path: root/kkbswitch/kbconfigdlg.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kkbswitch/kbconfigdlg.cpp')
1 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kkbswitch/kbconfigdlg.cpp b/kkbswitch/kbconfigdlg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b599c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kkbswitch/kbconfigdlg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+ kbconfigdlg.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Sun Jul 8 2001
+ copyright : (C) 2001 by Leonid Zeitlin
+ email :
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "kbconfigdlg.h"
+#include "kbpickicondlg.h"
+#include "boldlistboxitem.h"
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qstyle.h>
+#include <qgroupbox.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <qobjectlist.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <kdeversion.h>
+#include <klistbox.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+ #include <kapplication.h>
+ #include <kapp.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+#include <kkeydialog.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+/* This little subclass of KKeyChooser reimplements sizeHint() to
+ look a little smaller in our config dialog. The default size
+ is way too large IMHO and makes General page look oversized
+ */
+class SmallerKeyChooser : public KKeyChooser {
+ QSize m_size_hint;
+ void calcSizeHint();
+ SmallerKeyChooser(KGlobalAccel *accel, QWidget *parent) :
+ KKeyChooser(accel, parent) { calcSizeHint(); }
+ virtual QSize sizeHint() const { return m_size_hint; }
+void SmallerKeyChooser::calcSizeHint()
+ m_size_hint = KKeyChooser::sizeHint();
+ KListView *lv = NULL;
+ QGroupBox *gb = NULL;
+ const QObjectList *objects = children();
+ QObjectListIt iter(*objects);
+ QObject *obj;
+ while ( (obj = iter.current()) ) {
+ ++iter;
+ if (obj->inherits("KListView"))
+ lv = dynamic_cast<KListView*>(obj);
+ else if (obj->inherits("QGroupBox"))
+ gb = dynamic_cast<QGroupBox*>(obj);
+ }
+ if (!lv || !gb) return; // oops, should not happen
+ QListViewItem *item = lv->firstChild();
+ if (!item) return;
+ int height = item->height() * (1 + item->childCount()) + lv->header()->height() +
+ style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent) + gb->sizeHint().height() +
+ layout()->spacing() * 2;
+ int width = lv->columnWidth(0) + lv->columnWidth(1);
+ m_size_hint = QSize(width, height);
+static inline bool iconTypeShowsFlag(KBConfig::IconStyle icon_style)
+ return icon_style == KBConfig::ICON_FLAG || icon_style == KBConfig::ICON_CODE_AND_FLAG;
+KBConfigDlg::KBConfigDlg(KBConfig *kbconf, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+ : KDialogBase(Tabbed, i18n("Configure")/*caption*/, Ok | Apply | Cancel | Help,
+ Ok, parent, name, true /*modal*/)
+ m_kbconf = kbconf;
+ m_default_groupno = m_kbconf->default_groupno();
+ setHelp(QString("configure-kkbswitch"));
+ setButtonBoxOrientation(Horizontal);
+ setupGeneralPage();
+ setupShortcutsPage();
+ showConfig();
+ slotIconTypeSelected(m_kbconf->icon_style());
+void KBConfigDlg::setupGeneralPage()
+ QFrame *page = addPage(i18n("&General")); //makeMainWidget();
+ QVBoxLayout *vlayout = new QVBoxLayout(page);
+ vlayout->setSpacing(2);
+ QLabel *lbl = new QLabel(i18n("Available &keyboard layouts:"), page);
+ vlayout->addWidget(lbl);
+ QHBoxLayout *groupsLayout = new QHBoxLayout(vlayout);
+ groupsLayout->setSpacing(2);
+ lbGroups = new KListBox(page);
+ QObject::connect(lbGroups, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotLayoutSelected()));
+ QObject::connect(lbGroups, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListBoxItem *)), this,
+ SLOT(slotListBoxExecuted(QListBoxItem *)));
+ groupsLayout->addWidget(lbGroups);
+ lbl->setBuddy(lbGroups);
+ QWhatsThis::add(lbGroups, i18n("This list box shows keyboard layouts available in your system.\n"
+ "Select a layout and click \"Change Icon...\" button to change the icon for a layout.\n"
+ "If you have configured a non-default icon, you can reset the icon to default with \"Use Default Icon\" button.\n"
+ "The layout shown is bold is the default layout. Use \"Set as default\" button "
+ "to set the default layout."));
+ QVBoxLayout *btnLayout = new QVBoxLayout(groupsLayout);
+ btnLayout->setSpacing(2);
+ btnChangeIcon = new QPushButton(i18n("Cha&nge Icon..."), page);
+ QObject::connect(btnChangeIcon, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotPickIcon()));
+ btnLayout->addWidget(btnChangeIcon, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
+ QWhatsThis::add(btnChangeIcon, i18n("Click this button to change the icon for the "
+ "layout selected in the list box to the left."));
+ btnSetDefaultIcon = new QPushButton(i18n("Use &Default Icon"), page);
+ QObject::connect(btnSetDefaultIcon, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSetDefaultIcon()));
+ btnLayout->addWidget(btnSetDefaultIcon, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
+ QWhatsThis::add(btnSetDefaultIcon, i18n("Click this button to use default icon for the "
+ "layout selected in the list box to the left."));
+ btnSetDefaultGroup = new QPushButton(i18n("&Set as Default"), page);
+ QObject::connect(btnSetDefaultGroup, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSetDefaultGroup()));
+ btnLayout->addWidget(btnSetDefaultGroup, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
+ QWhatsThis::add(btnSetDefaultGroup, i18n("Cick this button to set the layout selected "
+ "in the list box to the left as the default"));
+ btnLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(1, 1, QSizePolicy::Minimum,
+ QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding));
+ lbl = new QLabel(i18n("Layout &icon style:"), page);
+ vlayout->addWidget(lbl);
+ cbxIconType = new QComboBox(page);
+ cbxIconType->setEditable(false);
+ cbxIconType->insertItem(i18n("Country flag"));
+ cbxIconType->insertItem(i18n("Language code"));
+ cbxIconType->insertItem(i18n("Flag and code"));
+ QObject::connect(cbxIconType, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotIconTypeSelected(int)));
+ vlayout->addWidget(cbxIconType);
+ lbl->setBuddy(cbxIconType);
+ QWhatsThis::add(cbxIconType, i18n("<p>Select the style of icons representing the "
+ "current keyboard layout.\n"
+ "You can choose from the following styles:"
+ "<ul><li><b>Country flag</b> - displays the corresponding contry flag"
+ "<li><b>Language code</b> - displays the language ISO 2-letter code"
+ "<li><b>Flag and code</b> - displays the language code superimposed over the country flag."
+ "</ul></p>"));
+ lbl = new QLabel(i18n("&Layout applies to:"), page);
+ vlayout->addWidget(lbl);
+ cbxGroupScope = new QComboBox(page);
+ cbxGroupScope->setEditable(false);
+ cbxGroupScope->insertItem(i18n("All windows"));
+ cbxGroupScope->insertItem(i18n("Windows of one application"));
+ cbxGroupScope->insertItem(i18n("One window"));
+ vlayout->addWidget(cbxGroupScope);
+ lbl->setBuddy(cbxGroupScope);
+ QWhatsThis::add(cbxGroupScope, i18n("<p>Select what windows the currently selected "
+ "keyboard layout applies to:\n"
+ "<ul><li><b>All windows</b> - one layout applies to all windows on your desktop\n"
+ "<li><b>Windows of one application</b> - layout applies to one application; each "
+ "application can have its own layout. When you switch between applications, layout follows the active application\n"
+ "<li><b>One window</b> - layout applies to one window only; each window can have its own layout. "
+ "When you switch between windows, layout follows the active window.</ul></p>"));
+ chkToggleMode = new QCheckBox(i18n("Use \"&Toggle Mode\""), page);
+ vlayout->addWidget(chkToggleMode);
+ QWhatsThis::add(chkToggleMode, i18n("Toggle mode is useful when you have more than two keyboard "
+ "layouts defined. When toggle mode is on your normal layout switch key toggles between two most frequently used layouts. "
+ "To activate other layouts use KKBSwitch's tray popup menu"));
+ /*chkPerwindowGroup = new QCheckBox(i18n("Use &per-window layout"), page);
+ vlayout->addWidget(chkPerwindowGroup);
+ QWhatsThis::add(chkPerwindowGroup, i18n("When this checkbox is checked, "
+ "each window has its own current keyboard layout. When it's unchecked, "
+ "the current layout affects all windows"));*/
+ chkAutostart = new QCheckBox(i18n("A&utostart"), page);
+ vlayout->addWidget(chkAutostart);
+ QWhatsThis::add(chkAutostart, i18n("When this checkbox is checked, KKBSwitch "
+ "will start automatically when you log in"));
+void KBConfigDlg::setupShortcutsPage()
+ QVBox *box = addVBoxPage(i18n("Sho&rtcuts"));
+ chkUseShortcuts = new QCheckBox(i18n("Use shortcuts to &activate keyboard layouts"), box);
+ connect(chkUseShortcuts, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotUseShortcutsToggled(bool)));
+ QWhatsThis::add(chkUseShortcuts, i18n("Check this checkbox to be able to quickly "
+ "activate any keyboard layout with keyboard shorcuts. Once this checkbox "
+ "is checked, you can adjust the shortcuts at the key chooser pane below. "
+ "Especially useful if you have three or four keyboard layouts configured"));
+ keyChooser = new SmallerKeyChooser(m_kbconf->keys(), box);
+/** Display the current KBSwitch configuration in the dialog */
+void KBConfigDlg::showConfig(){
+ int i;
+ KBGroup *group;
+ KConfig *conf = kapp->config();
+ m_iconpaths.clear();
+ conf->setGroup(ICONS_SECTION);
+ for (i = 0; i < m_kbconf->groupCount(); i++) {
+ group = m_kbconf->getGroup(i);
+ (void) new BoldListBoxItem(lbGroups, group->getPixmap(), group->getName(),
+ i == m_default_groupno);
+ //m_iconpaths.append(conf->readEntry(KBConfig::entryForGroup(i)));
+ m_iconpaths.append(group->getIconPath());
+ }
+ if (m_kbconf->groupCount() > 0) lbGroups->setCurrentItem(0);
+ lbGroups->setMinimumHeight(lbGroups->itemHeight() * (m_kbconf->groupCount() + 1));
+ cbxIconType->setCurrentItem(m_kbconf->icon_style());
+ cbxGroupScope->setCurrentItem(m_kbconf->group_scope());
+ chkToggleMode->setChecked(m_kbconf->toggle_mode());
+ //chkPerwindowGroup->setChecked(m_kbconf->perwindow_group());
+ chkAutostart->setChecked(m_kbconf->autostart());
+ chkUseShortcuts->setChecked(m_kbconf->use_shortcuts());
+ slotUseShortcutsToggled(m_kbconf->use_shortcuts());
+/** Fire up "Pick Icon" dialog */
+void KBConfigDlg::slotPickIcon(){
+ int index = lbGroups->currentItem();
+ QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor));
+ KBPickIconDlg dlg(m_iconpaths[index], *(lbGroups->pixmap(index)), this);
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ if (dlg.exec()) {
+ QString path = dlg.getIconPath();
+ KBGroup *group = m_kbconf->getGroup(index);
+ if (!path.isEmpty() && path != group->getIconPath()) {
+ kapp->config()->writeEntry(group->getName()/*KBConfig::entryForGroup(index)*/, path);
+ redrawIcons(KBConfig::IconStyle(cbxIconType->currentItem()));
+ checkIconDefault(index);
+ }
+ }
+void KBConfigDlg::slotSetDefaultGroup()
+ int new_default_group = lbGroups->currentItem();
+ if (m_default_groupno != new_default_group) {
+ BoldListBoxItem *item = dynamic_cast<BoldListBoxItem*>(lbGroups->item(m_default_groupno));
+ item->setBold(false);
+ m_default_groupno = new_default_group;
+ // NB: don't use selectedItem(); it's not present in Qt 3.0, and
+ // we want to maintain compatibility with it
+ int curitem = lbGroups->currentItem();
+ if (curitem > -1) { // should not be -1, but just in case
+ item = dynamic_cast<BoldListBoxItem*>(lbGroups->item(curitem));
+ item->setBold(true);
+ lbGroups->triggerUpdate(false);
+ }
+ }
+/** No descriptions */
+void KBConfigDlg::slotLayoutSelected(){
+ btnChangeIcon->setEnabled(lbGroups->currentItem() != -1 &&
+ iconTypeShowsFlag(KBConfig::IconStyle(cbxIconType->currentItem())));
+ checkIconDefault(lbGroups->currentItem());
+ btnSetDefaultGroup->setEnabled(lbGroups->currentItem() != -1 &&
+ lbGroups->currentItem() != m_default_groupno);
+/** No descriptions */
+void KBConfigDlg::slotListBoxExecuted(QListBoxItem *){
+ if (iconTypeShowsFlag(KBConfig::IconStyle(cbxIconType->currentItem())))
+ slotPickIcon();
+/** No descriptions */
+void KBConfigDlg::saveConfig(){
+ QString path;
+ const QPixmap *pix;
+ KConfig *conf = kapp->config();
+ conf->setGroup(ICONS_SECTION);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_kbconf->groupCount(); i++) {
+ path = m_iconpaths[i];
+ if (!path.isEmpty()) m_kbconf->getGroup(i)->setIconPath(path);
+ //if (!path.isEmpty() && path != m_kbconf->getGroup(i)->getIconPath())
+ // conf->writeEntry(KBConfig::entryForGroup(i), path);
+ pix = lbGroups->pixmap(i);
+ if (pix) m_kbconf->getGroup(i)->setPixmap(*pix);
+ }
+ m_kbconf->set_toggle_mode(chkToggleMode->isChecked());
+ m_kbconf->set_group_scope(KBConfig::GroupScope(cbxGroupScope->currentItem()));
+ m_kbconf->set_default_groupno(m_default_groupno);
+ //m_kbconf->set_perwindow_group(chkPerwindowGroup->isChecked());
+ m_kbconf->set_icon_style(KBConfig::IconStyle(cbxIconType->currentItem()));
+ m_kbconf->set_autostart(chkAutostart->isChecked());
+ m_kbconf->set_use_shortcuts(chkUseShortcuts->isChecked());
+ keyChooser->commitChanges();
+ m_kbconf->checkKeysEnabled();
+ m_kbconf->save(conf);
+ //m_kbconf->notifyChanged();
+ conf->sync();
+/** No descriptions */
+void KBConfigDlg::slotOk(){
+ saveConfig();
+ KDialogBase::slotOk();
+/** No descriptions */
+void KBConfigDlg::slotApply(){
+ saveConfig();
+ KDialogBase::slotApply();
+void KBConfigDlg::slotIconTypeSelected(int index)
+ KBConfig::IconStyle icon_style = KBConfig::IconStyle(index);
+ redrawIcons(icon_style);
+ slotLayoutSelected();
+void KBConfigDlg::redrawIcons(KBConfig::IconStyle icon_style)
+ QValueVector<QPixmap> pixlist;
+ m_kbconf->drawIcons(icon_style, &pixlist, &m_iconpaths);
+ int curIndex = lbGroups->currentItem();
+ // NB: don't use count(), use size(); count() is not present in Qt 3.0, and
+ // we want to maintain compatibility with it
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pixlist.size(); i++) {
+ BoldListBoxItem *curItem = dynamic_cast<BoldListBoxItem*>(lbGroups->item(i));
+ lbGroups->changeItem(new BoldListBoxItem(NULL, pixlist[i],
+ curItem->text(), curItem->bold()), i);
+ }
+ lbGroups->setCurrentItem(curIndex);
+void KBConfigDlg::slotCancel()
+ KConfig *config = kapp->config();
+ config->rollback();
+ config->reparseConfiguration();
+ KDialogBase::slotCancel();
+void KBConfigDlg::slotUseShortcutsToggled(bool on)
+ keyChooser->setEnabled(on);
+ \fn KBConfigDlg::slotSetDefaultIcon()
+ */
+void KBConfigDlg::slotSetDefaultIcon()
+ int index = lbGroups->currentItem();
+ kapp->config()->setGroup(ICONS_SECTION);
+ kapp->config()->deleteEntry(m_kbconf->getGroup(index)->getName()/*KBConfig::entryForGroup(index)*/);
+ redrawIcons(KBConfig::IconStyle(cbxIconType->currentItem()));
+ \fn KBConfigDlg::checkIconDefault()
+ */
+void KBConfigDlg::checkIconDefault(int index)
+ KConfig *conf = kapp->config();
+ if (index == -1 || ! iconTypeShowsFlag(KBConfig::IconStyle(cbxIconType->currentItem()))) {
+ btnSetDefaultIcon->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ conf->setGroup(ICONS_SECTION);
+ btnSetDefaultIcon->setEnabled(!conf->readEntry(m_kbconf->getGroup(index)->getName()/*KBConfig::entryForGroup(index)*/).isNull());
+ }