/**************************************************************************** ** ** Implementation of QSjisCodec class ** ** Created : 990225 ** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Trolltech ASA. 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The environment variable \c UNICODEMAP_JP can be used to fine-tune QJisCodec, QSjisCodec and QEucJpCodec. The \l QJisCodec documentation describes how to use this variable. Most of the code here was written by Serika Kurusugawa, a.k.a. Junji Takagi, and is included in Qt with the author's permission and the grateful thanks of the Trolltech team. Here is the copyright statement for the code as it was at the point of contribution. Trolltech's subsequent modifications are covered by the usual copyright for Qt. \legalese Copyright (C) 1999 Serika Kurusugawa. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: \list 1 \i Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. \i Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. \endlist THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS". ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "qsjiscodec.h" #ifndef QT_NO_BIG_CODECS static const uchar Esc = 0x1b; #define IsKana(c) (((c) >= 0xa1) && ((c) <= 0xdf)) #define IsSjisChar1(c) ((((c) >= 0x81) && ((c) <= 0x9f)) || \ (((c) >= 0xe0) && ((c) <= 0xfc))) #define IsSjisChar2(c) (((c) >= 0x40) && ((c) != 0x7f) && ((c) <= 0xfc)) #define IsUserDefinedChar1(c) (((c) >= 0xf0) && ((c) <= 0xfc)) #define QValidChar(u) ((u) ? QChar((ushort)(u)) : QChar::replacement) /*! Creates a Shift-JIS codec. Note that this is done automatically by the QApplication, you do not need construct your own. */ QSjisCodec::QSjisCodec() : conv(QJpUnicodeConv::newConverter(QJpUnicodeConv::Default)) { } /*! Destroys the Shift-JIS codec. */ QSjisCodec::~QSjisCodec() { delete (QJpUnicodeConv*)conv; conv = 0; } /*! \reimp */ int QSjisCodec::mibEnum() const { /* Name: Shift_JIS (preferred MIME name) MIBenum: 17 Source: A Microsoft code that extends csHalfWidthKatakana to include kanji by adding a second byte when the value of the first byte is in the ranges 81-9F or E0-EF. Alias: MS_Kanji Alias: csShiftJIS */ return 17; } /*! \reimp */ QCString QSjisCodec::fromUnicode(const QString& uc, int& lenInOut) const { int l = QMIN((int)uc.length(),lenInOut); int rlen = l*2+1; QCString rstr(rlen); uchar* cursor = (uchar*)rstr.data(); for (int i=0; iunicodeToJisx0201(ch.row(), ch.cell())) != 0) { // JIS X 0201 Latin or JIS X 0201 Kana *cursor++ = j; } else if ((j = conv->unicodeToSjis(ch.row(), ch.cell())) != 0) { // JIS X 0208 *cursor++ = (j >> 8); *cursor++ = (j & 0xff); } else if ((j = conv->unicodeToSjisibmvdc(ch.row(), ch.cell())) != 0) { // JIS X 0208 IBM VDC *cursor++ = (j >> 8); *cursor++ = (j & 0xff); } else if ((j = conv->unicodeToCp932(ch.row(), ch.cell())) != 0) { // CP932 (for lead bytes 87, ee & ed) *cursor++ = (j >> 8); *cursor++ = (j & 0xff); } else if ((j = conv->unicodeToJisx0212(ch.row(), ch.cell())) != 0) { // JIS X 0212 (can't be encoded in ShiftJIS !) *cursor++ = 0x81; // white square *cursor++ = 0xa0; // white square } else { // Error *cursor++ = '?'; // unknown char } } lenInOut = cursor - (uchar*)rstr.data(); rstr.truncate(lenInOut); return rstr; } /*! \reimp */ QString QSjisCodec::toUnicode(const char* chars, int len) const { uint u; QString result; for (int i=0; ijisx0201ToUnicode(ch); result += QValidChar(u); } else if ( IsSjisChar1(ch) ) { // JIS X 0208 if ( i < len-1 ) { uchar c2 = chars[++i]; if ( IsSjisChar2(c2) ) { if ((u = conv->sjisibmvdcToUnicode(ch, c2))) { result += QValidChar(u); } else if ((u = conv->cp932ToUnicode(ch, c2))) { result += QValidChar(u); } else if ( IsUserDefinedChar1(ch) ) { result += QChar::replacement; } else { u = conv->sjisToUnicode(ch, c2); result += QValidChar(u); } } else { i--; result += QChar::replacement; } } else { result += QChar::replacement; } } else { result += QChar::replacement; } } return result; } /*! \reimp */ const char* QSjisCodec::name() const { return "SJIS"; } /*! Returns the codec's mime name. */ const char* QSjisCodec::mimeName() const { return "Shift_JIS"; } /*! \reimp */ int QSjisCodec::heuristicNameMatch(const char* hint) const { int score = 0; bool ja = FALSE; if (qstrnicmp(hint, "ja_JP", 5) == 0 || qstrnicmp(hint, "japan", 5) == 0) { score += 3; ja = TRUE; } else if (qstrnicmp(hint, "ja", 2) == 0) { score += 2; ja = TRUE; } const char *p; if (ja) { p = strchr(hint, '.'); if (p == 0) { return score - 1; } p++; } else { p = hint; } if (p) { if ((qstricmp(p, "mscode") == 0) || (qstricmp(p, "PCK") == 0) || (qstricmp(p, "SJIS") == 0) || (simpleHeuristicNameMatch(p, "ShiftJIS") > 0) || (simpleHeuristicNameMatch(p, "x-sjis") > 0)) { return score + 4; } } return QTextCodec::heuristicNameMatch(hint); } /*! \reimp */ int QSjisCodec::heuristicContentMatch(const char* chars, int len) const { int score = 0; for (int i=0; ijisx0201ToUnicode(ch); result += QValidChar(u); } else if ( IsSjisChar1(ch) ) { // JIS X 0208 buf[0] = ch; nbuf = 1; } else { // Invalid result += QChar::replacement; } break; case 1: // JIS X 0208 if ( IsSjisChar2(ch) ) { if ((u = conv->sjisibmvdcToUnicode(buf[0], ch))) { result += QValidChar(u); } else if ((u = conv->cp932ToUnicode(buf[0], ch))) { result += QValidChar(u); } else if ( IsUserDefinedChar1(buf[0]) ) { result += QChar::replacement; } else { u = conv->sjisToUnicode(buf[0], ch); result += QValidChar(u); } } else { // Invalid result += QChar::replacement; } nbuf = 0; break; } } return result; } }; /*! \reimp */ QTextDecoder* QSjisCodec::makeDecoder() const { return new QSjisDecoder(conv); } #endif