_type(KileStruct::None), m_level(0) {} KileListViewItem::KileListViewItem(TQListViewItem * parent, const TQString & label) : KListViewItem(parent,label), m_title(label), m_url(KURL()), m_line(0), m_column(0), m_type(KileStruct::None), m_level(0) {} void KileListViewItem::setTitle(const TQString &title) { m_title = title; setItemEntry(); } void KileListViewItem::setItemEntry() { setText(0, m_title + " (" + i18n("line") + ' ' + TQString::number(m_line) + ')'); } ////////////////////// introduce a new ToolTip ////////////////////// KileListViewToolTip::KileListViewToolTip(KListView *listview) : TQToolTip(listview->viewport()), m_listview(listview) {} void KileListViewToolTip::maybeTip(const TQPoint &p) { if ( ! m_listview ) return; const KileListViewItem *item = (KileListViewItem *)m_listview->itemAt(p); // if ( !item || item->label().isNull() ) if ( !item ) return; const TQRect rect = m_listview->itemRect(item); if ( ! rect.isValid() ) return; if ( ! item->label().isNull() ) { tip(rect,i18n("Label: ") + item->label()); } else if ( item->line()==0 && item->column()==0 && item->parent()==0L ) // only root { tip(rect,i18n("Click left to jump to the line. A double click will open\n a text file or a graphics file. When a label is assigned\nto this item, it will be shown when the mouse is over\nthis item. Items for a graphics file or an assigned label\nalso offer a context menu (right mouse button).")); } } namespace KileWidget { ////////////////////// StructureList listview ////////////////////// StructureList::StructureList(Structure *stack, KileDocument::Info *docinfo) : KListView(stack), m_stack(stack), m_docinfo(docinfo) { show(); header()->hide(); addColumn(i18n("Structure"),-1); setSorting(-1,true); setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); setFullWidth(true); setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Ignored,TQSizePolicy::Ignored); TQToolTip::remove(this); new KileListViewToolTip(this); //connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(TQListViewItem *)), m_stack, TQT_SLOT(slotClicked(TQListViewItem *))); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem *)), m_stack, TQT_SLOT(slotDoubleClicked(TQListViewItem *))); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(contextMenu(KListView *, TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint & )), m_stack, TQT_SLOT(slotPopup(KListView *, TQListViewItem * , const TQPoint & ))); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(executed(TQListViewItem*)), m_stack, TQT_SLOT(slotClicked(TQListViewItem*))); connect(m_stack, TQT_SIGNAL(configChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotConfigChanged())); init(); } StructureList::~StructureList() {} void StructureList::init() { TQString title = (m_docinfo == 0L ) ? i18n("No \"structure data\" to display.") : m_docinfo->url().fileName(); m_root = new KileListViewItem(this, title); if ( m_docinfo != 0L ) { m_root->setURL(m_docinfo->url()); m_root->setOpen(true); m_root->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon("contents")); connect(m_docinfo, TQT_SIGNAL(foundItem(const TQString&, uint, uint, int, int, uint, uint, const TQString &, const TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT(addItem(const TQString&, uint, uint, int, int, uint, uint, const TQString &, const TQString &))); // connect(m_docinfo, TQT_SIGNAL(doneUpdating()), this, TQT_SLOT(insertInMasterList())); } m_parent[0]=m_parent[1]=m_parent[2]=m_parent[3]=m_parent[4]=m_parent[5]=m_parent[6]=m_root; m_lastType = KileStruct::None; m_lastSectioning = 0L; m_lastFloat = 0L; m_lastFrame = 0L; m_lastFrameEnv = 0L; m_stop = false; m_folders.clear(); m_references.clear(); if ( m_docinfo ) { m_openStructureLabels = m_docinfo->openStructureLabels(); m_openStructureReferences = m_docinfo->openStructureReferences(); m_openStructureBibitems = m_docinfo->openStructureBibitems(); m_openStructureTodo = m_docinfo->openStructureTodo(); m_showStructureLabels = m_docinfo->showStructureLabels(); } else { m_openStructureLabels = false; m_openStructureReferences = false; m_openStructureBibitems = false; m_openStructureTodo = false; m_showStructureLabels = false; } } void StructureList::updateRoot() { m_root->setURL( m_docinfo->url() ); m_root->setText(0, m_docinfo->url().fileName() ); } void StructureList::cleanUp(bool preserveState/* = true */) { KILE_DEBUG() << "==void StructureList::cleanUp()========" << endl; if(preserveState) saveState(); clear(); if(m_docinfo) disconnect(m_docinfo, 0, this, 0); init(); } void StructureList::slotConfigChanged(){ TQWidget *current = m_stack->visibleWidget(); if(!current) return; cleanUp(false); m_stack->update(m_docinfo,true,false); m_stack->raiseWidget(current); } void StructureList::saveState() { KILE_DEBUG() << "===void StructureList::saveState()" << endl; m_openByTitle.clear(); m_openByLine.clear(); m_openByFolders.clear(); TQListViewItemIterator it(this); KileListViewItem *item = 0L; while ( it.current() ) { item = (KileListViewItem*)it.current(); if ( item->firstChild() ) { //we don't accept duplicate entries in the map, remove this item alltogether //and rely on the openByLine map instead if ( m_openByTitle.contains ( item->title() ) ) m_openByTitle.remove ( item->title() ); else m_openByTitle [ item->title() ] = item->isOpen(); m_openByLine [ item->line() ] = item->isOpen(); } ++it; } if ( m_folders.contains("labels") ) m_openByFolders["labels"] = m_folders["labels"]->isOpen(); if ( m_folders.contains("refs") ) m_openByFolders["refs"] = m_folders["refs"]->isOpen(); if ( m_folders.contains("bibs") ) m_openByFolders["bibs"] = m_folders["bibs"]->isOpen(); if ( m_folders.contains("todo") ) m_openByFolders["todo"] = m_folders["todo"]->isOpen(); if ( m_folders.contains("fixme") ) m_openByFolders["fixme"] = m_folders["fixme"]->isOpen(); } bool StructureList::shouldBeOpen(KileListViewItem *item, const TQString & folder, int level) { if ( item->parent() == 0L ) return true; if ( folder == "labels" ) { if ( m_openByFolders.contains("labels") ) return m_openByFolders["labels"]; else return m_openStructureLabels; } else if ( folder == "refs" ) { if ( m_openByFolders.contains("refs") ) return m_openByFolders["refs"]; else return m_openStructureReferences; } else if ( folder == "bibs" ) { if ( m_openByFolders.contains("bibs") ) return m_openByFolders["bibs"]; else return m_openStructureBibitems; } else if ( folder=="todo" || folder=="fixme" ) { if ( m_openByFolders.contains(folder) ) return m_openByFolders[folder]; else return m_openStructureTodo; } if ( m_openByTitle.contains(item->title()) ) return m_openByTitle [ item->title() ]; else if ( m_openByLine.contains(item->line()) ) return m_openByLine [ item->line() ]; //TODO check surrounding lines as well else return ((folder == "root") && level <= m_stack->level()); } KileListViewItem* StructureList::createFolder(const TQString &folder) { KileListViewItem *fldr= new KileListViewItem(m_root, folder); fldr->setOpen(false); if ( folder == "labels" ) { fldr->setText(0, i18n("Labels")); fldr->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon("label")); } else if ( folder == "bibs" ) { fldr->setText(0, i18n("BibTeX References")); fldr->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon("viewbib")); } else if ( folder == "refs" ) { fldr->setText(0, i18n("Undefined References")); fldr->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon("stop")); } else if ( folder == "todo" ) { fldr->setText(0, i18n("TODO")); fldr->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon("bookmark")); } else if ( folder == "fixme" ) { fldr->setText(0, i18n("FIXME")); fldr->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon("bookmark")); } m_folders[ folder ] = fldr; return m_folders[folder]; } KileListViewItem* StructureList::folder(const TQString &folder) { KileListViewItem *item = m_folders[folder]; if ( item == 0L ) item = createFolder(folder); return item; } void StructureList::activate() { m_stack->raiseWidget(this); } KileListViewItem *StructureList::parentFor(int lev, const TQString & fldr) { KileListViewItem *par = 0L; if ( fldr == "root" ) { switch (lev) { case KileStruct::Object : case KileStruct::File : par = ( m_lastSectioning == 0L ) ? m_root : m_lastSectioning; break; case 0 : case 1 : par = m_root; break; default: par = m_parent[lev - 2]; break; } } else { par = folder(fldr); } return par; } ////////////////////// add a new item to the listview ////////////////////// /* some items have a special action: - KileStruct::Sect: The new item is saved in m_lastSectioning, so that all following entries can be inserted as children. \part will drop back to level 0 of the Listview, all other sectioning commands will be children of the last sectioning item. If a \label command follows in the same or the next line, it is assigned to this item. - KileStruct::BeginFloat: The new item is saved in m_lastFloat. If a \caption command follows before the floating environment is closed, it is inserted into the title of this item. If a \label command follows, it is assigned to this float item. - KileStruct::EndFloat Reset m_lastFloat to 0L to close this environment. No more \caption or \label commands are assigned to this float after this. - KileStruct::Caption If a float environment is opened, the caption is assigned to the float item. A caption item has hidden attribute, so that no other action is performed and function addItem() will return immediately. - KileStruct::Label If we are inside a float, this label is assigned to this environment. If the last type was a sectioning command on the current line or the line before, the label is assigned to this sectioning item. Assigning means that a popup menu will open, when the mouse is over this item. - KileStruct::BeamerBeginFrame The new item is saved in m_lastFrameEnv. If a \frametitle command follows before the frame environment is closed, it is inserted into the title of this item. If a \label command follows, it is assigned to this float item. - KileStruct::BeamerEndFrame Reset m_lastFloatEnv to 0L to close this environment. No more \frametitle or \label commands are assigned to this frame after this. - KileStruct::BeamerBeginBlock Inside a beamer frame this environment is taken as child of this frame - KileStruct::BeamerFrame The new item is saved in m_lastFrame. If a \frametitle command follows immediately as next command, it is inserted into the title of this item. */ void StructureList::addItem(const TQString &title, uint line, uint column, int type, int lev, uint startline, uint startcol, const TQString & pix, const TQString &fldr /* = "root" */) { // KILE_DEBUG() << "\t\taddItem: " << title << ", with type " << type << endl; if ( m_stop ) return; // some types need a special action if ( type == KileStruct::Reference ) { m_references.prepend( KileReferenceData(title,line,column) ); } else if ( type==KileStruct::Caption && m_lastFloat ) { TQString floattitle = m_lastFloat->title(); if ( floattitle=="figure" || floattitle=="table" ) m_lastFloat->setTitle(floattitle+": "+title); } else if ( type == KileStruct::EndFloat ) { m_lastFloat = 0L; } else if ( type==KileStruct::BeamerFrametitle ) { if ( m_lastFrameEnv ) m_lastFrameEnv->setTitle(title); else if ( m_lastFrame ) m_lastFrame->setTitle(title); } else if ( type == KileStruct::BeamerEndFrame ) { m_lastFrameEnv = 0L; } m_lastFrame = 0L; // that's all for hidden types: we must immediately return if ( lev == KileStruct::Hidden ) { //KILE_DEBUG() << "\t\thidden item: not created" << endl; return; } //KILE_DEBUG() << "\t\tcreate new item" << endl; // check if we have to update a label before loosing this item if ( type==KileStruct::Label ) { if ( m_lastFloat ) { m_lastFloat->setLabel(title); } else if ( m_lastType==KileStruct::Sect ) { // check if this is a follow up label for the last sectioning item if ( m_lastSectioning && (m_lastLine==line-1 || m_lastLine==line) ) m_lastSectioning->setLabel(title); } else if(m_lastType == KileStruct::BeamerBeginFrame && m_lastFrameEnv) { m_lastFrameEnv->setLabel(title); } if(!m_showStructureLabels) // if we don't want to have it displayed return here return; } // remember current type and line for the next call of addItem() m_lastType = type; m_lastLine = line; //find the parent for the new element KileListViewItem *parentItem = ( type==KileStruct::BeamerBeginBlock && m_lastFrameEnv ) ? m_lastFrameEnv : parentFor(lev, fldr); if ( parentItem == 0L ) { KMessageBox::error(0,i18n("Can't create ListviewItem: no parent found.")); return; } //find the last element at this level KileListViewItem *lastChild = 0L; KileListViewItem *nextChild = (KileListViewItem *)parentItem->firstChild(); while ( nextChild ) { lastChild = nextChild; nextChild = (KileListViewItem *)nextChild->nextSibling(); } // create a new item KileListViewItem *newChild = new KileListViewItem(parentItem, lastChild, title, m_docinfo->url(), line, column, type, lev, startline, startcol); if ( ! pix.isNull() ) newChild->setPixmap(0,SmallIcon(pix)); //m_stop = true; //if the level is not greater than the defaultLevel //open the parentItem to make this item visible parentItem->setOpen( shouldBeOpen(parentItem,fldr,lev) ); //update the m_parent levels, such that section etc. get inserted at the correct level //m_current = newChild; if ( lev > 0) { m_parent[lev-1] = newChild; for (int l = lev; l < 7; ++l) m_parent[l] = newChild; } else if ( lev == 0 ) { m_lastSectioning = 0L; for ( int l = 0; l < 7; ++l ) m_parent[l] = m_root; } // check if we have to remember the new item for setting a label or caption if ( type == KileStruct::Sect ) m_lastSectioning = newChild; else if ( type == KileStruct::BeginFloat ) m_lastFloat = newChild; else if ( type == KileStruct::BeamerBeginFrame ) m_lastFrameEnv = newChild; else if ( type == KileStruct::BeamerFrame ) m_lastFrame = newChild; } void StructureList::showReferences(KileInfo *ki) { // remove old listview item for references, if it exists if ( m_folders.contains("refs") ) { KileListViewItem *refitem = m_folders["refs"]; m_root->takeItem(refitem); delete refitem; m_folders.remove("refs"); } //KILE_DEBUG() << "==void StructureList::showReferences()========" << endl; //KILE_DEBUG() << "\tfound " << m_references.count() << " references" << endl; if ( m_references.count() == 0 ) return; // read list with all labels const TQStringList *list = ki->allLabels(); //KILE_DEBUG() << "\tfound " << list->count() << " labels" << endl; TQMap labelmap; for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator itmap=list->begin(); itmap!=list->end(); ++itmap ) { labelmap[(*itmap)] = true; } // now check if there are unsolved references TQValueListConstIterator it; for ( it=m_references.begin(); it!=m_references.end(); ++it ) { if ( ! labelmap.contains((*it).name()) ) { KileListViewItem *refitem = folder("refs"); refitem->setOpen( shouldBeOpen(refitem,"refs",0) ); new KileListViewItem(refitem,0L,(*it).name(),m_docinfo->url(),(*it).line(),(*it).column(),KileStruct::Reference,KileStruct::NotSpecified, 0,0 ); } } } ////////////////////// Structure: TQWidgetStack ////////////////////// Structure::Structure(KileInfo *ki, TQWidget * parent, const char * name) : TQWidgetStack(parent,name), m_ki(ki), m_docinfo(0L) { KILE_DEBUG() << "==KileWidget::Structure::Structure()===========" << endl; setLineWidth(0); setMidLineWidth(0); setMargin(0); setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Ignored,TQSizePolicy::Ignored); m_default = new StructureList(this, 0L); m_default->activate(); m_popup = new KPopupMenu(this, "structureview_popup"); } Structure::~Structure() { } int Structure::level() { return KileConfig::defaultLevel(); } void Structure::addDocumentInfo(KileDocument::Info *docinfo) { StructureList *view = new StructureList(this, docinfo); addWidget(view); m_map.insert(docinfo, view, true); } void Structure::slotClicked(TQListViewItem * itm) { KILE_DEBUG() << "\tStructure::slotClicked" << endl; KileListViewItem *item = (KileListViewItem *)itm; //return if user didn't click on an item if (! item) return; if (! (item->type() & KileStruct::None )) emit(setCursor(item->url(), item->line()-1, item->column())); else if ( item->parent() == 0L ) //root item emit(setCursor(item->url(), 0, 0)); } void Structure::slotDoubleClicked(TQListViewItem * itm) { KILE_DEBUG() << "\tStructure::slotDoubleClicked" << endl; KileListViewItem *item = (KileListViewItem*)(itm); static TQRegExp suffix("\\.[\\d\\w]*$"); if (!item) return; KILE_DEBUG() <<"item->url() is " << item->url() << ", item->title() is " << item->title() << endl; if ( item->type() & (KileStruct::Input | KileStruct::Bibliography | KileStruct::Graphics) ) { TQString fname = item->title(); if(fname.find(suffix) != -1) // check if we have a suffix, if not add standard suffixes { KILE_DEBUG() << "Suffix found: " << suffix.cap(0) << endl; } else { // filename in structureview entry has no extension: this shouldn't happen anymore, // because all have got one in function updateStruct(). But who knows? if ( item->type() == KileStruct::Input ) fname += m_ki->extensions()->latexDocumentDefault(); else if ( item->type() == KileStruct::Bibliography ) fname += m_ki->extensions()->bibtexDefault(); else { // FIXME get graphics suffix from an project config option } } if(fname.left(1) != "/") // no absolute path { TQString fn = m_ki->getCompileName(); fname= TQFileInfo(fn).dirPath() + '/' + fname; } TQFileInfo fi(fname); KURL url; url.setPath(fname); if (fi.isReadable()) { if ( item->type() == KileStruct::Graphics ) { KMimeType::Ptr pMime = KMimeType::findByURL(url); KRun::runURL(url,pMime->name()); } else emit(fileOpen(url, TQString())); } else if( item->type() == KileStruct::Bibliography ){ fname = m_ki->checkOtherPaths(fi.dirPath(),fi.fileName(),KileInfo::bibinputs); fi.setFile(fname); url.setPath(fname); if(fi.isReadable()){ emit(fileOpen(url, TQString())); } } else if( item->type() == KileStruct::Input ){ fname = m_ki->checkOtherPaths(fi.dirPath(),fi.fileName(),KileInfo::texinputs); fi.setFile(fname); url.setPath(fname); if(fi.isReadable()){ emit(fileOpen(url, TQString())); } } else{ if ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("Cannot find the included file. The file does not exist, is not readable or Kile is unable to determine the correct path to it. The filename causing this error was: %1.\nDo you want to create this file?").arg(fname), i18n("Cannot Find File")) == KMessageBox::Yes) { emit(fileNew(url)); } } } } // all popup items get different id's, so that we can see, what item is activated // - label: 1 - 6 // - sectioning: 10 - 16 // - graphics: 100ff void Structure::slotPopup(KListView *, TQListViewItem *itm, const TQPoint &point) { KILE_DEBUG() << "\tStructure::slotPopup" << endl; m_popupItem = (KileListViewItem *)(itm); if ( ! m_popupItem ) return; m_popup->clear(); m_popup->disconnect(); bool hasLabel = ! m_popupItem->label().isEmpty(); if ( m_popupItem->type() == KileStruct::Sect ) { if ( hasLabel ) m_popup->insertTitle(i18n("Sectioning")); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("Cu&t"),SectioningCut); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("&Copy"),SectioningCopy); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("&Paste below"),SectioningPaste); m_popup->insertSeparator(); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("&Select"),SectioningSelect); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("&Delete"),SectioningDelete); m_popup->insertSeparator(); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("C&omment"),SectioningComment); m_popup->insertSeparator(); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("Run QuickPreview"), SectioningPreview); } else if ( m_popupItem->type() == KileStruct::Graphics ) { m_popupInfo = m_popupItem->title(); if(m_popupInfo.left(1) != "/") // no absolute path { TQString fn = m_ki->getCompileName(); m_popupInfo = TQFileInfo(fn).dirPath() + '/' + m_popupInfo; } TQFileInfo fi(m_popupInfo); if ( fi.isReadable() ) { KURL url; url.setPath(m_popupInfo); m_offerList = TDETrader::self()->query(KMimeType::findByURL(url)->name(), "Type == 'Application'"); for (uint i=0; i < m_offerList.count(); ++i) { m_popup->insertItem(SmallIcon(m_offerList[i]->icon()), m_offerList[i]->name(), i+SectioningGraphicsOfferlist); } m_popup->insertSeparator(); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("Other..."), SectioningGraphicsOther); } } if ( hasLabel) { m_popup->insertTitle(i18n("Insert Label")); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("As &reference"),1); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("As &page reference"),2); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("Only the &label"),3); m_popup->insertSeparator(); m_popup->insertTitle(i18n("Copy Label to Clipboard")); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("As reference"),4); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("As page reference"),5); m_popup->insertItem(i18n("Only the label"),6); } if ( m_popup->count() > 0 ) { connect(m_popup,TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotPopupActivated(int))); m_popup->exec(point); } } void Structure::slotPopupActivated(int id) { if ( id>=1 && id<=6 ) slotPopupLabel(id); else if ( id>=SectioningCut && id<=SectioningPreview ) slotPopupSectioning(id); else if ( id>=SectioningGraphicsOther && id<=SectioningGraphicsOfferlist+(int)m_offerList.count() ) slotPopupGraphics(id); } // id's 1..6 (already checked) void Structure::slotPopupLabel(int id) { KILE_DEBUG() << "\tStructure::slotPopupLabel (" << id << ")"<< endl; TQString s = m_popupItem->label(); if ( id==1 || id==4 ) s = "\\ref{" + s + '}'; else if ( id==2 || id==5 ) s = "\\pageref{" + s + '}'; if ( id <= 3 ) emit( sendText(s) ); else TQApplication::clipboard()->setText(s); } // id's 10..16 (already checked) void Structure::slotPopupSectioning(int id) { KILE_DEBUG() << "\tStructure::slotPopupSectioning (" << id << ")"<< endl; if ( m_popupItem->level()>=1 && m_popupItem->level()<=7 ) emit( sectioningPopup(m_popupItem,id) ); } // id's 100ff (already checked) void Structure::slotPopupGraphics(int id) { KILE_DEBUG() << "\tStructure::slotPopupGraphics (" << id << ")"<< endl; KURL url; url.setPath(m_popupInfo); if ( id == SectioningGraphicsOther ) KRun::displayOpenWithDialog(url); else KRun::run(*m_offerList[id-SectioningGraphicsOfferlist],url); } StructureList* Structure::viewFor(KileDocument::Info *info) { if ( info == 0L ) return 0L; if ( ! viewExistsFor(info) ) m_map.insert(info, new StructureList(this, info), true); return m_map[info]; } bool Structure::viewExistsFor(KileDocument::Info *info) { if ( info == 0L ) return false; else return m_map.contains(info); } void Structure::closeDocumentInfo(KileDocument::Info *docinfo) { m_docinfo = 0L; if ( m_map.contains(docinfo) ) { StructureList *data = m_map[docinfo]; m_map.remove(docinfo); delete data; } if ( m_map.isEmpty() ) m_default->activate(); } void Structure::clear() { TQMapIterator it; TQMapIterator itend(m_map.end()); for ( it = m_map.begin(); it != itend; ++it) if ( it.data() != 0L ) delete it.data(); m_map.clear(); m_docinfo = 0L; m_default->activate(); } void Structure::updateUrl(KileDocument::Info *docinfo) { StructureList *view = viewFor(docinfo); if ( view ) view->updateRoot(); } void Structure::update(KileDocument::Info *docinfo) { update(docinfo, true); } void Structure::update(KileDocument::Info *docinfo, bool parse, bool activate /* =true */) { KILE_DEBUG() << "==KileWidget::Structure::update(" << docinfo << ")=============" << endl; if ( docinfo == 0L ) { m_default->activate(); return; } m_docinfo = docinfo; bool needParsing = parse || ( ! viewExistsFor(m_docinfo) ); //find structview-item for this docinfo StructureList *view = viewFor(m_docinfo); if ( needParsing ) //need to reparse the doc { int xtop = view->contentsX(); int ytop = view->contentsY(); //KILE_DEBUG() << "\tStructure::update parsing doc" << endl; view->cleanUp(); m_docinfo->updateStruct(); view->showReferences(m_ki); view->setContentsPos(xtop,ytop); } if(activate) { KILE_DEBUG() << "===Structure::update() activating view" << endl; view->activate(); } } void Structure::clean(KileDocument::Info *docinfo) { KILE_DEBUG() << "==void Structure::clean()========" << endl; StructureList *view = viewFor(docinfo); if (view) view->cleanUp(); } void Structure::updateReferences(KileDocument::Info *docinfo) { KILE_DEBUG() << "==void StructureList::updateReferences()========" << endl; StructureList *view = viewFor(docinfo); if (view) { view->showReferences(m_ki); } } ////////////////////// Structure: find sectioning ////////////////////// bool Structure::findSectioning(KileListViewItem *refItem, Kate::Document *doc, uint row, uint col, bool backwards, bool checkLevel, uint §Row, uint §Col) { KileDocument::TextInfo *docinfo = m_ki->docManager()->textInfoFor(doc); if ( ! docinfo ){ return false; } if( checkLevel && !refItem ){ // only allow a refItem == NULL if checkLevel is false return false; } bool found = false; uint foundRow,foundCol; StructureList *structurelist = viewFor(docinfo); TQListViewItemIterator it( structurelist ); while ( it.current() ) { KileListViewItem *item = (KileListViewItem *)(it.current()); if (item->type() == KileStruct::Sect && (!checkLevel || item->level() <= refItem->level())) { foundRow = item->startline() - 1; foundCol = item->startcol() - 1; if ( backwards ) { if ( foundRowrow || (foundRow==row &&foundCol>col)) ) { sectRow = foundRow; sectCol = foundCol; return true; } } ++it; } return found; } } #include "kilestructurewidget.moc"