/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003 Peter Simonsson , theKompany.com & Dave Marotti This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kivioarrowheadaction.h" #include "kivioglobal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KivioArrowHeadAction::KivioArrowHeadAction(const TQString &text, const TQString &pix, TQObject* parent, const char *name) : TDEActionMenu(text, pix, parent, name) { m_emitSignals = true; setShortcutConfigurable( false ); m_popup = new TDEPopupMenu(0L,"KivioArrowHeadAction::popup"); m_startPopup = new TDEPopupMenu; m_endPopup = new TDEPopupMenu; m_startPopup->setCheckable(true); m_endPopup->setCheckable(true); m_popup->insertItem(SmallIconSet("start_arrowhead", 16), i18n("Arrowhead at Origin"), m_startPopup); m_popup->insertItem(SmallIconSet("end_arrowhead", 16), i18n("Arrowhead at End"), m_endPopup); loadArrowHeads(m_startPopup); loadArrowHeads(m_endPopup); m_currentStart = m_currentEnd = 0; m_startPopup->setItemChecked(0, true); m_endPopup->setItemChecked(0, true); connect(m_startPopup, TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQ_SLOT(setCurrentStartArrow(int))); connect(m_endPopup, TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQ_SLOT(setCurrentEndArrow(int))); } KivioArrowHeadAction::~KivioArrowHeadAction() { delete m_startPopup; m_startPopup = 0; delete m_endPopup; m_endPopup = 0; delete m_popup; m_popup = 0; } TDEPopupMenu* KivioArrowHeadAction::popupMenu() const { return m_popup; } void KivioArrowHeadAction::popup( const TQPoint& global ) { popupMenu()->popup(global); } int KivioArrowHeadAction::plug( TQWidget* widget, int index) { // This function is copied from TDEActionMenu::plug if (kapp && !kapp->authorizeTDEAction(name())) return -1; kdDebug(129) << "TDEAction::plug( " << widget << ", " << index << " )" << endl; // remove -- ellis if ( widget->inherits("TQPopupMenu") ) { TQPopupMenu* menu = static_cast( widget ); int id; if ( hasIconSet() ) id = menu->insertItem( iconSet(), text(), popupMenu(), -1, index ); else id = menu->insertItem( kapp->iconLoader()->loadIcon(icon(), TDEIcon::Small), text(), popupMenu(), -1, index ); if ( !isEnabled() ) menu->setItemEnabled( id, false ); addContainer( menu, id ); connect( menu, TQ_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) ); return containerCount() - 1; } else if ( widget->inherits( "TDEToolBar" ) ) { TDEToolBar *bar = static_cast( widget ); int id_ = TDEAction::getToolButtonID(); if ( icon().isEmpty() && !iconSet().isNull() ) bar->insertButton( iconSet().pixmap(), id_, TQ_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotActivated() ), isEnabled(), plainText(), index ); else { TDEInstance *instance; if ( m_parentCollection ) instance = m_parentCollection->instance(); else instance = TDEGlobal::instance(); bar->insertButton( icon(), id_, TQ_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotActivated() ), isEnabled(), plainText(), index, instance ); } addContainer( bar, id_ ); if (!whatsThis().isEmpty()) TQWhatsThis::add( bar->getButton(id_), whatsThis() ); connect( bar, TQ_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) ); bar->getButton(id_)->setPopup(popupMenu(), true ); return containerCount() - 1; } else if ( widget->inherits( "TQMenuBar" ) ) { TQMenuBar *bar = static_cast( widget ); int id; id = bar->insertItem( text(), popupMenu(), -1, index ); if ( !isEnabled() ) bar->setItemEnabled( id, false ); addContainer( bar, id ); connect( bar, TQ_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) ); return containerCount() - 1; } return -1; } void KivioArrowHeadAction::loadArrowHeads(TDEPopupMenu* popup) { TQBitmap mask; TQPixmap pixAll = Kivio::arrowHeadPixmap(); TQPixmap pix(pixAll.width(), 17); TQPainter p(&pix, popup); int cindex = 0; // insert item "None" popup->insertItem(i18n("no line end", "None"),cindex++); for (int y = 0; y < pixAll.height(); y += 17 ) { pix.fill(white); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, pixAll, 0, y, pix.width(), pix.height()); popup->insertItem(pix, cindex++); } p.end(); } int KivioArrowHeadAction::currentStartArrow() { return m_currentStart; } int KivioArrowHeadAction::currentEndArrow() { return m_currentEnd; } void KivioArrowHeadAction::setCurrentStartArrow(int c) { m_startPopup->setItemChecked(m_currentStart, false); m_currentStart = c; m_startPopup->setItemChecked(m_currentStart, true); if(m_emitSignals) { emit startChanged(m_currentStart); } } void KivioArrowHeadAction::setCurrentEndArrow(int c) { m_endPopup->setItemChecked(m_currentEnd, false); m_currentEnd = c; m_endPopup->setItemChecked(m_currentEnd, true); if(m_emitSignals) { emit endChanged(m_currentEnd); } } #include "kivioarrowheadaction.moc"