KMyFirewallRuleEditorInterface KMyFirewallRuleEditorInterface 0 0 576 438 Interface Options unnamed 2 2 TextLabel1 0 40 32767 40 Arial 1 StyledPanel Plain 2 Interface Options WordBreak|AlignCenter TextLabel2 <b>ATTENTION: </b>Not All options are not always allowed! The program will attempt to check your settings, but as usual options may be accepted even if the configuration is not valid. If you get error messages at firewall startup, make sure that your configuration is valid. Have a look at the help or the "iptables" man page for more details. WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft tabWidget5 tab Incoming Interface unnamed gb_in_int Incoming Interface unnamed 11 6 TextLabel4 The incoming interface is only valid in the INPUT and FORWARD chains, and chains that are fed only by them. WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft c_inv_in_int false 0 0 0 0 Invert cb_in_int false true NoInsertion false c_in_int 3 3 0 0 Check for incoming interface Spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 tab Outgoing Interface unnamed gb_out_int Outgoing Interface unnamed 11 6 TextLabel3 Checking for the outgoing interface is only possible in the OUTPUT and FORWARD chains, and chains that are fed only by them. WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft c_inv_out_int false 0 0 0 0 Invert cb_out_int false true NoInsertion false Spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 c_out_int 3 3 0 0 Check for outgoing interface layout5 unnamed kPushButton1 &Cancel Spacer3_2 Horizontal Expanding 80 20 b_help &Help Spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 130 20 b_ok &Apply c_in_int toggled(bool) c_inv_in_int setEnabled(bool) c_out_int toggled(bool) c_inv_out_int setEnabled(bool) b_ok clicked() KMyFirewallRuleEditorInterface slotOk() c_in_int toggled(bool) cb_in_int setEnabled(bool) c_out_int toggled(bool) cb_out_int setEnabled(bool) b_help clicked() KMyFirewallRuleEditorInterface slotHelp() kPushButton1 clicked() KMyFirewallRuleEditorInterface reject() slotHelp() slotOk() slotReadConfig() accept() reject() kpushbutton.h