Changes in trunk These are changes that can not be backported, and will be available from KOffice 1.5 - Changed version to 0.2.90 - Added names of contributors - Enabled right mouse click to zoom out of canvas, partially fixing bug 96944 - Place gradient loading (and later also saving) in a general place (libraries) - Karbon can load SVG and Gimp gradients - How to bring back the overview window if you close it? (#111717) - Rename plugins menu to "Effect" (#111618) - Change Align Center (Vertical) to Align Middle and add some extra separators (#109520) - Keybindings like krita, and other tweak (#108789) - Always use this document at startup, Karbon has not way to stop doing this (#108755) Add a basic karbon template - Dockers now use the KoPalette library. This means a huge improvement when it comes to docker management. This closes the following bugs (#91376, #111207, #60844) Changes after 1.4.2 (available from 1.4.3 if there will ever be one): - Make paste operation undo:able (#115752) Changes after 1.4.1 (available from 1.4.2): - Changed version to 0.2 - Fixed loading and saving of text basepath and font properties - Do not trigger text tracing/repaining if we are only initializing the options dialog - Only repaint inside objects bounding boxes - When dragging a path to place text along, pressing shift makes the path "jump" in 45 degree steps - Create text with horizontal path when just clicking with texttool - Always initialize with selected object when showing the tool dialog - Only show tool dialog when an object is selected - Made texttool selection changing (triggers views selection changed signal) - Always repaint bounding rect of edited text when changed - Set all shadow options properly in tool dialog - Cancel tool when pressing cancel button - When inserting a new object in front of another, set the new objects parent and invalidate the groups bounding box - When grouping objects, remove all objects from their corresponding parent - Enabling the group/ungroup menu item when selecting objects from layer list view - The polyline tool was broken. When you clicked to place a point (after the first one), the point was always placed with x=0 - Fix for karbon crashing on clicking the pattern button in the toolbox - Make sure, items representing an object without a proper parent are removed as well - Improved selection tool which now has the following abilities: * left mouse click to select single object * ctrl + left mouse click to add to current selection * ctrl + right mouse click to remove from current selection * ctrl + left mouse drag to add objects within selection rect to current selection * ctrl + right mouse drag to remove objects within selection rect from current selection * presssing shift while scaling makes scaling keeping the aspect ratio (adjusted to shape tool behaviour) - Fix a drawing bug when selecting objects - Object/layer listview is now better synced to the documents object hierarchy when deleting or grouping/ungrouping objects - Enabled multi-selection within the layer listview - Object/layer listview items get automatically selected when selecting their corresponding object with the selection tool - Visiblity and locking states are now set correctly from the layer listview - When embeded zoom the drawing so that it's completely visible - Make this statusbar text label stretchable, so the rest of the labels won't jump around - Filter SVG: Added reading of group names - Filter SVG: Fix percentage loading error - Filter SVG: Don't lock up on svg document loading - Text object names are not loaded (#111269) - Text stroke isn't loaded (#111268) - Usability: Layers open themself -> only open layer list items when inserting them into list (#111206) - Usability: Copy/Paste over layers is not consistent (#111203) - Usability: Current layer looses selection (#111201) - always select layer list item corresponding to active layer - delete layer list items when undoing VLayerCommand - do not allow to delete last layer (see also #111210) - Layer deletion doesn't get saved (#111148) - Crash when changing the color of more than one element (#111147) - Export only exports the first layer (#111144) - SVG import fails to recognise the svg use tag (#108245) - Karbon svg export minor improvements (#108243) - Pretty print SVG export please, indentation using spaces (#108126) - KoUnitDoubleSpinBox has a design flaw (#106011) - Karbon crashes when using text-tool (#51663) Changes after 1.4 (available from 1.4.1): - Fix crash when inserting object in splitted view - Fix incorrect display of the position in the statusbar - Filter: AI: GCC 4 fix - Crash on layer creation (#93903) - Gradient widget crashes when cursor with pushed LMB leaves widget (#92976) - Crashes when applying pattern to object (#77476) Don't crash if the pattern doesn't have an image - Karbon14 crashes often and does not load files (#69738) Don't crash in VSmallPreview when there are more then one object selected - Raising/Lowering layers has no effect (#68060) Changes after 1.3 XMas preview: - Make sure we draw non-empty paths, otherwise we get extra, unwanted lines using non-AA painter and in print preview. - Hack to fix bug #70644 for karbon. However note this doesnt fix the total bug, just for karbon. Changes after 1.3 RC1: - make imported SVG's visible by default - Karbon freezes when opening karbon file (#68499) - fixed loading recent files - update statusbar info while moving the selection using arrow keys - delete key deletes selected object (#68062) - fixed zooming into rectangular areas (#60842) - fixed crash with polyline tool drawing + Ctrl key (#63981) Changes after 1.3 beta 1 : - new tool controller - refactoring flattenpath cmd after wmf filter changes - zooming fixes - svg exporting uses document dimension, not dimension of the active selection - new style docker introduced, with dragable cliparts - added aspect-ratio keeping way of scaling for select tool - various ui tweaks, including new icons (Tomislav) - improved behaviour for strokefill preview widget (Tomislav) - speedups on large documents for the document tree widget