path: root/ksayit/src/fxpluginhandler.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'ksayit/src/fxpluginhandler.cpp')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ksayit/src/fxpluginhandler.cpp b/ksayit/src/fxpluginhandler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e6f68d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ksayit/src/fxpluginhandler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+// C++ Implementation: fxpluginhandler
+// Description:
+// Author: Robert Vogl <voglrobe@lapislazuli>, (C) 2004
+// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+// QT includes
+#include <qdir.h>
+// KDE includes
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <ktrader.h>
+#include <klibloader.h>
+#include <kservice.h>
+// App specific includes
+#include "fxpluginhandler.h"
+#include "ksayit_fxplugin.h"
+#include "ksayit_ttsplugin.h"
+FXPluginHandler::FXPluginHandler(QObject *parent, const char *name, KConfig *config)
+ : QObject(parent, name), m_config(config)
+ m_mapPluginList.clear();
+ m_lstActivePlugins.clear();
+ QMap<QString, fx_struct>::Iterator mit;
+ for (mit=m_mapPluginList.begin(); mit!=m_mapPluginList.end(); ++mit){
+ if ( (*mit).p != 0 ){
+ delete (*mit).p;
+ }
+ }
+void FXPluginHandler::searchPlugins()
+ kdDebug(100200) << "FXPluginHandler::searchPlugins()" << endl;
+ QStringList sRegistered;
+ fx_struct plugin;
+ sRegistered.clear();
+ m_mapPluginList.clear();
+ KTrader::OfferList offers = KTrader::self()->query("KSayIt/FXPlugin");
+ KLibFactory *factory = NULL;
+ QString library = QString::null;
+ QString name = QString::null;
+ KTrader::OfferList::Iterator it=offers.begin();
+ for ( ;it!=offers.end(); ++it ){
+ KService::Ptr ptr = (*it);
+ library = ptr->library();
+ name = ptr->name();
+ factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory( library.latin1() );
+ if ( factory ){
+ kdDebug(100200) << "FXPluginHandler::searchPlugins(): Plugin factory found." << endl;
+ // register found plugin
+ if ( !sRegistered.contains( QString(name) )){
+ sRegistered.append( QString(name) );
+ = name;
+ plugin.library = library;
+ plugin.description = QString::null;
+ plugin.EffectID = 0;
+ plugin.p = NULL;
+ m_mapPluginList[] = plugin; // update Plugin Map
+ kdDebug(100200) << "FXPluginHandler::searchPlugins(): " << << " registered." << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void FXPluginHandler::readConfiguration()
+ kdDebug(100200) << "+++ entering FXPluginHandler::readConfiguration()" << endl;
+ fx_struct plugin;
+ QMap<QString, fx_struct>::Iterator mit;
+ QStringList::Iterator lit;
+ // unload all plugins and destroy the effect objects
+ lit = m_lstActivePlugins.begin();
+ while ( lit != m_lstActivePlugins.end() ){
+ mit = m_mapPluginList.find( *lit );
+ if ( mit!=m_mapPluginList.end() ){
+ plugin = *mit;
+ if ( (plugin.p != NULL) && (plugin.EffectID == 0) ){
+ delete plugin.p;
+ plugin.p = NULL;
+ m_mapPluginList[] = plugin; // update Plugin Map
+ lit = m_lstActivePlugins.remove( lit );
+ } else {
+ lit++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // load active plugins as given in config file
+ m_config->setGroup("Effect Stack Configuration");
+ QStringList conf_active = m_config->readListEntry("Activated");
+ KLibFactory *factory = NULL;
+ for (lit=conf_active.begin(); lit!=conf_active.end(); ++lit){ // for all in config
+ mit = m_mapPluginList.find(*lit);
+ if( mit!=m_mapPluginList.end() ){
+ // plugin found in list of registered plugins
+ plugin = *mit;
+ // load plugin
+ factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory( (plugin.library).latin1() );
+ if ( factory ){
+ plugin.p = static_cast<FXPlugin*>( factory->create( (QObject*)this, ( ) );
+ if ( plugin.p ){ // Plugin found
+ plugin.p->setApplication( KApplication::kApplication() );
+ plugin.description = plugin.p->getDescription_KS();
+ // append to list of active plugins
+ m_lstActivePlugins.append( );
+ m_mapPluginList[] = plugin; // update Plugin Map
+ kdDebug(100200) << "FXPluginHandler: FX-Plugin " << << " active." << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void FXPluginHandler::showEffectGUI(const QString &pname)
+ kdDebug(100200) << "FXPluginHandler::showEffectGUI(): " << pname << endl;
+ QMap<QString, fx_struct>::Iterator mit;
+ fx_struct plugin;
+ // find plugin with name==pname in list and show its GUI
+ mit = m_mapPluginList.find(pname);
+ if ( mit != m_mapPluginList.end() ){
+ plugin = *mit;
+ if ( plugin.p != NULL ){ // plugin loaded
+ plugin.p->showGUI_KS();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(100200) << "Effect not active yet. Loading..." << endl;
+ KLibFactory *factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory( (plugin.library).latin1() );
+ if ( factory ){
+ plugin.p = static_cast<FXPlugin*>( factory->create( (QObject*)this, ( ) );
+ if ( plugin.p ){ // Plugin found
+ plugin.p->setApplication( KApplication::kApplication() );
+ plugin.description = plugin.p->getDescription_KS();
+ // append to list of active plugins
+ m_lstActivePlugins.append( );
+ m_mapPluginList[] = plugin; // update Plugin Map
+ kdDebug(100200) << "FXPluginHandler: FX-Plugin " << << " active." << endl;
+ plugin.p->showGUI_KS();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void FXPluginHandler::getPlugins(QStringList &pluginlist)
+ // kdDebug(100200) << "FXPluginHandler::getPlugins" << endl;
+ pluginlist.clear();
+ QString sPname;
+ QMap<QString, fx_struct>::Iterator mit;
+ for (mit=m_mapPluginList.begin(); mit!=m_mapPluginList.end(); ++mit){
+ sPname = (*mit).name; //testing
+ pluginlist.append( sPname );
+ }
+void FXPluginHandler::activateEffect(const QString &pname,
+ KArtsServer *server,
+ StereoEffectStack *fx_stack)
+ kdDebug(100200) << "FXPluginHandler::activateEffect: " << pname << endl;
+ QMap<QString, fx_struct>::Iterator mit;
+ fx_struct plugin;
+ // find plugin with name==pname
+ mit = m_mapPluginList.find(pname);
+ if ( mit!=m_mapPluginList.end() ){
+ plugin = *mit;
+ if ( plugin.p != NULL ){
+ plugin.EffectID = plugin.p->activate_KS(server, fx_stack);
+ m_mapPluginList[] = plugin; // update Plugin Map
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(100200) << "Effect " << pname << " not found or inactive." << endl;
+ }
+ }
+void FXPluginHandler::deactivateEffects(StereoEffectStack *fx_stack)
+ kdDebug(100200) << "FXPluginHandler::deactivateEffects." << endl;
+ QMap<QString, fx_struct>::Iterator mit;
+ fx_struct plugin;
+ for (mit=m_mapPluginList.begin(); mit!=m_mapPluginList.end(); ++mit){
+ if ( mit != m_mapPluginList.end() ){
+ plugin = *mit;
+ if ( (plugin.EffectID != 0) && (plugin.p != NULL) ){
+ // effect active and on stack
+ plugin.p->deactivate_KS(fx_stack, plugin.EffectID);
+ kdDebug(100200) << << " with Effect ID " << plugin.EffectID << " removed." << endl;
+ plugin.EffectID = 0;
+ m_mapPluginList[] = plugin; // update Plugin Map
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#include "fxpluginhandler.moc"