Further Information In this section we will detail some additional information resources which could be useful to you. Many of the articles listed below (for which URLs are given) are posted to news groups regularly; some of those groups are also listed here. Informative Newsgroups news.answers news.newusers.questions de.newsusers.infos (German) de.answers (German) de.comp.os.unix.linux.infos (German) de.newusers.answers (German) de.newusers.questions (German) For beginners it is especially recommended to read these articles at least partially: informed users have strong advantages in news groups. There are some more-specialized news groups where FAQs and introductory articles are posted frequently, ⪚ the newsgroup de.comp.os.unix.linux.infos (German), which contains a lot of useful articles about the &Linux; operating system. Just have a look on the group list of your newsserver for it. Test Groups The following groups were created especially for testing, &ie; after successfully configuring &knode; you should post some articles to those groups to test your settings. Some groups support automatic replies through email to enable you to test whether your entered identity is correct and mail-replies actually arrive in your mailbox. In addition, some scripts are offered which check your articles for erroneous settings and generate a followup with useful hints. de.test (German test newsgroup) misc.test alt.test alt.test.ignore Informative technical articles in the world wide web These URLs are from the corresponding article in the newsgroup de.newusers.infos and have the same contents as the articles posted there. Introduction for de.newusers.infos: http://www.kirchwitz.de/~amk/dni/einleitung (German) The newsgroups of the de.alt hierarchy: http://www.kirchwitz.de/~amk/dni/de-alt-newsgruppen (German) The newsgroups of the de-hierarchy: http://www.kirchwitz.de/~amk/dni/de-newsgruppen (German) First read, then post: http://www.kirchwitz.de/~amk/dni/erst-lesen-dann-schreiben (German) First steps in the usenet: http://www.kirchwitz.de/~amk/dni/erste-schritte (German) Questions and answers from de.newusers.questions: http://www.kirchwitz.de/~amk/dni/faq (German) Seven theses about behaviour in the internet: http://www.kirchwitz.de/~amk/dni/hoeflichkeit (German) Introduction to the usenet: http://www.kirchwitz.de/~amk/dni/usenet-einfuehrung (German) Why should I take the rules seriously? http://www.kirchwitz.de/~amk/dni/warum-regel (German) The newsreader FAQ: http://www.crosswinds.net/~cgarbers/faq/newsreaderFAQ.htm The correct quoting: http://www.afaik.de/usenet/faq/zitieren (German) The German umlauts FAQ: http://www.westfalen.de/paefken/de.newusers/umlaute-faq.txt (German) Informative technical articles If you are interested in further technical information in connection to news, you should not miss the following URLs. Header entries: http://www.kirchwitz.de/~amk/dni/headerzeilen (German) A very useful message-ID FAQ: http://www.qad.org/faq/faq-messageid.html A lot of links about newsreaders and related topics: http://www.leafnode.org/links RFCs, Drafts and documents for the technical interested: http://www.landfield.com/usefor/