texttospeechconfigurationui texttospeechconfigurationui 0 0 391 222 Text-to-Speech unnamed 11 6 Layout4 unnamed 0 6 urlLabel 5 0 0 0 C&ommand for speaking texts: urlReq This field specifies both the command used for speaking texts and its parameters. KMouth knows the following placeholders: %t -- the text that should be spoken %f -- the name of a file containing the text %l -- the language code %% -- a percent sign urlReq 5 0 0 0 This field specifies both the command used for speaking texts and its parameters. KMouth knows the following placeholders: %t -- the text that should be spoken %f -- the name of a file containing the text %l -- the language code %% -- a percent sign Layout5 unnamed 0 6 characterCodingLabel 5 0 0 0 Character &encoding: characterCodingBox This combo box specifies which character encoding is used for passing the text. characterCodingBox This combo box specifies which character encoding is used for passing the text. stdInButton Send the data as standard &input This check box specifies whether the text is sent as standard input to the speech synthesizer. useKttsd &Use KTTSD speech service if possible This check box specifies KMouth tries to use the KTTSD speech service prior to calling the speech synthesizer directly. The KTTSD speech service is a TDE daemon which gives TDE applications a standardized interface for speech synthesis and is currently developed in CVS. configurationChanged() kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kcombobox.h