path: root/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kcontrol/cache
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authorDarrell Anderson <>2014-01-21 22:06:48 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2014-01-21 22:06:48 -0600
commit0b8ca6637be94f7814cafa7d01ad4699672ff336 (patch)
treed2b55b28893be8b047b4e60514f4a7f0713e0d70 /tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kcontrol/cache
parenta1670b07bc16b0decb3e85ee17ae64109cb182c1 (diff)
Beautify docbook files
Diffstat (limited to 'tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kcontrol/cache')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kcontrol/cache/index.docbook b/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kcontrol/cache/index.docbook
index f0ec76562e9..6de5f958ac5 100644
--- a/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kcontrol/cache/index.docbook
+++ b/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kcontrol/cache/index.docbook
@@ -2,91 +2,45 @@
<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
"dtd/kdex.dtd" [
<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
-<!ENTITY % British-English "INCLUDE"
-> <!-- change language only here -->
+<!ENTITY % British-English "INCLUDE"> <!-- change language only here -->
<article lang="&language;">
-<othercredit role="translator"
->Conversion to British English</contrib
+<othercredit role="translator"><firstname>Malcolm</firstname><surname>Hunter</surname><affiliation><address><email></email></address></affiliation><contrib>Conversion to British English</contrib></othercredit>
<sect1 id="cache">
->This module allows you to control the size of the local cache folder used by &konqueror;. Note that each user account on your computer has a separate cache folder, and this folder is not shared with other web browsers such as &Netscape;.</para>
+<para>This module allows you to control the size of the local cache folder used by &konqueror;. Note that each user account on your computer has a separate cache folder, and this folder is not shared with other web browsers such as &Netscape;.</para>
->Storing local copies of web pages that you have visited allows &konqueror; to quickly load their contents on subsequent visits. It will only be necessary to reload the contents from the original site if they have changed since your last visit, or if you click the reload button in &konqueror;.</para>
+<para>Storing local copies of web pages that you have visited allows &konqueror; to quickly load their contents on subsequent visits. It will only be necessary to reload the contents from the original site if they have changed since your last visit, or if you click the reload button in &konqueror;.</para>
->If you really don't want any of the web pages you visit to be stored on your computer, you can disable &konqueror;'s disk cache by clearing the checkbox labelled <guilabel
->Use cache</guilabel
+<para>If you really don't want any of the web pages you visit to be stored on your computer, you can disable &konqueror;'s disk cache by clearing the checkbox labelled <guilabel>Use cache</guilabel>.</para>
->You can set here how aggressively &konqueror; keeps the cache up to date. <guilabel
->Keep cache in sync</guilabel
-> means that &konqueror; will hit the cache for all objects, downloading them if they are not there, and then display the item from the cache. <guilabel
->Use cache whenever possible</guilabel
-> means that &konqueror; will try the cache, and if an object is not there, it will directly download it for display. <guilabel
->Offline browsing mode</guilabel
-> means that &konqueror; will try the cache, and if an object is not there, it will not attempt to download it from the Internet.</para>
+<para>You can set here how aggressively &konqueror; keeps the cache up to date. <guilabel>Keep cache in sync</guilabel> means that &konqueror; will hit the cache for all objects, downloading them if they are not there, and then display the item from the cache. <guilabel>Use cache whenever possible</guilabel> means that &konqueror; will try the cache, and if an object is not there, it will directly download it for display. <guilabel>Offline browsing mode</guilabel> means that &konqueror; will try the cache, and if an object is not there, it will not attempt to download it from the Internet.</para>
->You can control the size of the cache by typing a number into the text box labelled <guilabel
->Disk cache size</guilabel
->. This is the average amount of space in kilobytes that the cache folder is allowed to use. When the cache grows too large, &konqueror; will delete older files to reduce the size of the cache folder.</para>
+<para>You can control the size of the cache by typing a number into the text box labelled <guilabel>Disk cache size</guilabel>. This is the average amount of space in kilobytes that the cache folder is allowed to use. When the cache grows too large, &konqueror; will delete older files to reduce the size of the cache folder.</para>
->This is however, only an average, and during a browsing session the cache could become substantially larger.</para>
+<para>This is however, only an average, and during a browsing session the cache could become substantially larger.</para>
->You can use the <guibutton
->Clear Cache</guibutton
-> button to empty the cache at any time.</para>
+<para>You can use the <guibutton>Clear Cache</guibutton> button to empty the cache at any time.</para>