/* This is an extension for the Krusader filemanager http://krusader.sf.net/ Author: Jonas Bähr, http://www.jonas-baehr.de/ This script shows a dialog for mounting a device. The commandline which is returned by this is executed by Krusader's UserAction-system Krusader looks for the variable 'cmd'. scriptDir is a string-variable set by Krusader with the directory of the currently executed script. This is usefull for relative path's inside scripts. */ var ui = Factory.loadui( scriptDir + 'mount.ui' ); ui.child('device').setFocus(); var m = ui.exec(); var cmd = "@CANCEL@"; //FIXME: replace this with UserAction.cancel if (m) { var cmd = "mount"; var device = ui.child('device').url; var mountpoint = ui.child('mountpoint').url; var filesystem = ui.child('filesystem').currentText; var options = ui.child('options').text; if ( filesystem != '' && filesystem != '' ) cmd += " -t " + filesystem; if ( options != '' ) cmd += " " + options; cmd += " " + device + " " + mountpoint; }