/**************************************************************************** ** ** Implementation of QToolBox widget class ** ** Created : 961105 ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the widgets module of the Qt GUI Toolkit. ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General ** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2 ** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file. ** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version ** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been ** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any) ** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation. ** ** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General ** Public Licensing requirements will be met: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/opensource/. ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please ** review the following information: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/licensingoverview ** or contact the sales department at sales@trolltech.com. ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as ** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL ** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt ** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt ** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ** INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted ** herein. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "qtoolbox.h" #ifndef QT_NO_TOOLBOX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class QToolBoxButton : public QButton { public: QToolBoxButton( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QButton( parent, name ), selected( FALSE ) { setBackgroundMode(PaletteBackground); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum); setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); } inline void setSelected( bool b ) { selected = b; update(); } inline void setTextLabel( const QString &text ) { label = text; update(); } inline QString textLabel() const { return label; } inline void setIconSet( const QIconSet &is ) { icon = is; update(); } inline QIconSet iconSet() const { return icon; } QSize sizeHint() const; QSize minimumSizeHint() const; protected: void drawButton( QPainter * ); private: bool selected; QString label; QIconSet icon; }; class QToolBoxPrivate { public: struct Page { QToolBoxButton *button; QScrollView *sv; QWidget *widget; QString toolTip; inline void setTextLabel( const QString &text ) { button->setTextLabel(text); } inline void setIconSet( const QIconSet &is ) { button->setIconSet(is); } inline void setToolTip( const QString &tip ) { toolTip = tip; QToolTip::remove( button ); if ( !tip.isNull() ) QToolTip::add( button, tip ); } inline bool operator==(const Page& other) const { return widget == other.widget; } }; typedef QValueList PageList; inline QToolBoxPrivate() : currentPage( 0 ) { } Page *page( QWidget *widget ); Page *page( int index ); void updateTabs(); PageList pageList; QVBoxLayout *layout; Page *currentPage; }; QToolBoxPrivate::Page *QToolBoxPrivate::page( QWidget *widget ) { if ( !widget ) return 0; for ( PageList::ConstIterator i = pageList.constBegin(); i != pageList.constEnd(); ++i ) if ( (*i).widget == widget ) return (Page*) &(*i); return 0; } QToolBoxPrivate::Page *QToolBoxPrivate::page( int index ) { if (index >= 0 && index < (int)pageList.size() ) return &*pageList.at(index); return 0; } void QToolBoxPrivate::updateTabs() { QToolBoxButton *lastButton = currentPage ? currentPage->button : 0; bool after = FALSE; for ( PageList::ConstIterator i = pageList.constBegin(); i != pageList.constEnd(); ++i ) { if (after) { (*i).button->setEraseColor((*i).widget->eraseColor()); (*i).button->update(); } else if ( (*i).button->backgroundMode() != Qt::PaletteBackground ) { (*i).button->setBackgroundMode( Qt::PaletteBackground ); (*i).button->update(); } after = (*i).button == lastButton; } } QSize QToolBoxButton::sizeHint() const { QSize iconSize(8, 8); if ( !icon.isNull() ) iconSize += icon.pixmap( QIconSet::Small, QIconSet::Normal ).size() + QSize( 2, 0 ); QSize textSize = fontMetrics().size( Qt::ShowPrefix, label ) + QSize(0, 8); QSize total(iconSize.width() + textSize.width(), QMAX(iconSize.height(), textSize.height())); return total.expandedTo(QApplication::globalStrut()); } QSize QToolBoxButton::minimumSizeHint() const { if ( icon.isNull() ) return QSize(); return QSize(8, 8) + icon.pixmap( QIconSet::Small, QIconSet::Normal ).size(); } void QToolBoxButton::drawButton( QPainter *p ) { QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default; const QColorGroup &cg = colorGroup(); if ( isEnabled() ) flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; if ( selected ) flags |= QStyle::Style_Selected; if ( hasFocus() ) flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus; if (isDown()) flags |= QStyle::Style_Down; style().drawControl( QStyle::CE_ToolBoxTab, p, parentWidget(), rect(), cg, flags ); QPixmap pm = icon.pixmap( QIconSet::Small, isEnabled() ? QIconSet::Normal : QIconSet::Disabled ); QRect cr = style().subRect( QStyle::SR_ToolBoxTabContents, this ); QRect tr, ir; int ih = 0; if ( pm.isNull() ) { tr = cr; tr.addCoords( 4, 0, -8, 0 ); } else { int iw = pm.width() + 4; ih = pm.height(); ir = QRect( cr.left() + 4, cr.top(), iw + 2, ih ); tr = QRect( ir.right(), cr.top(), cr.width() - ir.right() - 4, cr.height() ); } if ( selected && style().styleHint( QStyle::SH_ToolBox_SelectedPageTitleBold ) ) { QFont f( p->font() ); f.setBold( TRUE ); p->setFont( f ); } QString txt; if ( p->fontMetrics().width(label) < tr.width() ) { txt = label; } else { txt = label.left( 1 ); int ew = p->fontMetrics().width( "..." ); int i = 1; while ( p->fontMetrics().width( txt ) + ew + p->fontMetrics().width( label[i] ) < tr.width() ) txt += label[i++]; txt += "..."; } if ( ih ) p->drawPixmap( ir.left(), (height() - ih) / 2, pm ); QToolBox *tb = (QToolBox*)parentWidget(); const QColor* fill = 0; if ( selected && style().styleHint( QStyle::SH_ToolBox_SelectedPageTitleBold ) && tb->backgroundMode() != NoBackground ) fill = &cg.color( QPalette::foregroundRoleFromMode( tb->backgroundMode() ) ); int alignment = AlignLeft | AlignVCenter | ShowPrefix; if (!style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_UnderlineAccelerator, this)) alignment |= NoAccel; style().drawItem( p, tr, alignment, cg, isEnabled(), 0, txt, -1, fill ); if ( !txt.isEmpty() && hasFocus() ) style().drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_FocusRect, p, tr, cg ); } /*! \class QToolBox \brief The QToolBox class provides a column of tabbed widget items. \mainclass \ingroup advanced A toolbox is a widget that displays a column of tabs one above the other, with the current item displayed below the current tab. Every tab has an index position within the column of tabs. A tab's item is a QWidget. Each item has an itemLabel(), an optional icon, itemIconSet(), an optional itemToolTip(), and a \link item() widget\endlink. The item's attributes can be changed with setItemLabel(), setItemIconSet() and setItemToolTip(). Items are added using addItem(), or inserted at particular positions using insertItem(). The total number of items is given by count(). Items can be deleted with delete, or removed from the toolbox with removeItem(). Combining removeItem() and insertItem() allows to move items to different positions. The current item widget is returned by currentItem() and set with setCurrentItem(). If you prefer you can work in terms of indexes using currentIndex(), setCurrentIndex(), indexOf() and item(). The currentChanged() signal is emitted when the current item is changed. \sa QTabWidget */ /*! \fn void QToolBox::currentChanged( int index ) This signal is emitted when the current item changed. The new current item's index is passed in \a index, or -1 if there is no current item. */ /*! Constructs a toolbox called \a name with parent \a parent and flags \a f. */ QToolBox::QToolBox( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f ) : QFrame( parent, name, f ) { d = new QToolBoxPrivate; d->layout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); QWidget::setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); } /*! \reimp */ QToolBox::~QToolBox() { delete d; } /*! \fn int QToolBox::addItem( QWidget *w, const QString &label ) \overload Adds the widget \a w in a new tab at bottom of the toolbox. The new tab's label is set to \a label. Returns the new tab's index. */ /*! \fn int QToolBox::addItem( QWidget *item, const QIconSet &iconSet,const QString &label ) Adds the widget \a item in a new tab at bottom of the toolbox. The new tab's label is set to \a label, and the \a iconSet is displayed to the left of the \a label. Returns the new tab's index. */ /*! \fn int QToolBox::insertItem( int index, QWidget *item, const QString &label ) \overload Inserts the widget \a item at position \a index, or at the bottom of the toolbox if \a index is out of range. The new item's label is set to \a label. Returns the new item's index. */ /*! Inserts the widget \a item at position \a index, or at the bottom of the toolbox if \a index is out of range. The new item's label is set to \a label, and the \a iconSet is displayed to the left of the \a label. Returns the new item's index. */ int QToolBox::insertItem( int index, QWidget *item, const QIconSet &iconSet, const QString &label ) { if ( !item ) return -1; connect(item, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(itemDestroyed(QObject*))); QToolBoxPrivate::Page c; c.widget = item; c.button = new QToolBoxButton( this, label.latin1() ); connect( c.button, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( buttonClicked() ) ); c.sv = new QScrollView( this ); c.sv->hide(); c.sv->setResizePolicy( QScrollView::AutoOneFit ); c.sv->addChild( item ); c.sv->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); c.setTextLabel( label ); c.setIconSet( iconSet ); if ( index < 0 || index >= (int)d->pageList.count() ) { index = (int)d->pageList.count(); d->pageList.append( c ); d->layout->addWidget( c.button ); d->layout->addWidget( c.sv ); if ( index == 0 ) setCurrentIndex( index ); } else { d->pageList.insert( d->pageList.at(index), c ); relayout(); if (d->currentPage) { QWidget *current = d->currentPage->widget; int oldindex = indexOf(current); if ( index <= oldindex ) { d->currentPage = 0; // trigger change setCurrentIndex(oldindex); } } } c.button->show(); d->updateTabs(); itemInserted(index); return index; } void QToolBox::buttonClicked() { QToolBoxButton *tb = ::qt_cast(sender()); QWidget* item = 0; for ( QToolBoxPrivate::PageList::ConstIterator i = d->pageList.constBegin(); i != d->pageList.constEnd(); ++i ) if ( (*i).button == tb ) { item = (*i).widget; break; } setCurrentItem( item ); } /*! \property QToolBox::count \brief The number of items contained in the toolbox. */ int QToolBox::count() const { return (int)d->pageList.count(); } void QToolBox::setCurrentIndex( int index ) { setCurrentItem( item( index ) ); } /*! Sets the current item to be \a item. */ void QToolBox::setCurrentItem( QWidget *item ) { QToolBoxPrivate::Page *c = d->page( item ); if ( !c || d->currentPage == c ) return; c->button->setSelected( TRUE ); if ( d->currentPage ) { d->currentPage->sv->hide(); d->currentPage->button->setSelected(FALSE); } d->currentPage = c; d->currentPage->sv->show(); d->updateTabs(); emit currentChanged( indexOf(item) ); } void QToolBox::relayout() { delete d->layout; d->layout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); for ( QToolBoxPrivate::PageList::ConstIterator i = d->pageList.constBegin(); i != d->pageList.constEnd(); ++i ) { d->layout->addWidget( (*i).button ); d->layout->addWidget( (*i).sv ); } } void QToolBox::itemDestroyed(QObject *object) { // no verification - vtbl corrupted already QWidget *page = (QWidget*)object; QToolBoxPrivate::Page *c = d->page(page); if ( !page || !c ) return; d->layout->remove( c->sv ); d->layout->remove( c->button ); c->sv->deleteLater(); // page might still be a child of sv delete c->button; bool removeCurrent = c == d->currentPage; d->pageList.remove( *c ); if ( !d->pageList.count() ) { d->currentPage = 0; emit currentChanged(-1); } else if ( removeCurrent ) { d->currentPage = 0; setCurrentIndex(0); } } /*! Removes the widget \a item from the toolbox. Note that the widget is \e not deleted. Returns the removed widget's index, or -1 if the widget was not in this tool box. */ int QToolBox::removeItem( QWidget *item ) { int index = indexOf(item); if (index >= 0) { disconnect(item, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(itemDestroyed(QObject*))); item->reparent( this, QPoint(0,0) ); // destroy internal data itemDestroyed(item); } itemRemoved(index); return index; } /*! Returns the toolbox's current item, or 0 if the toolbox is empty. */ QWidget *QToolBox::currentItem() const { return d->currentPage ? d->currentPage->widget : 0; } /*! \property QToolBox::currentIndex \brief the index of the current item, or -1 if the toolbox is empty. \sa currentItem(), indexOf(), item() */ int QToolBox::currentIndex() const { return d->currentPage ? indexOf( d->currentPage->widget ) : -1; } /*! Returns the item at position \a index, or 0 if there is no such item. */ QWidget *QToolBox::item( int index ) const { if ( index < 0 || index >= (int) d->pageList.size() ) return 0; return (*d->pageList.at( index )).widget; } /*! Returns the index of item \a item, or -1 if the item does not exist. */ int QToolBox::indexOf( QWidget *item ) const { QToolBoxPrivate::Page *c = d->page(item); return c ? d->pageList.findIndex( *c ) : -1; } /*! If \a enabled is TRUE then the item at position \a index is enabled; otherwise item \a index is disabled. */ void QToolBox::setItemEnabled( int index, bool enabled ) { QToolBoxPrivate::Page *c = d->page( index ); if ( !c ) return; c->button->setEnabled( enabled ); if ( !enabled && c == d->currentPage ) { int curIndexUp = index; int curIndexDown = curIndexUp; const int count = (int)d->pageList.count(); while ( curIndexUp > 0 || curIndexDown < count-1 ) { if ( curIndexDown < count-1 ) { if (d->page(++curIndexDown)->button->isEnabled()) { index = curIndexDown; break; } } if ( curIndexUp > 0 ) { if (d->page(--curIndexUp)->button->isEnabled()) { index = curIndexUp; break; } } } setCurrentIndex(index); } } /*! Sets the label of the item at position \a index to \a label. */ void QToolBox::setItemLabel( int index, const QString &label ) { QToolBoxPrivate::Page *c = d->page( index ); if ( c ) c->setTextLabel( label ); } /*! Sets the icon of the item at position \a index to \a iconSet. */ void QToolBox::setItemIconSet( int index, const QIconSet &iconSet ) { QToolBoxPrivate::Page *c = d->page( index ); if ( c ) c->setIconSet( iconSet ); } /*! Sets the tooltip of the item at position \a index to \a toolTip. */ void QToolBox::setItemToolTip( int index, const QString &toolTip ) { QToolBoxPrivate::Page *c = d->page( index ); if ( c ) c->setToolTip( toolTip ); } /*! Returns TRUE if the item at position \a index is enabled; otherwise returns FALSE. */ bool QToolBox::isItemEnabled( int index ) const { QToolBoxPrivate::Page *c = d->page( index ); return c && c->button->isEnabled(); } /*! Returns the label of the item at position \a index, or a null string if \a index is out of range. */ QString QToolBox::itemLabel( int index ) const { QToolBoxPrivate::Page *c = d->page( index ); return ( c ? c->button->textLabel() : QString::null ); } /*! Returns the icon of the item at position \a index, or a null icon if \a index is out of range. */ QIconSet QToolBox::itemIconSet( int index ) const { QToolBoxPrivate::Page *c = d->page( index ); return ( c ? c->button->iconSet() : QIconSet() ); } /*! Returns the tooltip of the item at position \a index, or a null string if \a index is out of range. */ QString QToolBox::itemToolTip( int index ) const { QToolBoxPrivate::Page *c = d->page( index ); return ( c ? c->toolTip : QString::null ); } /*! \reimp */ void QToolBox::showEvent( QShowEvent *e ) { QWidget::showEvent( e ); } /*! \reimp */ void QToolBox::frameChanged() { d->layout->setMargin( frameWidth() ); QFrame::frameChanged(); } /*! \reimp */ void QToolBox::styleChange(QStyle &style) { d->updateTabs(); QFrame::styleChange(style); } /*! This virtual handler is called after a new item was added or inserted at position \a index. */ void QToolBox::itemInserted( int index ) { Q_UNUSED(index) } /*! This virtual handler is called after an item was removed from position \a index. */ void QToolBox::itemRemoved( int index ) { Q_UNUSED(index) } #endif //QT_NO_TOOLBOX