AboutDialog Qt Designer Version 2.0 Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Trolltech AS <p>This program is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify this software under certain conditions. For details, see the file 'COPYING' that came with this software distribution. If you did not get the file, send email to info@trolltech.com.</p> <p>The program is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.</p> &OK ActionEditor Actions New &Action New Action &Group New &Dropdown Action Group ActionEditorBase Edit Actions Create new Action Delete current Action Connect current action ActionListView New &Action New Action &Group New &Dropdown Action Group &Connect Action... Delete Action ConnectionEditor Signals (%1): Connect/Disconnect Q_SIGNALS and Q_SLOTS of '%1' and '%2' Remove connection Remove connections Add connection Add connections ConnectionEditorBase Edit Connections <b>Edit Connections</b><p>Add and remove connections in the current form .</p><p>Select a signal and a corresponding slot and press the <b>Connect</b>-button to create a connection.</p><p>Select a connection from the list and press the <b>Disconnect</b>-button to delete the connection.</p> Sender Signal Receiver Slot Displays the connections between the sender and the receiver. Si&gnals: <b>A list of Q_SLOTS for the receiver.</b><p>Only those Q_SLOTS are displayed that have arguments corresponding with the signal selected in the Signal-list.</b> Connec&tions: Co&nnect Create connection Create the connection between signal and slot. &Disconnect Remove selected connection Remove the selected connection. &Help &OK Close dialog and apply all changes. &Cancel Close dialog and discard all changes. &Edit Slots Displays a list of Q_SIGNALS for the emitting widget. &Slots: ConnectionViewer Remove connection between %1 and %2 ConnectionViewerBase View Connections <b>View Connections</b><p>Displays all connections in the current form Select a connection from the list and click the <b>Edit</b>-button to change the connection.</p> &Help &Close Close the Dialog. Sender Signal Receiver Slot <b>Displays a list of connections.</b><p>Select a connection and choose edit, or double-click on an item to change the connection.</p> &Edit... Edit connection Opens a dialog to change the selected connection. &Disconnect CreateTemplate Create Template Template &Name: Name of the new template Enter the name of the new template here Class of the new template Choose the class which should be used as baseclass for the new template here C&reate Creates the new template &Cancel Closes the Dialog &Baseclass for Template: CustomWidgetEditor Adding a Custom Widget There exists already a custom widget with the name '%1', so it is not possible to add another one with this name. Removing Custom Widget The custom widget '%1' is currently used, so it can't be removed. Header Files (*.h *.h++ *.hxx *.hh) Renaming a Custom Widget The name '%1' is already use by another custom widget, so it is not possible to rename it to this name. protected Custom-Widget Description (*.cw);;All Files (*) CustomWidgetEditorBase Edit Custom Widgets <b>Edit Custom Widgets</b><p>Add and remove custom widgets to the designer's database, and change the properties of existing widgets.</p> The list of all custom widgets known to the designer. &New Widget Add new custom widget. <b>Create an empty custom widget and add it to the list.</b><p>New custom widgets have a default name and header-file, which must both be provided.</p> &Delete Widget Delete custom widget <b>Delete the selected custom widget.</b><p>You can only delete widgets that are not used in any open form.</p> &Help &Close Closes the Dialog. &Load Descriptions... Loads widget description file <b>Load Descriptions</b><p>Loads a file which contains descriptions of custom widgets, so that these custom widgets can be used in the Qt Designer.</p> <p>As it is a lot of work to type in all the information for custom widgets, you should check the tool createcw which you can find in $QTDIR/tools/designer/tools/createcw. Using that tool you can create custom widget description files for your custom widgets without the need of typing in all that information. For more information about that see the README file in that directory</p> &Save Descriptions... Saves widget description file <b>Save Descriptions</b><p>Saves all descriptions of the shown custom widgets to file which can be used to import these custom widgets somewhere else. Change properties for the selected custom widget. De&finition ... Select a Pixmap <b>Select a pixmap-file.</b><p>The pixmap will be used to represent the widget in forms.</b> Enter filename <b>Change the headerfile's name for the selected custom widget.</b><p>The headerfile will be included by forms using the widget.</p> Choose headerfile Look for the headerfile in a filedialog. Global Local Select access <b>Change how the include file will be included.</b><p>Global include-files will be included using &lt;&gt;-brackets, while local files will included using quotation marks.</p> Change classname <b>Enter the classname for the selected customwidget.</b><p>A class of that name has to be defined in the headerfile.</p> Heade&rfile: Cl&ass: Pixmap: Si&ze Hint: Size P&olicy Fixed Minimum Maximum Preferred MinimumExpanding Expanding Horizontal Sizepolicy Choose the horizontal sizepolicy here Size hint width <b>Set the sizehint for the selected widget.</b><p>The sizehint provides the recommended size for the widget. Enter a sizehint of -1/-1 if no size is recommended.</p> Size hint height Vertical Sizepolicy Choose the verical sizepolicy for the widget here Con&tainer Widget Container Widget <p><b>Container Widget</b></p> <p>If this customwidget should be able to contain other widgets (tqchildren), check this checkbox.</p> Si&gnals The list of all Q_SIGNALS the selected widget can emit. N&ew Signal Add new signal <b>Add a new signal for the current custom widget.</b><p>An argument list should be provided in the signal's name, and the name has to be unique.</p> Dele&te Signal Delete signal <b>Delete the signal.</b><p>All connections using this signal will be deleted, too.</p> S&ignal: Change signal name <b>Change the name of the selected slot.</b><p>An argument list should be provided in the signal's name, and the name has to be unique.</p> S&lots Slot Access The list of all Q_SLOTS of the selected custom widget. Sl&ot: Change slot name &Access: public protected Change slot access <b>Change the access policy of the slot.</b><p>You can only connect to public Q_SLOTS of the widget.</p> N&ew Slot Add new slot <b>Add a new slot to the current custom widget.</b><p>An argument list should be provided in the signal's name, and the name has to be unique.</p> Dele&te Slot Delete slot <b>Delete the slot.</b><p>All connections using this slot will be deleted, too.</p> &Properties N&ew Property Add new property <b>Add a new property to the current customwidget.</b><p>The properties have to be implemented in the class using the property system of Qt.</p> Dele&te Property Delete property Deletes the selected property. String CString StringList Bool Int UInt Font Color Rect Point Size Pixmap Palette Cursor SizePolicy Select property type <b>Select the type of the property.</b><p>The propertiy has to be implemented in the class using the property system of Qt.</p><p>You can use integer types to support enumeration properties in the property editor.</p> Property Type <b>The list of properties of the current custom widget.</b><p>The properties of the custom widget can be changed in the property editor.</p> Change property name <b>Enter a name for the property.</b><p>The properties have to be implemented in the class using the property system of Qt.</p> P&roperty Name: T&ype: DatabaseConnectionBase Edit Database Connections &New Connection &Delete Connection &Help &Close Close dialog and discard all changes. Conn&ection Connec&t DatabaseConnectionEditorBase Connect &Cancel &OK Connection Details DatabaseConnectionWidget Edit Database Connection &Database Name: &Username: &Password: D&river &Hostname: &Name: P&ort Default EditSlots Yes No Add/Remove Q_SLOTS of '%1' Remove slot Remove Q_SLOTS Add slot Add Q_SLOTS Edit Slots Some syntatically wrong Q_SLOTS defined. Remove these Q_SLOTS? &Yes &No EditSlotsBase Edit Slots <b>Edit Slots</b><p>Add, change and remove Q_SLOTS of the current form.</p><p>Press the <b>Add Slot</b>-button to create a new slot, enter a slot name and choose an access mode.</p><p>Select an entry from the list and press the <b>Delete Slot</b>-button to remove a slot. All connections using this slot will be removed, too.</p> Slot Type Specifier Access In Use <b>This form's slots.</b><p>Select the slot you want to change or delete.</p> &New Slot Add new slot <b>Add a new slot.</b><p>New Q_SLOTS have a default name and public access.</p> &Delete Slot Delete slot <b>Delete the selected slot.</b><p>All connections using this slot are removed, too.</p> Slot Properties &Slot: Change slot name <b>Change the name of the selected slot.</b><p>The name should include the argument list and has to be syntactically correct.</p> &Return type: S&pecifier: non virtual virtual pure virtual Change slot access <b>Change the access policy of the slot</b><p>All Q_SLOTS will be created virtual and should be reimplemented in subclasses.</p> &Access: public protected private &Help &OK Close dialog and apply all changes. &Cancel Close dialog and discard all changes. EventList New Signal Handler Delete Signal Handler Remove connection Add connection FindDialog Find Text &Find: &Find Close &Direction Forwar&d &Backward &Options &Whole words only &Case sensitive Start at &Beginning FormDefinitionView Slots private protected public Edit... New Properties... Goto Implementation Delete Edit...Alt+V Edit %1 Edit Class Variables FormFile Failed to save file %1. %1 saved. Qt User-Interface Files (*.ui) All Files (*) Save form '%1' as .... Edit %1 Save Form Save changes to the form '%1'? &Yes &No &Cancel Qt Designer The file %1 has been changed outside Qt Designer. Do you want to reload it? Invalid Filename The project contains already a form with the filename '%1'. Please choose a new filename. FormSettingsBase Form Settings <b>Form Settings</b><p>Change settings for the form. Settings like <b>Comment</b> and <b>Author</b> are for personal use and not required.</p> &Pixmaps Save In&line Save pixmaps into the .ui files <b>Save Inline</b><p>Saves the pixmaps you choose as binary data into the .ui files. Pixmaps are not shared between forms. We recommend using Project Imagefiles instead. Project &Imagefile Use the Project's Image file to load pixmaps <b>Use the Project's Image file to open pixmaps</b> <p>Each project has a collection of pixmaps. If you use a project, we recommend that you use this option since it shares images and is the fastest and most efficient way to use pixmaps in your forms.</p> Specify Pixmap-Loader function (only function-name, no parentheses!) <b>Specify Pixmap-Loader function</b><p>Specify the function which should be used for loading a pixmap in the generated code. <em>Only enter the function-name, no parentheses!</em> Use &Function: Use a defined function to load pixmaps <b>Use a defined function to open pixmaps</b><p>If you choose this option you must define a function in the line edit at the right which will be used in the generated code for loading pixmaps. When choosing a pixmap in <i>Qt Designer</i> you will be asked to specify the arguments which will be passed to the function in the generated code.<p> This approach makes it possible to use your own icon-loader function for loading pixmaps. <i>Qt Designer</i> can't preview the correct image if you use your own function. &Settings Change class name <b>Enter the name of the class that will be created.</b><p><em>classname.h</em> and <em>classname.cpp</em> will be generated as C++-output when it is compiled with the uic.</p> A&uthor: Enter your name Enter your name here. Class &Name: Co&mment: Enter a comment about the form. &Help &OK Close dialog and apply all changes. &Cancel Close dialog and discard all changes. La&youts Default Mar&gin: D&efault Spacing: FormWindow Set 'name' property The name of a widget has to be unique! '%1' is already used in the form '%2', so the name has been changed back to '%3'. The name of a widget must not be null! The name has been changed back to '%1'. &Horizontal &Vertical <b>A %1 (custom widget)</b> <p>Select <b>Edit Custom Widgets...</b> in the <b>Tools->Custom</b> menu to add and change the custom widgets. You can add properties as well as Q_SIGNALS and Q_SLOTS to integrate them into the designer, and provide a pixmap which will be used to represent the widget on the form.</p> A %1 (custom widget) Retqparent Widgets Insert %1 Connect '%1' with... Change Tab Order %1/%2 Connect '%1' with '%2' Inserting a Widget You tried to insert a widget into the laid out Container Widget '%1'. This is not possible. In order to insert the widget, the tqlayout of '%1' has to be broken. Break the tqlayout or cancel the operation? &Break Layout &Cancel Move Use Size Hint Delete Adjust Size Click widgets to change tab order... Drag a line to create a connection... Click on the form to insert a %1... Following custom widgets are used in '%1', but they are not known to the designer: Save Form Lower Check Accelerators The accelerator '%1' is used %2 times. &Select No accelerator is used more than once! Raise Layout horizontally Layout vertically Layout horizontally (in splitter) Layout vertically (in splitter) Layout in a grid Layout tqchildren horizontally Layout tqchildren vertically Layout tqchildren in a grid Break Layout Edit connections... Paste Page GotoLineDialog Goto Line &Line: &Goto &Close HierarchyList Name Class Database Add Page to %1 Remove Page %1 of %2 HierarchyView Widgets Source Classes IconViewEditor New Item Edit Items of '%1' IconViewEditorBase Edit Iconview <b>Edit Iconview</b><p>Add, change and remove items in the icon view.</p><p>Press the <b>New Item</b>-button to create a new entry, and enter a text or choose a pixmap.</p><p>Select an item from the view and press the <b>Delete Item</b>-button to remove the item from the view.</p> All items in the view. &New Item Add an item Create a new item for the view. &Delete Item Delete item Delete the selected item. &Item Properties &Text: Change text Change the text for the selected item. &Pixmap: Label4 Delete Pixmap Delete the pixmap of the selected item. ... Select a Pixmap Select a pixmap-file for the current item. &Help &Apply Apply all changes. &OK Close dialog and apply all changes. &Cancel Close dialog and discard all changes. ListBoxEditor New Item Edit Items of '%1' ListBoxEditorBase Edit Listbox <b>Edit Listbox</b><p>Add, change and remove items in the listbox.</p><p>Press the <b>New Item</b>-button to create a new listbox entry, and enter text or choose a pixmap.</p><p>Select an item from the list and press the <b>Delete Item</b>-button to remove the item from the list.</p> &Help &Apply Apply all changes. &OK Close dialog and apply all changes. &Cancel Close dialog and discard all changes. Delete Item The list of items. &Item Properties &Pixmap: Label4 Delete Pixmap Delete the pixmap of the selected item. ... Select a Pixmap Choose a pixmap-file for the selected item. &Text: Change text Change the text of the selected item. &New Item Add an item <b>Add a new item.</b><p>New items are appended to the list.</p> &Delete Item Delete the selected item Move up Moves the selected item up. Move down Move the selected item down. ListEditor Edit... Column 1 &Add &Remove Re&name &Close ListViewEditor Edit Items and Columns of '%1' New Column &Items ListViewEditorBase Edit Listview <b>Edit Listview</b><p>Use the controls on the <b>Items</b>-tab to add, change and remove items in the listview. Change the column configuration of the view using the controls on the <b>Columns</b>-tab.</p>Press the <b>New Item</b>-button to create a new item and enter a text or provide a pixmap.</p><p>Select an item from the list and press the <b>Delete Item</b>-button to remove the item from the list.</p> &Items &Delete Item Delete item <b>Deletes the selected item.</b><p>Existing subitems are deleted, too.</p> Item &Properties Pi&xmap: &Text: Change text <b>Change the text of the item.</b><p>The text will be changed in the current column of the selected item.</p> Change column <b>Select the current column.</b><p>Itemtext and pixmap will be changed for the current column</p> Colu&mn: Label4 Delete Pixmap <b>Delete the pixmap of the selected item.</b><p>The pixmap in the current column of the selected item will be deleted.</p> ... Select a Pixmap <b>Select a pixmap-file for the item.</b><p>The pixmap will be changed in the current column of the selected item.</p> &New Item Add an item <b>Adds a new item to the list.</b><p>The item will be inserted at the top of the list and can be moved using the up- and down-buttons.</p> The list of items. New &Subitem Add a subitem <b>Create a new subitem for the selected item.</b><p>New subitems are inserted at the top of the list of subitems, and new levels will be created automatically.</p> Move up <b>Move the selected item up.</b><p>The item will be moved within the hierarchy level.</p> Move down <b>Move the selected item down.</b><p>The item will be moved within the hierarchy level.</p> Move left <b>Move the selected item one level up.</b><p>This will also change the level of the tqparent item.</p> Move right <b>Move the selected item one level down.</b><p>This will also change the level of the tqparent item.</p> Co&lumns Column Properties &Pixmap: Delete the pixmap of the selected column. <b>Select a pixmap-file for the selected column.</b><p>The pixmap will be displayed in the header of the listview.</p> Enter column text <b>Enter the text for the selected column.</b><p>The text will be displayed in the header of the listview.</p> Clicka&ble If this option is checked, the selected column will react on mouseclicks on the header. Re&sizable The column's width will be resizeable if this option is checked. &Delete Column Delete column Deletes the selected Column. <b>Move the selected item down.</b><p>The topmost column will be the first column of the list.</p> &New Column Add a Column <b>Create a new column.</b><p>New columns are appended to the list and may be moved using the up- and down-buttons.</p> <b>Move the selected item up.</b><p>The topmost column will be the first column of the list.</p> The list of columns. &Help &Apply Apply all changes. &OK Close dialog and apply all changes. &Cancel Close dialog and discard all changes. MainWindow Qt User-Interface Files (*.ui) Ready - This is the non-commercial version of Qt - For commercial evaluation purposes, use the help menu to register with Trolltech. Layout Property Editor/Signal Handlers <b>The Property Editor</b><p>You can change the appearance and behaviour of the selected widget in the property editor.</p><p>You can set properties for components and forms at design time and see the changes immediately. Each property has its own editor which you can use to enter new values, open a special dialog or select values from a predefined list. Use <b>F1</b> to get detailed help for the selected property.</p><p>You can resize the columns of the editor by dragging the separators of the list header.</p><p><b>Signal Handlers</b></p><p>In the Signal Handlers tab you can define connections between Q_SIGNALS of widgets and Q_SLOTS of the form. That is just a convenience way, you can use the connection tool to do that as well. Output Window Object Explorer <b>The Object Explorer</b><p>The object explorer gives a quick overview about the relations between the widgets in your form. You can use the clipboard functions using a context menu for each item in the view.</p><p>The columns can be resized by dragging the separator in the list header.</p><p>On the second tab you can see all the declared Q_SLOTS, variables, includes, etc. of the form.</p> Start typing the buffer you want to switch to here (ALT+B) File Overview <b>The File Overview box</b><p>The File Overview Box displays all files of all projects, including forms and source files.</p><p>Its search field allows rapid switching between files.</p> Action Editor <b>The Action Editor</b><p>Todo Whatsthis</p> Error Couldn't find the Qt documentation property index file! Define the correct documentation path in the preferences dialog. <b>The Form Window</b><p>Use the different tools to add widgets or to change the tqlayout and behaviour of the components in your form. Select one or multiple widgets and move them, or resize a single widget using the handles.</p><p>Changes in the <b>Property Editor</b> can be seen at design time, and you can open a preview of your form in different styles.</p><p>You can change the grid resolution, or turn the grid off in the <b>Preferences</b> dialog in the <b>Edit</b> menu.<p>You can have several forms open, and all open forms are listed in the <b>Form List</b>. New Project Cannot create invalid project. &Undo &Redo &Undo: %1 &Undo: Not Available &Redo: %1 &Redo: Not Available Choose Pixmap... Edit Text... Edit Title... Edit Page Title... Remove Page Add Page Edit... Edit Pages... Add Menu Item Add Toolbar Text New text Set 'text' of '%2' Title New title Set 'title' of '%2' Page Title New page title Set 'pageTitle' of '%2' Set 'pixmap' of '%2' Add Page to %1 Remove Page %1 of %2 Rename page %1 of %2 Add Toolbar to '%1' Add Menu to '%1' Save Project Settings Save changes to '%1'? &Yes &No &Cancel Edit %1... Restoring last session The Qt Designer found some temporary saved files, which have been written when the Qt Designer crashed last time. Do you want to load these files? Help There is no help available for this dialog at the moment. Open File Could not open '%1'. File does not exist. Open Project Undo Reverses the last action Redo Redoes the last undone operation Cut Cu&t Cuts the selected widgets and puts them on the clipboard Copy &Copy Copies the selected widgets to the clipboard Paste &Paste Pastes clipboard contents Delete &Delete Deletes the selected widgets Select All Select &All Selects all widgets Bring to Front Bring to &Front Raises the selected widgets Send to Back Send to &Back Lowers the selected widgets Check Accelerators Chec&k Accelerators Checks if the accelerators used in the form are unique Slots S&lots... Opens a dialog to edit Q_SLOTS Connections Co&nnections... Opens a dialog to edit connections Source &Source... Opens an editor to edit the source of the form Form Settings &Form Settings... Opens a dialog to change the settings of the form Preferences Preferences... Opens a dialog to change preferences <b>The Edit toolbar</b>%1 Edit &Edit Find &Find... Find Incremental Find &Incremental Replace &Replace... Goto Line &Goto Line... Search Incremetal Search (ALT+I) &Search Adjust Size Adjust &Size Adjusts the size of the selected widget Lay Out Horizontally Lay Out &Horizontally Lays out the selected widgets horizontally Lay Out Vertically Lay Out &Vertically Lays out the selected widgets vertically Lay Out in a Grid Lay Out in a &Grid Lays out the selected widgets in a grid Lay Out Horizontally (in Splitter) Lay Out Horizontally (in S&plitter) Lays out the selected widgets horizontally in a splitter Lay Out Vertically (in Splitter) Lay Out Vertically (in Sp&litter) Lays out the selected widgets vertically in a splitter Break Layout &Break Layout Breaks the selected tqlayout Add Insert a %1 <b>The Layout toolbar</b>%1 &Layout Pointer &Pointer Selects the pointer tool Connect Signal/Slots &Connect Signal/Slots Selects the connection tool Tab Order Tab &Order Selects the tab order tool <b>The Tools toolbar</b>%1 Tools &Tools Custom Widgets Edit &Custom Widgets... Opens a dialog to change the custom widgets <b>The %1</b>%2 Click on a button to insert a single widget, or double click to insert multiple %1. <b>The %1 Widgets</b>%2 Click on a button to insert a single %1 widget, or double click to insert multiple widgets. <p>Double click on this tool to keep it selected.</p> <b>The Custom Widgets toolbar</b>%1<p>Select <b>Edit Custom Widgets...</b> in the <b>Tools->Custom</b> menu to add and change custom widgets</p> Click on the buttons to insert a single widget, or double click to insert multiple widgets. <b>The File toolbar</b>%1 File &File New &New... Creates a new project, form or source file. Open &Open... Opens an existing project, form for source file Close &Close Closes the current project or document Save &Save Saves the current project or document Save As Save &As... Saves the current form with a new filename Save All Sa&ve All Saves all open documents Create Template Create &Template... Creates a new template Recently opened files Recently opened projects Exit E&xit Quits the application and prompts to save changed forms, source files and project settings Pr&oject Active Project <No Project> Add File &Add File... Adds a file to the current project Image Collection... &Image Collection... Opens a dialog to edit the image collection of the current project Database Connections... &Database Connections... Opens a dialog to edit the database connections of the current project Project Settings... &Project Settings... Opens a dialog to change the settings of the project &Preview Preview Form Preview &Form Opens a preview The preview will use the Motif Look&Feel used as the default style on most UNIX-Systems. The preview will use the Windows Look&Feel used as the default style on Windows-Systems. The preview will use the Platinum Look&Feel resembling a Macinosh-like GUI style. The preview will use the CDE Look&Feel which is similar to some versions of the Common Desktop Environment. The preview will use the Motif Look&Feel used as the default style on SGI-systems. The preview will use an advanced Motif Look&Feel as used by the GIMP toolkit (GTK) on Linux. Preview Form in %1 Style ... in %1 Style Opens a preview in %1 style <b>Open a preview in %1 style.</b><p>Use the preview to test the design and signal-slot connections of the current form. %2</p> Tile &Tile Arranges all windows tiled Cascade &Cascade Arrange all windows cascaded Cl&ose Closes the active window Close All Close Al&l Closes all form windows Next Ne&xt Activates the next window Previous Pre&vious Activates the previous window &Window Vie&ws Tool&bars Contents &Contents Opens the online help Manual &Manual Opens the Qt Designer manual About &About Displays information about this product About Qt About &Qt Displays information about the Qt Toolkit Register Qt &Register Qt... Launches web browser with evaluation form at www.trolltech.com Register with Trolltech What's This? "What's This?" context sensitive help <b>The Help toolbar</b>%1 &Help Select new item ... Select a file... Designer Files (*.ui *.pro) QMAKE Project Files (*.pro) All Files (*) Add No import filter available for %1 Importing %1 using import filter ... Nothing to load in %1 Reading file %1... File %1 opened. Failed to load file %1 Load File Couldn't load file %1 Project '%1' saved. Enter a filename... Qt Designer is crashing - attempting to save work... NewTemplate Couldn't create the template Edit Q_SLOTS of current form... Edit connections in current form... Edit Source Edit settings of current form... Edit preferences... Edit custom widgets... New Item Column 1 Tab 1 Tab 2 Load Template MultiLineEditor Set text of '%1' MultiLineEditorBase Edit Multiline Edit <b>Edit Multiline Edit</b><p>Enter the text and press the <b>OK</b>-Button to apply the changes.</p> &Text: Enter your text here. &Help &Apply Apply all changes. &OK Close dialog and apply all changes. &Cancel Close dialog and discard all changes. NewForm Project Dialog Wizard Widget Main Window NewFormBase New File <b>New Form</b><p>Select a template for the new form and click the <b>OK</b>-button to open it.</p> &Help &OK Open a new form using the selected template. &Cancel Close dialog and do not open a form. Displays a list of available templates. &Insert into: OutputWindow Error Messages Message Line PaletteEditorAdvancedBase Tune Palette <b>Edit Palette</b><p>Change the palette of the current widget or form.</p><p>Use a generated palette or select colors for each color group and each color role.</p><p>The palette can be tested with different widget layouts in the preview section.</p> Select &Palette: Active Palette Inactive Palette Disabled Palette Auto Build inactive palette from active. Build disabled palette from active. Central color &roles Background Foreground Button Base Text BrightText ButtonText Highlight HighlightText Link LinkVisited Choose central color role <b>Select a color role.</b><p>Available central roles are: <ul> <li>Background - general background color.</li> <li>Foreground - general foreground color. </li> <li>Base - used as background color for e.g. text entry widgets, usually white or another light color. </li> <li>Text - the forground color used with Base. Usually this is the same as the Foreground, in what case it must provide good contrast both with Background and Base. </li> <li>Button - general button background color, where buttons need a background different from Background, as in the Macintosh style. </li> <li>ButtonText - a foreground color used with the Button color. </li> <li>Highlight - a color to indicate a selected or highlighted item. </li> <li>HighlightedText - a text color that contrasts to Highlight. </li> <li>BrightText - a text color that is very different from Foreground and contrasts well with e.g. black. </li> </ul> </p> Choose Pi&xmap: Select a pixmap Choose a pixmap-file for the selected central color role. &Select Color: Choose a color Choose a color for the selected central color role. 3-D shadow &effects Build &from button color Generate shadings Check to let 3D-effect colors be calculated from button-color. Light Midlight Mid Dark Shadow Choose 3D-effect color role <b>Select a color role.</b><p>Available effect roles are: <ul> <li>Light - lighter than Button color. </li> <li>Midlight - between Button and Light. </li> <li>Mid - between Button and Dark. </li> <li>Dark - darker than Button. </li> <li>Shadow - a very dark color. </li> </ul> Select Co&lor: Choose a color for the selected effect color role. &Help &OK Close dialog and apply all changes. &Cancel Close dialog and discard all changes. PaletteEditorBase Edit Palette Build Palette &3-D Effects: Choose a color Choose the effect-color for the generated palette. Back&ground: Choose the background color for the generated palette. &Tune Palette... Preview Select &Palette: Active Palette Inactive Palette Disabled Palette &Help &OK Close dialog and apply all changes. &Cancel Close dialog and discard all changes. PixmapCollectionEditor Manage Image Collection &Add... &Delete &OK &Cancel &Close Choose an Image PixmapFunction Choose Pixmap &Enter arguments for loading the pixmap QPixmap( ) &Help &OK &Cancel Preferences Preferences <b>Preferences</b><p>Change the preferences of the designer application. There is always one tab with general preferenced. Depending on installed plugins, there might be more tabs for plugin preferences.</p> General Backgro&und Choose a color Select a color in the colordialog. Co&lor Use a background color Use a background color. &Pixmap Use a background pixmap Use a background pixmap. Select a pixmap Choose a pixmap-file. Show &Grid Show Grid <b>Customize the grid appearance for all forms.</b><p>When <b>Show Grid</b> is checked, all forms show a grid.</p> Gr&id Sn&ap to Grid Snap to the grid <b>Customize the grid-settings for all forms.</b><p>When <b>Snap to Grid</b> is checked, the widgets snap to the grid using the the X/Y resolution.</p> Grid resolution <b>Customize the grid-settings for all forms.</b><p>When <b>Show Grid</b> is checked, a grid is shown on all forms using the X/Y resolution.</p> Grid-&X: Grid-&Y: A splashscreen is displayed when starting the designer if this option is checked. Ge&neral Restore Last &Workspace on Startup Restore last workspace The current workspace settings will be restored next time you start the designer if this option is checked. Show &Splash Screen on Startup Show Splashscreen Disable Data&base Auto-Edit in Preview &Documentation Path: <b>Enter the path to the documentation.</b><p>You may provide an $environment variable as first part of your pathname.</p> ... Select path Look for the documentation path. &Toolbars Show &Big Icons Big Icons Uses big icons in the toolbars when checked. Show Text Lab&els Text Labels Shows textlabels in the toolbars when checked. &Help &OK Close dialog and apply all changes. &Cancel Close dialog and discard all changes. PreviewWidgetBase Preview Window ButtonGroup RadioButton1 RadioButton2 RadioButton3 ButtonGroup2 CheckBox1 CheckBox2 LineEdit ComboBox PushButton <p> <a href="http://www.trolltech.com"> http://www.trolltech.com </a> </p> <p> <a href="http://www.kde.org"> http://www.kde.org </a> </p> Project <No Project> ProjectSettings unnamed.pro Database Files (*.db);;All Files (*) Project Files (*.pro);;All Files (*) ProjectSettingsBase Project Settings &Settings &Project File: ... &Language &Description: &Files For&ms and Sources: Filename Form &Remove Add... &Database File: &Help &OK Close dialog and apply all changes. &Cancel Close dialog and discard all changes. PropertyBoolItem False True PropertyColorItem Red Green Blue PropertyCoordItem x y width height PropertyCursorItem Arrow Up-Arrow Cross Waiting iBeam Size Vertical Size Horizontal Size Slash Size Backslash Size All Blank Split Vertical Split Horizontal Pointing Hand Forbidden PropertyDatabaseItem Connection Table Field PropertyEditor Reset property to its default value Click this button to reset the property to its default value Property Editor &Properties &Signal Handlers Property Editor (%1) PropertyFontItem Family Point Size Bold Italic Underline Strikeout PropertyList Property Value Set '%1' of '%2' Sort &Categorized Sort &Alphabetically Reset '%1' of '%2' <p><b>QWidget::%1</b></p><p>There is no documentation available for this property.</p> PropertySizePolicyItem hSizeType vSizeType horizontalStretch verticalStretch %1/%2/%2/%2 PropertyTextItem ... QApplication Connection Could not connect to the database. Press 'OK' to continue or 'Cancel' to specify different connection information. &OK &Cancel QDesignerMenuBar Delete Item Rename Item... Remove Menu '%1' Rename Menuitem Menu Text Rename Menu '%1' to '%2' Move menu '%1' QDesignerPopupMenu Delete Item Insert Separator Remove Action '%1' from the Popup Menu '%2' Add Separator to the Popup Menu '%1' Add Action '%1' to the Popup Menu '%2' Insert/Move Action The Action '%1' has already been added to this menu. An Action can only be added once to the same menu. QDesignerTabWidget Move Tab Page QDesignerToolBar Delete Toolbar Remove Toolbar '%1' Delete Item Insert Separator Remove Action '%1' from Toolbar '%2' Add Separator to Toolbar '%1' Add Action '%1' to Toolbar '%2' Insert/Move Action The Action '%1' has already been added to this toolbar. An Action can only be added once to the same toolbar. Add Widget '%1' to Toolbar '%2' ReplaceDialog Replace Text R&eplace &Find &Replace Replace &All Close &Options &Whole words only &Case sensitive &Start at Beginning &Direction Forwar&d &Backward SizeHandle %1/%2 Resize SourceEditor Edit %1 SourceFile Edit %1 Save Code Save changes to '%1'? &Yes &No &Cancel Qt Designer The file %1 has been changed outside Qt Designer. Do you want to reload it? Invalid Filename The project contains already a sourcefile with the filename '%1'. Please choose a new filename. TableEditor Edit Rows and Columns of '%1' TableEditorBase Edit Table 1 &Help &Apply Apply all changes. &OK Close dialog and apply all changes. &Cancel Close dialog and discard all changes. Co&lumns Move up <b>Move the selected item up.</b><p>The topmost column will be the first column of the list.</p> Move down <b>Move the selected item down.</b><p>The topmost column will be the first column of the list.</p> &Delete Column &New Column Table: Label4 Delete Pixmap <b>Delete the pixmap of the selected item.</b><p>The pixmap in the current column of the selected item will be deleted.</p> ... Select a Pixmap <b>Select a pixmap-file for the item.</b><p>The pixmap will be changed in the current column of the selected item.</p> &Label: Pixmap: &Field: <no table> &Rows &New Row &Delete Row TextEditor Text WizardEditor Edit Wizard Pages Add Page to %1 Remove Page %1 of %2 Swap pages %1 and %2 of %1 Page Title New page title Rename page %1 of %2 WizardEditorBase Wizard Page Editor Wizard Pages: &Add &Remove &Help &Apply Apply all changes. &OK Close dialog and apply all changes. &Cancel Close dialog and discard all changes. Workspace Files &Open source file... &Remove source file from project &Open form... &Remove form from project &Open form source... qChoosePixmap All Pixmaps ( %1-Pixmaps (%2) ) All Files (*) Choose Images... Choose a Pixmap...