//============================================================================= // // File : kvi_kvs_corefunctions_af.cpp // Created on Fri 31 Oct 2003 01:52:04 by Szymon Stefanek // // This file is part of the KVIrc IRC client distribution // Copyright (C) 2003 Szymon Stefanek // // This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //============================================================================= #define __KVIRC__ #include "kvi_kvs_corefunctions.h" #include "kvi_kvs_kernel.h" #include "kvi_kvs_object_controller.h" #include "kvi_locale.h" #include "kvi_app.h" #include "kvi_channel.h" #include "kvi_console.h" #include "kvi_ircconnection.h" #include "kvi_ircconnectionuserinfo.h" #include "kvi_mirccntrl.h" #include "kvi_avatar.h" #include "kvi_ircuserdb.h" #include "kvi_time.h" namespace KviKvsCoreFunctions { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: active @type: function @title: $active @short: Retrieves the window ID of the active window @syntax: $active[()] @description: Returns the [b]window ID[/b] of the active window bound to the IRC context specified by . If no window matches the specified IRC context, and invalid window ID is returned (0).[br] If no is specified, then the application active window is returned (the window that currently has the input focus). Note that in this case the returned window may also belong to another IRC context or be not bound to any IRC context at all. In some extreme cases you may even get a window that has no output widget and thus has its output redirected. Using the "global" active window should be used only for communicating something REALLY urgent (and maybe unrelated to a specific IRC connection) to the user. @seealso: [fnc]$window[/fnc] */ KVSCF(active) { kvs_uint_t uContextId; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("context_id",KVS_PT_UINT,KVS_PF_OPTIONAL,uContextId) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END KviWindow * wnd; KviConsole * cons; if(KVSCF_pParams->count() > 0) { cons = g_pApp->findConsole(uContextId); if(cons)wnd = cons->activeWindow(); else wnd = 0; } else { wnd = g_pActiveWindow; } KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setInteger((kvs_int_t)(wnd ? wnd->numericId() : 0)); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: ascii @type: function @title: $ascii @short: Returns the UNICODE code of a character @syntax: $ascii() @description: This function has been renamed to $unicode and is present only for backward compatibility. @seealso: [fnc]$cr[/fnc], [fnc]$lf[/fnc], [fnc]$char[/fnc] */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: asciiToBase64 @type: function @title: $asciiToBase64 @short: Returns an encoded base64 string @syntax: $asciiToBase64() @description: Encodes an ASCII string to its base64 encoded rappresentation Please note that since KVS is UNICODE based, this function will first encode the string in UTF8 and then base64-encode. This means that it is substantially only 7bit safe (ASCII codes below 128). @examples: [cmd]echo[/cmd] $asciiToBase64("Hello!") @seealso: [fnc]$base64toascii[/fnc] */ KVSCF(asciiToBase64) { TQString szAscii; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("ascii_string",KVS_PT_STRING,0,szAscii) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END KviStr tmp1(szAscii); if(tmp1.len() > 0) { KviStr tmp2; tmp2.bufferToBase64(tmp1.ptr(),tmp1.len()); KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setString(TQString(tmp2.ptr())); } else { KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setString(TQString()); } return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: asciiToHex @type: function @title: $asciiToHex @short: Returns an encoded hex string @syntax: $asciiToHex() @description: Encodes an ASCII string to its hex encoded rappresentation. Please note that since KVS is UNICODE based, this function will first encode the string in UTF8 and then hex-encode. This means that it is substantially only 7bit safe (ASCII codes below 128). @examples: [cmd]echo[/cmd] $asciiToHex("Hello!") @seealso: [fnc]$hextoascii[/fnc] */ KVSCF(asciiToHex) { TQString szAscii; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("ascii_string",KVS_PT_STRING,0,szAscii) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END KviStr tmp1(szAscii); if(tmp1.len() > 0) { KviStr tmp2; tmp2.bufferToHex(tmp1.ptr(),tmp1.len()); KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setString(TQString(tmp2.ptr())); } else { KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setString(TQString()); } return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: array @type: function @title: $array @short: Explicitly creates an array @syntax: $array(,,,....); @description: Returns an array with the specified items. The items are indexed starting from 0. This is just an explicit way of creating an array with a defined set of items, useful for increasing readability. @examples: [example] [cmd]alias[/cmd](test) { [cmd]return[/cmd] $array(1,2,3); } %x = $test(); [cmd]foreach[/cmd](%y,%x) { [cmd]echo[/cmd] %y; } [/example] @seealso: [fnc]$hash[/fnc] */ KVSCF(array) { #ifdef COMPILE_NEW_KVS KviKvsArray * a = new KviKvsArray(); kvs_int_t idx = 0; for(KviKvsVariant * v = KVSCF_pParams->first();v;v = KVSCF_pParams->next()) { a->set(idx,new KviKvsVariant(*v)); idx++; } KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setArray(a); #endif return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: away @type: function @title: $away @short: Returns true if the current user is away @syntax: $away @description: Returns true if the current user is away, else false. If the current IRC context is not connected at all, this function returns false. */ KVSCF(away) { kvs_uint_t uCntx; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("irc_context_id",KVS_PT_UINT,KVS_PF_OPTIONAL,uCntx) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END KviConsole * cns; if(KVSCF_pParams->count() > 0) { cns = g_pApp->findConsole(uCntx); if(cns) { if(cns->context()->isConnected()) KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setBoolean(cns->connection()->userInfo()->isAway()); else KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setNothing(); } else { KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setNothing(); } } else { if(KVSCF_pContext->window()->console()) { cns = KVSCF_pContext->window()->console(); if(cns->context()->isConnected()) KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setBoolean(cns->connection()->userInfo()->isAway()); else KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setNothing(); } else { KVSCF_pContext->warning(__tr2qs("This window has no associated IRC context")); KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setNothing(); } } return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: b @type: function @title: $b @short: Returns the BOLD mIRC control character @syntax: $b @description: Returns the BOLD mIRC control character (CTRL+B).[br] @seealso: [fnc]$k[/fnc], [fnc]$u[/fnc] */ KVSCF(b) { KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setString(TQString(TQChar(KVI_TEXT_BOLD))); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: base64toAscii @type: function @title: $base64ToAscii @short: Returns a decoded base64 string @syntax: $base64ToAscii() @description: Decodes a base64 encoded string. @seealso: [fnc]$asciiToBase64[/fnc] */ KVSCF(base64ToAscii) { TQString szBase64; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("base64_encoded_string",KVS_PT_STRING,0,szBase64) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END KviStr tmp1(szBase64); char * buf; int len = tmp1.base64ToBuffer(&buf,true); KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setString(TQString(buf)); KviStr::freeBuffer(buf); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: boolean @type: function @title: $boolean @short: Casts a variable to a boolean @syntax: $boolean() @description: Forces to be a boolean data type by first casting to integer (see [fnc]$int[/fnc]()) and then comparing the result against zero. A zero integer will result in a false value while a non-zero one will result in a true value. This function is similar to the C++ (bool) cast and is internally aliased to [fnc]$bool[/fnc] too. Note that since KVIrc does most of the casting work automatically you shouldn't need to use this function. @seealso: [fnc]$real[/fnc] [fnc]$integer[/fnc] */ /* @doc: bool @type: function @title: $bool @short: Casts a variable to a boolean @syntax: $bool() @description: This is an internal alias to [fnc]$boolean[/fnc](). @seealso: [fnc]$real[/fnc] [fnc]$integer[/fnc] */ KVSCF(boolean) { KviKvsVariant * v; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("data",KVS_PT_VARIANT,0,v) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END kvs_int_t iVal; v->castToInteger(iVal); KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setBoolean(iVal); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: channel @type: function @title: $channel @short: Retrieves the window ID of a specified channel @syntax: $channel[([,])] @description: Returns the [b]window ID[/b] of channel matching the and bound to the connection specified by [br] If no window matches the specified name or connection, an invalid window ID is returned (0).[br] If no is specified, this function looks for the channel in the current connection context (if any).[br] If no is specified, this function returns the current channel window ID, if executed in a channel, else 0.[br] @seealso: [fnc]$window[/fnc], [fnc]$query[/fnc], [fnc]$console[/fnc], [doc:window_naming_conventions]Window naming conventions[/doc] */ KVSCF(channel) { TQString szName; kvs_uint_t uContextId; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("channel_name",KVS_PT_NONEMPTYSTRING,KVS_PF_OPTIONAL,szName) KVSCF_PARAMETER("context_id",KVS_PT_UINT,KVS_PF_OPTIONAL,uContextId) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END KviWindow * wnd = 0; if(KVSCF_pParams->count() > 0) { if(KVSCF_pParams->count() > 1) { KviConsole * cons = g_pApp->findConsole(uContextId); if(!cons)KVSCF_pContext->warning(__tr2qs("No such IRC context (%u)"),uContextId); else { if(cons->connection()) wnd = cons->connection()->findChannel(szName); else wnd = 0; } } else { if(KVSCF_pContext->window()->connection())wnd = KVSCF_pContext->window()->connection()->findChannel(szName); else { if(!KVSCF_pContext->window()->console()) KVSCF_pContext->warning(__tr2qs("This window is not associated to an IRC context")); wnd = 0; } } } else { if(KVSCF_pContext->window()->type() == KVI_WINDOW_TYPE_CHANNEL)wnd = KVSCF_pContext->window(); } KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setInteger((kvs_int_t)(wnd ? wnd->numericId() : 0)); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: char @type: function @title: $char @short: Returns a character specified by unicode @syntax: $char() @description: Returns a character corresponding to the UNICODE code .[br] This function can not return NUL character (UNICODE 0). Basically you should never need it: if you do, drop me a mail.[br] If the is not a valid UNICODE code (or is 0), this function returns an empty string.[br] @seealso: [fnc]$cr[/fnc], [fnc]$lf[/fnc], [fnc]$unicode[/fnc] */ KVSCF(charCKEYWORDWORKAROUND) { kvs_uint_t ac; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("unicode_value",KVS_PT_UINT,0,ac) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END if(ac != 0 && ac < 65536) KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setString(TQString(TQChar((unsigned short)ac))); else KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setString(TQString()); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: classdefined @type: function @title: $classdefined @short: Checks if a class is defined @syntax: $classdefined() @description: Returns 1 if the class is defined, else 0. */ KVSCF(classDefined) { // prologue: parameter handling TQString szClassName; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("className",KVS_PT_NONEMPTYSTRING,0,szClassName) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setBoolean(KviKvsKernel::instance()->objectController()->lookupClass(szClassName) != 0); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: console @type: function @title: $console @short: Retrieves the window ID of a specified console @syntax: $console[()] @description: Returns the [b]window ID[/b] of the console bound to the IRC context specified by . If no window matches the specified IRC context, an invalid window ID is returned (0).[br] If no is specified, this function looks for the console in the current IRC context (if any).[br] @seealso: [fnc]$window[/fnc], [fnc]$channel[/fnc], [fnc]$query[/fnc], [doc:window_naming_conventions]Window naming conventions[/doc] */ KVSCF(console) { kvs_uint_t uContextId; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("context_id",KVS_PT_UINT,KVS_PF_OPTIONAL,uContextId) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END KviConsole * cons; if(KVSCF_pParams->count() > 0) { cons = g_pApp->findConsole(uContextId); } else { cons = KVSCF_pContext->window()->console(); if(!cons)KVSCF_pContext->warning(__tr2qs("This window is not associated to an IRC context")); } KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setInteger((kvs_int_t)(cons ? cons->numericId() : 0)); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: context @type: function @title: $context @short: Retrieves the ID of the specified IRC context @syntax: $context[(,)] @description: Returns the [b]IRC context ID[/b] of the IRC context that uses the specified and local user's .[br] This function can find only connected IRC contexts. If no context matches the server and nickname, and invalid [b]IRC context ID[/b] is returned (0).[br] If is an empty string, the first context that matches the specified nickname is returned. If is an empty string the first context that uses the specified server is returned. If both parameters are missing this function returns the id of the current IRC context, or '0' if the window in that this call is executed is not bound to any IRC context. Please note that in this last case you may find an [b]IRC context[/b] that is 'not connected'. This can only happen if the current window is a console that is in "idle" state, with no connection established yet.[br] It is a good idea to take a look at the [doc:window_naming_conventions]window naming conventions[/doc]. This identifier is equivalent to [fnc]$ic[/fnc].[br] @seealso: [fnc]$window.context[/fnc] */ KVSCF(context) { TQString szServer,szNick; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("server",KVS_PT_STRING,KVS_PF_OPTIONAL,szServer) KVSCF_PARAMETER("nick",KVS_PT_STRING,KVS_PF_OPTIONAL,szNick) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END KviConsole * cons; if(!(szServer.isEmpty() && szNick.isEmpty())) { cons = g_pApp->findConsole(szServer,szNick); } else { cons = KVSCF_pContext->window()->console(); } KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setInteger(cons ? cons->ircContextId() : 0); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: cr @type: function @title: $cr @short: Returns a carriage return character @syntax: $cr @description: Returns a carriage return character @seealso: [fnc]$lf[/fnc], [fnc]$ascii[/fnc], [fnc]$char[/fnc] */ KVSCF(cr) { KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setString(TQString(TQChar('\r'))); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: date @type: function @title: $date @short: Returns a date/time string using a specified format @syntax: $date([,]) @description: Returns the string representation of or of the current time if is not given, based on .[br] The should contain a set of characters that will be transformed according to the following rules:[br] [br] [table] [tr][td][b]a[/b][/td][td]The abbreviated weekday name according to the current locale.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]A[/b][/td][td]The full weekday name according to the current locale.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]b[/b][/td][td]The abbreviated month name according to the current locale.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]B[/b][/td][td]The full month name according to the current locale.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]c[/b][/td][td]The preferred date and time representation for the current locale.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]C[/b][/td][td]The century number (year/100) as a 2-digit integer. (SU)[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]d[/b][/td][td]The day of the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 31).[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]D[/b][/td][td]Equivalent to m/d/y.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]e[/b][/td][td]Like d, the day of the month as a decimal number, but a leading zero is replaced by a space. (SU)[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]E[/b][/td][td]Modifier: use alternative format, see below. (SU)[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]F[/b][/td][td]Equivalent to Y-m-d (the ISO 8601 date format). (C99)[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]G[/b][/td][td]The ISO 8601 year with century as a decimal number. The 4-digit year corresponding to the ISO week number (see V). This has the same format and value as y, except that if the ISO week number belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]g[/b][/td][td]Like G, but without century, i.e., with a 2-digit year (00-99).[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]h[/b][/td][td]Equivalent to b.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]H[/b][/td][td]The hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23).[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]I[/b][/td][td]The hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12).[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]j[/b][/td][td]The day of the year as a decimal number (range 001 to 366).[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]k[/b][/td][td]The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (range 0 to 23); sin- gle digits are preceded by a blank. (See also H.)[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]l[/b][/td][td]The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (range 1 to 12); sin- gle digits are preceded by a blank. (See also I.)[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]m[/b][/td][td]The month as a decimal number (range 01 to 12).[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]M[/b][/td][td]The minute as a decimal number (range 00 to 59).[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]n[/b][/td][td]A newline character. (SU)[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]p[/b][/td][td]Either `AM' or `PM' according to the given time value, or the cor- responding strings for the current locale. Noon is treated as `pm' and midnight as `am'.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]r[/b][/td][td]The time in a.m. or p.m. notation. In the POSIX locale this is equivalent to `I:M:S p'.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]s[/b][/td][td]The number of seconds since the Epoch, i.e., since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]S[/b][/td][td]The second as a decimal number (range 00 to 60). (The range is up to 60 to allow for occasional leap seconds.)[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]t[/b][/td][td]A tab character.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]T[/b][/td][td]The time in 24-hour notation (H:M:S). (SU)[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]u[/b][/td][td]The day of the week as a decimal, range 1 to 7, Monday being 1. See also w.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]U[/b][/td][td]The week number of the current year as a decimal number, range 00 to 53, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of week 01. See also V and W.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]V[/b][/td][td]The ISO 8601:1988 week number of the current year as a decimal num- ber, range 01 to 53, where week 1 is the first week that has at least 4 days in the current year, and with Monday as the first day of the week. See also U and W.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]w[/b][/td][td]The day of the week as a decimal, range 0 to 6, Sunday being 0.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]W[/b][/td][td]The week number of the current year as a decimal number, range 00 to 53, starting with the first Monday as the first day of week 01.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]x[/b][/td][td]The preferred date representation for the current locale without the time.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]X[/b][/td][td]The preferred time representation for the current locale without the date.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]y[/b][/td][td]The year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99).[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]Y[/b][/td][td]The year as a decimal number including the century.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]z[/b][/td][td]The time-zone as hour offset from GMT. Required to emit RFC822-conformant dates (using "a, d b Y H:M:S z").[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]Z[/b][/td][td]The time zone or name or abbreviation.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]+[/b][/td][td]The date and time in date(1) format. (TZ)[/td][/tr] [/table] WARNING: Please note that this list is taken from the unix version of the strftime function and not all the escape codes may be supported by other platforms. @examples: [example] [cmd]echo[/cmd] $date("d/m/Y H:M:S") [/example] @seealso: [fnc]$time[/fnc], [fnc]$unixtime[/fnc] */ KVSCF(date) { TQString szFormat; kvs_int_t iTime; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("format",KVS_PT_NONEMPTYSTRING,0,szFormat) KVSCF_PARAMETER("unixtime",KVS_PT_INT,KVS_PF_OPTIONAL,iTime) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END KviStr tmpFormat(""); #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS TQString szAllowedCharacters; //windows version of strftime() //kvirc crashes if other then these characters get an % character in front of them szAllowedCharacters = "AaBbcdHIjMmpSUWwXxYyZz"; #endif const TQChar * c = KviTQString::nullTerminatedArray(szFormat); if(c) { while(c->unicode()) { //Check for right Characters #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS if (szAllowedCharacters.find((char)(c->unicode()),0,true) >= 0) tmpFormat += '%'; #else if (c->isLetter()) tmpFormat += '%'; #endif tmpFormat += (char)(c->unicode()); c++; } } kvi_time_t t; if(KVSCF_pParams->count() > 1) t = (kvi_time_t)iTime; else t = kvi_unixTime(); char buf[256]; if(strftime(buf,255,tmpFormat.ptr(),localtime(&t))> 0) { KviStr tmp = buf; if(tmp.lastCharIs('\n'))tmp.cutRight(1); KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setString(TQString(buf)); } else { KVSCF_pContext->warning(__tr2qs("The specified format string wasn't accepted by the underlying system time formatting function")); } return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: false @type: function @title: $false @short: The boolean false constant @syntax: $false @description: Evaluates to the false boolean constant. True is equivalent to the integer 0 too. This function/constant is useful to keep your code readable: when you have a variable that can assume boolean values it's nicer to use [fnc]$true[/fnc] and $false instead of the integer constants 1 and 0. The reader will undestand immediately that the variable simply can't assume any other value. @examples: [example] %a = $false [cmd]echo[/cmd] $typeof(%a) [cmd]echo[/cmd] $(%a + 1) [/example] @seealso: [fnc]$true[/fnc] */ KVSCF(falseCKEYWORDWORKAROUND) { #ifdef COMPILE_NEW_KVS KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setBoolean(false); #endif return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: features @type: function @title: $features @short: Returns the features that KVIrc supports @syntax: $features() $features() @description: The parameterless form returns an array of feature descripton strings that this KVIrc executable supports.[br] This function is useful when some part of your script depends on an optional KVIrc feature (like SSL support or IPV6 support).[br] The returned value may be assigned to a dictionary too: it will be used to simulate an array.[br] The form with the [test_feature] parameter returns true if and only if [test_feature] is available.[br] @examples: [example] %myfeats[] = $features [cmd]echo[/cmd] %myfeats[] %i = %myfeats[]# [cmd]while[/cmd](%i > 0) { [cmd]echo[/cmd] "Supporting feature %myfeats[%i]" %i--; } [/example] Nearly the same loop, just really shorter: [example] [cmd]foreach[/cmd](%f,$features) [cmd]echo[/cmd] "Supporting feature %myfeats[%i]" [/example] You can test for a specific feature in the following way: [example] [cmd]if[/cmd]($features("SSL"))[cmd]echo[/cmd] "Yes! SSL is available"; [/example] If used in "non-array" context it returns just a comma separated list of entries:[br] [example] [cmd]echo[/cmd] $features [/example] @seealso: [fnc]$version[/fnc] */ KVSCF(features) { TQString szFeature; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("test_feature",KVS_PT_STRING,KVS_PF_OPTIONAL,szFeature) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END static const char * feature_array[]= { "IRC", #ifdef COMPILE_IPV6_SUPPORT "IPv6", #endif #ifdef COMPILE_CRYPT_SUPPORT "Crypt", #endif #ifdef COMPILE_SSL_SUPPORT "SSL", #endif #ifdef COMPILE_GET_INTERFACE_ADDRESS "IfAddr", #endif #ifndef COMPILE_NO_IPC "IPC", #endif #ifdef COMPILE_TDE_SUPPORT "KDE", #endif #ifdef COMPILE_OSS_SUPPORT "OSS", #endif #ifdef COMPILE_ARTS_SUPPORT "ARTS", #endif #ifdef COMPILE_ESD_SUPPORT "ESD", #endif #ifdef COMPILE_AUDIOFILE_SUPPORT "Audiofile", #endif #ifdef COMPILE_PSEUDO_TRANSPARENCY "Transparency", #endif #ifdef COMPILE_ix86_ASM "ix86-ASM", #endif #ifdef COMPILE_SCRIPTTOOLBAR "ScriptToolBar", #endif // COMPILE_SCRIPTTOOLBAR "TQt3", #ifdef COMPILE_NEW_KVS "KVS", #endif 0 }; if(!szFeature.isEmpty()) { for(int i=0;feature_array[i];i++) { if(KviTQString::equalCI(feature_array[i],szFeature)) { KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setBoolean(true); return true; } } KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setBoolean(false); } else { KviKvsArray * a = new KviKvsArray(); int id = 0; for(int i=0;feature_array[i];i++)a->set(i,new KviKvsVariant(TQString(feature_array[i]))); KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setArray(a); } return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: firstconnectedconsole @type: function @title: $firstConnectedConsole @short: Returns the window id of the first connected console @syntax: $firstConnectedConsole() @description: Returns the window id of the first connected console or 0 if no console is actually connected. */ KVSCF(firstConnectedConsole) { KviConsole * c = g_pApp->topmostConnectedConsole(); // FIXME: The window id's should be numeric!!! KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setString(c ? c->id() : "0"); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: flatten @type: function @title: $flatten @short: Returns a flattened array of items @syntax: $flatten([,[,...]]) @description: Returns an array of items built from the passed arguments with the following rules:[br] [ul] [li]If an argument is a scalar value then the argument itself is appended to the result.[/li] [li]If an argument is an array then each contained item is appended to the result.[/li] [li]If an argument is a hash then each contained value is appended to the result.[/li] [/ul] A simple example of usage is to merge N arrays into a new one. (Please note that for merging one array into another the [doc:arrayconcatenation]<+ operator[/doc] is more efficient). */ KVSCF(flatten) { KviKvsArray * a = new KviKvsArray(); KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setArray(a); unsigned int uIdx = 0; for(KviKvsVariant * v = KVSCF_pParams->first();v;v = KVSCF_pParams->next()) { switch(v->type()) { case KviKvsVariantData::Array: { KviKvsArray * z = v->array(); unsigned int uSize = z->size(); unsigned int uIdx2 = 0; while(uIdx2 < uSize) { KviKvsVariant * pInternal = z->at(uIdx2); if(pInternal) a->set(uIdx,new KviKvsVariant(*pInternal)); // else // don't set anything: just leave empty entry (nothing) uIdx++; uIdx2++; } } break; case KviKvsVariantData::Hash: { KviKvsHash * h = v->hash(); KviKvsHashIterator it(*(h->dict())); while(KviKvsVariant * pInternal = it.current()) { a->set(uIdx,new KviKvsVariant(*pInternal)); uIdx++; ++it; } } break; default: a->set(uIdx,new KviKvsVariant(*v)); uIdx++; break; } } return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* @doc: fmtlink @type: function @title: $fmtlink @short: Returns a formatted link buffer @syntax: $fmtlink(,[,]) @description: Returns a link formatted for the [cmd]echo[/cmd] command.[br] If you pass the returned string to the echo command, the string will be displayed as a link and will be highlighted when the user moves the mouse over it.[br] If the user will leave the mouse for a few seconds over the link, the will be displayed in a small tooltip window. If is not given, then no tooltip will be shown.[br] The will be executed when the user will double click on the link.[br] Please remember that if contains identifiers that must be evaluated at double-click time, you MUST escape them in the $fmtlink() call to prevent the evaluation.[br] You might also take a look at [doc:escape_sequences]the escape sequences documentation[/doc] to learn more about how the links are implemented and how to create more powerful links (add right and middle button actions, use predefined kvirc links etc...) @seealso: [doc:escape_sequences]the escape sequences documentation[/doc] */ KVSCF(fmtlink) { TQString szLinkText,szCmd,szToolTip; KVSCF_PARAMETERS_BEGIN KVSCF_PARAMETER("link_text",KVS_PT_NONEMPTYSTRING,0,szLinkText) KVSCF_PARAMETER("double_click_command",KVS_PT_STRING,0,szCmd) KVSCF_PARAMETER("tooltip_text",KVS_PT_STRING,KVS_PF_OPTIONAL,szToolTip) KVSCF_PARAMETERS_END TQString szPart; KviTQString::sprintf(szPart,"[!dbl]%Q",&szCmd); if(!szToolTip.isEmpty())KviTQString::appendFormatted(szPart,"[!txt]%Q",&szToolTip); TQString szLink; KviTQString::sprintf(szLink,"\r!%Q\r%Q\r",&szPart,&szLinkText); KVSCF_pRetBuffer->setString(szLink); return true; } };