Codificador MPEG Gilles Caulier
caulier dot gilles at
2004-06-20 1.00.00 The Kipi MPEG Encoder plugin is a tool for to convert a list of images like a MPEG file. KDE Kipi
Introdução The MPEG Encoder plugin can be used for convert the selected images on a MPEG sequence with a specific duration and merge all images on an single MPEG file. This plugin use the "MjpegTools" and "ImageMagick" packages. Between the images, you can insert a basic transition. You can also add an audio track on the images sequence with a MP2 or WAV file. All images will be automatically scaling to the good size for the video format. Also a specific background color could be used. You can use this plugin for to build some DVD/XVCD/SVCD/VCD image portfolios for your home DVD player. Use K3b program for create this media. You can see some samples building with this plugin at this url.