Pat Dowler Matthias Hoelzer Mike McBride MalcolmHunter
Conversion to British English
2003-10-16 3.2 KDE KControl Bell Settings
System bell The system bell or beep is a feature of the X server, which attempts to make good use of the available hardware. &kde; normally doesn't use the system bell; instead using its own system notifications, which could include log entries, message popups, or its own beep. You can configure these in the System Notifications &kcontrol; module. It isn't always possible for the X server to actually make a beep sound with exactly the parameters selected due to hardware limitations. For example, on most PCs, volume control is not very good so the X server seems to fake low volume with a reduced duration of the sound. Thus, if the settings don't seem to do anything, this is because the X server and/or the hardware don't support anything better. Users are able to set the following parameters for the bell: volume (percentage of maximum volume) pitch (in Hz) duration (in milliseconds) You can use the test button to hear how the current settings will sound. Section Authors Pat Dowler, Matthias Hoelzer mhk@kde.org Converted to KDE 2.0 by Mike McBride mpmcbride7@yahoo.com Conversion to British English: Malcolm Hunter malcolm.hunter@gmx.co.uk