2009-08-05 1.0 Introduction What is &kappname;? Put simply, &kappname; is a personal finance manager for &kde;. It enables users of open source operating systems to keep careful track of their personal finances by providing a broad array of financial features and tools. The principal goals of the project are: Feature Parity &kappname; intends to provide all important features found in the commercially-available personal finance managers. Although this release is closer than ever to that goal, there is still work to be done. Ease of Use. &kappname; strives to be the easiest open source personal finance manager to use, especially for the non-technical user. Correctness. Based on tried and tested double entry accounting principles &kappname; ensures that your finances are kept in correct order. What &kappname; is not As a personal finance manager, &kappname; is not intended to scale to the needs of an average business. However, it would be possible to create client / supplier / document features through plugins. &kappname; is not simply a clone of the commercially-available personal finance programs. Although many of the features present in &kappname; can be found in other similar applications, &kappname; strives to present an individual and unique view of your finances.