KMouseToolUI KMouseToolUI 0 0 544 395 KMouseTool unnamed spacer7 Vertical Expanding 20 30 groupBox1 Settings unnamed tqlayout9 unnamed dragTimeSpace Horizontal Fixed 16 20 dragTimeLabel 5 0 0 0 Drag t&ime (1/10 sec): dragTimeEdit dragTimeEdit 1 0 1 0 40 1 3 dwellTimeEdit 1 0 1 0 40 1 5 movementLabel &Minimum movement: movementEdit movementEdit 1 0 1 0 40 1 cbStroke &Enable strokes dwellTimeLabel 5 0 0 0 D&well time (1/10 sec): dwellTimeEdit cbDrag Smar&t drag true tqlayout5 unnamed buttonDefault &Defaults buttonReset &Reset spacer4_2 Horizontal Expanding 31 20 buttonApply &Apply cbStart Start with &KDE cbClick A&udible click tqlayout5 unnamed textLabel1 7 5 0 0 KMouseTool will run as a background application after you close this dialog. To change the settings again, restart KMouseTool or use the KDE system tray. false WordBreak|AlignJustify|AlignVCenter spacer8 Horizontal Fixed 8 8 buttonStartStop 0 0 0 0 &Start tqlayout5 unnamed buttonHelp &Help spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 241 20 buttonClose &Close buttonQuit &Quit cbDrag toggled(bool) dragTimeLabel setEnabled(bool) cbDrag toggled(bool) dragTimeEdit setEnabled(bool) knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h