################################################# # # (C) 2021 Slávek Banko # slavek.banko (AT) axis.cz # # Improvements and feedback are welcome # # This file is released under GPL >= 2 # ################################################# cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8.12 ) ##### general package setup ##################### project( tde-i18n ) set( VERSION R14.0.12 ) ##### include essential cmake modules ########### include( FindPkgConfig ) # required for find_package( TDE ) ##### include our cmake modules ################# set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules" ) include( TDEMacros ) ##### find required stuff ####################### find_package( TDE ) include( TDESetupPaths ) tde_setup_paths( ) ##### process languages ######################### file( GLOB _dirs RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} * ) list( SORT _dirs ) string( REGEX REPLACE "[ \r\n\t]+" ";" _linguas "$ENV{LINGUAS}" ) foreach( _dir IN LISTS _dirs ) string( REGEX REPLACE "^${PROJECT_NAME}-" "" _lang "${_dir}" ) if( "${_dir}" MATCHES "^${PROJECT_NAME}-" AND IS_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_dir} AND EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_dir}/CMakeLists.txt AND ( "${_lang}" STREQUAL "en" OR "${_linguas}" MATCHES "^;*$" OR ";${_linguas};" MATCHES ";${_lang};" )) add_subdirectory( ${_dir} ) string( REGEX REPLACE "@" "_" _lang_target "${_lang}" ) add_custom_target( install-${_lang_target} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCOMPONENT=${_lang} -P ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_install.cmake ) endif() endforeach()