/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002 Lucijan Busch Copyright (C) 2003 Daniel Molkentin Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Original Author: Till Busch Original Project: buX (www.bux.at) */ #ifndef KEXITABLEVIEWDATA_H #define KEXITABLEVIEWDATA_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "kexitableitem.h" #include namespace KexiDB { class Field; class QuerySchema; class RowEditBuffer; class Cursor; } namespace KexiUtils { class Validator; } class KexiTableViewData; /*! Single column definition. */ class KEXIDATATABLE_EXPORT KexiTableViewColumn { public: typedef TQPtrList List; typedef TQPtrListIterator ListIterator; /*! Not db-aware ctor. if \a owner is true, the field \a will be owned by this column, so you shouldn't care about destroying this field. */ KexiTableViewColumn(KexiDB::Field& f, bool owner = false); /*! Not db-aware, convenience ctor, like above. The field is created using specified parameters that are equal to these accepted by KexiDB::Field ctor. The column will be the owner of this automatically generated field. */ KexiTableViewColumn(const TQString& name, KexiDB::Field::Type ctype, uint cconst = KexiDB::Field::NoConstraints, uint options = KexiDB::Field::NoOptions, uint length=0, uint precision=0, TQVariant defaultValue=TQVariant(), const TQString& caption = TQString(), const TQString& description = TQString(), uint width = 0); /*! Not db-aware, convenience ctor, simplified version of the above. */ KexiTableViewColumn(const TQString& name, KexiDB::Field::Type ctype, const TQString& caption, const TQString& description = TQString()); //! Db-aware version. KexiTableViewColumn(const KexiDB::QuerySchema &query, KexiDB::QueryColumnInfo& aColumnInfo, KexiDB::QueryColumnInfo* aVisibleLookupColumnInfo = 0); virtual ~KexiTableViewColumn(); virtual bool acceptsFirstChar(const TQChar& ch) const; /*! \return true if the column is read-only For db-aware column this can depend on whether the column is in parent table of this query. \sa setReadOnly() */ bool isReadOnly() const; //TODO: synchronize this with table view: //! forces readOnly flag to be set to \a ro inline void setReadOnly(bool ro) { m_readOnly=ro; } //! Column visibility. By default column is visible. inline bool visible() const { return columnInfo ? columnInfo->visible : m_visible; } //! Changes column visibility. inline void setVisible(bool v) { if (columnInfo) columnInfo->visible = v; m_visible=v; } /*! Sets icon for displaying in the caption area (header). */ void setIcon(const TQIconSet& icon) { m_icon = icon; } /*! \return bame of icon displayed in the caption area (header). */ TQIconSet icon() const { return m_icon; } /*! If \a visible is true, caption has to be displayed in the column's header, (or field's name if caption is empty. True by default. */ void setHeaderTextVisible(bool visible) { m_headerTextVisible = visible; } /*! \return true if caption has to be displayed in the column's header, (or field's name if caption is empty. */ bool isHeaderTextVisible() const { return m_headerTextVisible; } /*! \return whatever is available: - field's caption - or field's alias (from query) - or finally - field's name */ inline TQString captionAliasOrName() const { return m_captionAliasOrName; } /*! Assigns validator \a v for this column. If the validator has no parent object, it will be owned by the column, so you shouldn't care about destroying it. */ void setValidator( KexiUtils::Validator* v ); //! \return validator assigned for this column of 0 if there is no validator assigned. inline KexiUtils::Validator* validator() const { return m_validator; } /*! For not-db-aware data only: Sets related data \a data for this column, what defines simple one-field, one-to-many relationship between this column and the primary key in \a data. The relationship will be used to generate a popup editor instead of just regular editor. This assignment has no result if \a data has no primary key defined. \a data is owned, so is will be destroyed when needed. It is also destroyed when another data (or NULL) is set for the same column. */ void setRelatedData(KexiTableViewData *data); /*! For not-db-aware data only: Related data \a data for this column, what defines simple one-field. NULL by default. \sa setRelatedData() */ inline KexiTableViewData *relatedData() const { return m_relatedData; } /*! \return field for this column. For db-aware information is taken from \a columnInfo member. */ inline KexiDB::Field* field() const { return m_field; } /*! Only usable if related data is set (ie. this is for combo boxes). Sets 'editable' flag for this column, what means a new value can be entered by hand. This is similar to TQComboBox::setEditable(). */ void setRelatedDataEditable(bool set); /*! Only usable if related data is set (ie. this is for combo boxes). \return 'editable' flag for this column. False by default. @see setRelatedDataEditable(bool). */ inline bool relatedDataEditable() const { return m_relatedDataEditable; } /*! A rich field information for db-aware data. For not-db-aware data it is always 0 (use field() instead). */ KexiDB::QueryColumnInfo* columnInfo; /*! A rich field information for db-aware data. Specifies information for a column that should be visible instead of columnInfo. For example case see @ref KexiDB::QueryColumnInfo::Vector KexiDB::QuerySchema::fieldsExpanded(KexiDB::QuerySchema::FieldsExpandedOptions options = Default) For not-db-aware data it is always 0. */ KexiDB::QueryColumnInfo* visibleLookupColumnInfo; bool isDBAware : 1; //!< true if data is stored in DB, not only in memeory /* TQString caption; int type; //!< one of KexiDB::Field::Type uint width; */ // bool isNull() const; /* virtual TQString caption() const; virtual void setCaption(const TQString& c); */ protected: //! special ctor that do not allocate d member; KexiTableViewColumn(bool); void init(); TQString m_captionAliasOrName; TQIconSet m_icon; KexiUtils::Validator* m_validator; //! Data that this column is assigned to. KexiTableViewData* m_data; KexiTableViewData* m_relatedData; uint m_relatedDataPKeyID; KexiDB::Field* m_field; bool m_readOnly : 1; bool m_fieldOwned : 1; bool m_visible : 1; bool m_relatedDataEditable : 1; bool m_headerTextVisible : 1; friend class KexiTableViewData; }; /*! List of column definitions. */ //typedef TQValueVector KexiTableViewColumnList; typedef TQPtrList KexiTableViewDataBase; /*! Reimplements TQPtrList to allow configurable sorting and more. Original author: Till Busch. Reimplemented by Jaroslaw Staniek. */ class KEXIDATATABLE_EXPORT KexiTableViewData : public TQObject, protected KexiTableViewDataBase { TQ_OBJECT public: typedef TQPtrListIterator Iterator; //! not db-aware version KexiTableViewData(); //! db-aware version KexiTableViewData(KexiDB::Cursor *c); //TODO: make this more generic: allow to add more columns! /*! Defines two-column table usually used with comboboxes. First column is invisible and contains key values. Second column and contains user-visible value. @param keys a list of keys @param values a list of text values (must be of the same length as keys list) @param keyType a type for keys @param valueType a type for values */ KexiTableViewData( const TQValueList &keys, const TQValueList &values, KexiDB::Field::Type keyType = KexiDB::Field::Text, KexiDB::Field::Type valueType = KexiDB::Field::Text); /*! Like above constructor, but keys and values are not provided. You can do this later by calling append(KexiTableItem*) method. (KexiTableItem object must have exactly two columns) */ KexiTableViewData(KexiDB::Field::Type keyType, KexiDB::Field::Type valueType); virtual ~KexiTableViewData(); //js void setSorting(int key, bool order=true, short type=1); /*! Preloads all rows provided by cursor (only for db-aware version). */ //! @todo change to bool and return false on error! void preloadAllRows(); /*! Sets sorting for \a column. If \a column is -1, sorting is disabled. */ void setSorting(int column, bool ascending=true); /*! \return the column number by which the data is sorted, or -1 if sorting is disabled. In this case sortingOrder() will return 0. Initial sorted column number for data after instantiating object is -1. */ inline int sortedColumn() const { return m_sortedColumn; } /*! \return 1 if ascending sort order is set, -1 id descending sort order is set, or 0 if no sorting is set. This is independent of whether data is sorted now. Initial sorting for data after instantiating object is 0. */ inline int sortingOrder() const { return m_order; } /*! Adds column \a col. Warning: \a col will be owned by this object, and deleted on its destruction. */ void addColumn( KexiTableViewColumn* col ); inline int globalColumnID(int visibleID) { return m_globalColumnsIDs.at( visibleID ); } inline int visibleColumnID(int globalID) { return m_visibleColumnsIDs.at( globalID ); } /*virtual?*/ /*! \return true if this db-aware data set. */ inline bool isDBAware() { return m_cursor; } /*! For db-aware data set only: table name is returned; equivalent to cursor()->query()->parentTable()->name(). */ TQString dbTableName() const; inline KexiDB::Cursor* cursor() const { return m_cursor; } inline uint columnsCount() const { return columns.count(); } inline KexiTableViewColumn* column(uint c) { return columns.at(c); } /*! Columns information */ KexiTableViewColumn::List columns; /*! \return true if data is not editable. Can be set using setReadOnly() but it's still true if database cursor returned by cursor() is not 0 and has read-only connection. */ virtual bool isReadOnly() const; /*! Sets readOnly flag for this data. If \a set is true, insertingEnabled flag will be cleared automatically. \sa isInsertingEnabled() */ virtual void setReadOnly(bool set); /*! \return true if data inserting is enabled (the default). */ virtual bool isInsertingEnabled() const { return m_insertingEnabled; } /*! Sets insertingEnabled flag. If true, empty row is available If \a set is true, read-only flag will be cleared automatically. \sa setReadOnly() */ virtual void setInsertingEnabled(bool set); /*! Clears and initializes internal row edit buffer for incoming editing. Creates buffer using KexiDB::RowEditBuffer(false) (false means not db-aware type) if our data is not db-aware, or db-aware buffer if data is db-aware (isDBAware()==true). \sa KexiDB::RowEditBuffer */ void clearRowEditBuffer(); /*! Updates internal row edit buffer: currently edited column \a col (number \a colnum) has now assigned new value of \a newval. Uses column's caption to address the column in buffer if the buffer is of simple type, or db-aware buffer if (isDBAware()==true). (then fields are addressed with KexiDB::Field, instead of caption strings). If \a allowSignals is true (the default), aboutToChangeCell() signal is emitted. \a visibleValueForLookupField allows to pass visible value (usually a text) for a lookup field (only reasonable if col->visibleLookupColumnInfo != 0). Note that \a newval may be changed in aboutToChangeCell() signal handler. \sa KexiDB::RowEditBuffer */ bool updateRowEditBufferRef(KexiTableItem *item, int colnum, KexiTableViewColumn* col, TQVariant& newval, bool allowSignals = true, TQVariant *visibleValueForLookupField = 0); /*! Added for convenience. Like above but \a newval is passed by value. */ inline bool updateRowEditBuffer(KexiTableItem *item, int colnum, KexiTableViewColumn* col, TQVariant newval, bool allowSignals = true) { TQVariant newv(newval); return updateRowEditBufferRef(item, colnum, col, newv, allowSignals); } /*! Added for convenience. Like above but it's assumed that \a item item's columns are ordered like in table view, not like in form view. Don't use this with form views. */ inline bool updateRowEditBuffer(KexiTableItem *item, int colnum, TQVariant newval, bool allowSignals = true) { KexiTableViewColumn* col = columns.at(colnum); return col ? updateRowEditBufferRef(item, colnum, col, newval, allowSignals) : false; } inline KexiDB::RowEditBuffer* rowEditBuffer() const { return m_pRowEditBuffer; } /*! \return last operation's result information (always not null). */ inline KexiDB::ResultInfo* result() { return &m_result; } bool saveRowChanges(KexiTableItem& item, bool repaint = false); bool saveNewRow(KexiTableItem& item, bool repaint = false); bool deleteRow(KexiTableItem& item, bool repaint = false); /*! Deletes rows (by number) passed with \a rowsToDelete. Currently, this method is only for non data-aware tables. */ void deleteRows( const TQValueList &rowsToDelete, bool repaint = false ); /*! Deletes all rows. Works either for db-aware and non db-aware tables. Column's definition is not changed. For db-aware version, all rows are removed from a database. Row-edit buffer is cleared. If \a repaint is true, reloadRequested() signal is emitted after deleting (if at least one row was deleted), so presenters can repaint their contents. \return true on success. */ virtual bool deleteAllRows(bool repaint = false); /*! @internal method, used mostly by specialized classes like KexiTableView. Clears internal row structures. Row-edit buffer is cleared. Does not touch data @ database backend. Use deleteAllRows() to safely delete all rows. */ virtual void clearInternal(); /*! Inserts new \a item at index \a index. \a item will be owned by this data object. Note: Reasonable only for not not-db-aware version. */ void insertRow(KexiTableItem& item, uint index, bool repaint = false); /*TODO: add this as well? void insertRow(KexiTableItem& item, KexiTableItem& aboveItem); */ //! \return index of autoincremented column. The result is cached. //! \todo what about multiple autoinc columns? //! \todo what about changing column order? int autoIncrementedColumn(); //! Emits reloadRequested() signal to reload presenters. void reload() { emit reloadRequested(); } inline KexiTableItem* at( uint index ) { return KexiTableViewDataBase::at(index); } inline virtual uint count() const { return KexiTableViewDataBase::count(); } inline bool isEmpty () const { return KexiTableViewDataBase::isEmpty(); } inline KexiTableItem* first() { return KexiTableViewDataBase::first(); } inline KexiTableItem* last() { return KexiTableViewDataBase::last(); } inline int findRef( const KexiTableItem* item ) { return KexiTableViewDataBase::findRef(item); } inline void sort() { KexiTableViewDataBase::sort(); } inline bool removeFirst() { return KexiTableViewDataBase::removeFirst(); } inline bool removeLast() { return KexiTableViewDataBase::removeLast(); } inline void append( const KexiTableItem* item ) { KexiTableViewDataBase::append(item); } inline void prepend( const KexiTableItem* item ) { KexiTableViewDataBase::prepend(item); } inline Iterator iterator() { return Iterator(*this); } inline Iterator* createIterator() { return new Iterator(*this); } /*! \return true if ROWID information is stored within every row. Only reasonable for db-aware version. ROWID information is available if DriverBehaviour::ROW_ID_FIELD_RETURNS_LAST_AUTOINCREMENTED_VALUE == false for a KexiDB database driver and a table has no primary key defined. Phisically, ROWID information is stored after last KexiTableItem's element, so every KexiTableItem's length is expanded by one. */ inline bool containsROWIDInfo() const { return m_containsROWIDInfo; } inline KexiTableItem* createItem() const { return new KexiTableItem(m_itemSize); } public slots: //! @internal The same as TQObject::deleteLater() but also sets smart pointer m_cursor to 0 to avoid crashes... void deleteLater(); signals: void destroying(); /*! Emitted before change of the single, currently edited cell. Connect this signal to your slot and set \a result->success to false to disallow this change. You can also change \a newValue to other value, or change other columns in \a item row. */ void aboutToChangeCell(KexiTableItem *item, int colnum, TQVariant& newValue, KexiDB::ResultInfo* result); /*! Emited before inserting of a new, current row. Connect this signal to your slot and set \a result->success to false to disallow this inserting. You can also change columns in \a item row. */ void aboutToInsertRow(KexiTableItem *item, KexiDB::ResultInfo* result, bool repaint); /*! Emited before changing of an edited, current row. Connect this signal to your slot and set \a result->success to false to disallow this change. You can also change columns in \a item row. */ void aboutToUpdateRow(KexiTableItem *item, KexiDB::RowEditBuffer* buffer, KexiDB::ResultInfo* result); void rowUpdated(KexiTableItem*); //!< Current row has been updated void rowInserted(KexiTableItem*, bool repaint); //!< A row has been inserted //! A row has been inserted at \a index position (not db-aware data only) void rowInserted(KexiTableItem*, uint index, bool repaint); /*! Emited before deleting of a current row. Connect this signal to your slot and set \a result->success to false to disallow this deleting. */ void aboutToDeleteRow(KexiTableItem& item, KexiDB::ResultInfo* result, bool repaint); //! Current row has been deleted void rowDeleted(); //! Rows have been deleted void rowsDeleted( const TQValueList &rowsToDelete ); //! Displayed data needs to be reloaded in all presenters. void reloadRequested(); void rowRepaintRequested(KexiTableItem&); protected: void init(); void init( const TQValueList &keys, const TQValueList &values, KexiDB::Field::Type keyType, KexiDB::Field::Type valueType); virtual int compareItems(Item item1, Item item2); int cmpStr(Item item1, Item item2); int cmpInt(Item item1, Item item2); int cmpUInt(Item item1, Item item2); int cmpLongLong(Item item1, Item item2); int cmpULongLong(Item item1, Item item2); int cmpDouble(Item item1, Item item2); int cmpDate(Item item1, Item item2); int cmpDateTime(Item item1, Item item2); int cmpTime(Item item1, Item item2); //! Compare function for BLOB data (TQByteArray). Uses size as the weight. int cmpBLOB(Item item1, Item item2); //! internal: for saveRowChanges() and saveNewRow() bool saveRow(KexiTableItem& item, bool insert, bool repaint); //! (logical) sorted column number, set by setSorting() //! can differ from m_realSortedColumn if there's lookup column used int m_sortedColumn; //! real sorted column number, set by setSorting(), used by cmp*() methods int m_realSortedColumn; short m_order; short m_type; int m_itemSize; static unsigned short charTable[]; KexiDB::RowEditBuffer *m_pRowEditBuffer; TQGuardedPtr m_cursor; //! used to faster lookup columns of simple type (not dbaware) // TQDict *m_simpleColumnsByName; KexiDB::ResultInfo m_result; uint m_visibleColumnsCount; TQValueVector m_visibleColumnsIDs, m_globalColumnsIDs; bool m_readOnly : 1; bool m_insertingEnabled : 1; /*! Used in acceptEditor() to avoid infinite recursion, eg. when we're calling acceptRowEdit() during cell accepting phase. */ bool m_inside_acceptEditor : 1; //! @see containsROWIDInfo() bool m_containsROWIDInfo : 1; int m_autoIncrementedColumn; int (KexiTableViewData::*cmpFunc)(void *, void *); //! Temporary, used in compare functions like cmpInt(), cmpString() //! to avoid memory allocations. TQVariant m_leftTmp, m_rightTmp; }; #endif