/* * * Copyright (c) 2009 Erich Hoover * * libr temp files - Handle temporary files and handles that require cleanup * when libr closes. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * To provide feedback, report bugs, or otherwise contact me: * ehoover at mines dot edu * */ #include "tempfiles.h" /* For malloc/free and mkdtemp */ #include /* For string handling */ #include #include /* For directory cleanup */ #include #include /* For directory creation */ #include #include #include #if defined(__FreeBSD__) #include #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS /* Hold on to folder names for cleanup when libr is removed from memory */ typedef struct CLEANUPFOLDER { char *folder; struct CLEANUPFOLDER *next; } CleanupFolder; CleanupFolder *folders_to_remove = NULL; /* Hold on to libr handles for cleanup when libr is removed from memory */ typedef struct CLEANUPHANDLE { int internal; /* do not warn the user about cleaning this handle up */ libr_file *handle; struct CLEANUPHANDLE *next; } CleanupHandle; CleanupHandle *handles_to_remove = NULL; #endif /* DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS */ /* * Register a folder for cleanup when libr is removed from memory */ void register_folder_cleanup(char *temp_folder) { CleanupFolder *folder = malloc(sizeof(CleanupFolder)); folder->folder = strdup(temp_folder); folder->next = NULL; if(folders_to_remove != NULL) { CleanupFolder *f; for(f = folders_to_remove; f->next != NULL; f = f->next) {} f->next = folder; } else folders_to_remove = folder; } /* * Register a libr handle for cleanup when libr is removed from memory */ void register_handle_cleanup(libr_file *handle) { CleanupHandle *h = malloc(sizeof(CleanupHandle)); h->handle = handle; h->internal = FALSE; h->next = NULL; if(handles_to_remove != NULL) { CleanupHandle *i; for(i = handles_to_remove; i->next != NULL; i = i->next) {} i->next = h; } else handles_to_remove = h; } /* * Remove a libr handle from the cleanup list */ void unregister_handle_cleanup(libr_file *handle) { CleanupHandle *i, *last = NULL; int found = FALSE; if(handles_to_remove == NULL) { printf("Unregistering handle with no list of cleanup handles!\n"); return; } for(i = handles_to_remove; i != NULL; last = i, i = i->next) { if(i->handle == handle) { if(last == NULL) handles_to_remove = i->next; else last->next = i->next; free(i); found = TRUE; break; } } if(!found) printf("Could not find handle to remove from cleanup list!\n"); } /* * Flag a handle as internal (do not warn about unsafe cleanup) */ void register_internal_handle(libr_file *handle) { int found = FALSE; CleanupHandle *i; if(handles_to_remove == NULL) { printf("No cleanup list!\n"); return; } for(i = handles_to_remove; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if(i->handle == handle) { i->internal = TRUE; found = TRUE; break; } } if(!found) printf("Could not find handle in cleanup list!\n"); } /* * Cleanup a temporary folder used to hack the inability to load resources from a buffer */ void cleanup_folder(char *temp_folder) { char *filepath = (char *) malloc(PATH_MAX); DIR *dir = opendir(temp_folder); struct dirent *file; while((file = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { char *filename = file->d_name; /* Do not delete "self" or "parent" directory entries */ if(!strcmp(filename, ".") || !strcmp(filename, "..")) continue; /* But delete anything else */ strcpy(filepath, temp_folder); strcat(filepath, "/"); strcat(filepath, filename); if(file->d_type == DT_DIR) cleanup_folder(filepath); else { if(unlink(filepath)) printf("libr failed to cleanup '%s' in temporary folder: %m\n", filename); } } free(filepath); closedir(dir); if(rmdir(temp_folder) != 0) printf("libr failed to remove temporary folder: %m\n"); } /* * Perform cleanup when libr is removed from memory */ void do_cleanup(void) __attribute__((destructor)); void do_cleanup(void) { CleanupFolder *f, *fnext; CleanupHandle *h, *hnext; /* Cleanup folders */ for(f = folders_to_remove; f != NULL; f = fnext) { folders_to_remove = NULL; fnext = f->next; cleanup_folder(f->folder); free(f->folder); free(f); } /* Cleanup handles */ for(h = handles_to_remove; h != NULL; h = hnext) { handles_to_remove = NULL; hnext = h->next; /* Unless the handle was created internally then warn the developer to cleanup their act */ if(!h->internal) printf("Warning: Application did not cleanup resource handle: %p\n", h->handle); libr_close_internal(h->handle); free(h); } } /* * Build all the directories required by a resource * (and construct the output string) */ int make_valid_path(char *out_path, size_t maxpath, char *start_folder, char *resource_name) { char *a, *c = resource_name; strcpy(out_path, start_folder); while((a=strchr(c, '/')) != NULL) { strcat(out_path, "/"); strncat(out_path, c, (size_t) (a-c)); if(mkdir(out_path, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IXUSR) != 0) { if(errno != EEXIST) { printf("failed to make directory: %s %m\n", out_path); return false; } } c = a+1; } strcat(out_path, "/"); strcat(out_path, c); return true; } /* * Extract all the resources from the ELF file for use by the resource loader */ char *libr_extract_resources(libr_file *handle) { char *temp_mask = strdup(LIBR_TEMPFILE); char *temp_folder; int i = 0; temp_folder = mkdtemp(temp_mask); if(temp_folder == NULL) { /* failed to extract ELF resources, could not create a temporary path */ goto failed; } /* If this library cannot dynamically load resources then pull out all the resources to a temporary directory */ for(i=0;i