ProfileNetworkHttpProxyOptionsBase ProfileNetworkHttpProxyOptionsBase 0 0 451 337 HTTP proxy unnamed layout65 unnamed layout64 unnamed UseHttpProxyCheckBox Use HTTP prox&y Alt+Y Connect via HTTP proxy layout8 unnamed HttpProxyGroupBox HTTP proxy HTTP proxy settings unnamed PortTextextLabel false Port Proxy server port number HostTextLabel false Host Name or IP address of the proxy server HttpProxyPassTextLabel false Password Name or IP address of the proxy server HttpProxyAuthTextLabel false Type Name or IP address of the proxy server TimeoutTextLabel false Timeout Timeout in seconds spacer18 Horizontal Expanding 41 21 layout14 unnamed spacer19 Horizontal Expanding 91 21 HttpProxyAuthTypeComboBox false spacer14 Horizontal Expanding 150 20 layout13 unnamed spacer13 Horizontal Expanding 103 21 HttpProxyTimeoutIntSpinBox false 5 Timeout in seconds HttpProxyUserTextLabel false Username Name or IP address of the proxy server HttpProxyUserLineEdit false Name or IP address of the proxy server layout9 unnamed spacer12 Horizontal Expanding 119 21 HttpProxyPortIntNumInput false 65535 1 8080 Proxy server port number UseHttpProxyAuthCheckBox false Use HTTP prox&y authentication Alt+Y Connect via HTTP proxy HttpProxyLineEdit false Name or IP address of the proxy server HttpProxyAuthPasswordEdit false Password spacer5_2 Vertical Expanding 41 110 spacer20 Horizontal Expanding 16 20 UseHttpProxyAuthCheckBox toggled(bool) ProfileNetworkHttpProxyOptionsBase useHttpProxyAuthToggeled(bool) UseHttpProxyCheckBox toggled(bool) ProfileNetworkHttpProxyOptionsBase useHttpProxyToggeled(bool) HttpProxyLineEdit HttpProxyPortIntNumInput HttpProxyTimeoutIntSpinBox useHttpProxyToggeled(bool) useHttpProxyAuthToggeled(bool) kcombobox.h knuminput.h knuminput.h