KConfirmManualEnterDlgDecl KConfirmManualEnterDlgDecl 0 0 578 384 Confirm Manual Enter true unnamed 11 6 m_message The following changes have been made to the transaction data: RichText m_details true buttonGroup1 Please choose what you wish to do with the above changes 1 unnamed m_discardRadio Discard the changes and enter the original transaction into the register. m_onceRadio Enter these new values this one time, for this occurence only. m_setRadio Set all further occurences in this schedule to be these values. layout3 unnamed Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 180 16 buttonOk OK true true buttonCancel Cancel buttonOk clicked() KConfirmManualEnterDlgDecl accept() buttonCancel clicked() KConfirmManualEnterDlgDecl reject()