PasswordPolicy PasswordPolicy 0 0 479 157 5 5 0 0 unnamed layout3 unnamed textLabel1_3 Time before password expires to issue an expire warning: AlignVCenter|AlignRight kcfg_swarn textLabel1_2 Time when password expires after last password change: AlignVCenter|AlignRight kcfg_smax textLabel1_4 Time when account will be disabled after expiration of password: AlignVCenter|AlignRight kcfg_sinact kcfg_smax days Never 99999 -1 kcfg_sinact days Never 99999 -1 textLabel1 Time before password may not be changed after last password change: AlignVCenter|AlignRight kcfg_smin kcfg_swarn days Never 99999 -1 kcfg_smin days 99999 layout3 unnamed textLabel3 Account will expire on: kcfg_sexpire 2000 1 1 0 0 0 kcfg_sneverexpire Never spacer4 Vertical Expanding 20 40 kcfg_sneverexpire toggled(bool) kcfg_sexpire setDisabled(bool) kcfg_smin kcfg_smax kcfg_swarn kcfg_sinact kcfg_sneverexpire kcfg_sneverexpire_toggled( bool ) kdatetimewidget.h kdatewidget.h ktimewidget.h