ProfileGeneralOptionsBase ProfileGeneralOptionsBase 0 0 456 240 General unnamed layout49 unnamed layout48 unnamed LabelGateway_2 Description: LabelGateway VPN gateway: LabelCommectionType Connection type: gatewayLineEdit Hostname or IP address of the VPN gateway DescriptionLineEdit Profile description ConnectionTypeComboBox Connection type This is the connection type of the profile (e.g. Cisco). spacer59 Vertical Expanding 20 70 layout11 unnamed spacer58 Horizontal Expanding 92 20 RenameSessionPushButton Rena&me Alt+M Rename the current profile SaveSessionPushButton Sa&ve Alt+V Save the current profile DeleteSessionPushButton Dele&te Alt+T Delete the current profile NewSessionPushButton Ne&w Alt+W Create a new profile DescriptionLineEdit ConnectionTypeComboBox gatewayLineEdit RenameSessionPushButton SaveSessionPushButton DeleteSessionPushButton NewSessionPushButton advancedSettingsClicked() klineedit.h klineedit.h kcombobox.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h