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+<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>qvariant.h</h1>
+<p>This is the verbatim text of the qvariant.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.
+** $Id: qt/qvariant.h 3.3.8 edited Jan 11 14:38 $
+** Definition of QVariant class
+** Created : 990414
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Alternatively you may (at your option) use any
+** later version of the GNU General Public License if such license has
+** been publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#ifndef QVARIANT_H
+#define QVARIANT_H
+#ifndef QT_H
+#include "qstring.h"
+#endif // QT_H
+#ifndef QT_NO_VARIANT
+class QString;
+class QCString;
+class QFont;
+class QPixmap;
+class QBrush;
+class QRect;
+class QPoint;
+class QImage;
+class QSize;
+class QColor;
+class QPalette;
+class QColorGroup;
+class QIconSet;
+class QDataStream;
+class QPointArray;
+class QRegion;
+class QBitmap;
+class QCursor;
+class QStringList;
+class QSizePolicy;
+class QDate;
+class QTime;
+class QDateTime;
+class QBitArray;
+class QKeySequence;
+class QPen;
+// Some headers rejected after QVariant declaration for GCC 2.7.* compatibility
+class QVariant;
+template &lt;class T&gt; class QValueList;
+template &lt;class T&gt; class QValueListConstIterator;
+template &lt;class T&gt; class QValueListNode;
+template &lt;class Key, class T&gt; class QMap;
+template &lt;class Key, class T&gt; class QMapConstIterator;
+class Q_EXPORT QVariant
+ enum Type {
+ Invalid,
+ Map,
+ List,
+ String,
+ StringList,
+ Font,
+ Pixmap,
+ Brush,
+ Rect,
+ Size,
+ Color,
+ Palette,
+ ColorGroup,
+ IconSet,
+ Point,
+ Image,
+ Int,
+ UInt,
+ Bool,
+ Double,
+ CString,
+ PointArray,
+ Region,
+ Bitmap,
+ Cursor,
+ SizePolicy,
+ Date,
+ Time,
+ DateTime,
+ ByteArray,
+ BitArray,
+ KeySequence,
+ Pen,
+ LongLong,
+ ULongLong
+ };
+ QVariant();
+ ~QVariant();
+ QVariant( const QVariant&amp; );
+ QVariant( QDataStream&amp; s );
+ QVariant( const QString&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QCString&amp; );
+ QVariant( const char* );
+ QVariant( const QStringList&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QFont&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QPixmap&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QImage&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QBrush&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QPoint&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QRect&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QSize&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QColor&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QPalette&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QColorGroup&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QIconSet&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QPointArray&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QRegion&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QBitmap&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QCursor&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QDate&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QTime&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QDateTime&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QByteArray&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QBitArray&amp; );
+#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
+ QVariant( const QKeySequence&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QPen&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QValueList&lt;QVariant&gt;&amp; );
+ QVariant( const QMap&lt;QString,QVariant&gt;&amp; );
+ QVariant( int );
+ QVariant( uint );
+ QVariant( Q_LLONG );
+ QVariant( Q_ULLONG );
+ // ### Problems on some compilers ?
+ QVariant( bool, int );
+ QVariant( double );
+ QVariant( QSizePolicy );
+ QVariant&amp; operator= ( const QVariant&amp; );
+ bool operator==( const QVariant&amp; ) const;
+ bool operator!=( const QVariant&amp; ) const;
+ Type type() const;
+ const char* typeName() const;
+ bool canCast( Type ) const;
+ bool cast( Type );
+ bool isValid() const;
+ bool isNull() const;
+ void clear();
+ const QString toString() const;
+ const QCString toCString() const;
+ const QStringList toStringList() const;
+ const QFont toFont() const;
+ const QPixmap toPixmap() const;
+ const QImage toImage() const;
+ const QBrush toBrush() const;
+ const QPoint toPoint() const;
+ const QRect toRect() const;
+ const QSize toSize() const;
+ const QColor toColor() const;
+ const QPalette toPalette() const;
+ const QColorGroup toColorGroup() const;
+ const QIconSet toIconSet() const;
+ const QPointArray toPointArray() const;
+ const QBitmap toBitmap() const;
+ const QRegion toRegion() const;
+ const QCursor toCursor() const;
+ const QDate toDate() const;
+ const QTime toTime() const;
+ const QDateTime toDateTime() const;
+ const QByteArray toByteArray() const;
+ const QBitArray toBitArray() const;
+#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
+ const QKeySequence toKeySequence() const;
+ const QPen toPen() const;
+ int toInt( bool * ok=0 ) const;
+ uint toUInt( bool * ok=0 ) const;
+ Q_LLONG toLongLong( bool * ok=0 ) const;
+ Q_ULLONG toULongLong( bool * ok=0 ) const;
+ bool toBool() const;
+ double toDouble( bool * ok=0 ) const;
+ const QValueList&lt;QVariant&gt; toList() const;
+ const QMap&lt;QString,QVariant&gt; toMap() const;
+ QSizePolicy toSizePolicy() const;
+ QValueListConstIterator&lt;QString&gt; stringListBegin() const;
+ QValueListConstIterator&lt;QString&gt; stringListEnd() const;
+ QValueListConstIterator&lt;QVariant&gt; listBegin() const;
+ QValueListConstIterator&lt;QVariant&gt; listEnd() const;
+ QMapConstIterator&lt;QString,QVariant&gt; mapBegin() const;
+ QMapConstIterator&lt;QString,QVariant&gt; mapEnd() const;
+ QMapConstIterator&lt;QString,QVariant&gt; mapFind( const QString&amp; ) const;
+ QString&amp; asString();
+ QCString&amp; asCString();
+ QStringList&amp; asStringList();
+ QFont&amp; asFont();
+ QPixmap&amp; asPixmap();
+ QImage&amp; asImage();
+ QBrush&amp; asBrush();
+ QPoint&amp; asPoint();
+ QRect&amp; asRect();
+ QSize&amp; asSize();
+ QColor&amp; asColor();
+ QPalette&amp; asPalette();
+ QColorGroup&amp; asColorGroup();
+ QIconSet&amp; asIconSet();
+ QPointArray&amp; asPointArray();
+ QBitmap&amp; asBitmap();
+ QRegion&amp; asRegion();
+ QCursor&amp; asCursor();
+ QDate&amp; asDate();
+ QTime&amp; asTime();
+ QDateTime&amp; asDateTime();
+ QByteArray&amp; asByteArray();
+ QBitArray&amp; asBitArray();
+#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
+ QKeySequence&amp; asKeySequence();
+ QPen&amp; asPen();
+ int&amp; asInt();
+ uint&amp; asUInt();
+ Q_LLONG&amp; asLongLong();
+ Q_ULLONG&amp; asULongLong();
+ bool&amp; asBool();
+ double&amp; asDouble();
+ QValueList&lt;QVariant&gt;&amp; asList();
+ QMap&lt;QString,QVariant&gt;&amp; asMap();
+ QSizePolicy&amp; asSizePolicy();
+ void load( QDataStream&amp; );
+ void save( QDataStream&amp; ) const;
+ static const char* typeToName( Type typ );
+ static Type nameToType( const char* name );
+ void detach();
+ class Private : public QShared
+ {
+ public:
+ Private();
+ Private( Private* );
+ ~Private();
+ void clear();
+ Type typ;
+ union
+ {
+ uint u;
+ int i;
+ Q_LLONG ll;
+ Q_ULLONG ull;
+ bool b;
+ double d;
+ void *ptr;
+ } value;
+ uint is_null : 1; // ## 4.0 merge with typ
+ };
+ Private* d;
+ void* rawAccess( void* ptr = 0, Type typ = Invalid, bool deepCopy = FALSE );
+// down here for GCC 2.7.* compatibility
+#ifndef QT_H
+#include "qvaluelist.h"
+#include "qstringlist.h"
+#include "qmap.h"
+#endif // QT_H
+inline QVariant::Type QVariant::type() const
+ return d-&gt;typ;
+inline bool QVariant::isValid() const
+ return (d-&gt;typ != Invalid);
+inline QValueListConstIterator&lt;QString&gt; QVariant::stringListBegin() const
+ if ( d-&gt;typ != StringList )
+ return QValueListConstIterator&lt;QString&gt;();
+ return ((const QStringList*)d-&gt;value.ptr)-&gt;begin();
+inline QValueListConstIterator&lt;QString&gt; QVariant::stringListEnd() const
+ if ( d-&gt;typ != StringList )
+ return QValueListConstIterator&lt;QString&gt;();
+ return ((const QStringList*)d-&gt;value.ptr)-&gt;end();
+inline QValueListConstIterator&lt;QVariant&gt; QVariant::listBegin() const
+ if ( d-&gt;typ != List )
+ return QValueListConstIterator&lt;QVariant&gt;();
+ return ((const QValueList&lt;QVariant&gt;*)d-&gt;value.ptr)-&gt;begin();
+inline QValueListConstIterator&lt;QVariant&gt; QVariant::listEnd() const
+ if ( d-&gt;typ != List )
+ return QValueListConstIterator&lt;QVariant&gt;();
+ return ((const QValueList&lt;QVariant&gt;*)d-&gt;value.ptr)-&gt;end();
+inline QMapConstIterator&lt;QString,QVariant&gt; QVariant::mapBegin() const
+ if ( d-&gt;typ != Map )
+ return QMapConstIterator&lt;QString,QVariant&gt;();
+ return ((const QMap&lt;QString,QVariant&gt;*)d-&gt;value.ptr)-&gt;begin();
+inline QMapConstIterator&lt;QString,QVariant&gt; QVariant::mapEnd() const
+ if ( d-&gt;typ != Map )
+ return QMapConstIterator&lt;QString,QVariant&gt;();
+ return ((const QMap&lt;QString,QVariant&gt;*)d-&gt;value.ptr)-&gt;end();
+inline QMapConstIterator&lt;QString,QVariant&gt; QVariant::mapFind( const QString&amp; key ) const
+ if ( d-&gt;typ != Map )
+ return QMapConstIterator&lt;QString,QVariant&gt;();
+ return ((const QMap&lt;QString,QVariant&gt;*)d-&gt;value.ptr)-&gt;find( key );
+Q_EXPORT QDataStream&amp; operator&gt;&gt; ( QDataStream&amp; s, QVariant&amp; p );
+Q_EXPORT QDataStream&amp; operator&lt;&lt; ( QDataStream&amp; s, const QVariant&amp; p );
+Q_EXPORT QDataStream&amp; operator&gt;&gt; ( QDataStream&amp; s, QVariant::Type&amp; p );
+Q_EXPORT QDataStream&amp; operator&lt;&lt; ( QDataStream&amp; s, const QVariant::Type p );
+#endif //QT_NO_VARIANT
+#endif // QVARIANT_H
+<!-- eof -->
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