/* */ /*! \page tagreader-with-features-example.html \ingroup xml-examples \title Demonstration of SAX2 features This example presents a small \link xml.html#sax2 SAX2 \endlink reader that outputs the qualified names and the respective namespace URIs of all elements and attributes in an XML file. Additionally the tree structure of the document is displayed. In three listviews the program shows the different output of the reader depending on how the SAX2 \link xml.html#sax2Namespaces features \endlink \e http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces and \e http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes are set. This example is thoroughly explained in a \link xml-sax-features-walkthrough.html walkthrough. \endlink
Header file: \include xml/tagreader-with-features/structureparser.h
Implementation: \include xml/tagreader-with-features/structureparser.cpp
Main: \include xml/tagreader-with-features/tagreader.cpp */