/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer 2001 Sven Leiber This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef koautoformatdia_h #define koautoformatdia_h #include #include #include class QCheckBox; class KCharSelect; class QComboBox; /** * */ class KoAutoFormatLineEdit : public QLineEdit { Q_OBJECT public: KoAutoFormatLineEdit ( QWidget * parent, const char * name=0 ); protected: virtual void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ); signals: void keyReturnPressed(); }; /******************************************************************/ /* Class: KoAutoFormatExceptionWidget */ /******************************************************************/ class KoAutoFormatExceptionWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: KoAutoFormatExceptionWidget(QWidget *_parent, const QString &name,const QStringList &_list, bool _autoInclude, bool _abbreviation=false); void setListException( const QStringList &list); QStringList getListException(){return m_listException;} bool autoInclude(); void setAutoInclude( bool b ); protected slots: void slotAddException(); void slotRemoveException(); void textChanged ( const QString & ); void slotExceptionListSelected(); private: QListBox *exceptionList; KoAutoFormatLineEdit *exceptionLine; QPushButton *pbAddException,*pbRemoveException; QCheckBox *cbAutoInclude; QStringList m_listException; bool m_bAbbreviation; }; /******************************************************************/ /* Class: KoAutoFormatDia */ /******************************************************************/ class KOTEXT_EXPORT KoAutoFormatDia : public KDialogBase { Q_OBJECT public: KoAutoFormatDia( QWidget *parent, const char *name, KoAutoFormat * autoFormat ); ~KoAutoFormatDia(); void addEntryList(const QString &key, KoAutoFormatEntry *_autoEntry); void editEntryList(const QString &key,const QString &newFindString, KoAutoFormatEntry *_autoEntry); protected: bool applyConfig(); void setupTab1(); void setupTab2(); void setupTab3(); void setupTab4(); void refreshEntryList(); void initTab1(); void initTab2(); void initTab3(); void initTab4(); typedef QMap KoExceptionLanguageName; KoExceptionLanguageName exceptionLanguageName; QWidget *tab1; QWidget *tab2; QWidget *tab3; QWidget *tab4; QComboBox *autoFormatLanguage; QCheckBox *cbTypographicSimpleQuotes, *cbTypographicDoubleQuotes,*cbUpperCase, *cbUpperUpper, *cbDetectUrl, *cbBackgroundSpellCheck, *cbAdvancedAutoCorrection,*cbIgnoreDoubleSpace , *cbRemoveSpaceBeginEndLine, *cbUseBulletStyle, *cbAutoChangeFormat, *cbAutoReplaceNumber, *cbUseNumberStyle, *cbAutoSuperScript, *cbAutoCorrectionWithFormat, *cbCapitalizeDaysName; QPushButton *pbDoubleQuote1, *pbDoubleQuote2, /**pbEdit,*/ *pbRemove, *pbAdd, *pbDoubleDefault, *pbSpecialChar1, *pbSpecialChar2, *pbBulletStyle, *pbDefaultBulletStyle; QPushButton *pbSimpleQuote1, *pbSimpleQuote2, *pbSimpleDefault; QPushButton *pbChangeFormat, *pbClearFormat; KCharSelect *charselect; KoAutoFormatLineEdit *m_find, *m_replace; KListView *m_pListView; QChar oSimpleBegin, oSimpleEnd; QChar oDoubleBegin, oDoubleEnd; QChar bulletStyle; KoAutoFormat m_autoFormat; // The copy we're working on KoAutoFormat * m_docAutoFormat; // Pointer to the real one (in KWDocument) KoAutoFormatExceptionWidget *abbreviation; KoAutoFormatExceptionWidget *twoUpperLetter; KoAutoFormatEntry *newEntry; QString initialLanguage; bool noSignal; bool changeLanguage; bool autocorrectionEntryChanged; protected slots: virtual void slotOk(); virtual void slotCancel(); void slotBulletStyleToggled( bool ); void slotItemRenamed(QListViewItem * item, const QString & newText, int column); void slotRemoveEntry(); void slotEditEntry(); void slotfind( const QString & ); void slotfind2( const QString & ); void chooseSpecialChar1(); void chooseSpecialChar2(); void chooseDoubleQuote1(); void chooseDoubleQuote2(); void defaultDoubleQuote(); void chooseSimpleQuote1(); void chooseSimpleQuote2(); void defaultSimpleQuote(); void slotChangeStateSimple(bool); void slotChangeStateDouble(bool); void slotAddEntry(); void chooseBulletStyle(); void defaultBulletStyle(); void slotChangeTextFormatEntry(); void slotResetConf(); void changeAutoformatLanguage(const QString & ); void slotClearTextFormatEntry(); void slotChangeAdvancedAutoCorrection(); }; #endif