TQtCurveConfigBase TQtCurveConfigBase 0 0 862 638 Form1 unnamed 0 titleLabel 3 5 0 0 title AlignCenter Category true true stackList 1 7 0 0 150 0 optionBtn Options stack WStackPage 0 unnamed appearance The setting here affects the general appearance - and will be applied to buttons, combo boxes, and spin buttons. textLabel1 Appearance: spacer10_2 Horizontal Expanding 571 16 textLabel1_6 Focus rectangle: textLabel3 Button effect: round darkerBorders Darker borders stdSidebarButtons Standard buttons for sidebars Select this to have the sidebar buttons in konqueror, kate, kaffeine, ktorrent, drawn as per normal buttons - otherwise they will be drawn in a more flat style. buttonEffect textLabel2_4 Roundedness: vArrows 'V' style arrows focus frame4 StyledPanel Raised 0 unnamed 0 0 framelessGroupBoxes Frameless groupboxes, groupBoxLine 3 0 0 0 draw line after title (KDE4 && Gtk2) drawStatusBarFrames Draw statusbar frames sunkenAppearance textLabel1_12 Sunken appearance: fadeLines Draw fading lines (KDE4 && Gtk2) thinnerBtns Thinner buttons when etched/shadowed spacer9 Vertical Expanding 20 162 etchEntry Etch entries and scrollviews when button effect set to etched/shadowed. WStackPage 1 unnamed comboSplitter Draw splitter This option controls whether a line is drawn near non-editable combo box arrows. unifyCombo Draw arrow of editable combos within edit field spacer27_2 Vertical Expanding 20 429 spacer26_2 Horizontal Expanding 31 20 textLabel1_17 Button shade: customComboBtnColor comboBtn gtkComboMenus Gtk style comboboxes (KDE4) In Gtk, the list that is attached to a combo-box appears in the same style as a popup-menu. KDE4 has the ability to mimic this look. doubleGtkComboArrow Double arrows for Gtk style comboboxes WStackPage 2 unnamed unifySpinBtns Combine both buttons unifySpin Draw arrows within edit field spacer28_3 Vertical Expanding 20 31 WStackPage 3 unnamed textLabel4 Markings: spacer12_2 Vertical Expanding 16 482 splitterHighlight % spacer11 Horizontal Expanding 461 16 splitters textLabel1_21 Background mouse-over highlight: WStackPage 4 unnamed textLabel5 Appearance: textLabel6 Coloration: shadeSliders 3 0 0 0 This color setting affects both scrollbar sliders, and other sliders. customSlidersColor spacer14 Horizontal Expanding 307 16 sliderAppearance This appearance setting affects both scrollbar sliders, and other sliders. spacer13 Vertical Expanding 20 191 grooveAppearance sliderThumbs 3 0 0 0 sliderWidth textLabel7 Style: textLabel8_2 Slider thumbs: textLabel8_2x Slider width: fillSlider Fill used part of groove: textLabel8_2_2 Background sliderFill This appearance setting affects both scrollbar sliders, and other sliders. flatSbarButtons Flat sliderStyle This setting only affects standard sliders - i.e. not scrollbar sliders. 'Triangular' is a very similar style to plastik's sliders. textLabel2_5 Groove appearance: thinSbarGroove Thin scrollbar groove textLabel8 Scrollbar buttons: scrollbarType 3 0 0 0 This controls the position, and number, of buttons on a scrollbar. KDE - 1 button at the top/left, and two at the bottom/right Windows - 1 botton at each end Platinum - no buttons at the top/left, two at bottom/right Next - two buttons at the top/left, none at bottom/right None - no buttons, only the slider sbarBgndAppearance 3 0 0 0 colorSliderMouseOver Color only on mouse-over WStackPage 5 unnamed progressAppearance stripedProgress animatedProgress Animated spacer16 Vertical Expanding 16 369 textLabel1_3 Groove: textLabel9 Bar: progressGrooveAppearance progressGrooveColor fillProgress 3 0 0 0 No border Enable this option to remove the 1 pixel border around the filled element. WStackPage 6 unnamed defBtnIndicator 3 0 0 0 textLabel10 Indicate with: embolden Embolden text spacer17 Horizontal Expanding 27 2 spacer18 Vertical Expanding 3 30 WStackPage 7 unnamed textLabel1_8 Highlight by: This controls the % that widgets will be highlighted by when the mouse hovers over them textLabel11 Coloration: highlightFactor % coloredMouseOver spacer19 Horizontal Expanding 50 6 spacer20 Vertical Expanding 5 20 WStackPage 8 unnamed lvButton 3 0 0 0 Button color textLabel12 Header appearance: lvAppearance textLabel12_2 Shade header of sorted column: sortedLv customSortedLvColor false textLabel1_8_2_2_3_2 Selection appearance (KDE4 && Gtk2): selectionAppearance spacer22 Vertical Expanding 16 389 forceAlternateLvCols Force alternate colors textLabel1_18 Lines between items: lvLines squareLvSelection Square selection WStackPage 9 unnamed gtkScrollViews Scrollbars on the outside highlightScrollViews Highlight on focus (KDE) squareScrollViews Always draw with a square frame - regardless of the general round setting. spacer28_2 Vertical Expanding 16 272 WStackPage 10 unnamed textLabel13 Active tab appearance: textLabel8_3 Inactive tab appearance: activeTabAppearance tabAppearance highlightTab Highlight This will cause a coloured stripe to be drawn over the current tab. colorSelTab % Tint by textLabel1_14 Mouse-over: tabMouseOver roundAllTabs Round all tabs borderTab Draw a light border around tab widget borderInactiveTab Draw inner border of inactive tabs spacer23 Vertical Expanding 20 320 tabBgnd % textLabel1_19 Alter background by: invertBotTab Invert shade of bottom tabs WStackPage 11 unnamed shadeCheckRadio 3 0 0 0 customCheckRadioColor textLabel14 Coloration: xCheck 'X' style checkmarks spacer25 Horizontal Expanding 211 16 spacer26 Vertical Expanding 20 364 crButton Button like smallRadio Small radio 'dot' crColor Color when selected crHighlight % textLabel2_6 Background mouse-over highlight: WStackPage 12 unnamed spacer28 Horizontal Expanding 395 16 textLabel15_2 Button Appearance: titlebarButtonAppearance titlebarAppearance textLabel15 Titlebar Appearance: textLabel15_3 Titlebar Appearance: inactiveTitlebarAppearance textLabel1_13 Text alignment: titlebarAlignment colorTitlebarOnly Color titlebar only (KDE4) spacer27 Vertical Expanding 20 270 titlebarBorder Light border (KDE4) WStackPage 13 unnamed textLabel2 Handles: textLabel1_4 Border: toolbarBorders handles spacer4 Horizontal MinimumExpanding 121 20 spacer5 Vertical Expanding 20 19 groupBox2 Toolbars false unnamed textLabel1_4_2_2 Appearance: toolbarAppearance textLabel2_2 Separators: toolbarSeparators spacer4_2 Horizontal MinimumExpanding 20 20 groupBox2_2 Menus false unnamed shadeMenubarOnlyWhenActive Apply coloration to active window only textLabel1_4_2_3 Coloration: textLabel1_4_2 Menubar appearance: textLabel1_4_2_4 Menuitem appearance: useHighlightForMenu Use 'highlight' color for active menuitems textLabel1_15 Stripe (KDE): popupBorder Border popupmenus textLabel1_16 Sub-menu delay: menuStripeAppearance false colorMenubarMouseOver Color menubar items on mouse-over customMenuTextColor Custom text colors (active/normal): customMenuNormTextColor customMenuSelTextColor menuBgndAppearance menuBgndGrad customMenuStripeColor false thinnerMenuItems Thinner menu items textLabel1_7 Popup-menu background: menuStripe lighterPopupMenuBgnd % menuDelay menuitemAppearance shadeMenubars 3 0 0 0 menubarAppearance borderMenuitems Border menuitems menuIcons Draw icons roundMbTopOnly Round selected menubar items on top only customMenubarsColor menubarMouseOver Enable mouse-over for menubar items WStackPage 14 unnamed textLabel1_20 Titlebar appearance: dwtAppearance spacer28_4 Horizontal Expanding 18 3 spacer29 Vertical Expanding 6 85 WStackPage 15 unnamed fixParentlessDialogs 'Fix' parentless dialogs <h2><font color="#ff0000">Warning: Experimental!</font></h1><p><p>Some applications - such as Kate, Kaffeine, and GIMP - produce dialogs that have no 'parent'. This causes the dialog to recieve an entry in the taskbar, and allows the dialog to be minimised independantly of the main application window.</p> <p>If you enable this option, QtCurve will try to 'fix' this by assigning the dialogs a parent.</p> <p><b>Note:</b> This may brake some applications, as it wiill alter the behaviour of dialogs in a way the application has not intended. Therefore, please use with care.</p> mapKdeIcons Map KDE icons (Gtk2) gtkButtonOrder Gtk button order spacer7 Vertical Expanding 20 381 textLabel1_2 Character to use for password entries: passwordChar 4 0 0 0 stdBtnSizes Don't make 'auto-default' buttons larger (KDE4) WStackPage 16 unnamed gradCombo groupBox3 Settings unnamed gradBorder Position (%) true true Value (%) true true gradStops 1 7 0 0 groupBox6 Gradient Stop unnamed addButton 0 1 0 0 updateButton 0 1 0 0 removeButton 0 1 0 0 textLabel2_3 1 5 0 0 Value: textLabel1_11 1 5 0 0 Position: stopPosition 100 % stopValue 200 % spacer12 Horizontal Expanding 160 8 textLabel1_9 1 3 0 0 <i><b>NOTE: </b><br> <u>Position</u> has a range of 0% to 100% - 0% being top/left, and 100% being bottom/right.<br> <u>Value</u> has a range of 0% to 200%. A value of 120% implies lightening by 20%, and a value of 80% implies darkening by 20%</i> WordBreak|AlignTop groupBox4 Preview unnamed previewWidgetContainer NoFrame Raised previewColor 0 0 0 0 WStackPage 17 unnamed shading 3 0 0 0 customShading Use Custom Values true unnamed spacer10 Vertical Expanding 4 15 shade2 1 0 0 0 shade3 1 0 0 0 shade1 1 0 0 0 shade4 1 0 0 0 shade5 1 0 0 0 shade0 1 0 0 0 textLabel1_10 3 3 0 0 <i>QtCurve uses various hard-coded shading values to draw elements such as button frames, the background for pressed buttons, etc. The following is a brief overview of how each shade is used - use this as a guide only, as shades are used for various things.<br> 1 Is used for the light part of 3d elements - such as the border of tab widgets.<br> 2 Is used for the lighter shade of striped progressbars.<br> 3 Is used for the dark part of 3d elements - such as the border of tab widgets.<br> 4 Is used for the shaded border of checks and radios, toolbar borders (when set to dark), the dark part of sunken/raised slider handles, etc.<br> 5 Is used for the background of pressed widgets, and the border of toolbars (when not dark).<br> 6 Is used as the border of most widgets.</i> WordBreak|AlignTop textLabel1_5 5 0 0 0 Shading routine: framelessGroupBoxes toggled(bool) groupBoxLine setEnabled(bool) flatSbarButtons toggled(bool) sbarBgndAppearance setEnabled(bool) fillSlider toggled(bool) sliderFill setEnabled(bool) flatSbarButtons toggled(bool) thinSbarGroove setEnabled(bool) stackList appearance sunkenAppearance round buttonEffect focus drawStatusBarFrames framelessGroupBoxes groupBoxLine vArrows stdSidebarButtons darkerBorders fadeLines thinnerBtns etchEntry comboSplitter unifyCombo gtkComboMenus doubleGtkComboArrow comboBtn customComboBtnColor unifySpinBtns unifySpin splitters splitterHighlight sliderAppearance shadeSliders customSlidersColor colorSliderMouseOver sliderStyle fillSlider sliderFill grooveAppearance thinSbarGroove scrollbarType flatSbarButtons sbarBgndAppearance sliderThumbs progressAppearance stripedProgress animatedProgress fillProgress progressGrooveAppearance progressGrooveColor embolden defBtnIndicator coloredMouseOver highlightFactor lvAppearance lvButton sortedLv customSortedLvColor forceAlternateLvCols selectionAppearance squareLvSelection lvLines gtkScrollViews highlightScrollViews squareScrollViews activeTabAppearance highlightTab colorSelTab tabAppearance tabMouseOver roundAllTabs borderTab borderInactiveTab invertBotTab tabBgnd shadeCheckRadio customCheckRadioColor xCheck smallRadio crHighlight crButton crColor titlebarAppearance inactiveTitlebarAppearance titlebarButtonAppearance titlebarAlignment colorTitlebarOnly titlebarBorder toolbarBorders handles menubarAppearance shadeMenubars customMenubarsColor shadeMenubarOnlyWhenActive customMenuTextColor customMenuNormTextColor customMenuSelTextColor menubarMouseOver colorMenubarMouseOver roundMbTopOnly menuitemAppearance borderMenuitems menuIcons useHighlightForMenu lighterPopupMenuBgnd menuBgndAppearance menuBgndGrad menuDelay thinnerMenuItems menuStripe customMenuStripeColor menuStripeAppearance popupBorder toolbarAppearance toolbarSeparators dwtAppearance gtkButtonOrder mapKdeIcons fixParentlessDialogs stdBtnSizes passwordChar gradCombo gradStops gradBorder stopPosition stopValue addButton updateButton removeButton previewColor shading shade0 shade1 shade2 shade3 shade4 shade5 optionBtn kpushbutton.h kcolorbutton.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kcolorbutton.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kcolorbutton.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kcolorbutton.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kcolorbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kcolorbutton.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h