kMyMoneyReportConfigTab2Decl kMyMoneyReportConfigTab2Decl 0 0 600 278 Rows/Columns Tab <p>On this tab, you configure how you'd like the rows and columns to be selected and organized.</p> unnamed layout10 unnamed layout9 unnamed textLabel6 Detail All Top-Level Groups Totals m_comboDetail <p>Choose what kind of accounts to display as the rows of this report.</p> m_budgetFrame false NoFrame Raised unnamed 0 textLabel1 Budget m_comboBudget textLabel4 Columns Daily Weekly Monthly Bi-Monthly Quarterly Yearly m_comboColumns <p>Choose how large of a time period each column should encompass</p> Income & Expenses Assets & Liabilities m_comboRows <p>Choose what kind of accounts to display as the rows of this report.</p> textLabel5 Rows m_checkTotalColumn false Show totals column textLabel10 Average days m_movingAverageDays 366 1 spacer12_2 Horizontal Expanding 94 21 m_checkScheduled Include scheduled transactions m_checkTransfers Include transfers m_checkUnused Include unused accounts/categories spacer13 Vertical Expanding 20 40 kmymoney/kmymoneycombo.h