KSettingsForecastDecl KSettingsForecastDecl 0 0 497 379 Forecast Settings unnamed groupBox6 5 5 0 0 unnamed tqlayout7 unnamed tqlayout5 unnamed kcfg_forecastAccountCycle textLabel2 Number of Days of Account Cycle: kcfg_forecastDays textLabel1 Day of Month to start Forecast: kcfg_beginForecastDay textLabel4 Number of Days to Forecast: spacer6 Horizontal Expanding 133 21 kcfg_forecastMethod Forecast Method unnamed radioButton9 Scheduled and Future Transactions 0 radioButton10 History-based 1 groupBox3 History-based settings unnamed unnamed textLabel3 Number of Cycles to use in Forecast: kcfg_forecastCycles spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 130 21 kcfg_historyMethod History Forecast Method unnamed radioButton11 Simple Moving Average 0 radioButton12 Weighted Moving Average 1 radioButton13 Linear Regression 2 spacer10 Vertical Expanding 20 40