Introduction ============ This directory contains patches and scripts for my experiments regarding download time estimation algorithms, using KTorrent for gathering data ;-) Files ===== enable-logging.diff - Patch to apply to enable logging download stats once per second to $KDEHOME/share/apps/ktorrent/log (by Ivan). Apply it if you want to help collecting test cases. processlog.rb - extracts logs for single torrents from $KDEHOME/share/apps/ktorrent/log and stores them in $FILENAME-torrent.log Sample.rb - class representing a sample, does the parsing (given a line from adjustTimestmaps output) Estimators.rb - Some basic estimators, for estimation based on current speed, average speed and moving average speed. EstimationResults.rb - Calculates and holds the estimation results of an estimator, including statistics such as relative error for each estimation, root mean square error and the like What to do ========== 1) Apply the patch: In torrent/ dir, apply it via cat enable-logging.diff | patch -p0 2) Run ktorrent and download torrents. When completed, run processlog.rb: ruby processlog.rb $KDEHOME/share/apps/ktorrent/log Extracted logs end up in $TORRENTFILENAME-torrent.log. ATTENTION: existing files are overwritten! 4) Now, analyze the -adjusted file with a ruby script, using Sample.rb, Estimators.rb, and EstimationResults.rb... ;-) I will upload something useful as soon as finished. Frank Osterfeld,