path: root/kttsd/filters/xmltransformer/xmltransformerproc.cpp
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1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kttsd/filters/xmltransformer/xmltransformerproc.cpp b/kttsd/filters/xmltransformer/xmltransformerproc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4aa1c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kttsd/filters/xmltransformer/xmltransformerproc.cpp
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+/***************************************************** vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ Generic XML Transformation Filter Processing class.
+ -------------------
+ Copyright:
+ (C) 2005 by Gary Cramblitt <>
+ -------------------
+ Original author: Gary Cramblitt <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+// Qt includes.
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+// KDE includes.
+#include <kdeversion.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <ktempfile.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+// KTTS includes.
+#include "filterproc.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+// XmlTransformer includes.
+#include "xmltransformerproc.h"
+#include "xmltransformerproc.moc"
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+XmlTransformerProc::XmlTransformerProc( QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList& ) :
+ KttsFilterProc(parent, name)
+ m_xsltProc = 0;
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+/*virtual*/ XmlTransformerProc::~XmlTransformerProc()
+ delete m_xsltProc;
+ if (!m_inFilename.isEmpty()) QFile::remove(m_inFilename);
+ if (!m_outFilename.isEmpty()) QFile::remove(m_outFilename);
+ * Initialize the filter.
+ * @param config Settings object.
+ * @param configGroup Settings Group.
+ * @return False if filter is not ready to filter.
+ *
+ * Note: The parameters are for reading from kttsdrc file. Plugins may wish to maintain
+ * separate configuration files of their own.
+ */
+bool XmlTransformerProc::init(KConfig* config, const QString& configGroup)
+ // kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::init: Running." << endl;
+ config->setGroup( configGroup );
+ m_UserFilterName = config->readEntry( "UserFilterName" );
+ m_xsltFilePath = config->readEntry( "XsltFilePath" );
+ m_xsltprocPath = config->readEntry( "XsltprocPath" );
+ m_rootElementList = config->readListEntry( "RootElement", ',' );
+ m_doctypeList = config->readListEntry( "DocType", ',' );
+ m_appIdList = config->readListEntry( "AppID", ',' );
+ kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::init: m_xsltprocPath = " << m_xsltprocPath << endl;
+ kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::init: m_xsltFilePath = " << m_xsltFilePath << endl;
+ return ( m_xsltFilePath.isEmpty() || m_xsltprocPath.isEmpty() );
+ * Returns True if the plugin supports asynchronous processing,
+ * i.e., supports asyncConvert method.
+ * @return True if this plugin supports asynchronous processing.
+ *
+ * If the plugin returns True, it must also implement @ref getState .
+ * It must also emit @ref filteringFinished when filtering is completed.
+ * If the plugin returns True, it must also implement @ref stopFiltering .
+ * It must also emit @ref filteringStopped when filtering has been stopped.
+ */
+/*virtual*/ bool XmlTransformerProc::supportsAsync() { return true; }
+ * Convert input, returning output.
+ * @param inputText Input text.
+ * @param talkerCode TalkerCode structure for the talker that KTTSD intends to
+ * use for synthing the text. Useful for extracting hints about
+ * how to filter the text. For example, languageCode.
+ * @param appId The DCOP appId of the application that queued the text.
+ * Also useful for hints about how to do the filtering.
+ */
+/*virtual*/ QString XmlTransformerProc::convert(const QString& inputText, TalkerCode* talkerCode,
+ const QCString& appId)
+ // kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::convert: Running." << endl;
+ // If not properly configured, do nothing.
+ if ( m_xsltFilePath.isEmpty() || m_xsltprocPath.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::convert: not properly configured" << endl;
+ return inputText;
+ }
+ // Asynchronously convert and wait for completion.
+ if (asyncConvert(inputText, talkerCode, appId))
+ {
+ waitForFinished();
+ m_state = fsIdle;
+ return m_text;
+ } else
+ return inputText;
+ * Convert input. Runs asynchronously.
+ * @param inputText Input text.
+ * @param talkerCode TalkerCode structure for the talker that KTTSD intends to
+ * use for synthing the text. Useful for extracting hints about
+ * how to filter the text. For example, languageCode.
+ * @param appId The DCOP appId of the application that queued the text.
+ * Also useful for hints about how to do the filtering.
+ * @return False if the filter cannot perform the conversion.
+ *
+ * When conversion is completed, emits signal @ref filteringFinished. Calling
+ * program may then call @ref getOutput to retrieve converted text. Calling
+ * program must call @ref ackFinished to acknowledge the conversion.
+ */
+/*virtual*/ bool XmlTransformerProc::asyncConvert(const QString& inputText, TalkerCode* /*talkerCode*/,
+ const QCString& appId)
+ m_wasModified = false;
+ // kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::asyncConvert: Running." << endl;
+ m_text = inputText;
+ // If not properly configured, do nothing.
+ if ( m_xsltFilePath.isEmpty() || m_xsltprocPath.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::asyncConvert: not properly configured." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool found = false;
+ // If not correct XML type, or DOCTYPE, do nothing.
+ if ( !m_rootElementList.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ // kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::asyncConvert:: searching for root elements " << m_rootElementList << endl;
+ for ( uint ndx=0; ndx < m_rootElementList.count(); ++ndx )
+ {
+ if ( KttsUtils::hasRootElement( inputText, m_rootElementList[ndx] ) )
+ {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !found && m_doctypeList.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::asyncConvert: Did not find root element(s)" << m_rootElementList << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !found && !m_doctypeList.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ for ( uint ndx=0; ndx < m_doctypeList.count(); ++ndx )
+ {
+ if ( KttsUtils::hasDoctype( inputText, m_doctypeList[ndx] ) )
+ {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !found )
+ {
+ // kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::asyncConvert: Did not find doctype(s)" << m_doctypeList << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // If appId doesn't match, return input unmolested.
+ if ( !m_appIdList.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ QString appIdStr = appId;
+ // kdDebug() << "XmlTransformrProc::convert: converting " << inputText << " if appId "
+ // << appId << " matches " << m_appIdList << endl;
+ found = false;
+ for ( uint ndx=0; ndx < m_appIdList.count(); ++ndx )
+ {
+ if ( appIdStr.contains(m_appIdList[ndx]) )
+ {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !found )
+ {
+ // kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::asyncConvert: Did not find appId(s)" << m_appIdList << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Write @param text to a temporary file.
+ KTempFile inFile(locateLocal("tmp", "kttsd-"), ".xml");
+ m_inFilename = inFile.file()->name();
+ QTextStream* wstream = inFile.textStream();
+ if (wstream == 0) {
+ /// wtf...
+ kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::convert: Can't write to " << m_inFilename << endl;;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // TODO: Is encoding an issue here?
+ // If input does not have xml processing instruction, add it.
+ if (!inputText.startsWith("<?xml")) *wstream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
+ // FIXME: Temporary Fix until Konqi returns properly formatted xhtml with & coded as &amp;
+ // This will change & inside a CDATA section, which is not good, and also within comments and
+ // processing instructions, which is OK because we don't speak those anyway.
+ QString text = inputText;
+ text.replace(QRegExp("&(?!amp;)"),"&amp;");
+ *wstream << text;
+ inFile.close();
+ inFile.sync();
+ // Get a temporary output file name.
+ KTempFile outFile(locateLocal("tmp", "kttsd-"), ".output");
+ m_outFilename = outFile.file()->name();
+ outFile.close();
+ // outFile.unlink(); // only activate this if necessary.
+ /// Spawn an xsltproc process to apply our stylesheet to input file.
+ m_xsltProc = new KProcess;
+ *m_xsltProc << m_xsltprocPath;
+ *m_xsltProc << "-o" << m_outFilename << "--novalid"
+ << m_xsltFilePath << m_inFilename;
+ // Warning: This won't compile under KDE 3.2. See FreeTTS::argsToStringList().
+ // kdDebug() << "SSMLConvert::transform: executing command: " <<
+ // m_xsltProc->args() << endl;
+ m_state = fsFiltering;
+ connect(m_xsltProc, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)),
+ this, SLOT(slotProcessExited(KProcess*)));
+ connect(m_xsltProc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess*, char*, int)),
+ this, SLOT(slotReceivedStdout(KProcess*, char*, int)));
+ connect(m_xsltProc, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess*, char*, int)),
+ this, SLOT(slotReceivedStderr(KProcess*, char*, int)));
+ if (!m_xsltProc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit,
+ static_cast<KProcess::Communication>(KProcess::Stdout | KProcess::Stderr)))
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::convert: Error starting xsltproc" << endl;
+ m_state = fsIdle;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Process output when xsltproc exits.
+void XmlTransformerProc::processOutput()
+ QFile::remove(m_inFilename);
+ int exitStatus = 11;
+ if (m_xsltProc->normalExit())
+ exitStatus = m_xsltProc->exitStatus();
+ else
+ kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::processOutput: xsltproc was killed." << endl;
+ delete m_xsltProc;
+ m_xsltProc = 0;
+ if (exitStatus != 0)
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::processOutput: xsltproc abnormal exit. Status = " << exitStatus << endl;
+ m_state = fsFinished;
+ QFile::remove(m_outFilename);
+ emit filteringFinished();
+ return;
+ }
+ /// Read back the data that was written to /tmp/fileName.output.
+ QFile readfile(m_outFilename);
+ if(! {
+ /// uhh yeah... Issues writing to the output file.
+ kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::processOutput: Could not read file " << m_outFilename << endl;
+ m_state = fsFinished;
+ emit filteringFinished();
+ }
+ QTextStream rstream(&readfile);
+ m_text =;
+ readfile.close();
+ kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::processOutput: Read file at " + m_inFilename + " and created " + m_outFilename + " based on the stylesheet at " << m_xsltFilePath << endl;
+ // Clean up.
+ QFile::remove(m_outFilename);
+ m_state = fsFinished;
+ m_wasModified = true;
+ emit filteringFinished();
+ * Waits for a previous call to asyncConvert to finish.
+ */
+/*virtual*/ void XmlTransformerProc::waitForFinished()
+ if (m_xsltProc)
+ {
+ if (m_xsltProc->isRunning())
+ {
+ if ( !m_xsltProc->wait( 15 ) )
+ {
+ m_xsltProc->kill();
+ kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::waitForFinished: After waiting 15 seconds, xsltproc process seems to hung. Killing it." << endl;
+ processOutput();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Returns the state of the Filter.
+ */
+/*virtual*/ int XmlTransformerProc::getState() { return m_state; }
+ * Returns the filtered output.
+ */
+/*virtual*/ QString XmlTransformerProc::getOutput() { return m_text; }
+ * Acknowledges the finished filtering.
+ */
+/*virtual*/ void XmlTransformerProc::ackFinished()
+ m_state = fsIdle;
+ m_text = QString::null;
+ * Stops filtering. The filteringStopped signal will emit when filtering
+ * has in fact stopped and state returns to fsIdle;
+ */
+/*virtual*/ void XmlTransformerProc::stopFiltering()
+ m_state = fsStopping;
+ m_xsltProc->kill();
+ * Did this filter do anything? If the filter returns the input as output
+ * unmolested, it should return False when this method is called.
+ */
+/*virtual*/ bool XmlTransformerProc::wasModified() { return m_wasModified; }
+void XmlTransformerProc::slotProcessExited(KProcess*)
+ // kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::slotProcessExited: xsltproc has exited." << endl;
+ processOutput();
+void XmlTransformerProc::slotReceivedStdout(KProcess*, char* /*buffer*/, int /*buflen*/)
+ // QString buf = QString::fromLatin1(buffer, buflen);
+ // kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::slotReceivedStdout: Received from xsltproc: " << buf << endl;
+void XmlTransformerProc::slotReceivedStderr(KProcess*, char* buffer, int buflen)
+ QString buf = QString::fromLatin1(buffer, buflen);
+ kdDebug() << "XmlTransformerProc::slotReceivedStderr: Received error from xsltproc: " << buf << endl;