/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2006 Tomas Mecir This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "manipulator_data.h" #include #include "kspread_cell.h" #include "kspread_sheet.h" using namespace KSpread; AbstractDataManipulator::AbstractDataManipulator () { m_format = false; } AbstractDataManipulator::~AbstractDataManipulator () { oldData.clear (); } bool AbstractDataManipulator::process (Element* element) { QRect range = element->rect().normalize(); for (int col = range.left(); col <= range.right(); ++col) for (int row = range.top(); row <= range.bottom(); ++row) { Value val; QString text; bool parse = false; FormatType fmtType = No_format; if (m_reverse) { // reverse - use the stored value if (oldData.contains (col) && oldData[col].contains (row)) { val = oldData[col][row].val; text = oldData[col][row].text; fmtType = oldData[col][row].format; parse = false; } } else { val = newValue (element, col, row, &parse, &fmtType); if (parse) text = val.asString(); } // we have the data - set it ! if (parse) { Cell *cell = m_sheet->nonDefaultCell (col, row); cell->setCellText (text); } else { Cell *cell = m_sheet->cellAt (col, row); if (!(val.isEmpty() && cell->isDefault())) // nothing if value and cell both empty { Cell *cell = m_sheet->nonDefaultCell (col, row); cell->setCellValue (val, fmtType, text); } } } return true; } bool AbstractDataManipulator::preProcessing () { // not the first run - data already stored ... if (!m_firstrun) return true; Region::Iterator endOfList(cells().end()); for (Region::Iterator it = cells().begin(); it != endOfList; ++it) { QRect range = (*it)->rect().normalize(); for (int col = range.left(); col <= range.right(); ++col) for (int row = range.top(); row <= range.bottom(); ++row) { Cell* cell = m_sheet->cellAt(col, row); if (cell != m_sheet->defaultCell()) // non-default cell - remember it { ADMStorage st; if (cell->isFormula()) st.text = cell->text(); st.val = m_sheet->value (col, row); st.format = cell->formatType(); oldData[col][row] = st; } } } return true; } DataManipulator::DataManipulator () : m_format (No_format), m_parsing (false) { // default name for DataManipulator, can be changed using setName m_name = i18n ("Change Value"); } DataManipulator::~DataManipulator () { } Value DataManipulator::newValue (Element *element, int col, int row, bool *parsing, FormatType *formatType) { *parsing = m_parsing; if (m_format != No_format) *formatType = m_format; QRect range = element->rect().normalize(); int colidx = range.left() - col; int rowidx = range.top() - row; return data.element (colidx, rowidx); } ArrayFormulaManipulator::ArrayFormulaManipulator () { m_name = i18n ("Set Array Formula"); } ArrayFormulaManipulator::~ArrayFormulaManipulator () { } Value ArrayFormulaManipulator::newValue (Element *element, int col, int row, bool *parsing, FormatType *) { *parsing = true; QRect range = element->rect().normalize(); int colidx = col - range.left(); int rowidx = row - range.top(); // fill in the cells ... top-left one gets the formula, the rest gets =INDEX // TODO: also fill in information about cells being a part of a range for GUI if (colidx || rowidx) { return (cellRef + QString::number (rowidx+1) + ";" + QString::number (colidx+1) + ")"); } else { Cell *cell = m_sheet->nonDefaultCell (col, row); cellRef = "=INDEX(" + cell->name() + ";"; return m_text; } } ProtectedCheck::ProtectedCheck () { } ProtectedCheck::~ProtectedCheck () { } bool ProtectedCheck::check () { if (!m_sheet->isProtected()) return false; bool prot = false; Region::Iterator endOfList(cells().end()); for (Region::Iterator it = cells().begin(); it != endOfList; ++it) { Region::Element *element = *it; QRect range = element->rect().normalize(); for (int col = range.left(); col <= range.right(); ++col) { for (int row = range.top(); row <= range.bottom(); ++row) { Cell *cell = m_sheet->cellAt (col, row); if (!cell->format()->notProtected (col, row)) { prot = true; break; } } if (prot) break; } } return prot; }