/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 by David Saxton * * david@bluehaze.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "canvasitemparts.h" #include "discretelogic.h" #include "ecnode.h" #include "logic.h" #include "libraryitem.h" #include "simulator.h" #include #include //BEGIN class Inverter Item* Inverter::construct( ItemDocument *itemDocument, bool newItem, const char *id ) { return new Inverter( (ICNDocument*)itemDocument, newItem, id ); } LibraryItem* Inverter::libraryItem() { QStringList ids; ids << "ec/inverter" << "ec/not"; return new LibraryItem( ids, i18n("Inverter"), i18n("Logic"), "not.png", LibraryItem::lit_component, Inverter::construct ); } Inverter::Inverter( ICNDocument *icnDocument, bool newItem, const char *id ) : Component( icnDocument, newItem, id ? id : "not" ) { m_name = i18n("Inverter"); m_desc = i18n("The output is the logical inverse of the logic-input state."); setSize( -8, -8, 16, 16 ); init1PinLeft(); init1PinRight(); m_pIn = createLogicIn(m_pNNode[0]); m_pOut = createLogicOut( m_pPNode[0], true ); m_pIn->setCallback( this, (CallbackPtr)(&Inverter::inStateChanged) ); inStateChanged(false); } Inverter::~Inverter() { } void Inverter::inStateChanged( bool newState ) { (static_cast(m_pOut))->setHigh( !newState ); } void Inverter::drawShape( QPainter &p ) { initPainter(p); int _x = (int)x()-8; int _y = (int)y()-8; QPointArray pa(3); pa[0] = QPoint( _x, _y ); pa[1] = QPoint( _x+width()-6, _y+(height()/2) ); pa[2] = QPoint( _x, _y+height() ); p.drawPolygon(pa); p.drawPolyline(pa); p.drawEllipse( _x+width()-6, _y+(height()/2)-3, 7, 7 ); deinitPainter(p); } //END class Inverter //BEGIN class Buffer Item* Buffer::construct( ItemDocument *itemDocument, bool newItem, const char *id ) { return new Buffer( (ICNDocument*)itemDocument, newItem, id ); } LibraryItem* Buffer::libraryItem() { return new LibraryItem( QString::QString("ec/buffer"), i18n("Buffer"), i18n("Logic"), "buffer.png", LibraryItem::lit_component, Buffer::construct ); } Buffer::Buffer( ICNDocument *icnDocument, bool newItem, const char *id ) : Component( icnDocument, newItem, id ? id : "buffer" ) { m_name = i18n("Buffer"); m_desc = i18n("Cleans the logic input, with the output high or low depending on input trigger levels."); setSize( -8, -8, 16, 16 ); init1PinLeft(); init1PinRight(); m_pIn = createLogicIn(m_pNNode[0]); m_pOut = createLogicOut( m_pPNode[0], true ); m_pIn->setCallback( this, (CallbackPtr)(&Buffer::inStateChanged) ); inStateChanged(false); } Buffer::~Buffer() { } void Buffer::inStateChanged( bool newState ) { m_pOut->setHigh(newState); } void Buffer::drawShape( QPainter &p ) { initPainter(p); int _x = (int)x()-8; int _y = (int)y()-8; QPointArray pa(3); pa[0] = QPoint( _x, _y ); pa[1] = QPoint( _x+width(), _y+(height()/2) ); pa[2] = QPoint( _x, _y+height() ); p.drawPolygon(pa); p.drawPolyline(pa); deinitPainter(p); } //END class Buffer //BEGIN class ECLogicInput Item* ECLogicInput::construct( ItemDocument *itemDocument, bool newItem, const char *id ) { return new ECLogicInput( (ICNDocument*)itemDocument, newItem, id ); } LibraryItem* ECLogicInput::libraryItem() { return new LibraryItem( QString::QString("ec/logic_input"), i18n("Logic Input"), i18n("Logic"), "logic_input.png", LibraryItem::lit_component, ECLogicInput::construct ); } ECLogicInput::ECLogicInput( ICNDocument *icnDocument, bool newItem, const char *id ) : Component( icnDocument, newItem, (id) ? id : "logic_input" ) { m_name = i18n("Logic Input"); m_desc = i18n("Provides a user-adjustable logic state.

" "Click to pulse high, or drag the mouse off to keep the output high."); setSize( -8, -8, 16, 16 ); b_state = false; addButton( "button", QRect( -24, -8, 16, 16 ), "", true ); createProperty( "useToggle", Variant::Type::Bool ); property("useToggle")->setCaption( i18n("Use Toggle") ); property("useToggle")->setValue(true); init1PinRight(); m_pOut = createLogicOut( m_pPNode[0], false ); } ECLogicInput::~ECLogicInput() { } void ECLogicInput::dataChanged() { button("button")->setToggle( dataBool("useToggle") ); } void ECLogicInput::drawShape( QPainter &p ) { initPainter(p); if (b_state) p.setBrush( QColor( 255, 166, 0 ) ); else p.setBrush( Qt::white ); p.drawEllipse( (int)x()-4, (int)y()-6, 12, 12 ); deinitPainter(p); } void ECLogicInput::buttonStateChanged( const QString &, bool state ) { b_state = state; m_pOut->setHigh(b_state); } //END class ECLogicInput //BEGIN class ECLogicOutput Item* ECLogicOutput::construct( ItemDocument *itemDocument, bool newItem, const char *id ) { return new ECLogicOutput( (ICNDocument*)itemDocument, newItem, id ); } LibraryItem* ECLogicOutput::libraryItem() { return new LibraryItem( QString::QString("ec/logic_output"), i18n("Logic Output"), i18n("Logic"), "logic_output.png", LibraryItem::lit_component, ECLogicOutput::construct ); } ECLogicOutput::ECLogicOutput( ICNDocument *icnDocument, bool newItem, const char *id ) : Component( icnDocument, newItem, (id) ? id : "logic_output" ) { m_name = i18n("Logic Output"); m_desc = i18n("Shows the logic-state of the input."); setSize( -8, -8, 16, 16 ); init1PinLeft(); m_pIn = createLogicIn(m_pNNode[0]); m_pSimulator = Simulator::self(); m_lastDrawState = 0.0; m_lastSwitchTime = m_lastDrawTime = m_pSimulator->time(); m_highTime = 0; m_bLastState = false; m_bDynamicContent = true; m_pIn->setCallback( this, (CallbackPtr)(&ECLogicOutput::inStateChanged) ); } ECLogicOutput::~ECLogicOutput() { } void ECLogicOutput::inStateChanged( bool newState ) { if ( m_bLastState == newState ) return; unsigned long long newTime = m_pSimulator->time(); unsigned long long dt = newTime - m_lastSwitchTime; m_lastSwitchTime = newTime; m_bLastState = newState; if (!newState) { // Gone from high to low m_highTime += dt; } } void ECLogicOutput::drawShape( QPainter &p ) { unsigned long long newTime = m_pSimulator->time(); unsigned long long runTime = newTime - m_lastDrawTime; m_lastDrawTime = newTime; if (m_bLastState) { // Logic in is currently high m_highTime += newTime - m_lastSwitchTime; } double state; if ( runTime == 0 ) state = m_lastDrawState; else state = m_lastDrawState = double(m_highTime)/double(runTime); initPainter(p); p.setBrush( QColor( 255, uint(255-state*(255-166)), uint((1-state)*255) ) ); p.drawEllipse( int(x()-8), int(y()-8), width(), height() ); deinitPainter(p); m_lastSwitchTime = newTime; m_highTime = 0; } //END class ECLogicOutput