This is the new kformula library. It's used by the kformula part and kword. To test the library do make kformulatest ./kformulatest Supported actions include: Ctrl-O open (to "test.xml") Ctrl-S save (from "test.xml") Ctrl-M open (from "mathml.xml") Ctrl-Q quit Ctrl-Z undo Ctrl-Shift-Z redo Ctrl-X cut Ctrl-C copy Ctrl-V paste Ctrl-A selectAll --- Ctrl-U upper index (symbol/root) Ctrl-L lower index (symbol) Ctrl-1 sum Ctrl-2 product Ctrl-3 integral Ctrl-4 root Ctrl-5 fraction Ctrl-6 matrix Ctrl-D, Ctrl-R remove enclosing element Ctrl-G make current letter a greek one ^, _, Ctrl-^, Ctrl-_ standart indexes (, [, | brackets Text, numbers and operators are supported as well. Please note that the key bindings are for testing only. The library is meant to be used with KActions. Look at KFormulaDocument::createActions. See DESIGN to know the structure of the formulas