LdapSettings LdapSettings 0 0 394 227 unnamed layout9 unnamed kcfg_ldapuserfilter cn gidNumber kcfg_ldapgrouprdn kcfg_ldapgroupbase Plain Text CRYPT MD5 SMD5 SHA SSHA kcfg_ldappasswordhash textLabel1 User base: kcfg_ldapuserbase textLabel1_4_2 Group filter: kcfg_ldapgroupfilter textLabel5 Structural objectclass: kcfg_ldapstructural textLabel1_4 User filter: kcfg_ldapuserfilter kcfg_ldapuserbase kcfg_ldapgroupfilter account inetOrgPerson kcfg_ldapstructural textLabel3 Group RDN prefix: kcfg_ldapgrouprdn uid uidNumber cn kcfg_ldapuserrdn textLabel1_2 Group base: kcfg_ldapgroupbase textLabel2 User RDN prefix: kcfg_ldapuserrdn textLabel4 Password hash: kcfg_ldappasswordhash kcfg_ldapshadow Manage shadowAccount objectclass kcfg_ldapcnfullname Store the user's full name in the cn attribute kcfg_ldapgecos Update the gecos attribute spacer6 Vertical Expanding 20 40 kcfg_ldapuserbase kcfg_ldapuserrdn kcfg_ldapuserfilter kcfg_ldapgroupbase kcfg_ldapgrouprdn kcfg_ldapgroupfilter kcfg_ldappasswordhash kcfg_ldapstructural kcfg_ldapshadow kcfg_ldapcnfullname kcombobox.h klineedit.h