PrefOptLayout PrefOptLayout 0 0 354 312 Form4 Determines whether KScope should automatically load the last project when started. unnamed layout7 unnamed m_pExtEditorLabel true External Editor m_pExtEditorEdit true 7 0 1 0 m_pReadOnlyCheck Read-Onl&y Mode Alt+Y Forces all editor windows to work in a read-only mode, so that the user cannot modify the displayed files. m_pLastProjCheck Open Last Project on Start-Up m_pTagHlCheck Automatic Tag Highlighting Determines whether the tag list should highlight the relevant tag based on the cursor's position. m_pBriefQueryCaptCheck Brief Tab Captions for &Query Pages If set, the tab captions for query pages will be shortened, by using aliases for the query types. m_pWarnModifiedOnDiskCheck Warn When a File is Modified Outside KScope If set, the user is prompted whenever the currently edited file is changed by an external programme. m_pAutoSortCheck Automatically Sort Files in the File List Sorts files in the project's file list when a project is loaded. This may be too slow for large projects on older machines. layout2 unnamed textLabel1 System Profile Fast Slow m_pSysProfileCB layout3 unnamed textLabel2 Editor Popup Menu Embedded KScope Only m_pEditorPopupCB spacer11 Vertical Expanding 21 20