// // C++ Implementation: expander // // Description: // // // Author: Jonas B�r (C) 2004 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include #include "expander.h" #include "../krusader.h" #include "../krusaderview.h" #include "../panelmanager.h" #include "../Panel/listpanel.h" #include "../Panel/panelfunc.h" #include "../Panel/krview.h" #include "../Synchronizer/synchronizergui.h" #include "../Search/krsearchdialog.h" #include "../GUI/profilemanager.h" #include "../VFS/preservingcopyjob.h" #include "../KViewer/krviewer.h" #include "../krservices.h" #ifdef __KJSEMBED__ #include "../KrJS/krjs.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define NEED_PANEL if (panel==0) { panelMissingError(_expression,exp); return TQString(); } #include "tstring.h" TQValueList& Expander::_placeholder() { static TQValueList ret; return ret; } void exp_placeholder::panelMissingError(const TQString &s, Expander& exp) { exp.setError( Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Needed panel specification missing in expander %1").tqarg(s)) ); } TQStringList exp_placeholder::fileList(const ListPanel* const panel,const TQString& type,const TQString& mask,const bool ommitPath,const bool useUrl,Expander& exp,const TQString& error) { TQStringList items; if ( type.isEmpty() || type == "all" ) panel->view->getItemsByMask( mask, &items ); else if ( type == "files" ) panel->view->getItemsByMask( mask, &items, false, true ); else if ( type == "dirs" ) panel->view->getItemsByMask( mask, &items, true, false ); else if ( type == "selected" ) panel->view->getSelectedItems( &items ); else { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: Bad argument to %1: %2 is not valid item specifier").tqarg(error,type) ) ); return TQString(); } if ( !ommitPath ) { // add the current path // translate to urls using vfs KURL::List* list = panel->func->files()->vfs_getFiles(&items); items.clear(); // parse everything to a single qstring for (KURL::List::Iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) { items.push_back(useUrl ? (*it).url() : (*it).path()); } delete list; } return items; } namespace { class exp_simpleplaceholder : public exp_placeholder { public: EXP_FUNC; virtual TagString expFunc ( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList&, const bool&, Expander& ) const=0; }; /** * expands %_Path% ('_' is replaced by 'a', 'o', 'r' or 'l' to indicate the active, other, right or left panel) with the path of the specified panel */ class exp_Path : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_Path instance; exp_Path(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * expands %_Count% ('_' is replaced by 'a', 'o', 'r' or 'l' to indicate the active, other, right or left panel) with the number of items, which type is specified by the first Parameter */ class exp_Count : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_Count instance; exp_Count(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * expands %_Filter% ('_' is replaced by 'a', 'o', 'r' or 'l' to indicate the active, other, right or left panel) with the correspondend filter (ie: "*.cpp") */ class exp_Filter : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_Filter instance; exp_Filter(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * expands %_Current% ('_' is replaced by 'a', 'o', 'r' or 'l' to indicate the active, other, right or left panel) with the current item ( != the selected onec) */ class exp_Current : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_Current instance; exp_Current(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * expands %_List% ('_' is replaced by 'a', 'o', 'r' or 'l' to indicate the active, other, right or left panel) with a list of items, which type is specified by the first Parameter */ class exp_List : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_List instance; exp_List(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * expands %_ListFile% ('_' is replaced by 'a', 'o', 'r' or 'l' to indicate the active, other, right or left panel) with the name of a temporary file, containing a list of items, which type is specified by the first Parameter */ class exp_ListFile : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_ListFile instance; exp_ListFile(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * expands %_Ask% ('_' is nessesary because there is no panel needed) with the return of an input-dialog */ class exp_Ask : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_Ask instance; exp_Ask(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * This copies it's first Parameter to the clipboard */ class exp_Clipboard : public exp_placeholder { static const exp_Clipboard instance; exp_Clipboard(); public: EXP_FUNC; }; /** * This selects all items by the mask given with the first Parameter */ class exp_Select : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_Select instance; exp_Select(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * This changes the panel'spath to the value given with the first Parameter. */ class exp_Goto : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_Goto instance; exp_Goto(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * This is equal to 'cp '. */ class exp_Copy : public exp_placeholder { static const exp_Copy instance; exp_Copy(); public: EXP_FUNC; }; /** * This is equal to 'mv '. */ class exp_Move : public exp_placeholder { static const exp_Move instance; exp_Move(); public: EXP_FUNC; }; /** * This opens the synchronizer with a given profile */ class exp_Sync : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_Sync instance; exp_Sync(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * This opens the searchmodule with a given profile */ class exp_NewSearch : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_NewSearch instance; exp_NewSearch(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * This loads the panel-profile with a given name */ class exp_Profile : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_Profile instance; exp_Profile(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * This is setting marks in the string where he is later splitted up for each {all, selected, files, dirs} */ class exp_Each : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_Each instance; exp_Each(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * This sets the sorting on a specific colunm */ class exp_ColSort : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_ColSort instance; exp_ColSort(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; /** * This sets relation between the left and right panel */ class exp_PanelSize : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_PanelSize instance; exp_PanelSize(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; #ifdef __KJSEMBED__ /** * This sets relation between the left and right panel */ class exp_Script : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_Script instance; exp_Script(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; const exp_Script exp_Script::instance; #endif /** * This loads a file in the internal viewer */ class exp_View : public exp_simpleplaceholder { static const exp_View instance; exp_View(); public: SIMPLE_EXP_FUNC; }; const exp_View exp_View::instance; const exp_PanelSize exp_PanelSize::instance; const exp_ColSort exp_ColSort::instance; const exp_Each exp_Each::instance; const exp_Profile exp_Profile::instance; const exp_NewSearch exp_NewSearch::instance; const exp_Sync exp_Sync::instance; const exp_Move exp_Move::instance; const exp_Copy exp_Copy::instance; const exp_Goto exp_Goto::instance; const exp_Select exp_Select::instance; const exp_Clipboard exp_Clipboard::instance; const exp_Ask exp_Ask::instance; const exp_ListFile exp_ListFile::instance; const exp_List exp_List::instance; const exp_Current exp_Current::instance; const exp_Filter exp_Filter::instance; const exp_Count exp_Count::instance; const exp_Path exp_Path::instance; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////// utils //////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * escapes everything that confuses bash in filenames * @param s String to manipulate * @return escaped string */ TQString bashquote( TQString s ) { /* // we _can_not_ use this function because it _encloses_ the sting in single-quots! // In this case quotes strings could not be concaternated anymore return KrServices::quote(s); */ static const TQString evilstuff = "\\\"'`()[]{}!?;$&<>| \t\r\n"; // stuff that should get escaped for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < evilstuff.length(); ++i ) s.replace( evilstuff[ i ], (TQString("\\") + evilstuff[ i ]) ); return s; } TQString separateAndQuote(TQStringList list,const TQString& separator,const bool quote) { if(quote) transform(list.begin(),list.end(),list.begin(),bashquote); return list.join(separator); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// expander classes //////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// exp_Path::exp_Path() { _expression = "Path"; _description = i18n("Panel's Path..."); _needPanel = true; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Automatically escape spaces"), "__yes", false ) ); } TagString exp_Path::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool& useUrl, Expander& exp ) const { NEED_PANEL TQString result; if ( useUrl ) result = panel->func->files()->vfs_getOrigin().url() + "/"; else result = panel->func->files()->vfs_getOrigin().path() + "/"; if ( parameter[0].lower() == "no" ) // don't escape spaces return TagString(result); else return TagString(bashquote(result)); } exp_Count::exp_Count() { _expression = "Count"; _description = i18n("Number of..."); _needPanel = true; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Count:"), "__choose:All;Files;Dirs;Selected", false ) ); } TagString exp_Count::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const { NEED_PANEL int n = -1; if ( parameter[ 0 ].isEmpty() || parameter[ 0 ].lower() == "all" ) n = panel->view->numDirs() + panel->view->numFiles(); else if ( parameter[ 0 ].lower() == "files" ) n = panel->view->numFiles(); else if ( parameter[ 0 ].lower() == "dirs" ) n = panel->view->numDirs(); else if ( parameter[ 0 ].lower() == "selected" ) n = panel->view->numSelected(); else { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: Bad argument to Count: %1 is not valid item specifier").tqarg(parameter[0]) )); return TQString(); } return TagString(TQString("%1").tqarg( n )); } exp_Filter::exp_Filter() { _expression = "Filter"; _description = i18n("Filter Mask (*.h, *.cpp, etc.)"); _needPanel = true; } TagString exp_Filter::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList&, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const { NEED_PANEL return panel->view->filterMask().nameFilter(); } exp_Current::exp_Current() { _expression = "Current"; _description = i18n("Current File (!= Selected File)..."); _needPanel = true; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Omit the current path (optional)"), "__no", false ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Automatically escape spaces"), "__yes", false ) ); } TagString exp_Current::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool& useUrl, Expander& exp ) const { NEED_PANEL TQString item = panel->view->getCurrentItem(); TQString result; if ( parameter[0].lower() == "yes" ) // ommit the current path result = item; else { KURL url = panel->func->files()->vfs_getFile( item ); if ( useUrl ) result = url.url(); else result = url.path(); } if ( parameter[1].lower() == "no" ) // don't escape spaces return result; else return bashquote(result); } exp_List::exp_List() { _expression = "List"; _description = i18n("Item List of..."); _needPanel = true; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Which items:"), "__choose:All;Files;Dirs;Selected", false ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Separator between the items (optional):"), " ", false ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Omit the current path (optional)"), "__no", false ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Mask (optional, all but 'Selected'):"), "__select", false ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Automatically escape spaces"), "__yes", false ) ); } TagString exp_List::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool& useUrl, Expander& exp ) const { NEED_PANEL // get selected items from view TQStringList items; TQString mask; if ( parameter.count() <= 3 || parameter[3].isEmpty() ) mask = "*"; else mask = parameter[3]; return separateAndQuote( fileList(panel, parameter.empty() ? TQString() : parameter[0].lower(), mask, parameter.count() > 2 ? parameter[2].lower()=="yes" : false, useUrl, exp, "List"), parameter.count() > 1 ? parameter[1] : " ", parameter.count() > 4 ? parameter[4].lower()=="yes" : true); } exp_ListFile::exp_ListFile() { _expression = "ListFile"; _description = i18n("Filename of an Item List..."); _needPanel = true; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Which items:"), "__choose:All;Files;Dirs;Selected", false ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Separator between the items (optional)"), "\n", false ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Omit the current path (optional)"), "__no", false ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Mask (optional, all but 'Selected'):"), "__select", false ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Automatically escape spaces"), "__no", false ) ); } TagString exp_ListFile::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool& useUrl, Expander& exp ) const { NEED_PANEL // get selected items from view TQStringList items; TQString mask; if ( parameter.count() <= 3 || parameter[3].isEmpty() ) mask = "*"; else mask = parameter[3]; KTempFile tmpFile( locateLocal("tmp", "krusader"), ".itemlist" ); if ( tmpFile.status() != 0 ) { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_WORLD, i18n("Expander: tempfile couldn't be opened (%1)" ).tqarg(strerror( tmpFile.status() )) )); return TQString(); } TQTextStream stream( tmpFile.file() ); stream << separateAndQuote( fileList(panel, parameter.empty() ? TQString() : parameter[0].lower(), mask, parameter.count()>2 ? parameter[2].lower()=="yes" : false, useUrl, exp, "ListFile"), parameter.count() > 1 ? parameter[1] : "\n", parameter.count() > 4 ? parameter[4].lower()=="yes" : true) << "\n"; tmpFile.close(); return tmpFile.name(); } exp_Select::exp_Select() { _expression = "Select"; _description = i18n("Manipulate the Selection..."); _needPanel = true; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Selection mask:"), "__select", true ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Manipulate in which way:"), "__choose:Set;Add;Remove", false ) ); } TagString exp_Select::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool& , Expander& exp) const { NEED_PANEL KRQuery mask; if ( parameter.count() <= 0 || parameter[0].isEmpty() ) mask = KRQuery( "*" ); else mask = KRQuery( parameter[0] ); if ( parameter[1].lower() == "add") panel->view->select( mask ); else if ( parameter[1].lower() == "remove") panel->view->unselect( mask ); else { // parameter[1].lower() == "set" or isEmpty() or whatever panel->view->unselect( KRQuery( "*" ) ); panel->view->select( mask ); } return TQString(); // this doesn't return anything, that's normal! } exp_Goto::exp_Goto() { _expression = "Goto"; _description = i18n("Jump to a Location..."); _needPanel = true; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a path:"), "__goto", true ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Open location in a new tab"), "__no", false ) ); } TagString exp_Goto::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const { NEED_PANEL bool newTab = false; if ( parameter[1].lower() == "yes" ) newTab = true; if ( newTab ) { if ( panel == LEFT_PANEL) krApp->mainView->leftMng->slotNewTab( parameter[0] ); else krApp->mainView->rightMng->slotNewTab( parameter[0] ); } else { panel->func->openUrl( parameter[0], "" ); const_cast(panel)->slotFocusOnMe(); } return TQString(); // this doesn't return anything, that's normal! } /* exp_Search::exp_Search() { _expression = "Search"; _description = i18n("Search for files"); _needPanel = true; addParameter( new exp_parameter( i18n("please choose the setting"), "__searchprofile", true ) ); addParameter( new exp_parameter( i18n("open the search in a new tab"), "__yes", false ) ); //TODO: add this also to panel-dependent as soon as vfs support the display of search-results } */ exp_Ask::exp_Ask() { _expression = "Ask"; _description = i18n("Ask Parameter from User..."); _needPanel = false; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Question:"), "Where do you want do go today?", true ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Preset (optional):"), "", false ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Caption (optional):"), "", false ) ); } TagString exp_Ask::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const { TQString caption, preset, result; if ( parameter.count() <= 2 || parameter[2].isEmpty() ) caption = i18n("User Action"); else caption = parameter[2]; if ( parameter.count() <= 1 || parameter[1].isEmpty() ) preset = TQString(); else preset = parameter[1]; bool ok; result = KInputDialog::getText( caption, parameter[0], preset, &ok ); if (ok) return result; else { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_ERROR,Error::C_USER,"User cancelled") ); return TQString(); } } exp_Clipboard::exp_Clipboard() { _expression = "Clipboard"; _description = i18n("Copy to Clipboard..."); _needPanel = false; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("What to copy:"), "__placeholder", true ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Append to current clipboard content with this separator (optional):"), "", false ) ); } TagString exp_Clipboard::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TagStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const { // kdDebug() << "Expander::exp_Clipboard, parameter[0]: '" << parameter[0] << "', Clipboard: " << KApplication::tqclipboard()->text() << endl; TQStringList lst=splitEach(parameter[0]); if(!parameter[1].isSimple()) { setError(exp,Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("Expander: %Each% may not be in the second argument of %Clipboard%"))); return TQString(); } if ( parameter.count() <= 1 || parameter[1].string().isEmpty() || KApplication::tqclipboard()->text().isEmpty() ) KApplication::tqclipboard()->setText( lst.join("\n") ); else KApplication::tqclipboard()->setText( KApplication::tqclipboard()->text() + parameter[1].string() + lst.join("\n") ); return TQString(); // this doesn't return anything, that's normal! } exp_Copy::exp_Copy() { _expression = "Copy"; _description = i18n("Copy a File/Folder..."); _needPanel = false; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("What to copy:"), "__placeholder", true ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Where to copy:"), "__placeholder", true ) ); } TagString exp_Copy::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TagStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const { // basically the parameter can already be used as URL, but since KURL has problems with ftp-proxy-urls (like ftp://username@proxyusername@url...) this is neccesary: TQStringList lst=splitEach( parameter[0] ); if(!parameter[1].isSimple()) { setError(exp,Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("Expander: %Each% may not be in the second argument of %Copy%"))); return TQString(); } KURL::List src; for(TQStringList::const_iterator it=lst.begin(),end=lst.end();it!=end;++it) src.push_back(vfs::fromPathOrURL( *it )); // or transform(...) ? KURL dest = vfs::fromPathOrURL( parameter[1].string() ); if ( !dest.isValid() || find_if(src.constBegin(),src.constEnd(),not1(mem_fun_ref(&KURL::isValid) ))!=src.end()) { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: invalid URL's in %_Copy(\"src\", \"dest\")%") )); return TQString(); } PreservingCopyJob::createCopyJob( PM_DEFAULT, src, dest, KIO::CopyJob::Copy, false, true ); return TQString(); // this doesn't return everything, that's normal! } exp_Move::exp_Move() { _expression = "Move"; _description = i18n("Move/Rename a File/Folder..."); _needPanel = false; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("What to move/rename:"), "__placeholder", true ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("New target/name:"), "__placeholder", true ) ); } TagString exp_Move::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TagStringList& parameter, const bool& , Expander& exp ) const { // basically the parameter can already be used as URL, but since KURL has problems with ftp-proxy-urls (like ftp://username@proxyusername@url...) this is neccesary: TQStringList lst=splitEach( parameter[0] ); if(!parameter[1].isSimple()) { setError(exp,Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("%Each% may not be in the second argument of %Move%"))); return TQString(); } KURL::List src; for(TQStringList::const_iterator it=lst.begin(),end=lst.end();it!=end;++it) src.push_back(vfs::fromPathOrURL( *it )); // or transform(...) ? KURL dest = vfs::fromPathOrURL( parameter[1].string() ); if ( !dest.isValid() || find_if(src.constBegin(),src.constEnd(),not1(mem_fun_ref(&KURL::isValid) ))!=src.end()) { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: invalid URL's in %_Move(\"src\", \"dest\")%") )); return TQString(); } PreservingCopyJob::createCopyJob( PM_DEFAULT, src, dest, KIO::CopyJob::Move, false, true ); return TQString(); // this doesn't return anything, that's normal! } exp_Sync::exp_Sync() { _expression = "Sync"; _description = i18n("Load a Synchronizer Profile..."); _needPanel = false; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a profile:"), "__syncprofile", true ) ); } TagString exp_Sync::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const { if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() ) { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: no profile specified for %_Sync(profile)%") )); return TQString(); } new SynchronizerGUI( 0, parameter[0] ); return TQString(); // this doesn't return everything, that's normal! } exp_NewSearch::exp_NewSearch() { _expression = "NewSearch"; _description = i18n("Load a Searchmodule Profile..."); _needPanel = false; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a profile:"), "__searchprofile", true ) ); } TagString exp_NewSearch::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const { if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() ) { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: no profile specified for %_NewSearch(profile)%") )); return TQString(); } new KrSearchDialog( parameter[0], krApp ); return TQString(); // this doesn't return everything, that's normal! } exp_Profile::exp_Profile() { _expression = "Profile"; _description = i18n("Load a Panel Profile..."); _needPanel = false; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a profile:"), "__panelprofile", true ) ); } TagString exp_Profile::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const { if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() ) { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: no profile specified for %_Profile(profile)%; abort...") )); return TQString(); } MAIN_VIEW->profiles( parameter[0] ); return TQString(); // this doesn't return everything, that's normal! } exp_Each::exp_Each() { _expression = "Each"; _description = i18n("Separate Program Call for Each..."); _needPanel = true; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Which items:"), "__choose:All;Files;Dirs;Selected", false ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Omit the current path (optional)"), "__no", false ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Mask (optional, all but 'Selected'):"), "__select", false ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Automatically escape spaces"), "__yes", false ) ); } TagString exp_Each::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool& useUrl, Expander& exp ) const { NEED_PANEL TQString mask; if ( parameter.count() <= 2 || parameter[2].isEmpty() ) mask = "*"; else mask = parameter[2]; TagString ret; TQStringList l = fileList(panel, parameter.empty() ? TQString() : parameter[0].lower(), mask, parameter.count() > 1 && parameter[1].lower()=="yes", useUrl, exp, "Each"); if(!(parameter.count()<=3 || parameter[3].lower()!="yes")) transform(l.begin(),l.end(),l.begin(),bashquote); ret.insertTag(0,l); return ret; } exp_ColSort::exp_ColSort() { _expression = "ColSort"; _description = i18n("Set Sorting for This Panel..."); _needPanel = true; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a column:"), "__choose:Name;Ext;Type;Size;Modified;Perms;rwx;Owner;Group", true ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a sort sequence:"), "__choose:Toggle;Asc;Desc", false ) ); } TagString exp_ColSort::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const { NEED_PANEL if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() ) { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: no column specified for %_ColSort(column)%") )); return TQString(); } int mode = (int) panel->view->sortMode(); /* from Panel/krview.h: enum SortSpec { Name=0x1, Ext=0x2, Size=0x4, Type=0x8, Modified=0x10, Permissions=0x20, KrPermissions=0x40, Owner=0x80, Group=0x100, Descending=0x200, DirsFirst=0x400, IgnoreCase=0x800 }; */ // krOut << "start: exp_ColSort::expFunc" << endl; #define MODE_OUT krOut << TQString( "mode: %1" ).tqarg( mode, 0, 2 ) << endl; // displays mode in base-2 //MODE_OUT if ( parameter.count() <= 1 || ( parameter[1].lower() != "asc" && parameter[1].lower() != "desc" ) ) { //default == toggle if ( mode & KrViewProperties::Descending ) mode &= ~KrViewProperties::Descending; // == asc else mode |= KrViewProperties::Descending; // == desc } else if ( parameter[1].lower() == "asc" ) { mode &= ~KrViewProperties::Descending; } else { // == desc mode |= KrViewProperties::Descending; } //MODE_OUT // clear all column-infromation: mode &= ~( KrViewProperties::Name | KrViewProperties::Ext | KrViewProperties::Size | KrViewProperties::Type | KrViewProperties::Modified | KrViewProperties::Permissions | KrViewProperties::KrPermissions | KrViewProperties::Owner | KrViewProperties::Group ); MODE_OUT if ( parameter[0].lower() == "name" ) { mode |= KrViewProperties::Name; } else if ( parameter[0].lower() == "ext" ) { mode |= KrViewProperties::Ext; } else if ( parameter[0].lower() == "type" ) { mode |= KrViewProperties::Type; } else if ( parameter[0].lower() == "size" ) { mode |= KrViewProperties::Size; } else if ( parameter[0].lower() == "modified" ) { mode |= KrViewProperties::Modified; } else if ( parameter[0].lower() == "perms" ) { mode |= KrViewProperties::Permissions; } else if ( parameter[0].lower() == "rwx" ) { mode |= KrViewProperties::KrPermissions; } else if ( parameter[0].lower() == "owner" ) { mode |= KrViewProperties::Owner; } else if ( parameter[0].lower() == "group" ) { mode |= KrViewProperties::Group; } else { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_WARNING,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: unknown column specified for %_ColSort(%1)%").tqarg(parameter[0]) )); return TQString(); } //MODE_OUT panel->view->setSortMode( (KrViewProperties::SortSpec)mode ); // krOut << "end: exp_ColSort::expFunc" << endl; return TQString(); // this doesn't return anything, that's normal! } exp_PanelSize::exp_PanelSize() { _expression = "PanelSize"; _description = i18n("Set Relation Between the Panels..."); _needPanel = true; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Set the new size in percent:"), "__int:0;100;5;50", true ) ); } TagString exp_PanelSize::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const { NEED_PANEL int newSize; if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() ) newSize = 50; //default is 50% else newSize = parameter[0].toInt(); if ( newSize < 0 || newSize > 100 ) { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: Value %1 out of range for %_PanelSize(percent)%. The first parameter has to be >0 and <100").tqarg(newSize)) ); return TQString(); } TQValueList panelSizes = MAIN_VIEW->horiz_splitter->sizes(); int totalSize = panelSizes[0] + panelSizes[1]; if ( panel == LEFT_PANEL ) { panelSizes[0] = totalSize * newSize / 100; panelSizes[1] = totalSize * (100 - newSize) / 100; } else { // == RIGHT_PANEL panelSizes[0] = totalSize * (100 - newSize) / 100; panelSizes[1] = totalSize * newSize / 100; } MAIN_VIEW->horiz_splitter->setSizes( panelSizes ); return TQString(); // this doesn't return everything, that's normal! } #ifdef __KJSEMBED__ exp_Script::exp_Script() { _expression = "Script"; _description = i18n("Execute a JavaScript Extension..."); _needPanel = false; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Location of the script"), "", true ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Set some variables for the execution (optional).\ni.e. \"return=return_var;foo=bar\", consult the handbook for more information"), "", false ) ); } TagString exp_Script::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const { if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() ) { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: no script specified for %_Script(script)%")) ); return TQString(); } TQString filename = parameter[0]; if ( filename.find('/') && KURL::isRelativeURL(filename) ) { // this return the local version of the file if this exists. else the global one is returnd filename = locate( "data", "krusader/js/"+filename ); } if ( ! krJS ) krJS = new KrJS(); KJS::ExecState *exec = krJS->globalExec(); TQString jsReturn = TQString(); if ( parameter[1].lower() == "yes" ) // to stay compatible with the old-style parameter jsReturn = "cmd"; else { TQStringList jsVariables = TQStringList::split( ';', parameter[1] ); TQString jsVariable, jsValue; for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = jsVariables.begin(); it != jsVariables.end(); ++it ) { jsVariable = (*it).section('=', 0, 0).stripWhiteSpace(); jsValue = (*it).section('=', 1); if ( jsVariable == "return" ) jsReturn = jsValue.stripWhiteSpace(); else krJS->putValue( jsVariable, KJSEmbed::convertToValue(exec, jsValue ) ); } } krJS->runFile( filename ); if ( ! jsReturn.isEmpty() ) return krJS->getValue( jsReturn ).toString( krJS->globalExec() ).qstring(); else return TQString(); } #endif exp_View::exp_View() { _expression = "View"; _description = i18n("View File with Krusader's Internal Viewer..."); _needPanel = false; addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Which file to view (normally '%aCurrent%'):"), "__placeholder", true ) ); addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a view mode:"), "__choose:generic;text;hex", false ) ); //addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a window-mode"), "__choose:tab;window;panel", false ) ); //TODO: window-mode 'panel' should open the file in the third-hand viewer addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a window mode:"), "__choose:tab;window", false ) ); } TagString exp_View::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const { if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() ) { setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: no file to view in %_View(filename)%")) ); return TQString(); } TQString viewMode, windowMode; if ( parameter.count() <= 1 || parameter[1].isEmpty() ) viewMode = "generic"; else viewMode = parameter[1]; if ( parameter.count() <= 2 || parameter[2].isEmpty() ) windowMode = "tab"; else windowMode = parameter[2]; KrViewer::Mode mode = KrViewer::Generic; if( viewMode == "text" ) mode = KrViewer::Text; else if( viewMode == "hex" ) mode = KrViewer::Hex; KrViewer::view(parameter[0],mode,(windowMode == "window")); //TODO: Call the viewer with viewMode and windowMode. Filename is in parameter[0]. // It would be nice if parameter[0] could also be a space-separated filename-list (provided if the first parameter is %aList(selected)%) return TQString(); // this doesn't return everything, that's normal! } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// end of expander classes //////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TagString exp_simpleplaceholder::expFunc( const ListPanel* p, const TagStringList& parameter, const bool& useUrl, Expander& exp) const { TQStringList lst; for(TagStringList::const_iterator it=parameter.begin(),end=parameter.end();it!=end;++it) if((*it).isSimple()) lst.push_back((*it).string()); else { setError(exp,Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("%Each% is not allowed in parameter to %1").tqarg(description()))); return TQString(); } return expFunc(p,lst,useUrl,exp); } } ListPanel* Expander::getPanel( const char panelIndicator, const exp_placeholder* pl, Expander& exp ) { switch ( panelIndicator ) { case 'a': return ACTIVE_PANEL; case 'o': return OTHER_PANEL; case 'l': return LEFT_PANEL; case 'r': return RIGHT_PANEL; case '_': return 0; default: exp.setError(Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("Expander: Bad panel specifier %1 in placeholder %2").tqarg(panelIndicator).tqarg(pl->description()))); return 0; } } void Expander::expand( const TQString& stringToExpand, bool useUrl ) { TagString result = expandCurrent( stringToExpand, useUrl ); if ( error() ) return; if ( !result.isSimple() ) resultList = splitEach( result ); else resultList.append( result.string() ); // krOut << resultList[0] << endl; } TagString Expander::expandCurrent( const TQString& stringToExpand, bool useUrl ) { TagString result; TQString exp = TQString(); TagString tmpResult; int begin, end, i; // int brackets = 0; // bool inQuotes = false; unsigned int idx = 0; while ( idx < stringToExpand.length() ) { if ( ( begin = stringToExpand.find( '%', idx ) ) == -1 ) break; if ( ( end = findEnd( stringToExpand, begin ) ) == -1 ) { setError(Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("Error: unterminated % in Expander::expandCurrent")) ); return TQString(); } result += stringToExpand.mid( idx, begin - idx ); // copy until the start of %exp% // get the expression, and expand it using the correct expander function exp = stringToExpand.mid( begin + 1, end - begin - 1 ); // kdDebug() << "------------- exp: '" << exp << "'" << endl; if ( exp == "" ) result += TQString(TQChar('%')); else { TagStringList parameter = separateParameter( &exp, useUrl ); if ( error() ) return TQString(); char panelIndicator = exp.lower()[0].latin1(); exp.replace( 0, 1, "" ); for ( i = 0; i < placeholderCount(); ++i ) if ( exp == placeholder( i )->expression() ) { // kdDebug() << "---------------------------------------" << endl; tmpResult = placeholder( i )->expFunc( getPanel( panelIndicator,placeholder(i),*this ), parameter, useUrl, *this ); if ( error() ) { return TQString(); } else result += tmpResult; // kdDebug() << "---------------------------------------" << endl; break; } if ( i == placeholderCount() ) { // didn't find an expander setError(Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("Error: unrecognized %%%1%2%% in Expander::expand").tqarg(panelIndicator).tqarg(exp)) ); return TQString(); } } //else idx = end + 1; } // copy the rest of the string result += stringToExpand.mid( idx ); // kdDebug() << "============== result '" << result << "'" << endl; return result; } TQStringList Expander::splitEach( TagString stringToSplit ) { if(stringToSplit.isSimple()) { // krOut << stringToSplit.string() << endl; return stringToSplit.string(); } pair pl=*stringToSplit.tagsBegin(); stringToSplit.eraseTag(stringToSplit.tagsBegin()); TQStringList ret; for(TQStringList::const_iterator it=pl.second.begin(),end=pl.second.end();it!=end;++it) { TagString s=stringToSplit; s.insert(pl.first,*it); ret+=splitEach(s); } return ret; // kdDebug() << "stringToSplit: " << stringToSplit << endl; } TagStringList Expander::separateParameter( TQString* const exp, bool useUrl ) { TagStringList parameter; TQStringList parameter1; TQString result; int begin, end; if ( ( begin = exp->find( '(' ) ) != -1 ) { if ( ( end = exp->findRev( ')' ) ) == -1 ) { setError(Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("Error: missing ')' in Expander::separateParameter") )); return TagStringList(); } result = exp->mid( begin + 1, end - begin - 1 ); *exp = exp->left( begin ); bool inQuotes = false; unsigned int idx = 0; begin = 0; while ( idx < result.length() ) { if ( result[ idx ].latin1() == '\\' ) { if ( result[ idx+1 ].latin1() == '"') result.replace( idx, 1, "" ); } if ( result[ idx ].latin1() == '"' ) inQuotes = !inQuotes; if ( result[ idx ].latin1() == ',' && !inQuotes ) { parameter1.append( result.mid( begin, idx - begin) ); begin = idx + 1; // krOut << " ---- parameter: " << parameter.join(";") << endl; } idx++; } parameter1.append( result.mid( begin, idx - begin) ); //don't forget the last one for (TQStringList::Iterator it = parameter1.begin(); it != parameter1.end(); ++it) { *it = (*it).stripWhiteSpace(); if ( (*it).left(1) == "\"" ) *it = (*it).mid(1, (*it).length() - 2 ); parameter.push_back(expandCurrent( *it, useUrl )); if ( error() ) return TagStringList(); } } // krOut << "------- exp: " << *exp << " ---- parameter: " << parameter.join(";") << endl; return parameter; } int Expander::findEnd( const TQString& str, int start ) { int end = str.find( '%', start + 1 ); if ( end == -1 ) return end; int bracket = str.find( '(', start + 1 ); if ( end < bracket || bracket == -1 ) return end; unsigned int idx = bracket+1; bool inQuotes = false; int depth=1; while ( idx < str.length() ) { switch (str[ idx ].latin1()) { case '\\': idx ++; break; case '"': inQuotes = !inQuotes; break; case '(': if(!inQuotes) depth++; break; case ')': if(!inQuotes) --depth; break; case '%': if(depth==0) return idx; } //switch idx++; } //while // failsafe return -1; }