(if this doesn't belong at the root of tde-packaging, feel free to move it to opensuse/ for reference.) To get a copy of the repo: git clone To exclude items: Create a file '.gitignore' To add to the git repository (easiest and most efficient way): git add . (this will add everything in the folder (excluding stuff from .gitignore).) To commit to the git repository (this does not send to the remote server!): git commit -a (no need to do any git mv or git rm or any of that with the -a option.) To pull recent commits from the remote git repository: git pull (do this before pushing so that you don't collide with other's commits.) To push to the remote git repository: git push origin master (the 'origin master' part is optional after the first time.) To branch (be careful! This is different from SVN.): git branch (don't know what branch you're on? run "git branch" to see and list.) To switch branches: git checkout To tag a commit (like for releasing a tarball): git tag -a -m (ps: this will make webgit generate a tarball with this tag. easy releases anyone?) To tag a commit WITH GPG verification (secure release anyone?): git tag -s -m