/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2005 Elad Lahav (elad_lahav@users.sourceforge.net) * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "editorpage.h" #include "kscopeconfig.h" /** * Class constructor. * @param pDoc The document object associated with this page * @param pMenu A Cscope queries popup menu to use with the editor * @param pParent The parent widget * @param szName The widget's name */ EditorPage::EditorPage(KTextEditor::Document* pDoc, QPopupMenu* pMenu, QTabWidget* pParent, const char* szName) : QHBox(pParent, szName), m_pParentTab(pParent), m_pDoc(pDoc), m_bOpen(false), m_bNewFile(false), m_sName(""), m_bWritable(true), /* new documents are writable by default */ m_bModified(false), m_nLine(0), m_bSaveNewSizes(false) { KTextEditor::PopupMenuInterface* pMenuIf; KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface* pCursorIf; // Create code-completion objects (will be deleted by QObject destructor) m_pCompletion = new SymbolCompletion(this, this); // Set read-only mode, if required if (Config().getReadOnlyMode()) m_pDoc->setReadWrite(false); // Create the child widgets m_pSplit = new QSplitter(this); m_pCtagsList = new CtagsList(m_pSplit); m_pView = m_pDoc->createView(m_pSplit); m_pSplit->setResizeMode(m_pCtagsList, QSplitter::KeepSize); // Perform tasks only when the document has been loaded completely connect(m_pDoc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotFileOpened())); // Be notified when the text in the editor changes connect(m_pDoc, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(slotSetModified())); connect(m_pDoc, SIGNAL(undoChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUndoChanged())); // Store the sizes of the child windows when the tag list is resized // (since it may imply a move of the splitter divider) connect(m_pCtagsList, SIGNAL(resized()), this, SLOT(slotChildResized())); // Go to a symbol's line if it is selected in the tag list connect(m_pCtagsList, SIGNAL(lineRequested(uint)), this, SLOT(slotGotoLine(uint))); // Add Ctag records to the tag list connect(&m_ctags, SIGNAL(dataReady(FrontendToken*)), m_pCtagsList, SLOT(slotDataReady(FrontendToken*))); // Monitor Ctags' operation connect(&m_ctags, SIGNAL(finished(uint)), m_pCtagsList, SLOT(slotCtagsFinished(uint))); // Set the context menu pMenuIf = dynamic_cast(m_pView); if (pMenuIf) pMenuIf->installPopup(pMenu); // Emit a signal whenever the cursor's position changes pCursorIf = dynamic_cast(m_pView); if (pCursorIf) { connect(m_pView, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotCursorPosChange())); } } /** * Class destructor. */ EditorPage::~EditorPage() { } /** * Returns a pointer to the editor document object embedded in this page. * @returns the document pointer */ KTextEditor::Document* EditorPage::getDocument() { return m_pDoc; } /** * Returns a pointer to the editor view object embedded in this page. * @returns the view pointer */ KTextEditor::View* EditorPage::getView() { return m_pView; } /** * Returns the full path of the file being edited. * @return The path of the file associated with the Document object, empty * string if no file is currently open */ QString EditorPage::getFilePath() { return m_pDoc->url().path(); } /** * Returns the name of the file being edited. * @return The name of the file associated with the Document object, empty * string if no file is currently open */ QString EditorPage::getFileName() { return m_sName; } /** * Determines whether this file can be modified, according to the file-system * permissions, and KScope's global settings. * @return true if this document can be changed, false otherwise */ bool EditorPage::isWritable() { // Check global settings first if (Config().getReadOnlyMode()) return false; // Return FS write permissions return m_bWritable; } /** * Determines if the file edited in this page was modified, and the changes * were not yet saved. * @return true if the file was modified, false otherwise */ bool EditorPage::isModified() { return m_pDoc->isModified(); } /** * Opens a file for editing. * @param sFileName The full path name of the file to edit. */ void EditorPage::open(const QString& sFileName) { // Open the given file m_bOpen = false; m_pDoc->openURL(sFileName); } /** * Marks the page as containing a new unnamed file. */ void EditorPage::setNewFile() { m_bNewFile = true; emit newFile(this); } /** * Saves the edited file. */ void EditorPage::save() { if (m_pDoc->isModified()) m_pDoc->save(); } /** * Closes an edited file. * @param bForce true to close the file regardless of any modifications, * false to prompt the user in case of unsaved chnages * @return true if the file has been closed, false if the user has aborted */ bool EditorPage::close(bool bForce) { QString sPath; // To override the prompt-on-close behaviour, we need to mark the file // as unmodified if (bForce) m_pDoc->setModified(false); // Close the file, unless the user aborts the action sPath = m_pDoc->url().path(); if (!m_pDoc->closeURL()) return false; emit fileClosed(sPath); return true; } /** * Applies any changes to the user preferences concerning an editor window. */ void EditorPage::applyPrefs() { // Determine whether the editor should work in a read-only mode if (m_bWritable) m_pDoc->setReadWrite(!Config().getReadOnlyMode()); // Apply preferences to the tag list of this window m_pCtagsList->applyPrefs(); } /** * Sets the keyboard focus to the editor part of the page. * This method is called whenever the page is activated. It is more reasonable * to set the focus to the editor than to the tag list. */ void EditorPage::setEditorFocus() { m_pView->setFocus(); slotCursorPosChange(); } /** * Sets the keyboard focus to the tag list. * This method is called when the "Go To Tag" menu command is invoked. */ void EditorPage::setTagListFocus() { m_pCtagsList->slotSetFocus(); } /** * Sets a bookmark at the given line. * @param nLine The line to mark */ void EditorPage::addBookmark(uint nLine) { KTextEditor::MarkInterface* pMarkIf; pMarkIf = dynamic_cast(m_pDoc); if (pMarkIf) pMarkIf->setMark(nLine, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType01); } /** * Retrieves a list of all bookmarks in this page. */ void EditorPage::getBookmarks(FileLocationList& fll) { KTextEditor::MarkInterface* pMarkIf; QPtrList plMarks; KTextEditor::Mark* pMark; // Get the marks interface pMarkIf = dynamic_cast(m_pDoc); if (!pMarkIf) return; // Find all bookmarks plMarks = pMarkIf->marks(); for (pMark = plMarks.first(); pMark; pMark = plMarks.next()) { if (pMark->type == KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType01) fll.append(new FileLocation(getFilePath(), pMark->line, 0)); } } /** * Returns the currently selected text in an open file. * @return The selected text, or a null string if no text is currently * selected */ QString EditorPage::getSelection() { KTextEditor::SelectionInterface* pSelect; // Get the selected text pSelect = dynamic_cast(m_pDoc); if (!pSelect || !pSelect->hasSelection()) return QString::null; // Return the selected text return pSelect->selection(); } /** * Returns a the complete word defined by the current cursor position. * Attempts to extract a valid C symbol from the location of the cursor, by * starting at the current line and column, and looking forward and backward * for non-symbol characters. * @return A C symbol under the cursor, if any, or QString::null otherwise */ QString EditorPage::getWordUnderCursor(uint* pPosInWord) { KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface* pCursor; KTextEditor::EditInterface* pEditIf; QString sLine; uint nLine, nCol, nFrom, nTo, nLast, nLength; QChar ch; // Get a cursor object pCursor = dynamic_cast(m_pView); if (pCursor == NULL) return QString::null; // Get a pointer to the edit interface pEditIf = dynamic_cast(m_pDoc); if (!pEditIf) return QString::null; // Get the line on which the cursor is positioned pCursor->cursorPositionReal(&nLine, &nCol); sLine = pEditIf->textLine(nLine); // Find the beginning of the current word for (nFrom = nCol; nFrom > 0;) { ch = sLine.at(nFrom - 1); if (!ch.isLetter() && !ch.isDigit() && ch != '_') break; nFrom--; } // Find the end of the current word nLast = sLine.length(); for (nTo = nCol; nTo < nLast;) { ch = sLine.at(nTo); if (!ch.isLetter() && !ch.isDigit() && ch != '_') break; nTo++; } // Mark empty words nLength = nTo - nFrom; if (nLength == 0) return QString::null; // Return the in-word position, if required if (pPosInWord != NULL) *pPosInWord = nCol - nFrom; // Extract the word under the cursor from the entire line return sLine.mid(nFrom, nLength); } /** * Combines getSelection() and getWordUnderCursor() to return a suggested * text for queries. * The function first looks if any text is selected. If so, the selected text * is returned. Otherwise, the word under the cursor location is returned, if * one exists. * @return Either the currently selected text, or the word under the cursor, * or QString::null if both options fail */ QString EditorPage::getSuggestedText() { QString sText; sText = getSelection(); if (sText == QString::null) sText = getWordUnderCursor(); return sText; } /** * Returns the contents of the requested line. * Truncates the leading and trailing white spaces. * @param nLine The line number * @return The text of the requested line, if successful, QString::null * otherwise */ QString EditorPage::getLineContents(uint nLine) { KTextEditor::EditInterface* pEditIf; QString sLine; // Cannot accept line 0 if (nLine == 0) return QString::null; // Get a pointer to the edit interface pEditIf = dynamic_cast(m_pDoc); if (!pEditIf) return QString::null; // Get the line on which the cursor is positioned sLine = pEditIf->textLine(nLine - 1); return sLine.stripWhiteSpace(); } /** * Moves the editing caret to the beginning of a given line. * @param nLine The line number to move to */ void EditorPage::slotGotoLine(uint nLine) { // Ensure there is an open document if (!m_bOpen) return; // Set the cursor to the requested line if (!setCursorPos(nLine)) return; // Update Ctags view m_pCtagsList->gotoLine(nLine); // Set the focus to the selected line m_pView->setFocus(); } /** * Sets this editor as the current page, when the edited file's name is * selected in the "Window" menu. */ void EditorPage::slotMenuSelect() { m_pParentTab->setCurrentPage(m_pParentTab->indexOf(this)); } /** * Displays a list of possible completions for the symbol currently under the * cursor. */ void EditorPage::slotCompleteSymbol() { m_pCompletion->slotComplete(); } /** * Stores the sizes of the child widgets whenever they are changed. * This slot is connected to the resized() signal of the CtagsList child * widget. */ void EditorPage::slotChildResized() { SPLIT_SIZES si; // Only store sizes when allowed to if (!m_bSaveNewSizes) { m_bSaveNewSizes = true; return; } // Get the current widths of the child widgets si = m_pSplit->sizes(); if (si.count() == 2) Config().setEditorSizes(si); } /** * Sets the visibility status and sizes of the child widgets. * @param bShowTagList true to show the tag list, false otherwise * @param si The new sizes to use */ void EditorPage::setLayout(bool bShowTagList, const SPLIT_SIZES& si) { // Make sure sizes are not stored during this process m_bSaveNewSizes = false; // Adjust the layout m_pCtagsList->setShown(bShowTagList); if (bShowTagList) m_pSplit->setSizes(si); } /** * Returns the current position of the cursor. * @param nLine Holds the line on which the cursor is currently located * @param nCol Holds the column on which the cursor is currently located * @return true if successful, false otherwise (cursor interface was not * obtained) */ bool EditorPage::getCursorPos(uint& nLine, uint& nCol) { KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface* pCursorIf; // Acquire the view cursor pCursorIf = dynamic_cast(m_pView); if (pCursorIf == NULL) return false; // Get the cursor position (adjusted to 1-based counting) pCursorIf->cursorPosition(&nLine, &nCol); nLine++; nCol++; return true; } /** * Moves the cursor to a given position. * @param nLine The cursor's new line number * @param nCol The cursor's new column number * @return true if successful, false otherwise (cursor interface was not * obtained) */ bool EditorPage::setCursorPos(uint nLine, uint nCol) { Kate::View* pKateView; KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface* pCursorIf; // Cannot accept line 0 if (nLine == 0) return false; // Adjust to 0-based counting nLine--; nCol--; // Acquire the view cursor pCursorIf = dynamic_cast(m_pView); if (pCursorIf == NULL) return false; // NOTE: The following code is a fix to a bug in Kate, which wrongly // calculates the column number in setCursorPosition. pKateView = dynamic_cast(m_pView); if (pKateView != NULL) { KTextEditor::EditInterface* pEditIf; const char* szLine; uint nRealCol; uint nTabAdjust; // Get a pointer to the edit interface pEditIf = dynamic_cast(m_pDoc); if (!pEditIf) return false; nRealCol = 0; // Check for out of bound line numbers if (nLine < pEditIf->numLines()) { // Get the contents of the requested line szLine = pEditIf->textLine(nLine).latin1(); // Check for empty line if (szLine != NULL) { // The number of columns which a tab character adds nTabAdjust = pKateView->tabWidth() - 1; // Calculate the real column, based on the tab width for (; nRealCol < nCol && szLine[nRealCol] != 0; nRealCol++) { if (szLine[nRealCol] == '\t') nCol -= nTabAdjust; } } } else { // Marker set beyond end of file, move to the last line nLine = pEditIf->numLines() - 1; } // Set the cursor position pCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal(nLine, nRealCol); } else { // Non-Kate editors: set the cursor position normally pCursorIf->setCursorPosition(nLine, nCol); } return true; } void EditorPage::setTabWidth(uint nTabWidth) { Kate::Document* pKateDoc; Kate::Command* pKateCmd; QString sCmd, sResult; pKateDoc = dynamic_cast(m_pDoc); if ((pKateDoc) && (pKateCmd = pKateDoc->queryCommand("set-tab-width"))) { sCmd.sprintf("set-tab-width %u", nTabWidth); pKateCmd->exec((Kate::View*)m_pView, sCmd, sResult); } } /** * Called when a document has completed loading. * Determines the file's properties and refreshes the tag list of the editor * window. * This slot is connected to the completed() signal of the document object. * The signal is emitted when a new file is opened, or when a modified file is * saved. */ void EditorPage::slotFileOpened() { QFileInfo fi(m_pDoc->url().path()); // Get file information m_sName = fi.fileName(); m_bWritable = fi.isWritable(); // Set read/write or read-only mode m_pDoc->setReadWrite(!Config().getReadOnlyMode() && m_bWritable); // Refresh the tag list m_pCtagsList->clear(); m_ctags.run(m_pDoc->url().path()); // Check if this is a modified file that has just been saved if (m_bModified) emit fileSaved(m_pDoc->url().path(), m_bNewFile); // Notify that the document has loaded m_bOpen = true; m_bModified = false; emit fileOpened(this, m_pDoc->url().path()); // Set initial position of the cursor m_nLine = 0; slotCursorPosChange(); // This is no longer a new file m_bNewFile = false; } /** * Marks a file as modified when the contents of the editor change. * This slot is conncted to the textChanged() signal of the Document object. * In addition to marking the file, this method also emits the modified() * signal. */ void EditorPage::slotSetModified() { // Only perform tasks if the file is not already marked if (!m_bModified && m_pDoc->isModified()) { m_bModified = true; emit modified(this, m_bModified); #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,3,0) Kate::DocumentExt* pKateDoc; // If the editor is a Kate part, check whether it was modified on // disk as well, and issue a warning if so pKateDoc = dynamic_cast(m_pDoc); if (pKateDoc) pKateDoc->slotModifiedOnDisk(dynamic_cast(m_pView)); #endif } // Start/restart the auto-completion timer m_pCompletion->slotAutoComplete(); } /** * Marks a file as not modified if all undo levels have been applied. * This slot is conncted to the undoChanged() signal of the Document object. * In addition to marking the file, this method also emits the modified() * signal. */ void EditorPage::slotUndoChanged() { // Check if the file contents have been fully restored if (m_bModified && !m_pDoc->isModified()) { m_bModified = false; emit modified(this, m_bModified); } } /** * Handles changes in the cursor position. * Emits a signal with the new line and column numbers. */ void EditorPage::slotCursorPosChange() { uint nLine, nCol; // Find the new line and column number, and emit the signal if (!getCursorPos(nLine, nCol)) return; emit cursorPosChanged(nLine, nCol); // Select the relevant symbol in the tag list if (Config().getAutoTagHl() && (m_nLine != nLine)) { m_pCtagsList->gotoLine(nLine); m_nLine = nLine; } // Abort code completion on cursor changes during the completion // process m_pCompletion->abort(); } #include "editorpage.moc"