path: root/experimental/tqtinterface/qt4/src/widgets/tqmenudata.cpp
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diff --git a/experimental/tqtinterface/qt4/src/widgets/tqmenudata.cpp b/experimental/tqtinterface/qt4/src/widgets/tqmenudata.cpp
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-** Implementation of TQMenuData class
-** Created : 941128
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the widgets module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "tqmenudata.h"
-#include "tqpopupmenu.h"
-#include "tqmenubar.h"
-#include "tqapplication.h"
-#include "tqguardedptr.h"
-class TQMenuItemData {
- TQCustomMenuItem *custom_item; // custom menu item
-class TQMenuDataData {
- // attention: also defined in qmenubar.cpp and qpopupmenu.cpp
- TQMenuDataData();
- TQGuardedPtr<TQWidget> aWidget;
- int aInt;
- : aInt(-1)
- \class TQMenuData tqmenudata.h
- \brief The TQMenuData class is a base class for TQMenuBar and TQPopupMenu.
- \ingroup misc
- TQMenuData has an internal list of menu items. A menu item can have
- a text(), an \link accel() accelerator\endlink, a pixmap(), an
- iconSet(), a whatsThis() text and a popup menu (unless it is a
- separator). Menu items may optionally be \link setItemChecked()
- checked\endlink (except for separators).
- The menu item sends out an \link TQMenuBar::activated()
- activated()\endlink signal when it is chosen and a \link
- TQMenuBar::highlighted() highlighted()\endlink signal when it
- receives the user input focus.
- \keyword menu identifier
- Menu items are assigned the menu identifier \e id that is passed
- in insertItem() or an automatically generated identifier if \e id
- is < 0 (the default). The generated identifiers (negative
- integers) are guaranteed to be unique within the entire
- application. The identifier is used to access the menu item in
- other functions.
- Menu items can be removed with removeItem() and removeItemAt(), or
- changed with changeItem(). All menu items can be removed with
- clear(). Accelerators can be changed or set with setAccel().
- Checkable items can be checked or unchecked with setItemChecked().
- Items can be enabled or disabled using setItemEnabled() and
- connected and disconnected with connectItem() and disconnectItem()
- respectively. By default, newly created menu items are visible.
- They can be hidden (and shown again) with setItemVisible().
- Menu items are stored in a list. Use findItem() to find an item by
- its list position or by its menu identifier. (See also indexOf()
- and idAt().)
- \sa TQAccel TQPopupMenu TQAction
- TQMenuItem member functions
- *****************************************************************************/
- :ident( -1 ), iconset_data( 0 ), pixmap_data( 0 ), popup_menu( 0 ),
- widget_item( 0 ), signal_data( 0 ), is_separator( FALSE ), is_enabled( TRUE ),
- is_checked( FALSE ), is_dirty( TRUE ), is_visible( TRUE ), d( 0)
- delete iconset_data;
- delete pixmap_data;
- delete signal_data;
- delete widget_item;
- if ( d )
- delete d->custom_item;
- delete d;
- TQMenuData member functions
- *****************************************************************************/
-TQMenuItemData* TQMenuItem::extra()
- if ( !d ) d = new TQMenuItemData;
- return d;
-TQCustomMenuItem *TQMenuItem::custom() const
- if ( !d ) return 0;
- return d->custom_item;
-static int get_seq_id()
- static int seq_no = -2;
- return seq_no--;
- Constructs an empty menu data list.
- actItem = -1; // no active menu item
- mitems = new TQMenuItemList; // create list of menu items
- TQ_CHECK_PTR( mitems );
- mitems->setAutoDelete( TRUE );
- parentMenu = 0; // assume top level
- isPopupMenu = FALSE;
- isMenuBar = FALSE;
- mouseBtDn = FALSE;
- badSize = TRUE;
- avoid_circularity = 0;
- actItemDown = FALSE;
- d = new TQMenuDataData;
- Removes all menu items and disconnects any Q_SIGNALS that have been
- connected.
- delete mitems; // delete menu item list
- delete d;
- Virtual function; notifies subclasses about an item with \a id
- that has been changed.
-void TQMenuData::updateItem( int /* id */ ) // reimplemented in subclass
- Virtual function; notifies subclasses that one or more items have
- been inserted or removed.
-void TQMenuData::menuContentsChanged() // reimplemented in subclass
- Virtual function; notifies subclasses that one or more items have
- changed state (enabled/disabled or checked/unchecked).
-void TQMenuData::menuStateChanged() // reimplemented in subclass
- Virtual function; notifies subclasses that a popup menu item has
- been inserted.
-void TQMenuData::menuInsPopup( TQPopupMenu * ) // reimplemented in subclass
- Virtual function; notifies subclasses that a popup menu item has
- been removed.
-void TQMenuData::menuDelPopup( TQPopupMenu * ) // reimplemented in subclass
- Returns the number of items in the menu.
-uint TQMenuData::count() const
- return mitems->count();
- \internal
- Internal function that insert a menu item. Called by all insert()
- functions.
-int TQMenuData::insertAny( const TQString *text, const TQPixmap *pixmap,
- TQPopupMenu *popup, const TQIconSet* iconset, int id, int index,
- TQWidget* widget, TQCustomMenuItem* custom )
- if ( index < 0 ) { // append, but not if the rightmost item is an mdi separator in the menubar
- index = mitems->count();
- if ( isMenuBar && mitems->last() && mitems->last()->widget() && mitems->last()->isSeparator() )
- index--;
- } else if ( index > (int) mitems->count() ) { // append
- index = mitems->count();
- }
- if ( id < 0 ) // -2, -3 etc.
- id = get_seq_id();
- register TQMenuItem *mi = new TQMenuItem;
- TQ_CHECK_PTR( mi );
- mi->ident = id;
- if ( widget != 0 ) {
- mi->widget_item = widget;
- mi->is_separator = !widget->isFocusEnabled();
- } else if ( custom != 0 ) {
- mi->extra()->custom_item = custom;
- mi->is_separator = custom->isSeparator();
- if ( iconset && !iconset->isNull() )
- mi->iconset_data = new TQIconSet( *iconset );
- } else if ( text == 0 && pixmap == 0 && popup == 0 ) {
- mi->is_separator = TRUE; // separator
- } else {
-#ifndef TQ_OS_TEMP
- mi->text_data = text?*text:TQString();
- TQString newText( *text );
- newText.truncate( newText.findRev( '\t' ) );
- mi->text_data = newText.isEmpty()?TQString():newText;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- mi->accel_key = TQt::Key_unknown;
- if ( pixmap && !pixmap->isNull() )
- mi->pixmap_data = new TQPixmap( *pixmap );
- if ( (mi->popup_menu = popup) )
- menuInsPopup( popup );
- if ( iconset && !iconset->isNull() )
- mi->iconset_data = new TQIconSet( *iconset );
- }
- mitems->insert( index, mi );
- TQPopupMenu* p = ::tqqt_cast<TQPopupMenu*>(TQMenuData::d->aWidget);
- if (p && p->isVisible() && p->mitems) {
- p->mitems->clear();
- for ( TQMenuItemListIt it( *mitems ); it.current(); ++it ) {
- if ( it.current()->id() != TQMenuData::d->aInt && !it.current()->widget() )
- p->mitems->append( it.current() );
- }
- }
- menuContentsChanged(); // menu data changed
- return mi->ident;
- \internal
- Internal function that finds the menu item where \a popup is located,
- storing its index at \a index if \a index is not NULL.
-TQMenuItem *TQMenuData::findPopup( TQPopupMenu *popup, int *index )
- int i = 0;
- TQMenuItem *mi = mitems->first();
- while ( mi ) {
- if ( mi->popup_menu == popup ) // found popup
- break;
- i++;
- mi = mitems->next();
- }
- if ( index && mi )
- *index = i;
- return mi;
-void TQMenuData::removePopup( TQPopupMenu *popup )
- int index = 0;
- TQMenuItem *mi = findPopup( popup, &index );
- if ( mi ) {
- mi->popup_menu = 0;
- removeItemAt( index );
- }
- The family of insertItem() functions inserts menu items into a
- popup menu or a menu bar.
- A menu item is usually either a text string or a pixmap, both with
- an optional icon or keyboard accelerator. For special cases it is
- also possible to insert custom items (see \l{TQCustomMenuItem}) or
- even widgets into popup menus.
- Some insertItem() members take a popup menu as an additional
- argument. Use this to insert submenus into existing menus or
- pulldown menus into a menu bar.
- The number of insert functions may look confusing, but they are
- actually quite simple to use.
- This default version inserts a menu item with the text \a text,
- the accelerator key \a accel, an id and an optional index and
- connects it to the slot \a member in the object \a receiver.
- Example:
- \code
- TQMenuBar *mainMenu = new TQMenuBar;
- TQPopupMenu *fileMenu = new TQPopupMenu;
- fileMenu->insertItem( "New", myView, TQT_SLOT(newFile()), CTRL+Key_N );
- fileMenu->insertItem( "Open", myView, TQT_SLOT(open()), CTRL+Key_O );
- mainMenu->insertItem( "File", fileMenu );
- \endcode
- Not all insert functions take an object/slot parameter or an
- accelerator key. Use connectItem() and setAccel() on those items.
- If you need to translate accelerators, use tr() with the text and
- accelerator. (For translations use a string \link TQKeySequence key
- sequence\endlink.):
- \code
- fileMenu->insertItem( tr("Open"), myView, TQT_SLOT(open()),
- tr("Ctrl+O") );
- \endcode
- In the example above, pressing Ctrl+O or selecting "Open" from the
- menu activates the myView->open() function.
- Some insert functions take a TQIconSet parameter to specify the
- little menu item icon. Note that you can always pass a TQPixmap
- object instead.
- The \a id specifies the identification number associated with the
- menu item. Note that only positive values are valid, as a negative
- value will make TQt select a unique id for the item.
- The \a index specifies the position in the menu. The menu item is
- appended at the end of the list if \a index is negative.
- Note that keyboard accelerators in TQt are not application-global,
- instead they are bound to a certain top-level window. For example,
- accelerators in TQPopupMenu items only work for menus that are
- associated with a certain window. This is true for popup menus
- that live in a menu bar since their accelerators will then be
- installed in the menu bar itself. This also applies to stand-alone
- popup menus that have a top-level widget in their parentWidget()
- chain. The menu will then install its accelerator object on that
- top-level widget. For all other cases use an independent TQAccel
- object.
- \warning Be careful when passing a literal 0 to insertItem()
- because some C++ compilers choose the wrong overloaded function.
- Cast the 0 to what you mean, e.g. \c{(TQObject*)0}.
- \warning On Mac OS X, items that connect to a slot that are inserted into a
- menubar will not function as we use the native menubar that knows nothing
- about Q_SIGNALS or Q_SLOTS. Instead insert the items into a popup menu and
- insert the popup menu into the menubar. This may be fixed in a future TQt
- version.
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem(), TQAccel,
- tqnamespace.h
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( const QString &text,
- const TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME *receiver, const char* member,
- const TQKeySequence& accel, int id, int index )
- TQString tqtext = TQString(text);
- int actualID = insertAny( &tqtext, 0, 0, 0, id, index );
- connectItem( actualID, receiver, member );
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- if ( accel )
- setAccel( accel, actualID );
- return actualID;
- \overload
- Inserts a menu item with icon \a icon, text \a text, accelerator
- \a accel, optional id \a id, and optional \a index position. The
- menu item is connected it to the \a receiver's \a member slot. The
- icon will be displayed to the left of the text in the item.
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem(), TQAccel,
- tqnamespace.h
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( const TQIconSet& icon,
- const TQString &text,
- const TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME *receiver, const char* member,
- const TQKeySequence& accel, int id, int index )
- int actualID = insertAny( &text, 0, 0, &icon, id, index );
- connectItem( actualID, receiver, member );
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- if ( accel )
- setAccel( accel, actualID );
- return actualID;
- \overload
- Inserts a menu item with pixmap \a pixmap, accelerator \a accel,
- optional id \a id, and optional \a index position. The menu item
- is connected it to the \a receiver's \a member slot. The icon will
- be displayed to the left of the text in the item.
- To look best when being highlighted as a menu item, the pixmap
- should provide a mask (see TQPixmap::mask()).
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( const QPixmap &pixmap,
- const TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME *receiver, const char* member,
- const TQKeySequence& accel, int id, int index )
- int actualID = insertAny( 0, &TQT_TQPIXMAP_OBJECT(pixmap), 0, 0, id, index );
- connectItem( actualID, receiver, member );
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- if ( accel )
- setAccel( accel, actualID );
- return actualID;
- \overload
- Inserts a menu item with icon \a icon, pixmap \a pixmap,
- accelerator \a accel, optional id \a id, and optional \a index
- position. The icon will be displayed to the left of the pixmap in
- the item. The item is connected to the \a member slot in the \a
- receiver object.
- To look best when being highlighted as a menu item, the pixmap
- should provide a mask (see TQPixmap::mask()).
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem(), TQAccel,
- tqnamespace.h
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( const TQIconSet& icon,
- const TQPixmap &pixmap,
- const TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME *receiver, const char* member,
- const TQKeySequence& accel, int id, int index )
- int actualID = insertAny( 0, &pixmap, 0, &icon, id, index );
- connectItem( actualID, receiver, member );
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- if ( accel )
- setAccel( accel, actualID );
- return actualID;
- \overload
- Inserts a menu item with text \a text, optional id \a id, and
- optional \a index position.
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( const QString &text, int id, int index )
- TQString tqtext = TQString(text);
- return insertAny( &tqtext, 0, 0, 0, id, index );
- \overload
- Inserts a menu item with icon \a icon, text \a text, optional id
- \a id, and optional \a index position. The icon will be displayed
- to the left of the text in the item.
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( const TQIconSet& icon,
- const TQString &text, int id, int index )
- return insertAny( &text, 0, 0, &icon, id, index );
- \overload
- Inserts a menu item with text \a text, submenu \a popup, optional
- id \a id, and optional \a index position.
- The \a popup must be deleted by the programmer or by its parent
- widget. It is not deleted when this menu item is removed or when
- the menu is deleted.
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( const QString &text, TQPopupMenu *popup,
- int id, int index )
- TQString tqtext = TQString(text);
- return insertAny( &tqtext, 0, popup, 0, id, index );
- \overload
- Inserts a menu item with icon \a icon, text \a text, submenu \a
- popup, optional id \a id, and optional \a index position. The icon
- will be displayed to the left of the text in the item.
- The \a popup must be deleted by the programmer or by its parent
- widget. It is not deleted when this menu item is removed or when
- the menu is deleted.
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( const TQIconSet& icon,
- const TQString &text, TQPopupMenu *popup,
- int id, int index )
- return insertAny( &text, 0, popup, &icon, id, index );
- \overload
- Inserts a menu item with pixmap \a pixmap, optional id \a id, and
- optional \a index position.
- To look best when being highlighted as a menu item, the pixmap
- should provide a mask (see TQPixmap::mask()).
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( const QPixmap &pixmap, int id, int index )
- return insertAny( 0, &TQT_TQPIXMAP_OBJECT(pixmap), 0, 0, id, index );
- \overload
- Inserts a menu item with icon \a icon, pixmap \a pixmap, optional
- id \a id, and optional \a index position. The icon will be
- displayed to the left of the pixmap in the item.
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( const TQIconSet& icon,
- const TQPixmap &pixmap, int id, int index )
- return insertAny( 0, &pixmap, 0, &icon, id, index );
- \overload
- Inserts a menu item with pixmap \a pixmap, submenu \a popup,
- optional id \a id, and optional \a index position.
- The \a popup must be deleted by the programmer or by its parent
- widget. It is not deleted when this menu item is removed or when
- the menu is deleted.
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( const QPixmap &pixmap, TQPopupMenu *popup,
- int id, int index )
- return insertAny( 0, &TQT_TQPIXMAP_OBJECT(pixmap), popup, 0, id, index );
- \overload
- Inserts a menu item with icon \a icon, pixmap \a pixmap submenu \a
- popup, optional id \a id, and optional \a index position. The icon
- will be displayed to the left of the pixmap in the item.
- The \a popup must be deleted by the programmer or by its parent
- widget. It is not deleted when this menu item is removed or when
- the menu is deleted.
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( const TQIconSet& icon,
- const TQPixmap &pixmap, TQPopupMenu *popup,
- int id, int index )
- return insertAny( 0, &pixmap, popup, &icon, id, index );
- \overload
- Inserts a menu item that consists of the widget \a widget with
- optional id \a id, and optional \a index position.
- Ownership of \a widget is transferred to the popup menu or to the
- menu bar.
- Theoretically, any widget can be inserted into a popup menu. In
- practice, this only makes sense with certain widgets.
- If a widget is not focus-enabled (see
- \l{TQWidget::isFocusEnabled()}), the menu treats it as a separator;
- this means that the item is not selectable and will never get
- focus. In this way you can, for example, simply insert a TQLabel if
- you need a popup menu with a title.
- If the widget is focus-enabled it will get focus when the user
- traverses the popup menu with the arrow keys. If the widget does
- not accept \c ArrowUp and \c ArrowDown in its key event handler,
- the focus will move back to the menu when the respective arrow key
- is hit one more time. This works with a TQLineEdit, for example. If
- the widget accepts the arrow key itself, it must also provide the
- possibility to put the focus back on the menu again by calling
- TQWidget::focusNextPrevChild(). Futhermore, if the embedded widget
- closes the menu when the user made a selection, this can be done
- safely by calling:
- \code
- if ( isVisible() &&
- parentWidget() &&
- parentWidget()->inherits("TQPopupMenu") )
- parentWidget()->close();
- \endcode
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa removeItem()
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( QWidget* widget, int id, int index )
- return insertAny( 0, 0, 0, 0, id, index, TQT_TQWIDGET(widget) );
- \overload
- Inserts a custom menu item \a custom with optional id \a id, and
- optional \a index position.
- This only works with popup menus. It is not supported for menu
- bars. Ownership of \a custom is transferred to the popup menu.
- If you want to connect a custom item to a slot, use connectItem().
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa connectItem(), removeItem(), TQCustomMenuItem
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( TQCustomMenuItem* custom, int id, int index )
- return insertAny( 0, 0, 0, 0, id, index, 0, custom );
- \overload
- Inserts a custom menu item \a custom with an \a icon and with
- optional id \a id, and optional \a index position.
- This only works with popup menus. It is not supported for menu
- bars. Ownership of \a custom is transferred to the popup menu.
- If you want to connect a custom item to a slot, use connectItem().
- Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
- \sa connectItem(), removeItem(), TQCustomMenuItem
-int TQMenuData::insertItem( const TQIconSet& icon, TQCustomMenuItem* custom, int id, int index )
- return insertAny( 0, 0, 0, &icon, id, index, 0, custom );
- Inserts a separator at position \a index, and returns the menu identifier
- number allocated to it. The separator becomes the last menu item if
- \a index is negative.
- In a popup menu a separator is rendered as a horizontal line. In a
- Motif menu bar a separator is spacing, so the rest of the items
- (normally just "Help") are drawn right-justified. In a Windows
- menu bar separators are ignored (to comply with the Windows style
- guidelines).
-int TQMenuData::insertSeparator( int index )
- return insertAny( 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, index );
- \fn void TQMenuData::removeItem( int id )
- Removes the menu item that has the identifier \a id.
- \sa removeItemAt(), clear()
-void TQMenuData::removeItem( int id )
- TQMenuData *parent;
- if ( findItem( id, &parent ) )
- parent->removeItemAt(parent->indexOf(id));
- Removes the menu item at position \a index.
- \sa removeItem(), clear()
-void TQMenuData::removeItemAt( int index )
- if ( index < 0 || index >= (int)mitems->count() ) {
-#if defined(TQT_CHECK_RANGE)
- qWarning( "TQMenuData::removeItem: Index %d out of range", index );
- return;
- }
- TQMenuItem *mi = mitems->at( index );
- if ( mi->popup_menu )
- menuDelPopup( mi->popup_menu );
- mitems->remove();
- TQPopupMenu* p = ::tqqt_cast<TQPopupMenu*>(TQMenuData::d->aWidget);
- if (p && p->isVisible() && p->mitems) {
- p->mitems->clear();
- for ( TQMenuItemListIt it( *mitems ); it.current(); ++it ) {
- if ( it.current()->id() != TQMenuData::d->aInt && !it.current()->widget() )
- p->mitems->append( it.current() );
- }
- }
- if ( !TQApplication::closingDown() ) // avoid trouble
- menuContentsChanged();
- Removes all menu items.
- \sa removeItem(), removeItemAt()
-void TQMenuData::clear()
- register TQMenuItem *mi = mitems->first();
- while ( mi ) {
- if ( mi->popup_menu )
- menuDelPopup( mi->popup_menu );
- mitems->remove();
- mi = mitems->current();
- }
- TQPopupMenu* p = ::tqqt_cast<TQPopupMenu*>(TQMenuData::d->aWidget);
- if (p && p->isVisible() && p->mitems) {
- p->mitems->clear();
- }
- if ( !TQApplication::closingDown() ) // avoid trouble
- menuContentsChanged();
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- Returns the accelerator key that has been defined for the menu
- item \a id, or 0 if it has no accelerator key or if there is no
- such menu item.
- \sa setAccel(), TQAccel, tqnamespace.h
-TQKeySequence TQMenuData::accel( int id ) const
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
- if ( mi )
- return mi->key();
- return TQKeySequence();
- Sets the accelerator key for the menu item \a id to \a key.
- An accelerator key consists of a key code and a combination of the
- modifiers \c SHIFT, \c CTRL, \c ALT or \c UNICODE_ACCEL (OR'ed or
- added). The header file \c tqnamespace.h contains a list of key
- codes.
- Defining an accelerator key produces a text that is added to the
- menu item; for instance, \c CTRL + \c Key_O produces "Ctrl+O". The
- text is formatted differently for different platforms.
- Note that keyboard accelerators in TQt are not application-global,
- instead they are bound to a certain top-level window. For example,
- accelerators in TQPopupMenu items only work for menus that are
- associated with a certain window. This is true for popup menus
- that live in a menu bar since their accelerators will then be
- installed in the menu bar itself. This also applies to stand-alone
- popup menus that have a top-level widget in their parentWidget()
- chain. The menu will then install its accelerator object on that
- top-level widget. For all other cases use an independent TQAccel
- object.
- Example:
- \code
- TQMenuBar *mainMenu = new TQMenuBar;
- TQPopupMenu *fileMenu = new TQPopupMenu; // file sub menu
- fileMenu->insertItem( "Open Document", 67 ); // add "Open" item
- fileMenu->setAccel( CTRL + Key_O, 67 ); // Ctrl+O to open
- fileMenu->insertItem( "Quit", 69 ); // add "Quit" item
- fileMenu->setAccel( CTRL + ALT + Key_Delete, 69 ); // add Alt+Del to quit
- mainMenu->insertItem( "File", fileMenu ); // add the file menu
- \endcode
- If you need to translate accelerators, use tr() with a string:
- \code
- fileMenu->setAccel( tr("Ctrl+O"), 67 );
- \endcode
- You can also specify the accelerator in the insertItem() function.
- You may prefer to use TQAction to associate accelerators with menu
- items.
- \sa accel() insertItem() TQAccel TQAction
-void TQMenuData::setAccel( const TQKeySequence& key, int id )
- TQMenuData *parent;
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
- if ( mi ) {
- mi->accel_key = key;
- parent->menuContentsChanged();
- }
-#endif // TQT_NO_ACCEL
- Returns the icon set that has been set for menu item \a id, or 0
- if no icon set has been set.
- \sa changeItem(), text(), pixmap()
-TQIconSet* TQMenuData::iconSet( int id ) const
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
- return mi ? mi->iconSet() : 0;
- Returns the text that has been set for menu item \a id, or
- TQString::null if no text has been set.
- \sa changeItem(), pixmap(), iconSet()
-TQString TQMenuData::text( int id ) const
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
- return mi ? mi->text() : TQString::null;
- Returns the pixmap that has been set for menu item \a id, or 0 if
- no pixmap has been set.
- \sa changeItem(), text(), iconSet()
-TQPixmap *TQMenuData::pixmap( int id ) const
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
- return mi ? mi->pixmap() : 0;
- \fn void TQMenuData::changeItem( const TQString &, int )
- \obsolete
- Changes the text of the menu item \a id. If the item has an icon,
- the icon remains unchanged.
- \sa text()
- \fn void TQMenuData::changeItem( const TQPixmap &, int )
- \obsolete
- Changes the pixmap of the menu item \a id. If the item has an icon,
- the icon remains unchanged.
- \sa pixmap()
- \fn void TQMenuData::changeItem( const TQIconSet &, const TQString &, int )
- \obsolete
- Changes the icon and text of the menu item \a id.
- \sa pixmap()
- Changes the text of the menu item \a id to \a text. If the item
- has an icon, the icon remains unchanged.
- \sa text()
-void TQMenuData::changeItem( int id, const TQString &text )
- TQMenuData *parent;
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
- if ( mi ) { // item found
- if ( mi->text_data == text ) // same string
- return;
- if ( mi->pixmap_data ) { // delete pixmap
- delete mi->pixmap_data;
- mi->pixmap_data = 0;
- }
- mi->text_data = text;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- if ( !mi->accel_key && text.find( '\t' ) != -1 )
- mi->accel_key = TQt::Key_unknown;
- parent->menuContentsChanged();
- }
- \overload
- Changes the pixmap of the menu item \a id to the pixmap \a pixmap.
- If the item has an icon, the icon is unchanged.
- \sa pixmap()
-void TQMenuData::changeItem( int id, const TQPixmap &pixmap )
- TQMenuData *parent;
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
- if ( mi ) { // item found
- register TQPixmap *i = mi->pixmap_data;
- bool fast_refresh = i != 0 &&
- i->width() == pixmap.width() &&
- i->height() == pixmap.height() &&
- !mi->text();
- if ( !mi->text_data.isNull() ) // delete text
- mi->text_data = TQString::null;
- if ( !pixmap.isNull() )
- mi->pixmap_data = new TQPixmap( pixmap );
- else
- mi->pixmap_data = 0;
- delete i; // old mi->pixmap_data, could be &pixmap
- if ( fast_refresh )
- parent->updateItem( id );
- else
- parent->menuContentsChanged();
- }
- \overload
- Changes the iconset and text of the menu item \a id to the \a icon
- and \a text respectively.
- \sa pixmap()
-void TQMenuData::changeItem( int id, const TQIconSet &icon, const TQString &text )
- changeItem( id, text );
- changeItemIconSet( id, icon );
- \overload
- Changes the iconset and pixmap of the menu item \a id to \a icon
- and \a pixmap respectively.
- \sa pixmap()
-void TQMenuData::changeItem( int id, const TQIconSet &icon, const TQPixmap &pixmap )
- changeItem( id, pixmap );
- changeItemIconSet( id, icon );
- Changes the icon of the menu item \a id to \a icon.
- \sa pixmap()
-void TQMenuData::changeItemIconSet( int id, const TQIconSet &icon )
- TQMenuData *parent;
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
- if ( mi ) { // item found
- register TQIconSet *i = mi->iconset_data;
- bool fast_refresh = i != 0;
- if ( !icon.isNull() )
- mi->iconset_data = new TQIconSet( icon );
- else
- mi->iconset_data = 0;
- delete i; // old mi->iconset_data, could be &icon
- if ( fast_refresh )
- parent->updateItem( id );
- else
- parent->menuContentsChanged();
- }
- Returns TRUE if the item with identifier \a id is enabled;
- otherwise returns FALSE
- \sa setItemEnabled(), isItemVisible()
-bool TQMenuData::isItemEnabled( int id ) const
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
- return mi ? mi->isEnabled() : FALSE;
- If \a enable is TRUE, enables the menu item with identifier \a id;
- otherwise disables the menu item with identifier \a id.
- \sa isItemEnabled()
-void TQMenuData::setItemEnabled( int id, bool enable )
- TQMenuData *parent;
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
- if ( mi && (bool)mi->is_enabled != enable ) {
- mi->is_enabled = enable;
-#if !defined(TQT_NO_ACCEL) && !defined(TQT_NO_POPUPMENU)
- if ( mi->popup() )
- mi->popup()->enableAccel( enable );
- parent->menuStateChanged();
- }
- Returns TRUE if the menu item with the id \a id is currently
- active; otherwise returns FALSE.
-bool TQMenuData::isItemActive( int id ) const
- if ( actItem == -1 )
- return FALSE;
- return indexOf( id ) == actItem;
- Returns TRUE if the menu item with the id \a id has been checked;
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- \sa setItemChecked()
-bool TQMenuData::isItemChecked( int id ) const
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
- return mi ? mi->isChecked() : FALSE;
- If \a check is TRUE, checks the menu item with id \a id; otherwise
- unchecks the menu item with id \a id. Calls
- TQPopupMenu::setCheckable( TRUE ) if necessary.
- \sa isItemChecked()
-void TQMenuData::setItemChecked( int id, bool check )
- TQMenuData *parent;
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
- if ( mi && (bool)mi->is_checked != check ) {
- mi->is_checked = check;
- if ( parent->isPopupMenu && !((TQPopupMenu *)parent)->isCheckable() )
- ((TQPopupMenu *)parent)->setCheckable( TRUE );
- parent->menuStateChanged();
- }
- Returns TRUE if the menu item with the id \a id is visible;
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- \sa setItemVisible()
-bool TQMenuData::isItemVisible( int id ) const
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
- return mi ? mi->isVisible() : FALSE;
- If \a visible is TRUE, shows the menu item with id \a id; otherwise
- hides the menu item with id \a id.
- \sa isItemVisible(), isItemEnabled()
-void TQMenuData::setItemVisible( int id, bool visible )
- TQMenuData *parent;
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
- if ( mi && (bool)mi->is_visible != visible ) {
- mi->is_visible = visible;
- parent->menuContentsChanged();
- }
- Returns the menu item with identifier \a id, or 0 if there is no
- item with this identifier.
- Note that TQMenuItem is an internal class, and that you should not
- need to call this function. Use the higher level functions like
- text(), pixmap() and changeItem() to get and modify menu item
- attributes instead.
- \sa indexOf()
-TQMenuItem *TQMenuData::findItem( int id ) const
- return findItem( id, 0 );
- \overload
- Returns the menu item with identifier \a id, or 0 if there is no
- item with this identifier. Changes \a *parent to point to the
- parent of the return value.
- Note that TQMenuItem is an internal class, and that you should not
- need to call this function. Use the higher level functions like
- text(), pixmap() and changeItem() to get and modify menu item
- attributes instead.
- \sa indexOf()
-TQMenuItem * TQMenuData::findItem( int id, TQMenuData ** parent ) const
- if ( parent )
- *parent = (TQMenuData *)this; // ###
- if ( id == -1 ) // bad identifier
- return 0;
- TQMenuItemListIt it( *mitems );
- TQMenuItem *mi;
- while ( (mi=it.current()) ) { // search this menu
- ++it;
- if ( mi->ident == id ) // found item
- return mi;
- }
- it.toFirst();
- while ( (mi=it.current()) ) { // search submenus
- ++it;
- if ( mi->popup_menu ) {
- TQPopupMenu *p = mi->popup_menu;
- if (!p->avoid_circularity) {
- p->avoid_circularity = 1;
- mi = mi->popup_menu->findItem( id, parent );
- p->avoid_circularity = 0;
- if ( mi ) // found item
- return mi;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0; // not found
- Returns the index of the menu item with identifier \a id, or -1 if
- there is no item with this identifier.
- \sa idAt(), findItem()
-int TQMenuData::indexOf( int id ) const
- if ( id == -1 ) // bad identifier
- return -1;
- TQMenuItemListIt it( *mitems );
- TQMenuItem *mi;
- int index = 0;
- while ( (mi=it.current()) ) {
- if ( mi->ident == id ) // this one?
- return index;
- ++index;
- ++it;
- }
- return -1; // not found
- Returns the identifier of the menu item at position \a index in
- the internal list, or -1 if \a index is out of range.
- \sa setId(), indexOf()
-int TQMenuData::idAt( int index ) const
- return index < (int)mitems->count() && index >= 0 ?
- mitems->at(index)->id() : -1;
- Sets the menu identifier of the item at \a index to \a id.
- If \a index is out of range, the operation is ignored.
- \sa idAt()
-void TQMenuData::setId( int index, int id )
- if ( index < (int)mitems->count() )
- mitems->at(index)->ident = id;
- Sets the parameter of the activation signal of item \a id to \a
- param.
- If any receiver takes an integer parameter, this value is passed.
- \sa connectItem(), disconnectItem(), itemParameter()
-bool TQMenuData::setItemParameter( int id, int param ) {
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
- if ( !mi ) // no such identifier
- return FALSE;
- if ( !mi->signal_data ) { // create new signal
- mi->signal_data = new TQSignal;
- TQ_CHECK_PTR( mi->signal_data );
- }
- mi->signal_data->setValue( param );
- return TRUE;
- Returns the parameter of the activation signal of item \a id.
- If no parameter has been specified for this item with
- setItemParameter(), the value defaults to \a id.
- \sa connectItem(), disconnectItem(), setItemParameter()
-int TQMenuData::itemParameter( int id ) const
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
- if ( !mi || !mi->signal_data )
- return id;
- return mi->signal_data->value().toInt();
- Connects the menu item with identifier \a id to \a{receiver}'s \a
- member slot or signal.
- The receiver's slot (or signal) is activated when the menu item is
- activated.
- \sa disconnectItem(), setItemParameter()
-bool TQMenuData::connectItem( int id, const TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME *receiver,
- const char* member )
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
- if ( !mi ) // no such identifier
- return FALSE;
- if ( !mi->signal_data ) { // create new signal
- mi->signal_data = new TQSignal;
- TQ_CHECK_PTR( mi->signal_data );
- mi->signal_data->setValue( id );
- }
- return mi->signal_data->connect( receiver, member );
- Disconnects the \a{receiver}'s \a member from the menu item with
- identifier \a id.
- All connections are removed when the menu data object is
- destroyed.
- \sa connectItem(), setItemParameter()
-bool TQMenuData::disconnectItem( int id, const TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME *receiver,
- const char* member )
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
- if ( !mi || !mi->signal_data ) // no identifier or no signal
- return FALSE;
- return mi->signal_data->disconnect( receiver, member );
- Sets \a text as What's This help for the menu item with identifier
- \a id.
- \sa whatsThis()
-void TQMenuData::setWhatsThis( int id, const TQString& text )
- TQMenuData *parent;
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
- if ( mi ) {
- mi->setWhatsThis( text );
- parent->menuContentsChanged();
- }
- Returns the What's This help text for the item with identifier \a
- id or TQString::null if no text has yet been defined.
- \sa setWhatsThis()
-TQString TQMenuData::whatsThis( int id ) const
- TQMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
- return mi? mi->whatsThis() : TQString::null;
- \class TQCustomMenuItem tqmenudata.h
- \brief The TQCustomMenuItem class is an abstract base class for custom menu items in popup menus.
- \ingroup misc
- A custom menu item is a menu item that is defined by two pure
- virtual functions, paint() and tqsizeHint(). The size hint tells the
- menu how much space it needs to reserve for this item, and paint
- is called whenever the item needs painting.
- This simple mechanism allows you to create all kinds of
- application specific menu items. Examples are items showing
- different fonts in a word processor or menus that allow the
- selection of drawing utilities in a vector drawing program.
- A custom item is inserted into a popup menu with
- TQPopupMenu::insertItem().
- By default, a custom item can also have an icon and a keyboard
- accelerator. You can reimplement fullSpan() to return TRUE if you
- want the item to span the entire popup menu width. This is
- particularly useful for labels.
- If you want the custom item to be treated just as a separator,
- reimplement isSeparator() to return TRUE.
- Note that you can insert pixmaps or bitmaps as items into a popup
- menu without needing to create a TQCustomMenuItem. However, custom
- menu items offer more flexibility, and -- especially important
- with Windows style -- provide the possibility of drawing the item
- with a different color when it is highlighted.
- \link menu-example.html menu/menu.cpp\endlink shows a simple
- example how custom menu items can be used.
- Note: the current implementation of TQCustomMenuItem will not
- recognize shortcut keys that are from text with ampersands. Normal
- accelerators work though.
- <img src=qpopmenu-fancy.png>
- \sa TQMenuData, TQPopupMenu
- Constructs a TQCustomMenuItem
- Destroys a TQCustomMenuItem
- Sets the font of the custom menu item to \a font.
- This function is called whenever the font in the popup menu
- changes. For menu items that show their own individual font entry,
- you want to ignore this.
-void TQCustomMenuItem::setFont( const TQFont& /* font */ )
- Returns TRUE if this item wants to span the entire popup menu
- width; otherwise returns FALSE. The default is FALSE, meaning that
- the menu may show an icon and an accelerator key for this item as
- well.
-bool TQCustomMenuItem::fullSpan() const
- return FALSE;
- Returns TRUE if this item is just a separator; otherwise returns
-bool TQCustomMenuItem::isSeparator() const
- return FALSE;
- \fn void TQCustomMenuItem::paint( TQPainter* p, const TQColorGroup& cg, bool act, bool enabled, int x, int y, int w, int h );
- Paints this item. When this function is invoked, the painter \a p
- is set to a font and foreground color suitable for a menu item
- text using color group \a cg. The item is active if \a act is TRUE
- and enabled if \a enabled is TRUE. The tqgeometry values \a x, \a y,
- \a w and \a h specify where to draw the item.
- Do not draw any background, this has already been done by the
- popup menu according to the current GUI style.
- \fn TQSize TQCustomMenuItem::tqsizeHint();
- Returns the item's size hint.
- Activates the menu item at position \a index.
- If the index is invalid (for example, -1), the object itself is
- deactivated.
-void TQMenuData::activateItemAt( int index )
- if ( isMenuBar )
- ( (TQMenuBar*)this )->activateItemAt( index );
- else
- {
- if ( isPopupMenu )
- ( (TQPopupMenu*)this )->activateItemAt( index );
- }