diff options
78 files changed, 5353 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/CMakeLists.txt b/icewm-themes/Brise/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4851900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+file( GLOB _pics RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} *.xpm default.theme COPYING )
+ FILES ${_pics}
+ DESTINATION ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/twin/icewm-themes/Brise
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/COPYING b/icewm-themes/Brise/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cd26d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/closeA.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/closeA.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36cc7a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/closeA.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * closeA_xpm[] = {
+"28 54 62 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #535D65",
+"% c #7D848A",
+"& c #B1B6B9",
+"* c #D7D9DB",
+"= c #E8E9EB",
+"- c #515C64",
+"; c #697279",
+"> c #C9CDCF",
+", c #EFF0F1",
+"' c #515B63",
+") c #777E85",
+"! c #E5E7E8",
+"~ c #505A62",
+"{ c #687177",
+"] c #4F5961",
+"^ c #C9CCCE",
+"/ c #C7CACC",
+"( c #C1C5C8",
+"_ c #C0C4C7",
+": c #7B8288",
+"< c #4E575D",
+"[ c #BBBFC1",
+"} c #4E5860",
+"| c #B0B5B8",
+"1 c #AFB4B8",
+"2 c #4E575F",
+"3 c #D6D8DB",
+"4 c #4D575E",
+"5 c #E8E9EA",
+"6 c #4C555B",
+"7 c #4C565E",
+"8 c #4C555D",
+"9 c #D6D8DA",
+"0 c #4B555C",
+"a c #AEB3B6",
+"b c #4A545B",
+"c c #777E83",
+"d c #4A535B",
+"e c #4B545C",
+"f c #C8CBCD",
+"g c #49535A",
+"h c #626B71",
+"i c #E5E6E8",
+"j c #E4E6E7",
+"k c #495259",
+"l c #71777E",
+"m c #E4E5E7",
+"n c #485158",
+"o c #61696F",
+"p c #475058",
+"q c #485159",
+"r c #757B81",
+"s c #ACB1B5",
+"t c #D5D7D9",
+"u c #E7E9EA",
+"v c #475057",
+"w c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/closeI.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/closeI.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f1f570c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/closeI.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * closeI_xpm[] = {
+"28 54 18 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
+"+ c #E1E4E6",
+"@ c #D1D5D8",
+"# c #C5CACE",
+"$ c #BFC5C9",
+"% c #E7E9EB",
+"& c #C9CDD1",
+"* c #BDC3C7",
+"= c #E3E6E7",
+"- c #C0C6CA",
+"; c #CBCFD2",
+"> c #EDEEF0",
+", c #CCD1D4",
+"' c #D1D5D7",
+") c #EEEEF1",
+"! c #EEEFF0",
+"~ c #C9CED2",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/closeO.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/closeO.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad70d298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/closeO.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * closeO_xpm[] = {
+"28 54 62 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #535D65",
+"% c #7D848A",
+"& c #B1B6B9",
+"* c #D7D9DB",
+"= c #E8E9EB",
+"- c #515C64",
+"; c #697279",
+"> c #C9CDCF",
+", c #EFF0F1",
+"' c #515B63",
+") c #777E85",
+"! c #E5E7E8",
+"~ c #505A62",
+"{ c #687177",
+"] c #4F5961",
+"^ c #C9CCCE",
+"/ c #C7CACC",
+"( c #C1C5C8",
+"_ c #C0C4C7",
+": c #7B8288",
+"< c #4E575D",
+"[ c #BBBFC1",
+"} c #4E5860",
+"| c #B0B5B8",
+"1 c #AFB4B8",
+"2 c #4E575F",
+"3 c #D6D8DB",
+"4 c #4D575E",
+"5 c #E8E9EA",
+"6 c #4C555B",
+"7 c #4C565E",
+"8 c #4C555D",
+"9 c #D6D8DA",
+"0 c #4B555C",
+"a c #AEB3B6",
+"b c #4A545B",
+"c c #777E83",
+"d c #4A535B",
+"e c #4B545C",
+"f c #C8CBCD",
+"g c #49535A",
+"h c #626B71",
+"i c #E5E6E8",
+"j c #E4E6E7",
+"k c #495259",
+"l c #71777E",
+"m c #E4E5E7",
+"n c #485158",
+"o c #61696F",
+"p c #475058",
+"q c #485159",
+"r c #757B81",
+"s c #ACB1B5",
+"t c #D5D7D9",
+"u c #E7E9EA",
+"v c #475057",
+"w c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/default.theme b/icewm-themes/Brise/default.theme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..622d254a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/default.theme
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ThemeDescription = "Brise-TDE-v4"
+ThemeAuthor = "TDE"
+Look = flat
+RolloverButtonsSupported = 1
+Gradients = "buttonA.xpm buttonI.xpm dialogbg.xpm logoutbg.xpm switchbg.xpm menubg.xpm menusel.xpm menusep.xpm taskbuttonactive.xpm taskbarbg.xpm taskbuttonbg.xpm taskbuttonminimized.xpm toolbuttonbg.xpm workspacebuttonbg.xpm workspacebuttonactive.xpm titleAB.xpm titleAS.xpm titleAT.xpm titleIB.xpm titleIS.xpm titleIT.xpm"
+SmallIconSize = 16
+BorderSizeX = 2
+BorderSizeY = 2
+CornerSizeX = 5
+CornerSizeY = 29
+DlgBorderSizeX = 2
+DlgBorderSizeY = 2
+################################################## Titlebar
+ShowMenuButtonIcon = 1
+TitleBarCentered = 1
+TitleBarJustify = 50
+TitleBarHeight = 27
+TitleFontNameXft = "sans-serif:size=9:bold"
+TitleButtonsLeft = "s"
+TitleButtonsRight = "xmi"
+TitleButtonsSupported = "sxim"
+ColorNormalTitleButton = "#f7f7f7" # Background of titlebar buttons
+ColorActiveTitleBarText = "#ffffff" # Activa
+ColorNormalTitleBarText = "#efefef" # Inactiva
+################################################## Desktop
+DesktopBackgroundColor = "#000000"
+################################################## Taskbar
+TaskBarAtTop = 0
+TaskBarClockLeds = 0
+TrayDrawBevel = 0
+TrayShowAllWindows = 1
+TaskBarShowCollapseButton = 1
+ColorNormalTaskBarAppText = "#000000"
+ColorMinimizedTaskBarAppText = "#000000"
+ActiveTaskBarFontNameXft = "sans-serif:size=10"
+NormalTaskBarFontNameXft = "sans-serif:size=10"
+################################################## Menu
+ColorNormalMenu = "#4C555D"
+ColorActiveMenuItem = "#4C555D"
+ColorNormalMenuItemText = "#231F1C"
+ColorDisabledMenuItemText = "#c2bfbd"
+MenuFontNameXft = "sans-serif:size=10"
+ShowSettingsMenu = 1 # Show settings submenu
+ShowFocusModeMenu = 0 # Show focus mode submenu
+ShowThemesMenu = 1 # Show themes submenu
+ShowHelp = 0 # Show the help menu item
+ShowLogoutMenu = 1 # Show logout submenu
+ShowLogoutSubMenu = 1 # Show logout submenu
+ShowWindowList = 0 # Show the window menu item
+################################################## ToolTips
+ColorToolTip = "#C0DAFF"
+ColorToolTipText = "#141312"
+ToolTipFontNameXft = "sans:size=9"
+################################################## Clock
+ColorClock = ""
+ColorClockText = "#000000"
+ClockFontNameXft = "arial:size=16"
+################################################## Otros fondos
+ColorLabel = "#E0DFDF"
+ColorDialog = "#E0DFDF"
+################################################## QuickSwitch (cambiador de tareas)
+ColorQuickSwitch = "#E0DFDF"
+ColorQuickSwitchText = "#000000"
+QuickSwitchFontNameXft = "sans-serif:size=10"
+QuickSwitchSmallWindow = 1
+ColorQuickSwitchActive = "#c5c3c1"
+QuickSwitchFillSelection = 0
+################################################## Scrollbar
+ScrollBarX = 17 # Scrollbar width
+ScrollBarY = 17 # Scrollbar (button) height
+ColorScrollBar = "#c3c1bf" # Scrollbar background (sliding area)
+ColorScrollBarSlider = "#e3e2e1" # Background of the slider button in scrollbars
+ColorScrollBarButton = "#E0DFDF" # Background of the arrow buttons in scrollbars
+################################################## ListBox (lista de ventanas)
+ColorListBox = "#E0DFDF" # Background of listboxes
+ColorListBoxSelection = "#c5c3c1" # Background of selected listbox items
+ListBoxFontNameXft = "sans-serif:size=10"
+################################################## Button
+ActiveButtonFontNameXft = "sans:size=10:bold"
+NormalButtonFontNameXft = "sans:size=10"
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/depthA.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/depthA.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e230501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/depthA.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * aboveA_xpm[] = {
+"21 38 203 2",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #DDDCDB",
+"@ c #DCDCDB",
+"# c #DCDBDA",
+"$ c #D1D0CF",
+"% c #CBCAC9",
+"& c #D5D5D5",
+"* c #DCDCDA",
+"= c #D6D5D5",
+"- c #C5C5C3",
+"; c #E2E1E0",
+"> c #ECEBEA",
+", c #ECEAE9",
+"' c #EBEBE9",
+") c #EDEBEA",
+"! c #E1E1E0",
+"~ c #C4C4C3",
+"{ c #C1C0BF",
+"] c #E5E5E3",
+"^ c #E8E8E7",
+"/ c #E7E7E5",
+"( c #E9E9E6",
+"_ c #E6E6E3",
+": c #C0BFBE",
+"< c #DFDEDD",
+"[ c #C8C7C6",
+"} c #D7D7D4",
+"| c #E5E5E4",
+"1 c #E3E3E2",
+"2 c #B8B8B7",
+"3 c #1A1918",
+"4 c #9C9C9C",
+"5 c #E5E5E5",
+"6 c #D4D4D4",
+"7 c #B9B7B6",
+"8 c #E4E3E2",
+"9 c #B7B6B6",
+"0 c #252422",
+"a c #8F8F8D",
+"b c #282726",
+"c c #9F9E9D",
+"d c #E4E4E3",
+"e c #B8B7B6",
+"f c #D5D5D4",
+"g c #BBBABA",
+"h c #E0DFDF",
+"i c #BEBDBD",
+"j c #272625",
+"k c #AEADAC",
+"l c #2A2927",
+"m c #A5A4A3",
+"n c #E1E0DF",
+"o c #B9B8B8",
+"p c #CFCECD",
+"q c #DDDBDA",
+"r c #D9D7D6",
+"s c #C8C6C5",
+"t c #BABABA",
+"u c #D5D4D4",
+"v c #353533",
+"w c #C0BFBD",
+"x c #CDCDCB",
+"y c #BCBAB8",
+"z c #DDDBDB",
+"A c #B7B6B4",
+"B c #ACACAB",
+"C c #DAD9D8",
+"D c #D5D4D2",
+"E c #D9D9D7",
+"F c #D3D3D2",
+"G c #3B3A38",
+"H c #51504F",
+"I c #2C2B2A",
+"J c #C3C1C0",
+"K c #DBDAD8",
+"L c #AAA9A8",
+"M c #D8D7D6",
+"N c #A9A8A8",
+"O c #D8D6D6",
+"P c #D1D0CE",
+"Q c #C7C6C4",
+"R c #3C3A39",
+"S c #767574",
+"T c #ECECEA",
+"U c #979695",
+"V c #2C2B2B",
+"W c #B9B8B6",
+"X c #D8D7D5",
+"Y c #A7A6A6",
+"Z c #B4B3B2",
+"` c #D2CFCE",
+" . c #ABAAA7",
+".. c #838280",
+"+. c #E6E5E4",
+"@. c #CFCDCB",
+"#. c #9C9C9A",
+"$. c #979693",
+"%. c #D3D1D0",
+"&. c #AFAEAD",
+"*. c #D0CFCE",
+"=. c #A2A1A0",
+"-. c #C2C2C0",
+";. c #D6D5D4",
+">. c #CBC9C7",
+",. c #CAC8C6",
+"'. c #DBDBD9",
+"). c #A1A0A0",
+"!. c #C5C4C3",
+"~. c #9A9998",
+"{. c #A7A7A5",
+"]. c #CCCCCB",
+"^. c #CDCCCB",
+"/. c #CCCBC9",
+"(. c #A6A5A4",
+"_. c #CAC9C8",
+":. c #B1B1B0",
+"<. c #8B8B8A",
+"[. c #838181",
+"}. c #888887",
+"|. c #8A8A89",
+"1. c #DBDAD9",
+"2. c #C0C0BF",
+"3. c #BDBCBB",
+"4. c #DEDDDC",
+"5. c #C1C0BE",
+"6. c #CAC9C7",
+"7. c #C5C3C3",
+"8. c #C1C1BF",
+"9. c #E1E0DE",
+"0. c #DBDBD8",
+"a. c #D7D6D5",
+"b. c #DBDAD7",
+"c. c #E2E0DF",
+"d. c #BFBDBC",
+"e. c #DADAD9",
+"f. c #CCCAC9",
+"g. c #D7D6D4",
+"h. c #DCDBD9",
+"i. c #BEBDBC",
+"j. c #CFCECC",
+"k. c #D0CECC",
+"l. c #A9A7A6",
+"m. c #1A1917",
+"n. c #908F8E",
+"o. c #B8B6B5",
+"p. c #E0E0DD",
+"q. c #D3D2D0",
+"r. c #ADACAA",
+"s. c #242321",
+"t. c #8E8E8C",
+"u. c #969594",
+"v. c #E0E0DE",
+"w. c #B7B6B5",
+"x. c #BBBAB9",
+"y. c #DDDDDB",
+"z. c #BAB9B7",
+"A. c #262524",
+"B. c #AEADAB",
+"C. c #E7E6E5",
+"D. c #C4C4C2",
+"E. c #292827",
+"F. c #A1A09F",
+"G. c #DADAD8",
+"H. c #C8C8C7",
+"I. c #D6D6D5",
+"J. c #C1C1BE",
+"K. c #CDCDCC",
+"L. c #BCBCBA",
+"M. c #DDDDDC",
+"N. c #B7B7B4",
+"O. c #ADADAC",
+"P. c #E0DEDD",
+"Q. c #D9D8D8",
+"R. c #3C3B3A",
+"S. c #525150",
+"T. c #2D2C2B",
+"U. c #C8C6C6",
+"V. c #E2E1E1",
+"W. c #DFDFDE",
+"X. c #ABAAA9",
+"Y. c #DDDCDC",
+"Z. c #3F3E3D",
+"`. c #797878",
+" + c #EEEEEC",
+".+ c #999898",
+"++ c #2E2D2D",
+"@+ c #B9B8B7",
+"#+ c #BEBEBC",
+"$+ c #878786",
+"%+ c #ECECEC",
+"&+ c #EBEBEA",
+"*+ c #A0A09E",
+"=+ c #B3B3B2",
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+"'+ c #EAEAE8",
+")+ c #AEAEAC",
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+"~+ c #D9D8D7",
+"{+ c #898988",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
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+". . . . . . @ $ % & * = % $ @ . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . # - ; > > , ' ) ! ~ # . . . . . ",
+". . . . @ { ] ^ / / / / / ( _ : @ . . . . ",
+". . . < [ } | 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 5 6 [ < . . . ",
+". . . @ 7 8 . . 9 0 a b c . . d e @ . . . ",
+". . . f g h # i j k ^ ~ l m # n o f . . . ",
+". . . p e q r s t u v w x y r z A p . . . ",
+". . . $ B C D E F G H I J # D K L $ . . . ",
+". . . M N O P Q R S T U V W P X Y M . . . ",
+". . . @ 2 Z ` ...+.@.; #.$.%.&.2 @ . . . ",
+". . . . *.=.-.;.8 >.,.,.< '.{ ).*.. . . . ",
+". . . . + !.~.{.].^./.^.].(.~.!.+ . . . . ",
+". . . . . @ _.:.<.[.}.[.|.:._.@ . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . < 1.% 2.3.2.% 1.< . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . 4.+ 4.. . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
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+". . . . . . @ $ 5.!.6.7.5.$ @ . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . # 8.$ 9.0.a.b.c.$ 2.# . . . . . ",
+". . . . @ d.e.;.f.f.f.f.f.g.h.i.@ . . . . ",
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+". . . @ o.p.q.q.r.s.t.j u.q.q.v.w.@ . . . ",
+". . . f x.y.g.z.A.B.C.D.E.F.g.+ e f . . . ",
+". . . p 2 4.G.H.t I.v J.K.L.G.M.N.p . . . ",
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+". . . M N Y.; a.Z.`. +.+++[ ; q Y M . . . ",
+". . . @ 2 @+8 #+$+%+| &+*+{.1 =+2 @ . . . ",
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+". . . . + !.~.)+!+d / d ~+O.~.!.+ . . . . ",
+". . . . . @ _.:.<.[.{+[.|.:._.@ . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . < 1.% 2.3.2.% 1.< . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . 4.+ 4.. . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/depthI.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/depthI.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cb77b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/depthI.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * abovel_xpm[] = {
+"21 38 188 2",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #DDDCDB",
+"@ c #DCDCDB",
+"# c #DCDBDA",
+"$ c #D1D0CF",
+"% c #CBCAC9",
+"& c #D5D5D5",
+"* c #DCDCDA",
+"= c #D6D5D5",
+"- c #C5C5C3",
+"; c #E2E1E0",
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+", c #ECEAE9",
+"' c #EBEBE9",
+") c #EDEBEA",
+"! c #E1E1E0",
+"~ c #C4C4C3",
+"{ c #C1C0BF",
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+"^ c #E8E8E7",
+"/ c #E7E7E5",
+"( c #E9E9E6",
+"_ c #E6E6E3",
+": c #C0BFBE",
+"< c #DFDEDD",
+"[ c #C8C7C6",
+"} c #D7D7D4",
+"| c #E5E5E4",
+"1 c #E3E3E2",
+"2 c #D1D1D0",
+"3 c #8F8F8D",
+"4 c #C6C6C4",
+"5 c #E5E5E5",
+"6 c #D4D4D4",
+"7 c #B9B7B6",
+"8 c #E4E3E2",
+"9 c #CFCECE",
+"0 c #949391",
+"a c #C3C3C2",
+"b c #959493",
+"c c #C6C4C3",
+"d c #E4E4E3",
+"e c #B8B7B6",
+"f c #D5D5D4",
+"g c #BBBABA",
+"h c #E0DFDF",
+"i c #D0CFCF",
+"j c #D0D0CF",
+"k c #DBDADA",
+"l c #969593",
+"m c #C7C5C4",
+"n c #E1E0DF",
+"o c #B9B8B8",
+"p c #CFCECD",
+"q c #DDDBDA",
+"r c #D9D7D6",
+"s c #D4D2D1",
+"t c #DDDCDC",
+"u c #999997",
+"v c #D4D3D2",
+"w c #DFDFDD",
+"x c #D0CECC",
+"y c #DDDBDB",
+"z c #B7B6B4",
+"A c #ACACAB",
+"B c #DAD9D8",
+"C c #D5D4D2",
+"D c #D9D9D7",
+"E c #DADAD9",
+"F c #9C9B99",
+"G c #A7A7A4",
+"H c #969594",
+"I c #D3D2D0",
+"J c #DBDAD8",
+"K c #AAA9A8",
+"L c #D8D7D6",
+"M c #A9A8A8",
+"N c #D8D6D6",
+"O c #D1D0CE",
+"P c #CECDCB",
+"Q c #9C9A99",
+"R c #B6B5B4",
+"S c #ECECEA",
+"T c #C9C8C5",
+"U c #D8D7D5",
+"V c #A7A6A6",
+"W c #B8B8B7",
+"X c #B4B3B2",
+"Y c #D2CFCE",
+"Z c #C2C0BE",
+"` c #BBBAB8",
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+"+. c #C7C6C5",
+"@. c #BBBAB7",
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+"$. c #AFAEAD",
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+"*. c #C2C2C0",
+"=. c #D6D5D4",
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+"'. c #C5C4C3",
+"). c #9A9998",
+"!. c #A7A7A5",
+"~. c #CCCCCB",
+"{. c #CDCCCB",
+"]. c #CCCBC9",
+"^. c #A6A5A4",
+"/. c #CAC9C8",
+"(. c #B1B1B0",
+"_. c #8B8B8A",
+":. c #838181",
+"<. c #888887",
+"[. c #8A8A89",
+"}. c #DBDAD9",
+"|. c #C0C0BF",
+"1. c #BDBCBB",
+"2. c #DEDDDC",
+"3. c #C1C0BE",
+"4. c #CAC9C7",
+"5. c #C5C3C3",
+"6. c #C1C1BF",
+"7. c #E1E0DE",
+"8. c #DBDBD8",
+"9. c #D7D6D5",
+"0. c #DBDAD7",
+"a. c #E2E0DF",
+"b. c #BFBDBC",
+"c. c #CCCAC9",
+"d. c #D7D6D4",
+"e. c #DCDBD9",
+"f. c #BEBDBC",
+"g. c #CFCECC",
+"h. c #C2C0BF",
+"i. c #8E8E8D",
+"j. c #BAB8B6",
+"k. c #B8B6B5",
+"l. c #E0E0DD",
+"m. c #C5C4C2",
+"n. c #939290",
+"o. c #C2C2C1",
+"p. c #949392",
+"q. c #BDBBBA",
+"r. c #E0E0DE",
+"s. c #B7B6B5",
+"t. c #BBBAB9",
+"u. c #DDDDDB",
+"v. c #D0D0CE",
+"w. c #E7E6E5",
+"x. c #C3C1C0",
+"y. c #DADAD8",
+"z. c #D4D4D3",
+"A. c #DEDEDD",
+"B. c #DFDFDE",
+"C. c #DDDDDC",
+"D. c #B7B7B4",
+"E. c #ADADAC",
+"F. c #E0DEDD",
+"G. c #9D9C9B",
+"H. c #A7A7A6",
+"I. c #979695",
+"J. c #E2E1E1",
+"K. c #ABAAA9",
+"L. c #9F9E9D",
+"M. c #EEEEEC",
+"N. c #C7C7C6",
+"O. c #989796",
+"P. c #B9B8B7",
+"Q. c #D5D4D3",
+"R. c #BFBFBE",
+"S. c #ECECEC",
+"T. c #EBEBEA",
+"U. c #CBCBC9",
+"V. c #B3B3B2",
+"W. c #C9C9C8",
+"X. c #E9E9E8",
+"Y. c #EDEDEC",
+"Z. c #EDEDEB",
+"`. c #EAEAE8",
+" + c #AEAEAC",
+".+ c #DAD9D7",
+"++ c #D9D8D7",
+"@+ c #898988",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . + @ # @ + . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . @ $ % & * = % $ @ . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . # - ; > > , ' ) ! ~ # . . . . . ",
+". . . . @ { ] ^ / / / / / ( _ : @ . . . . ",
+". . . < [ } | 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 5 6 [ < . . . ",
+". . . @ 7 8 . . 9 0 a b c . . d e @ . . . ",
+". . . f g h # i b j ^ k l m # n o f . . . ",
+". . . p e q r s = t u v w x r y z p . . . ",
+". . . $ A B C D E F G H I # C J K $ . . . ",
+". . . L M N O P Q R S - H T O U V L . . . ",
+". . . @ W X Y Z ` ...; +.@.#.$.W @ . . . ",
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+". . . . . @ /.(._.:.<.:.[.(./.@ . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . < }.% |.1.|.% }.< . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . 2.+ 2.. . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . + @ # @ + . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . @ $ 3.'.4.5.3.$ @ . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . # 6.$$ |.# . . . . . ",
+". . . . @ b.E =.c.c.c.c.c.d.e.f.@ . . . . ",
+". . . < [ g.9.x x h.i.j.x x L {.[ < . . . ",
+". . . @ k.l.I I m.n.o.p.q.I I r.s.@ . . . ",
+". . . f t.u.d.].p.v.w.}.b x.d.+ e f . . . ",
+". . . p W 2.y.z.= A.u z.B.v.y.C.D.p . . . ",
+". . . $ E.F.2.n h G.H.I.L J.2.B.K.$ . . . ",
+". . . L M t ; 2.L.o M.N.O.U ; q V L . . . ",
+". . . @ W P.8 Q.R.S.| T.% U.1 V.W @ . . . ",
+". . . . %.&.W.X.Y.X.X.X.Z.`.[ ,.%.. . . . ",
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+". . . . . @ /.(._.:.@+:.[.(./.@ . . . . . ",
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+". . . . . . . . . 2.+ 2.. . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/depthO.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/depthO.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95c1d796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/depthO.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * aboveO_xpm[] = {
+"21 38 243 2",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #DDDDDE",
+"@ c #DCDFDF",
+"# c #DCDEDF",
+"$ c #DCDDDF",
+"% c #D4DAE0",
+"& c #D0DCE6",
+"* c #D9E2E9",
+"= c #DFE6EA",
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+"> c #E4E8EA",
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+"' c #ECEAE9",
+") c #EBEBE9",
+"! c #EDEBEA",
+"~ c #E3E8EB",
+"{ c #C9D9E4",
+"] c #C8D8E4",
+"^ c #E6E8E7",
+"/ c #E8E8E7",
+"( c #E7E7E5",
+"_ c #E9E9E6",
+": c #E6E9E7",
+"< c #C7D7E3",
+"[ c #DFDEDE",
+"} c #CCD7E1",
+"| c #DAE1E4",
+"1 c #E5E5E4",
+"2 c #E3E3E2",
+"3 c #BFD6E8",
+"4 c #38A6FE",
+"5 c #A8CEEB",
+"6 c #E5E5E5",
+"7 c #D7E0E7",
+"8 c #C1D3E3",
+"9 c #E4E3E2",
+"0 c #BDD3E5",
+"a c #42AAFC",
+"b c #9CCEF4",
+"c c #44ABFC",
+"d c #A9CCE8",
+"e c #E4E5E4",
+"f c #C0D4E4",
+"g c #D7DCE0",
+"h c #C2D6E4",
+"i c #E0DFDF",
+"j c #DCDBDA",
+"k c #C3D3E0",
+"l c #43AAFC",
+"m c #B7D7F0",
+"n c #CADFF0",
+"o c #46ABFB",
+"p c #AECCE4",
+"q c #E1E0DF",
+"r c #C1D6E5",
+"s c #D2D9E0",
+"t c #DDDBDA",
+"u c #D9D7D6",
+"v c #CBD4DC",
+"w c #C1DBEF",
+"x c #D7DEE4",
+"y c #4FAEF8",
+"z c #C5D6E4",
+"A c #D2E3EE",
+"B c #C1D2DF",
+"C c #DDDBDB",
+"D c #C1D4E4",
+"E c #D4DBE0",
+"F c #B7D1E4",
+"G c #DAD9D8",
+"H c #D5D4D2",
+"I c #D9D9D7",
+"J c #D5DCE0",
+"K c #54AFF6",
+"L c #68B8F7",
+"M c #47ABFA",
+"N c #C7D5E0",
+"O c #DBDAD8",
+"P c #B5CFE5",
+"Q c #D9DCDF",
+"R c #B5D0E7",
+"S c #D9D9DA",
+"T c #D1D0CE",
+"U c #C9CED1",
+"V c #54AEF5",
+"W c #86C2F1",
+"X c #ECECEA",
+"Y c #A3CEF0",
+"Z c #47ABF9",
+"` c #BDCBD4",
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+".. c #B4CFE7",
+"+. c #C0D5E4",
+"@. c #BCD0E0",
+"#. c #D2CFCE",
+"$. c #B1C5D4",
+"%. c #92C5EE",
+"&. c #E6E5E4",
+"*. c #CFCDCB",
+"=. c #E2E1E0",
+"-. c #A7CFEE",
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+"'. c #D3DAE0",
+"). c #AFCDE6",
+"!. c #C7D2D9",
+"~. c #D6D5D4",
+"{. c #CBC9C7",
+"]. c #CAC8C6",
+"^. c #DFDEDD",
+"/. c #DBDBD9",
+"(. c #C6D1DA",
+"_. c #AECDE6",
+":. c #CAD8E2",
+"<. c #AACBE7",
+"[. c #B2CBDD",
+"}. c #CED1D3",
+"|. c #CDCCCB",
+"1. c #CCCBC9",
+"2. c #B2CBDE",
+"3. c #CED8E1",
+"4. c #BBD2E5",
+"5. c #9EC9EA",
+"6. c #97C5EA",
+"7. c #9BC5E6",
+"8. c #9DC8EA",
+"9. c #DFDFDE",
+"0. c #DBDDDF",
+"a. c #CFD8E1",
+"b. c #C6D7E3",
+"c. c #C4D6E3",
+"d. c #DEDEDE",
+"e. c #DDDCDB",
+"f. c #DCDCDB",
+"g. c #D1D0CF",
+"h. c #C1C0BE",
+"i. c #C5C4C3",
+"j. c #CAC9C7",
+"k. c #C5C3C3",
+"l. c #C1C1BF",
+"m. c #E1E0DE",
+"n. c #DBDBD8",
+"o. c #D7D6D5",
+"p. c #DBDAD7",
+"q. c #E2E0DF",
+"r. c #C0C0BF",
+"s. c #BFBDBC",
+"t. c #DADAD9",
+"u. c #CCCAC9",
+"v. c #D7D6D4",
+"w. c #DCDBD9",
+"x. c #BEBDBC",
+"y. c #C8C7C6",
+"z. c #CFCECC",
+"A. c #D0CECC",
+"B. c #A9A7A6",
+"C. c #1A1917",
+"D. c #908F8E",
+"E. c #D8D7D6",
+"F. c #B8B6B5",
+"G. c #E0E0DD",
+"H. c #D3D2D0",
+"I. c #ADACAA",
+"J. c #242321",
+"K. c #8E8E8C",
+"L. c #272625",
+"M. c #969594",
+"N. c #E0E0DE",
+"O. c #B7B6B5",
+"P. c #D5D5D4",
+"Q. c #BBBAB9",
+"R. c #DDDDDB",
+"S. c #BAB9B7",
+"T. c #262524",
+"U. c #AEADAB",
+"V. c #E7E6E5",
+"W. c #C4C4C2",
+"X. c #292827",
+"Y. c #A1A09F",
+"Z. c #B8B7B6",
+"`. c #CFCECD",
+" + c #B8B8B7",
+".+ c #DEDDDC",
+"++ c #DADAD8",
+"@+ c #C8C8C7",
+"#+ c #BABABA",
+"$+ c #D6D6D5",
+"%+ c #353533",
+"&+ c #C1C1BE",
+"*+ c #CDCDCC",
+"=+ c #BCBCBA",
+"-+ c #DDDDDC",
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+"!+ c #525150",
+"~+ c #2D2C2B",
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+"^+ c #ABAAA9",
+"/+ c #A9A8A8",
+"(+ c #DDDCDC",
+"_+ c #3F3E3D",
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+"5+ c #EBEBEA",
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+"8+ c #B3B3B2",
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+"0+ c #A2A1A0",
+"a+ c #C9C9C8",
+"b+ c #E9E9E8",
+"c+ c #EDEDEC",
+"d+ c #EDEDEB",
+"e+ c #EAEAE8",
+"f+ c #A1A0A0",
+"g+ c #9A9998",
+"h+ c #AEAEAC",
+"i+ c #DAD9D7",
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+"k+ c #D9D8D7",
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+"m+ c #B1B1B0",
+"n+ c #8B8B8A",
+"o+ c #838181",
+"p+ c #898988",
+"q+ c #8A8A89",
+"r+ c #DBDAD9",
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+"t+ c #BDBCBB",
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+". . . f.F.G.H.H.I.J.K.L.M.H.H.N.O.f.. . . ",
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+". . . f. +1+9 2+3+4+1 5+6+7+2 8+ +f.. . . ",
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+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeAB.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeAB.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d3315cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeAB.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeAB_xpm[] = {
+"1 2 3 1",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #6A8EB8",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeABL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeABL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a5cee32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeABL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeABL_xpm[] = {
+"9 9 19 1",
+" c None",
+". c #6A8EB8",
+"+ c #D7DADE",
+"@ c #E0DFDE",
+"# c #DADCDE",
+"$ c #DCDDDE",
+"% c #6A8DB8",
+"& c #D3D6DA",
+"* c #7D9BBE",
+"= c #BEC8D3",
+"- c #8AA3C2",
+"; c #DFDEDE",
+"> c #8EA7C4",
+", c #A5B7CB",
+"' c #90A8C4",
+") c #89A3C1",
+"! c #BCC7D3",
+"~ c #D4D6DA",
+"{ c #7E9CBF",
+" -;@@@@@@",
+" >,;@@@@@",
+" ')!~@@@",
+" {...."};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeABR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeABR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de28822e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeABR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeABR_xpm[] = {
+"9 8 18 1",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #D4D3D2",
+"@ c #D9DCDE",
+"# c #6A8EB8",
+"$ c #9A9796",
+"% c #D9D9D9",
+"& c #DBDBD9",
+"* c #DDDFE1",
+"= c #BCC6D2",
+"- c #7E9CBE",
+"; c #DBDAD8",
+"> c #87A1C1",
+", c #C0CBD7",
+"' c #92A9C5",
+") c #DFE0E1",
+"! c #86A1C1",
+"~ c #7C9ABD",
+"..+.+$;> ",
+".+$&.;,' ",
+"..&)=!' ",
+"####~ "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeAL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeAL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8f3eb44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeAL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeAL_xpm[] = {
+"2 1 3 1",
+" c None",
+". c #6A8EB8",
+"+ c #E0DFDE",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeAR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeAR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5d6d390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeAR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeAR_xpm[] = {
+"2 1 3 1",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #6A8EB8",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeAT.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeAT.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5833cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeAT.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeAT_xpm[] = {
+"1 2 3 1",
+" c None",
+". c #6A8EB8",
+"+ c #E0DFDE",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeATL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeATL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3cbdfc7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeATL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeATL_xpm[] = {
+"9 9 19 1",
+" c None",
+". c #7D9BBE",
+"+ c #6A8DB8",
+"@ c #6A8EB8",
+"# c #8EA7C4",
+"$ c #8AA3C2",
+"% c #BEC8D3",
+"& c #D3D6DA",
+"* c #DCDDDE",
+"= c #DADCDE",
+"- c #D7DADE",
+"; c #90A8C4",
+"> c #A5B7CB",
+", c #DFDEDE",
+"' c #E0DFDE",
+") c #89A3C1",
+"! c #7E9CBF",
+"~ c #BCC7D3",
+"{ c #D4D6DA",
+" .+@@@",
+" #$%&*=-",
+" ;>,'''''",
+" ),''''''",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeATR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeATR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..807a9f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeATR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeATR_xpm[] = {
+"9 9 19 1",
+" c None",
+". c #6A8EB8",
+"+ c #7E9CBF",
+"@ c #E0DFDE",
+"# c #D4D6DA",
+"$ c #BCC7D3",
+"% c #89A3C1",
+"& c #90A8C4",
+"* c #DFDEDE",
+"= c #A5B7CB",
+"- c #8EA7C4",
+"; c #8AA3C2",
+"> c #BEC8D3",
+", c #7D9BBE",
+"' c #D3D6DA",
+") c #6A8DB8",
+"! c #DCDDDE",
+"~ c #DADCDE",
+"{ c #D7DADE",
+"....+ ",
+"@@@#$%& ",
+"@@@@@*=- ",
+"@@@@@@*; ",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIB.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIB.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69ff7d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIB.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeIB_xpm[] = {
+"1 2 3 1",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #939393",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIBL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIBL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..964f2825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIBL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeIBL_xpm[] = {
+"9 9 19 1",
+" c None",
+". c #B8B8B8",
+"+ c #E2E1E0",
+"@ c #E0DFDE",
+"# c #B1B1B1",
+"$ c #E2E1DF",
+"% c #ACACAC",
+"& c #DCDBDA",
+"* c #B5B5B4",
+"= c #D1D0CF",
+"- c #B9B8B8",
+"; c #BABABA",
+"> c #C5C5C4",
+", c #BBBBBA",
+"' c #B8B8B7",
+") c #CFCFCE",
+"! c #DAD9D8",
+"~ c #A8A8A7",
+"{ c #939393",
+" -@@@@@@@",
+" ;>@@@@@@",
+" ,')!@@@",
+" ~{{{{"};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIBR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIBR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88da3ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIBR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeIBR_xpm[] = {
+"9 9 19 1",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #E1E0DF",
+"@ c #B8B8B8",
+"# c #D4D3D2",
+"$ c #9A9796",
+"% c #DBDBD9",
+"& c #B1B1B1",
+"* c #E2E2E1",
+"= c #ABABAB",
+"- c #D0CFCE",
+"; c #B6B6B5",
+"> c #DBDAD8",
+", c #B7B6B6",
+"' c #D5D4D3",
+") c #BDBCBC",
+"! c #E2E2E0",
+"~ c #939393",
+"{ c #A6A6A6",
+"..#.#$>, ",
+".#$%.>') ",
+"..%!-,) ",
+"~~~~{ "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9730834f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeIL_xpm[] = {
+"2 1 3 1",
+" c None",
+". c #B8B8B8",
+"+ c #E3E3E1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02db358b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeIR_xpm[] = {
+"2 1 3 1",
+" c None",
+". c #E2E1E1",
+"+ c #B8B8B8",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIT.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIT.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12fe6839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeIT.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeIT_xpm[] = {
+"1 2 3 1",
+" c None",
+". c #CACACA",
+"+ c #ECECEA",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeITL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeITL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..819becd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeITL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeITL_xpm[] = {
+"9 9 18 1",
+" c None",
+". c #CECDCD",
+"+ c #CACACA",
+"@ c #D3D3D2",
+"# c #E2E2E1",
+"$ c #ECECEB",
+"% c #ECECEC",
+"& c #ECECEA",
+"* c #EAE9E8",
+"= c #E5E4E2",
+"- c #E0DFDE",
+"; c #E2E2E2",
+"> c #E4E3E2",
+", c #C4C3C3",
+"' c #EEEEED",
+") c #B8B8B8",
+"! c #DFDFDE",
+"~ c #ECEBEB",
+" .++++",
+" @#$%&&&",
+" @*=-----",
+" ;>------",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeITR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeITR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8af66783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/dframeITR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeITR_xpm[] = {
+"9 9 17 1",
+" c None",
+". c #CACACA",
+"+ c #CDCDCC",
+"@ c #ECECEA",
+"# c #EDEDEB",
+"$ c #E2E1E0",
+"% c #D3D3D3",
+"& c #E0DFDE",
+"* c #E4E3E2",
+"= c #E9E9E8",
+"- c #E4E4E3",
+"; c #E2E2E0",
+"> c #EDEDED",
+", c #C4C4C3",
+"' c #DFDFDE",
+") c #B8B8B8",
+"! c #ECECEB",
+"....+ ",
+"@@@#@$% ",
+"&&&&&*=% ",
+"&&&&&&-; ",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameAB.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameAB.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b7868c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameAB.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameAB_xpm[] = {
+"1 2 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameABL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameABL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1989dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameABL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameABL_xpm[] = {
+"5 29 6 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
+"+ c #F0E9F1",
+"@ c #E4C4E5",
+"# c #E3C3E4",
+"$ c #F0E8F1",
+" #$.."};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameABR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameABR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e4895f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameABR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameABR_xpm[] = {
+"5 29 6 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
+"+ c #F0E9F1",
+"@ c #E4C4E5",
+"# c #F0E8F1",
+"$ c #E3C3E4",
+"..#$ "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameAL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameAL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83c87d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameAL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameAL_xpm[] = {
+"2 1 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameAR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameAR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8f5017c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameAR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameAR_xpm[] = {
+"2 1 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameAT.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameAT.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b1ed296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameAT.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameAT_xpm[] = {
+"1 2 3 1",
+" c None",
+". c #556068",
+"+ c #545F67",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameATL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameATL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ca60512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameATL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameATL_xpm[] = {
+"5 29 29 1",
+" c None",
+". c #94789E",
+"+ c #656776",
+"@ c #556068",
+"# c #93779E",
+"$ c #545F67",
+"% c #646575",
+"& c #545E67",
+"* c #535E66",
+"= c #525D65",
+"- c #525C64",
+"; c #515C64",
+"> c #515B63",
+", c #505A62",
+"' c #4F5961",
+") c #4E5860",
+"! c #4E575F",
+"~ c #4D575E",
+"{ c #4C565E",
+"] c #4C555D",
+"^ c #4B555C",
+"/ c #4A545B",
+"( c #4A535B",
+"_ c #49535A",
+": c #495259",
+"< c #485158",
+"[ c #475058",
+"} c #475057",
+"| c #3DAEE9",
+" .+@@",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameATR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameATR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7701c909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameATR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameATR_xpm[] = {
+"5 29 29 1",
+" c None",
+". c #556068",
+"+ c #656776",
+"@ c #94789E",
+"# c #545F67",
+"$ c #93779E",
+"% c #545E67",
+"& c #646575",
+"* c #535E66",
+"= c #525D65",
+"- c #525C64",
+"; c #515C64",
+"> c #515B63",
+", c #505A62",
+"' c #4F5961",
+") c #4E5860",
+"! c #4E575F",
+"~ c #4D575E",
+"{ c #4C565E",
+"] c #4C555D",
+"^ c #4B555C",
+"/ c #4A545B",
+"( c #4A535B",
+"_ c #49535A",
+": c #495259",
+"< c #485158",
+"[ c #475058",
+"} c #475057",
+"| c #3DAEE9",
+"..+@ ",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameBL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameBL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb407f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameBL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameABL_xpm[] = {
+"22 22 9 1",
+" c None",
+". c #CFCFCF",
+"+ c #E8E8E8",
+"@ c #DEDEDE",
+"# c #E0E0E0",
+"$ c #ADADAD",
+"% c #DFDFDF",
+"& c #C4C4C4",
+"* c #B1B1B1",
+".+++ ",
+".+++ ",
+".+++ ",
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+".+@+ ",
+".#$@ ",
+".+%+ ",
+".++@ ",
+" ++%+#$@++++++++++++++",
+" &++++%+++++++++++++++",
+" *******************"};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameBR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameBR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d678ace0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameBR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameABR_xpm[] = {
+"22 22 9 1",
+" c None",
+". c #E8E8E8",
+"+ c #CFCFCF",
+"@ c #DEDEDE",
+"# c #ADADAD",
+"$ c #E0E0E0",
+"% c #DFDFDF",
+"& c #C4C4C4",
+"* c #B1B1B1",
+" ...+",
+" ...+",
+" ...+",
+" ...+",
+" ...+",
+" ...+",
+" ...+",
+" ...+",
+" ...+",
+" ...+",
+" ...+",
+" ...+",
+" ...+",
+" ...+",
+" .@.+",
+" @#$+",
+" .%.+",
+" @..+",
+"..............@#$.%.. ",
+"...............%....& ",
+"******************* "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIB.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIB.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2f8c32f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIB.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameIB_xpm[] = {
+"1 2 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIBL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIBL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32382525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIBL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameIBL_xpm[] = {
+"5 29 6 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
+"+ c #F0E9F1",
+"@ c #E4C4E5",
+"# c #E3C3E4",
+"$ c #F0E8F1",
+" #$.."};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIBR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIBR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18ecc063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIBR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameIBR_xpm[] = {
+"5 29 6 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
+"+ c #F0E9F1",
+"@ c #E4C4E5",
+"# c #F0E8F1",
+"$ c #E3C3E4",
+"..#$ "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19fb31fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameIL_xpm[] = {
+"2 1 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52ffd849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameIR_xpm[] = {
+"2 1 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIT.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIT.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12fe6839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameIT.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dframeIT_xpm[] = {
+"1 2 3 1",
+" c None",
+". c #CACACA",
+"+ c #ECECEA",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameITL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameITL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb8f7fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameITL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameITL_xpm[] = {
+"5 29 4 1",
+" c None",
+". c #E7C6E8",
+"+ c #F1E9F2",
+"@ c #EFF0F1",
+" .+@@",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/frameITR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameITR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af9f9f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/frameITR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * frameITR_xpm[] = {
+"5 29 4 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
+"+ c #F1E9F2",
+"@ c #E7C6E8",
+"..+@ ",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/maximizeA.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/maximizeA.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d55d6e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/maximizeA.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * maximizeA_xpm[] = {
+"24 54 36 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #4F5961",
+"= c #81878E",
+"- c #4E5860",
+"; c #80878D",
+"> c #EFF0F1",
+", c #4E575F",
+"' c #80868D",
+") c #E8EAEB",
+"! c #4D575E",
+"~ c #7F868C",
+"{ c #4C565E",
+"] c #7E858C",
+"^ c #4C555D",
+"/ c #787F85",
+"( c #7E858B",
+"_ c #798085",
+": c #4B555C",
+"< c #727A80",
+"[ c #788085",
+"} c #787F84",
+"| c #4A545B",
+"1 c #4A535B",
+"2 c #49535A",
+"3 c #495259",
+"4 c #485158",
+"5 c #475058",
+"6 c #475057",
+"7 c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/maximizeI.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/maximizeI.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f70bef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/maximizeI.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * maximizeI_xpm[] = {
+"24 54 7 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
+"+ c #E0E2E4",
+"@ c #BDC3C7",
+"# c #BFC5C8",
+"$ c #E1E4E6",
+"% c #E3E6E7",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/maximizeO.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/maximizeO.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f442ff27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/maximizeO.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * maximizeO_xpm[] = {
+"24 54 36 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #4F5961",
+"= c #81878E",
+"- c #4E5860",
+"; c #80878D",
+"> c #EFF0F1",
+", c #4E575F",
+"' c #80868D",
+") c #E8EAEB",
+"! c #4D575E",
+"~ c #7F868C",
+"{ c #4C565E",
+"] c #7E858C",
+"^ c #4C555D",
+"/ c #787F85",
+"( c #7E858B",
+"_ c #798085",
+": c #4B555C",
+"< c #727A80",
+"[ c #788085",
+"} c #787F84",
+"| c #4A545B",
+"1 c #4A535B",
+"2 c #49535A",
+"3 c #495259",
+"4 c #485158",
+"5 c #475058",
+"6 c #475057",
+"7 c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/menuButtonA.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/menuButtonA.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc6f76d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/menuButtonA.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * menuButtonA_xpm[] = {
+"30 54 23 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #4F5961",
+"= c #4E5860",
+"- c #4E575F",
+"; c #4D575E",
+"> c #4C565E",
+", c #4C555D",
+"' c #4B555C",
+") c #4A545B",
+"! c #4A535B",
+"~ c #49535A",
+"{ c #495259",
+"] c #485158",
+"^ c #475058",
+"/ c #475057",
+"( c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/menuButtonI.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/menuButtonI.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c8e6777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/menuButtonI.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * menuButtonI_xpm[] = {
+"30 54 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/menusel.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/menusel.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3defffd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/menusel.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * menusel_xpm[] = {
+"755 24 37 1",
+" c None",
+". c #BCB9B8",
+"+ c #BCBAB9",
+"@ c #BDBBBA",
+"# c #BEBCBB",
+"$ c #BFBDBC",
+"% c #BFBEBD",
+"& c #C0BEBD",
+"* c #C1BFBE",
+"= c #C2C0BF",
+"- c #C3C1C0",
+"; c #C4C2C1",
+"> c #C5C3C2",
+", c #C6C4C3",
+"' c #C7C5C4",
+") c #C8C6C5",
+"! c #C9C7C6",
+"~ c #CAC8C7",
+"{ c #CAC9C8",
+"] c #CBCAC9",
+"^ c #CCCBCA",
+"/ c #CDCCCB",
+"( c #CECDCC",
+"_ c #CFCECD",
+": c #D0CFCE",
+"< c #D1D0CF",
+"[ c #D2D1D0",
+"} c #D3D2D1",
+"| c #D3D1D1",
+"1 c #D4D2D2",
+"2 c #D5D3D3",
+"3 c #D6D4D4",
+"4 c #D7D5D5",
+"5 c #D8D6D6",
+"6 c #D8D7D7",
+"7 c #D9D8D8",
+"8 c #DAD9D9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/menusep.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/menusep.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58ad629a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/menusep.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * menusel_largo_xpm[] = {
+"321 2 163 2",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #DFDFDE",
+"@ c #DFDEDD",
+"# c #DEDDDC",
+"$ c #DEDCDB",
+"% c #DDDCDB",
+"& c #DCDBDA",
+"* c #DCDAD9",
+"= c #DBDBD9",
+"- c #DBDAD8",
+"; c #DBD9D8",
+"> c #DADAD8",
+", c #DAD9D7",
+"' c #DAD8D8",
+") c #D9D9D7",
+"! c #DAD8D7",
+"~ c #D9D7D7",
+"{ c #D8D8D6",
+"] c #D9D7D6",
+"^ c #D8D6D6",
+"/ c #D7D7D5",
+"( c #D8D6D5",
+"_ c #D7D6D5",
+": c #D6D6D4",
+"< c #D7D5D4",
+"[ c #D6D5D4",
+"} c #D6D5D3",
+"| c #D6D4D3",
+"1 c #D5D4D3",
+"2 c #D6D4D2",
+"3 c #D5D3D2",
+"4 c #D4D4D2",
+"5 c #D4D3D1",
+"6 c #D4D2D1",
+"7 c #D3D2D0",
+"8 c #D3D1D0",
+"9 c #D2D1CF",
+"0 c #D2D0CF",
+"a c #D1D0CE",
+"b c #D1CFCE",
+"c c #D1CECD",
+"d c #D0CFCD",
+"e c #CFCECD",
+"f c #D0CECC",
+"g c #CFCECB",
+"h c #CECDCC",
+"i c #CFCCCB",
+"j c #CECDCB",
+"k c #CECCCB",
+"l c #CECCCA",
+"m c #CDCCCA",
+"n c #CDCBCA",
+"o c #CDCBC9",
+"p c #CCCBC9",
+"q c #CCCAC9",
+"r c #CCCAC8",
+"s c #CBCAC8",
+"t c #CBC9C8",
+"u c #CBCAC7",
+"v c #CAC9C7",
+"w c #CAC8C7",
+"x c #CAC9C6",
+"y c #CAC8C6",
+"z c #C9C7C6",
+"A c #C9C8C6",
+"B c #C9C7C5",
+"C c #C9C6C5",
+"D c #C9C7C4",
+"E c #C8C6C4",
+"F c #C7C5C4",
+"G c #C7C6C4",
+"H c #C7C5C3",
+"I c #C6C5C3",
+"J c #C6C4C2",
+"K c #C6C3C1",
+"L c #C5C3C1",
+"M c #C5C2C0",
+"N c #C7C4C2",
+"O c #C8C5C3",
+"P c #C8C7C5",
+"Q c #C9C6C4",
+"R c #CAC7C6",
+"S c #CBC8C7",
+"T c #CBC9C7",
+"U c #CCC9C8",
+"V c #CECDCA",
+"W c #CFCDCC",
+"X c #D0CDCC",
+"Y c #D0CECD",
+"Z c #D0CFCC",
+"` c #D1CFCD",
+" . c #D7D6D4",
+".. c #D8D6D4",
+"+. c #D8D7D6",
+"@. c #D8D7D5",
+"#. c #D9D8D6",
+"$. c #D9D8D7",
+"%. c #DBD9D9",
+"&. c #DBDADA",
+"*. c #DCDBD9",
+"=. c #DDDCDA",
+"-. c #DEDDDB",
+";. c #E0E0DF",
+">. c #E1E0DF",
+",. c #E1E1E0",
+"'. c #E2E1DF",
+"). c #E2E1E0",
+"!. c #E3E2E0",
+"~. c #E2E2E1",
+"{. c #E3E2E1",
+"]. c #E3E3E1",
+"^. c #E3E3E2",
+"/. c #E4E3E1",
+"(. c #E4E3E2",
+"_. c #E4E3E3",
+":. c #E4E4E3",
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+"[. c #E5E4E3",
+"}. c #E5E5E4",
+"|. c #E5E5E3",
+"1. c #E6E5E4",
+"2. c #E5E4E4",
+"3. c #E6E5E5",
+"4. c #E7E6E4",
+"5. c #E6E6E5",
+"6. c #E7E6E5",
+"7. c #E7E7E5",
+"8. c #E7E6E6",
+"9. c #E7E7E6",
+"0. c #E8E7E6",
+"a. c #E8E8E6",
+"b. c #E8E7E7",
+"c. c #E8E8E7",
+"d. c #E9E8E7",
+"e. c #E9E9E7",
+"f. c #E8E8E8",
+"g. c #E9E8E8",
+"h. c #E9E9E8",
+"i. c #EAE9E8",
+"j. c #EAE9E9",
+"k. c #EAEAE9",
+"l. c #EBEAE9",
+"m. c #EAEAEA",
+"n. c #EBEBE9",
+"o. c #EBEBEA",
+"p. c #ECECEA",
+"q. c #ECECEB",
+"r. c #EDECEB",
+"s. c #EDEDEB",
+"t. c #EDEDEC",
+"u. c #ECECEC",
+"v. c #EEEEED",
+"w. c #EEEDEC",
+"x. c #EFEEED",
+"y. c #EFEFEE",
+"z. c #EDEDED",
+"A. c #ECEBEB",
+"B. c #ECEBEA",
+"C. c #EAEAE8",
+"D. c #E6E6E4",
+"E. c #E6E5E3",
+"F. c #E3E2E2",
+". . . . . . + . @ @ @ # # # $ $ % & & & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 7 8 7 9 0 9 a b a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I H J K J L M L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L J J J I N H G O E P Q P A R A w S v T U s r r p o o m l k V j W W X Y Z Y b ` b 0 a 0 8 9 8 7 7 6 5 5 3 3 1 | } [ < ._ ..( +.@.#.$.! ! ' , ; %.- = &.*.& & =.$ % -.# # @ @ @ . + . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . ;.>.>.,.'.>.,.).).!.).).~.{.!.].{.{.^./.(.^.(._.:.<._.:.[.}.|.1.2.}.}.1.E.}.[.[.:.<.[.:.(.(.(./.(.F.{.~.{.{.~.).).!.).).).>.>.).>.>.;.. . . . . . . "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/minimizeA.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/minimizeA.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..091c3466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/minimizeA.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * minimizeA_xpm[] = {
+"24 54 36 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #4F5961",
+"= c #4E5860",
+"- c #747C83",
+"; c #7A8187",
+"> c #7B8288",
+", c #4E575F",
+"' c #7B8187",
+") c #E8EAEB",
+"! c #80868D",
+"~ c #7A8086",
+"{ c #4D575E",
+"] c #7F868C",
+"^ c #4C565E",
+"/ c #7E858C",
+"( c #4C555D",
+"_ c #7E858B",
+": c #4B555C",
+"< c #7E858A",
+"[ c #EFF0F1",
+"} c #4A545B",
+"| c #7D848A",
+"1 c #4A535B",
+"2 c #49535A",
+"3 c #495259",
+"4 c #485158",
+"5 c #475058",
+"6 c #475057",
+"7 c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/minimizeI.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/minimizeI.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be7ab5f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/minimizeI.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * minimizeI_xpm[] = {
+"24 54 7 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
+"+ c #E3E6E7",
+"@ c #E1E4E6",
+"# c #BFC5C8",
+"$ c #E0E2E4",
+"% c #BDC3C7",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/minimizeO.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/minimizeO.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..327e06bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/minimizeO.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * minimizeO_xpm[] = {
+"24 54 36 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #4F5961",
+"= c #4E5860",
+"- c #747C83",
+"; c #7A8187",
+"> c #7B8288",
+", c #4E575F",
+"' c #7B8187",
+") c #E8EAEB",
+"! c #80868D",
+"~ c #7A8086",
+"{ c #4D575E",
+"] c #7F868C",
+"^ c #4C565E",
+"/ c #7E858C",
+"( c #4C555D",
+"_ c #7E858B",
+": c #4B555C",
+"< c #7E858A",
+"[ c #EFF0F1",
+"} c #4A545B",
+"| c #7D848A",
+"1 c #4A535B",
+"2 c #49535A",
+"3 c #495259",
+"4 c #485158",
+"5 c #475058",
+"6 c #475057",
+"7 c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/restoreA.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/restoreA.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b239dd0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/restoreA.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * restoreA_xpm[] = {
+"24 54 39 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #7B8388",
+"= c #8E949A",
+"- c #4F5961",
+"; c #81878E",
+"> c #EFF0F1",
+", c #E8EAEB",
+"' c #4E5860",
+") c #80878D",
+"! c #4E575F",
+"~ c #80868D",
+"{ c #4D575E",
+"] c #798086",
+"^ c #7F868C",
+"/ c #4C565E",
+"( c #788086",
+"_ c #7E858C",
+": c #4C555D",
+"< c #7E858B",
+"[ c #4B555C",
+"} c #7E858A",
+"| c #4A545B",
+"1 c #7D848A",
+"2 c #4A535B",
+"3 c #7D838A",
+"4 c #49535A",
+"5 c #767E83",
+"6 c #495259",
+"7 c #485158",
+"8 c #475058",
+"9 c #475057",
+"0 c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/restoreI.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/restoreI.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b3d95e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/restoreI.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * restoreI_xpm[] = {
+"24 54 7 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
+"+ c #E1E4E6",
+"@ c #DBDFE0",
+"# c #E0E2E4",
+"$ c #BDC3C7",
+"% c #BFC5C8",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/restoreO.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/restoreO.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33d08bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/restoreO.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * restoreO_xpm[] = {
+"24 54 39 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #7B8388",
+"= c #8E949A",
+"- c #4F5961",
+"; c #81878E",
+"> c #EFF0F1",
+", c #E8EAEB",
+"' c #4E5860",
+") c #80878D",
+"! c #4E575F",
+"~ c #80868D",
+"{ c #4D575E",
+"] c #798086",
+"^ c #7F868C",
+"/ c #4C565E",
+"( c #788086",
+"_ c #7E858C",
+": c #4C555D",
+"< c #7E858B",
+"[ c #4B555C",
+"} c #7E858A",
+"| c #4A545B",
+"1 c #7D848A",
+"2 c #4A535B",
+"3 c #7D838A",
+"4 c #49535A",
+"5 c #767E83",
+"6 c #495259",
+"7 c #485158",
+"8 c #475058",
+"9 c #475057",
+"0 c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/rolldownA.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/rolldownA.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9f65f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/rolldownA.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * rolldownA_xpm[] = {
+"21 38 175 2",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #DDDCDB",
+"@ c #DCDCDB",
+"# c #DCDBDA",
+"$ c #D1D0CF",
+"% c #CBCAC9",
+"& c #D5D5D5",
+"* c #DCDCDA",
+"= c #D6D5D5",
+"- c #C5C5C3",
+"; c #E2E1E0",
+"> c #ECEBEA",
+", c #ECEAE9",
+"' c #EBEBE9",
+") c #EDEBEA",
+"! c #E1E1E0",
+"~ c #C4C4C3",
+"{ c #C1C0BF",
+"] c #E5E5E3",
+"^ c #E8E8E7",
+"/ c #E7E7E5",
+"( c #E9E9E6",
+"_ c #E6E6E3",
+": c #C0BFBE",
+"< c #DFDEDD",
+"[ c #C8C7C6",
+"} c #D7D7D4",
+"| c #E5E5E4",
+"1 c #E3E3E2",
+"2 c #DDDDDC",
+"3 c #4F4D4D",
+"4 c #CFCFCD",
+"5 c #E5E5E5",
+"6 c #D4D4D4",
+"7 c #B9B7B6",
+"8 c #E4E3E2",
+"9 c #DBDAD9",
+"0 c #4E4E4D",
+"a c #373735",
+"b c #393938",
+"c c #D0CFCE",
+"d c #E4E4E3",
+"e c #B8B7B6",
+"f c #D5D5D4",
+"g c #BBBABA",
+"h c #E0DFDF",
+"i c #D7D6D5",
+"j c #504E4E",
+"k c #5B5B59",
+"l c #7B7B79",
+"m c #393838",
+"n c #CDCDCC",
+"o c #E1E0DF",
+"p c #B9B8B8",
+"q c #CFCECD",
+"r c #DDDBDA",
+"s c #D9D7D6",
+"t c #ADACAB",
+"u c #686766",
+"v c #DBD9D8",
+"w c #828281",
+"x c #908F8E",
+"y c #DDDBDB",
+"z c #B7B6B4",
+"A c #ACACAB",
+"B c #DAD9D8",
+"C c #D5D4D2",
+"D c #DAD9D7",
+"E c #CACAC8",
+"F c #C8C7C5",
+"G c #DADAD8",
+"H c #DBDAD8",
+"I c #AAA9A8",
+"J c #D8D7D6",
+"K c #A9A8A8",
+"L c #D8D6D6",
+"M c #D1D0CE",
+"N c #A5A3A2",
+"O c #2D2C2C",
+"P c #2D2C2B",
+"Q c #8A8988",
+"R c #D8D7D5",
+"S c #A7A6A6",
+"T c #B8B8B7",
+"U c #B4B3B2",
+"V c #D2CFCE",
+"W c #D6D4D3",
+"X c #EAEAE9",
+"Y c #D9D8D7",
+"Z c #D3D1D0",
+"` c #AFAEAD",
+" . c #A2A1A0",
+".. c #C2C2C0",
+"+. c #CECDCB",
+"@. c #CFCDCB",
+"#. c #CFCDCC",
+"$. c #CFCECC",
+"%. c #A1A0A0",
+"&. c #C5C4C3",
+"*. c #9A9998",
+"=. c #A7A7A5",
+"-. c #CCCCCB",
+";. c #CDCCCB",
+">. c #CCCBC9",
+",. c #A6A5A4",
+"'. c #CAC9C8",
+"). c #B1B1B0",
+"!. c #8B8B8A",
+"~. c #838181",
+"{. c #888887",
+"]. c #8A8A89",
+"^. c #C0C0BF",
+"/. c #BDBCBB",
+"(. c #DEDDDC",
+"_. c #C1C0BE",
+":. c #CAC9C7",
+"<. c #C5C3C3",
+"[. c #C1C1BF",
+"}. c #E1E0DE",
+"|. c #DBDBD8",
+"1. c #DBDAD7",
+"2. c #E2E0DF",
+"3. c #BFBDBC",
+"4. c #DADAD9",
+"5. c #D6D5D4",
+"6. c #CCCAC9",
+"7. c #D7D6D4",
+"8. c #DCDBD9",
+"9. c #BEBDBC",
+"0. c #D0CECC",
+"a. c #CAC8C6",
+"b. c #494746",
+"c. c #BEBCB9",
+"d. c #B8B6B5",
+"e. c #E0E0DD",
+"f. c #D3D2D0",
+"g. c #4A4A49",
+"h. c #353534",
+"i. c #373736",
+"j. c #C4C3C1",
+"k. c #E0E0DE",
+"l. c #B7B6B5",
+"m. c #BBBAB9",
+"n. c #DDDDDB",
+"o. c #D2D1CF",
+"p. c #4E4D4C",
+"q. c #5A5A58",
+"r. c #7A7A78",
+"s. c #383737",
+"t. c #C9C8C6",
+"u. c #AEAEAD",
+"v. c #E9E9E8",
+"w. c #838382",
+"x. c #91918F",
+"y. c #B7B7B4",
+"z. c #ADADAC",
+"A. c #E0DEDD",
+"B. c #E0E0DF",
+"C. c #D2D1D0",
+"D. c #E2E1E1",
+"E. c #DFDFDE",
+"F. c #ABAAA9",
+"G. c #DDDCDC",
+"H. c #B2B0AF",
+"I. c #2F2E2E",
+"J. c #949393",
+"K. c #B9B8B7",
+"L. c #E7E7E6",
+"M. c #EEEEEC",
+"N. c #E8E8E8",
+"O. c #B3B3B2",
+"P. c #C9C9C8",
+"Q. c #AEAEAC",
+"R. c #898988",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . + @ # @ + . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . @ $ % & * = % $ @ . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . # - ; > > , ' ) ! ~ # . . . . . ",
+". . . . @ { ] ^ / / / / / ( _ : @ . . . . ",
+". . . < [ } | 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 5 6 [ < . . . ",
+". . . @ 7 8 . . 9 0 a b c . . d e @ . . . ",
+". . . f g h # i j k ' l m n # o p f . . . ",
+". . . q e r s t u ^ v ^ w x s y z q . . . ",
+". . . $ A B C D # E F F G @ C H I $ . . . ",
+". . . J K L M N O P P P P Q M R S J . . . ",
+". . . @ T U V W X X X X X Y Z ` T @ . . . ",
+". . . . c ...+.@.#.#.#.#.$.{ %.c . . . . ",
+". . . . + &.*.=.-.;.>.;.-.,.*.&.+ . . . . ",
+". . . . . @ '.).!.~.{.~.].).'.@ . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . < 9 % ^./.^.% 9 < . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . (.+ (.. . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
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+". . . . . . . . + @ # @ + . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . @ $ _.&.:.<._.$ @ . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . # [.$ }.|.i 1.2.$ ^.# . . . . . ",
+". . . . @ . . . . ",
+". . . < [ $.i 0.0.a.b.c.0.0.J ;.[ < . . . ",
+". . . @ d.e.f.f.+.g.h.i.j.f.f.k.l.@ . . . ",
+". . . f m.n.7.o.p.q.' r.s.t.7.+ e f . . . ",
+". . . q T (.G u.u ^ * v.w.x.G 2 y.q . . . ",
+". . . $ z.A.(.B.2 C.c c # D.(.E.F.$ . . . ",
+". . . J K G.; H.I.I.I.I.I.J.; r S J . . . ",
+". . . @ T K.8 L.M.M.M.M.M.N.1 O.T @ . . . ",
+". . . . c .P.L.X X X X X / [ %.c . . . . ",
+". . . . + &.*.Q.D d / d Y z.*.&.+ . . . . ",
+". . . . . @ '.).!.~.R.~.].).'.@ . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . < 9 % ^./.^.% 9 < . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . (.+ (.. . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/rolldownI.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/rolldownI.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99c3424b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/rolldownI.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * rolldownI_xpm[] = {
+"21 38 167 2",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #DDDCDB",
+"@ c #DCDCDB",
+"# c #DCDBDA",
+"$ c #D1D0CF",
+"% c #CBCAC9",
+"& c #D5D5D5",
+"* c #DCDCDA",
+"= c #D6D5D5",
+"- c #C5C5C3",
+"; c #E2E1E0",
+"> c #ECEBEA",
+", c #ECEAE9",
+"' c #EBEBE9",
+") c #EDEBEA",
+"! c #E1E1E0",
+"~ c #C4C4C3",
+"{ c #C1C0BF",
+"] c #E5E5E3",
+"^ c #E8E8E7",
+"/ c #E7E7E5",
+"( c #E9E9E6",
+"_ c #E6E6E3",
+": c #C0BFBE",
+"< c #DFDEDD",
+"[ c #C8C7C6",
+"} c #D7D7D4",
+"| c #E5E5E4",
+"1 c #E3E3E2",
+"2 c #A5A5A3",
+"3 c #DADAD9",
+"4 c #E5E5E5",
+"5 c #D4D4D4",
+"6 c #B9B7B6",
+"7 c #E4E3E2",
+"8 c #DEDDDC",
+"9 c #A5A4A3",
+"0 c #9C9B9A",
+"a c #D9D9D8",
+"b c #E4E4E3",
+"c c #B8B7B6",
+"d c #D5D5D4",
+"e c #BBBABA",
+"f c #E0DFDF",
+"g c #DAD9D8",
+"h c #A5A3A3",
+"i c #ABAAA9",
+"j c #EDEDEB",
+"k c #B9B9B7",
+"l c #9B9B9A",
+"m c #D6D6D5",
+"n c #E1E0DF",
+"o c #B9B8B8",
+"p c #CFCECD",
+"q c #DDDBDA",
+"r c #D9D7D6",
+"s c #B0AFAE",
+"t c #EAEAE9",
+"u c #DBD9D8",
+"v c #BCBBBA",
+"w c #BDBCBA",
+"x c #DDDBDB",
+"y c #B7B6B4",
+"z c #ACACAB",
+"A c #D5D4D2",
+"B c #DBDAD8",
+"C c #D2D2D0",
+"D c #D0CFCD",
+"E c #E2E2E0",
+"F c #DEDEDD",
+"G c #AAA9A8",
+"H c #D8D7D6",
+"I c #A9A8A8",
+"J c #D8D6D6",
+"K c #D1D0CE",
+"L c #969594",
+"M c #969593",
+"N c #B8B7B5",
+"O c #D8D7D5",
+"P c #A7A6A6",
+"Q c #B8B8B7",
+"R c #B4B3B2",
+"S c #D2CFCE",
+"T c #D6D4D3",
+"U c #D9D8D7",
+"V c #D3D1D0",
+"W c #AFAEAD",
+"X c #D0CFCE",
+"Y c #A2A1A0",
+"Z c #C2C2C0",
+"` c #CECDCB",
+" . c #CFCDCB",
+".. c #CFCDCC",
+"+. c #CFCECC",
+"@. c #A1A0A0",
+"#. c #C5C4C3",
+"$. c #9A9998",
+"%. c #A7A7A5",
+"&. c #CCCCCB",
+"*. c #CDCCCB",
+"=. c #CCCBC9",
+"-. c #A6A5A4",
+";. c #CAC9C8",
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+",. c #8B8B8A",
+"'. c #838181",
+"). c #888887",
+"!. c #8A8A89",
+"~. c #DBDAD9",
+"{. c #C0C0BF",
+"]. c #BDBCBB",
+"^. c #C1C0BE",
+"/. c #CAC9C7",
+"(. c #C5C3C3",
+"_. c #C1C1BF",
+":. c #E1E0DE",
+"<. c #DBDBD8",
+"[. c #D7D6D5",
+"}. c #DBDAD7",
+"|. c #E2E0DF",
+"1. c #BFBDBC",
+"2. c #D6D5D4",
+"3. c #CCCAC9",
+"4. c #D7D6D4",
+"5. c #DCDBD9",
+"6. c #BEBDBC",
+"7. c #D0CECC",
+"8. c #CECCCA",
+"9. c #A09F9D",
+"0. c #CAC8C5",
+"a. c #B8B6B5",
+"b. c #E0E0DD",
+"c. c #D3D2D0",
+"d. c #A1A09F",
+"e. c #9A9999",
+"f. c #CDCDCB",
+"g. c #E0E0DE",
+"h. c #B7B6B5",
+"i. c #BBBAB9",
+"j. c #DDDDDB",
+"k. c #A3A2A1",
+"l. c #B8B8B6",
+"m. c #9A9A99",
+"n. c #D2D1CF",
+"o. c #DADAD8",
+"p. c #C9C9C8",
+"q. c #E9E9E8",
+"r. c #BEBEBB",
+"s. c #DDDDDC",
+"t. c #B7B7B4",
+"u. c #ADADAC",
+"v. c #E0DEDD",
+"w. c #E4E3E3",
+"x. c #DFDFDE",
+"y. c #DDDCDC",
+"z. c #CECDCC",
+"A. c #989796",
+"B. c #C2C1C0",
+"C. c #B9B8B7",
+"D. c #E7E7E6",
+"E. c #EEEEEC",
+"F. c #E8E8E8",
+"G. c #B3B3B2",
+"H. c #AEAEAC",
+"I. c #DAD9D7",
+"J. c #898988",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . + @ # @ + . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . @ $ % & * = % $ @ . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . # - ; > > , ' ) ! ~ # . . . . . ",
+". . . . @ { ] ^ / / / / / ( _ : @ . . . . ",
+". . . < [ } | 1 1 ! 2 3 1 1 4 5 [ < . . . ",
+". . . @ 6 7 . . 8 9 0 0 a . . b c @ . . . ",
+". . . d e f # g h i j k l m # n o d . . . ",
+". . . p c q r [ s t u ^ v w r x y p . . . ",
+". . . $ z g A B 7 C D D E F A B G $ . . . ",
+". . . H I J K { L M M M M N K O P H . . . ",
+". . . @ Q R S T t t t t t U V W Q @ . . . ",
+". . . . X Y Z ` .........+.{ @.X . . . . ",
+". . . . + #.$.%.&.*.=.*.&.-.$.#.+ . . . . ",
+". . . . . @ ;.>.,.'.).'.!.>.;.@ . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . < ~.% {.].{.% ~.< . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . 8 + 8 . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . + @ # @ + . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . @ $ ^.#./.(.^.$ @ . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . # _.$ :.<.[.}.|.$ {.# . . . . . ",
+". . . . @ 1.3 . . . . ",
+". . . < [ +.[. *.[ < . . . ",
+". . . @ a.b.c.c.K d.e.$.f.c.c.g.h.@ . . . ",
+". . . d i.j.4.A k.G j l.m.n.4.+ c d . . . ",
+". . . p Q 8 o.p.s t * q.].r.o.s.t.p . . . ",
+". . . $ u.v.8 ! | g H H 7 w.8 x.i $ . . . ",
+". . . H I y.; z.A.A.A.A.A.B.; q P H . . . ",
+". . . @ Q C.7 D.E.E.E.E.E.F.1 G.Q @ . . . ",
+". . . . X Y p.D.t t t t t / [ @.X . . . . ",
+". . . . + #.$.H.I.b / b U u.$.#.+ . . . . ",
+". . . . . @ ;.>.,.'.J.'.!.>.;.@ . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . < ~.% {.].{.% ~.< . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . 8 + 8 . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/rolldownO.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/rolldownO.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..483422a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/rolldownO.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * rolldownO_xpm[] = {
+"21 38 219 2",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #DDDDDE",
+"@ c #DCDFDF",
+"# c #DCDEDF",
+"$ c #DCDDDF",
+"% c #D4DAE0",
+"& c #D0DCE6",
+"* c #D9E2E9",
+"= c #DFE6EA",
+"- c #DAE3EA",
+"; c #CADAE3",
+"> c #E4E8EA",
+", c #ECEBEA",
+"' c #ECEAE9",
+") c #EBEBE9",
+"! c #EDEBEA",
+"~ c #E3E8EB",
+"{ c #C9D9E4",
+"] c #C8D8E4",
+"^ c #E6E8E7",
+"/ c #E8E8E7",
+"( c #E7E7E5",
+"_ c #E9E9E6",
+": c #E6E9E7",
+"< c #C7D7E3",
+"[ c #DFDEDE",
+"} c #CCD7E1",
+"| c #DAE1E4",
+"1 c #E5E5E4",
+"2 c #E3E3E2",
+"3 c #DEE1E3",
+"4 c #65B7F7",
+"5 c #D2DDE4",
+"6 c #E5E5E5",
+"7 c #D7E0E7",
+"8 c #C1D3E3",
+"9 c #E4E3E2",
+"0 c #64B6F6",
+"a c #51B0FB",
+"b c #53B0F9",
+"c c #D2DBE1",
+"d c #E4E5E4",
+"e c #C0D4E4",
+"f c #D7DCE0",
+"g c #C2D6E4",
+"h c #E0DFDF",
+"i c #DCDBDA",
+"j c #D8DADB",
+"k c #66B5F4",
+"l c #70BBF5",
+"m c #ECEDEC",
+"n c #8BC6F3",
+"o c #52AFF8",
+"p c #D0D8DD",
+"q c #E1E0DF",
+"r c #C1D6E5",
+"s c #D2D9E0",
+"t c #DDDBDA",
+"u c #D9D7D6",
+"v c #B4CCDF",
+"w c #7ABEF3",
+"x c #E9EAEA",
+"y c #DBD9D8",
+"z c #91C7F1",
+"A c #9CC5E5",
+"B c #DDDBDB",
+"C c #C1D4E4",
+"D c #D4DBE0",
+"E c #B7D1E4",
+"F c #DAD9D8",
+"G c #D5D4D2",
+"H c #DADAD9",
+"I c #DEE5EA",
+"J c #CCD4D8",
+"K c #CAD1D5",
+"L c #DCE4E8",
+"M c #DDDEDE",
+"N c #DBDAD8",
+"O c #B5CFE5",
+"P c #D9DCDF",
+"Q c #B5D0E7",
+"R c #D9D9DA",
+"S c #D1D0CE",
+"T c #ACC6DA",
+"U c #48ABF9",
+"V c #48ABF8",
+"W c #96C0E1",
+"X c #D9DAD9",
+"Y c #B4CFE7",
+"Z c #C0D5E4",
+"` c #BCD0E0",
+" . c #D2CFCE",
+".. c #D6D4D3",
+"+. c #EAEAE9",
+"@. c #D9D8D7",
+"#. c #D3D1D0",
+"$. c #B9CEDF",
+"%. c #D3DAE0",
+"&. c #AFCDE6",
+"*. c #C7D2D9",
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+"|. c #DFDFDE",
+"1. c #DBDDDF",
+"2. c #CFD8E1",
+"3. c #C6D7E3",
+"4. c #C4D6E3",
+"5. c #DEDEDE",
+"6. c #DDDCDB",
+"7. c #DCDCDB",
+"8. c #D1D0CF",
+"9. c #C1C0BE",
+"0. c #C5C4C3",
+"a. c #CAC9C7",
+"b. c #C5C3C3",
+"c. c #C1C1BF",
+"d. c #E1E0DE",
+"e. c #DBDBD8",
+"f. c #D7D6D5",
+"g. c #DBDAD7",
+"h. c #E2E0DF",
+"i. c #C0C0BF",
+"j. c #BFBDBC",
+"k. c #D6D5D4",
+"l. c #CCCAC9",
+"m. c #D7D6D4",
+"n. c #DCDBD9",
+"o. c #BEBDBC",
+"p. c #DFDEDD",
+"q. c #C8C7C6",
+"r. c #D0CECC",
+"s. c #CAC8C6",
+"t. c #494746",
+"u. c #BEBCB9",
+"v. c #D8D7D6",
+"w. c #B8B6B5",
+"x. c #E0E0DD",
+"y. c #D3D2D0",
+"z. c #4A4A49",
+"A. c #353534",
+"B. c #373736",
+"C. c #C4C3C1",
+"D. c #E0E0DE",
+"E. c #B7B6B5",
+"F. c #D5D5D4",
+"G. c #BBBAB9",
+"H. c #DDDDDB",
+"I. c #D2D1CF",
+"J. c #4E4D4C",
+"K. c #5A5A58",
+"L. c #7A7A78",
+"M. c #383737",
+"N. c #C9C8C6",
+"O. c #B8B7B6",
+"P. c #CFCECD",
+"Q. c #B8B8B7",
+"R. c #DEDDDC",
+"S. c #DADAD8",
+"T. c #AEAEAD",
+"U. c #686766",
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+"W. c #E9E9E8",
+"X. c #838382",
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+"2+ c #898988",
+"3+ c #8A8A89",
+"4+ c #DBDAD9",
+"5+ c #CBCAC9",
+"6+ c #BDBCBB",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
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+". . . s 8 t u v w x y / z A u B C s . . . ",
+". . . D E F G H I J K K L M G N O D . . . ",
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+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/rollupA.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/rollupA.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d129e301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/rollupA.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * rollupA_xpm[] = {
+"21 38 173 2",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #DDDCDB",
+"@ c #DCDCDB",
+"# c #DCDBDA",
+"$ c #D1D0CF",
+"% c #CBCAC9",
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+"* c #DCDCDA",
+"= c #D6D5D5",
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+"[ c #C8C7C6",
+"} c #D7D7D4",
+"| c #E5E5E4",
+"1 c #C2C2C2",
+"2 c #969696",
+"3 c #E3E3E2",
+"4 c #AAA9A8",
+"5 c #ADADAD",
+"6 c #E5E5E5",
+"7 c #D4D4D4",
+"8 c #B9B7B6",
+"9 c #E4E3E2",
+"0 c #31302F",
+"a c #878584",
+"b c #A1A19F",
+"c c #272625",
+"d c #BDBBBB",
+"e c #E4E4E3",
+"f c #B8B7B6",
+"g c #D5D5D4",
+"h c #BBBABA",
+"i c #E0DFDF",
+"j c #DFDEDE",
+"k c #31302E",
+"l c #62615F",
+"m c #C3C3C1",
+"n c #E1E0DF",
+"o c #B9B8B8",
+"p c #CFCECD",
+"q c #DDDBDA",
+"r c #D9D7D6",
+"s c #DEDDDC",
+"t c #282727",
+"u c #BFBEBC",
+"v c #DDDBDB",
+"w c #B7B6B4",
+"x c #ACACAB",
+"y c #DAD9D8",
+"z c #D5D4D2",
+"A c #D3D2D0",
+"B c #C8C7C5",
+"C c #CECDCC",
+"D c #DFDFDE",
+"E c #D2D1CF",
+"F c #D2D2D0",
+"G c #DBDAD8",
+"H c #D8D7D6",
+"I c #A9A8A8",
+"J c #D8D6D6",
+"K c #D1D0CE",
+"L c #A5A3A2",
+"M c #2D2C2B",
+"N c #2D2C2C",
+"O c #898987",
+"P c #D8D7D5",
+"Q c #A7A6A6",
+"R c #B8B8B7",
+"S c #B4B3B2",
+"T c #D2CFCE",
+"U c #D6D4D3",
+"V c #EAEAE9",
+"W c #D9D8D7",
+"X c #D3D1D0",
+"Y c #AFAEAD",
+"Z c #D0CFCE",
+"` c #A2A1A0",
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+".. c #CECDCB",
+"+. c #CFCDCB",
+"@. c #CFCDCC",
+"#. c #CFCECC",
+"$. c #A1A0A0",
+"%. c #C5C4C3",
+"&. c #9A9998",
+"*. c #A7A7A5",
+"=. c #CCCCCB",
+"-. c #CDCCCB",
+";. c #CCCBC9",
+">. c #A6A5A4",
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+"'. c #B1B1B0",
+"). c #8B8B8A",
+"!. c #838181",
+"~. c #888887",
+"{. c #8A8A89",
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+"^. c #C0C0BF",
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+"(. c #C1C0BE",
+"_. c #CAC9C7",
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+"[. c #E1E0DE",
+"}. c #DBDBD8",
+"|. c #D7D6D5",
+"1. c #DBDAD7",
+"2. c #E2E0DF",
+"3. c #BFBDBC",
+"4. c #DADAD9",
+"5. c #D6D5D4",
+"6. c #CCCAC9",
+"7. c #D7D6D4",
+"8. c #DCDBD9",
+"9. c #BEBDBC",
+"0. c #B2B1AF",
+"a. c #8A8988",
+"b. c #D0CECC",
+"c. c #9C9A98",
+"d. c #9F9E9C",
+"e. c #B8B6B5",
+"f. c #E0E0DD",
+"g. c #2F2E2D",
+"h. c #7F7E7D",
+"i. c #989895",
+"j. c #262524",
+"k. c #B4B2B1",
+"l. c #E0E0DE",
+"m. c #B7B6B5",
+"n. c #BBBAB9",
+"o. c #DDDDDB",
+"p. c #D4D4D3",
+"q. c #302F2E",
+"r. c #605F5D",
+"s. c #272624",
+"t. c #DADAD8",
+"u. c #DFDFDD",
+"v. c #BFBFBD",
+"w. c #E2E2E0",
+"x. c #DDDDDC",
+"y. c #B7B7B4",
+"z. c #ADADAC",
+"A. c #E0DEDD",
+"B. c #D7D7D5",
+"C. c #ABAAA9",
+"D. c #DDDCDC",
+"E. c #B2B0AF",
+"F. c #2F2E2E",
+"G. c #949393",
+"H. c #B9B8B7",
+"I. c #E7E7E6",
+"J. c #EEEEEC",
+"K. c #E8E8E8",
+"L. c #B3B3B2",
+"M. c #C9C9C8",
+"N. c #AEAEAC",
+"O. c #DAD9D7",
+"P. c #898988",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . + @ # @ + . . . . . . . . ",
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+". . . . . # - ; > > , ' ) ! ~ # . . . . . ",
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+". . . @ 8 9 . % 0 a . b c d . e f @ . . . ",
+". . . g h i # j g k l c m ! # n o g . . . ",
+". . . p f q r r s g t u n r r v w p . . . ",
+". . . $ x y z A B C D E B F z G 4 $ . . . ",
+". . . H I J K L M M N M M O K P Q H . . . ",
+". . . @ R S T U V V V V V W X Y R @ . . . ",
+". . . . Z ` ...+.@.@.@.@.#.{ $.Z . . . . ",
+". . . . + %.&.*.=.-.;.-.=.>.&.%.+ . . . . ",
+". . . . . @ ,.'.).!.~.!.{.'.,.@ . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . < ].% ^./.^.% ].< . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . s + s . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
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+". . . . . # <.$ [.}.|.1.2.$ ^.# . . . . . ",
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+". . . g n.o.7.].p.q.r.s. .s 7.+ f g . . . ",
+". . . p R s t.t.u.g t v.w.t.t.x.y.p . . . ",
+". . . $ z.A.s # Z p.D B.Z ].s D C.$ . . . ",
+". . . H I D.; E.F.F.F.F.F.G.; q Q H . . . ",
+". . . @ R H.9 I.J.J.J.J.J.K.3 L.R @ . . . ",
+". . . . Z ` M.I.V V V V V / [ $.Z . . . . ",
+". . . . + %.&.N.O.e / e W z.&.%.+ . . . . ",
+". . . . . @ ,.'.).!.P.!.{.'.,.@ . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . < ].% ^./.^.% ].< . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . s + s . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/rollupI.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/rollupI.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbb4d606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/rollupI.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * rollupI_xpm[] = {
+"21 38 164 2",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #DDDCDB",
+"@ c #DCDCDB",
+"# c #DCDBDA",
+"$ c #D1D0CF",
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+"= c #D6D5D5",
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+"! c #E1E1E0",
+"~ c #C4C4C3",
+"{ c #C1C0BF",
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+"^ c #E8E8E7",
+"/ c #E7E7E5",
+"( c #E9E9E6",
+"_ c #E6E6E3",
+": c #C0BFBE",
+"< c #DFDEDD",
+"[ c #C8C7C6",
+"} c #D7D7D4",
+"| c #E5E5E4",
+"1 c #C3C3C2",
+"2 c #E3E3E2",
+"3 c #CBCBCA",
+"4 c #CCCCCC",
+"5 c #E5E5E5",
+"6 c #D4D4D4",
+"7 c #B9B7B6",
+"8 c #E4E3E2",
+"9 c #D8D7D6",
+"0 c #999897",
+"a c #BCBAB9",
+"b c #C6C6C4",
+"c c #959493",
+"d c #D2D1D1",
+"e c #E4E4E3",
+"f c #B8B7B6",
+"g c #D5D5D4",
+"h c #BBBABA",
+"i c #E0DFDF",
+"j c #DFDEDE",
+"k c #E2E2E1",
+"l c #999896",
+"m c #ABABA9",
+"n c #DBDAD9",
+"o c #E1E0DF",
+"p c #B9B8B8",
+"q c #CFCECD",
+"r c #DDDBDA",
+"s c #D9D7D6",
+"t c #DEDDDC",
+"u c #969493",
+"v c #DDDBDB",
+"w c #B7B6B4",
+"x c #ACACAB",
+"y c #DAD9D8",
+"z c #D5D4D2",
+"A c #D4D3D1",
+"B c #D0CFCD",
+"C c #D6D5D4",
+"D c #E7E7E6",
+"E c #DAD9D7",
+"F c #D4D4D2",
+"G c #DBDAD8",
+"H c #AAA9A8",
+"I c #A9A8A8",
+"J c #D8D6D6",
+"K c #D1D0CE",
+"L c #969593",
+"M c #969594",
+"N c #B7B7B4",
+"O c #D8D7D5",
+"P c #A7A6A6",
+"Q c #B8B8B7",
+"R c #B4B3B2",
+"S c #D2CFCE",
+"T c #D6D4D3",
+"U c #EAEAE9",
+"V c #D9D8D7",
+"W c #D3D1D0",
+"X c #AFAEAD",
+"Y c #D0CFCE",
+"Z c #A2A1A0",
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+"+. c #CFCDCC",
+"@. c #CFCECC",
+"#. c #A1A0A0",
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+"-. c #CCCBC9",
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+"'. c #8B8B8A",
+"). c #838181",
+"!. c #888887",
+"~. c #8A8A89",
+"{. c #C0C0BF",
+"]. c #BDBCBB",
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+"/. c #CAC9C7",
+"(. c #C5C3C3",
+"_. c #C1C1BF",
+":. c #E1E0DE",
+"<. c #DBDBD8",
+"[. c #D7D6D5",
+"}. c #DBDAD7",
+"|. c #E2E0DF",
+"1. c #BFBDBC",
+"2. c #DADAD9",
+"3. c #CCCAC9",
+"4. c #D7D6D4",
+"5. c #DCDBD9",
+"6. c #BEBDBC",
+"7. c #C5C4C2",
+"8. c #D0CECC",
+"9. c #BDBCBA",
+"0. c #BEBDBB",
+"a. c #B8B6B5",
+"b. c #E0E0DD",
+"c. c #D3D2D0",
+"d. c #CDCDCC",
+"e. c #979695",
+"f. c #BDBDBA",
+"g. c #949392",
+"h. c #C9C8C7",
+"i. c #E0E0DE",
+"j. c #B7B6B5",
+"k. c #BBBAB9",
+"l. c #DDDDDB",
+"m. c #989796",
+"n. c #AAA9A7",
+"o. c #959492",
+"p. c #DADAD8",
+"q. c #DFDFDD",
+"r. c #E2E2E0",
+"s. c #DDDDDC",
+"t. c #ADADAC",
+"u. c #E0DEDD",
+"v. c #DFDFDE",
+"w. c #ABAAA9",
+"x. c #DDDCDC",
+"y. c #CECDCC",
+"z. c #C2C1C0",
+"A. c #B9B8B7",
+"B. c #EEEEEC",
+"C. c #E8E8E8",
+"D. c #B3B3B2",
+"E. c #C9C9C8",
+"F. c #AEAEAC",
+"G. c #898988",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . + @ # @ + . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . @ $ % & * = % $ @ . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . # - ; > > , ' ) ! ~ # . . . . . ",
+". . . . @ { ] ^ / / / / / ( _ : @ . . . . ",
+". . . < [ } | & 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 [ < . . . ",
+". . . @ 7 8 . 9 0 a . b c d . e f @ . . . ",
+". . . g h i # j k l m c n ! # o p g . . . ",
+". . . q f r s s t k u s o s s v w q . . . ",
+". . . $ x y z A B C D E B F z G H $ . . . ",
+". . . 9 I J K { L L M L L N K O P 9 . . . ",
+". . . @ Q R S T U U U U U V W X Q @ . . . ",
+". . . . Y Z ` ...+.+.+.+.@.{ #.Y . . . . ",
+". . . . + $.%.&.*.=.-.=.*.;.%.$.+ . . . . ",
+". . . . . @ >.,.'.).!.).~.,.>.@ . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . < n % {.].{.% n < . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . t + t . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
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+". . . . . . @ $ ^.$./.(.^.$ @ . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . # _.$ :.<.[.}.|.$ {.# . . . . . ",
+". . . . @ 1.2.C . . . . ",
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+". . . @ a.b.c.d.e.R c.f.g.h.c.i.j.@ . . . ",
+". . . g k.l.4.n ! m.n.o.y t 4.+ f g . . . ",
+". . . q Q t p.p.q.k u V r.p.p.s.N q . . . ",
+". . . $ t.u.t + 9 @ D q.9 + t v.w.$ . . . ",
+". . . 9 I x.; y.m.m.m.m.m.z.; r P 9 . . . ",
+". . . @ Q A.8 D B.B.B.B.B.C.2 D.Q @ . . . ",
+". . . . Y Z E.D U U U U U / [ #.Y . . . . ",
+". . . . + $.%.F.E e / e V t.%.$.+ . . . . ",
+". . . . . @ >.,.'.).G.).~.,.>.@ . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . < n % {.].{.% n < . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . t + t . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/rollupO.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/rollupO.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f067036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/rollupO.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * rollupO_xpm[] = {
+"21 38 214 2",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDE",
+"+ c #DDDDDE",
+"@ c #DCDFDF",
+"# c #DCDEDF",
+"$ c #DCDDDF",
+"% c #D4DAE0",
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+"* c #D9E2E9",
+"= c #DFE6EA",
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+"; c #CADAE3",
+"> c #E4E8EA",
+", c #ECEBEA",
+"' c #ECEAE9",
+") c #EBEBE9",
+"! c #EDEBEA",
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+"{ c #C9D9E4",
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+"^ c #E6E8E7",
+"/ c #E8E8E7",
+"( c #E7E7E5",
+"_ c #E9E9E6",
+": c #E6E9E7",
+"< c #C7D7E3",
+"[ c #DFDEDE",
+"} c #CCD7E1",
+"| c #DAE1E4",
+"1 c #E5E5E4",
+"2 c #C7D9E7",
+"3 c #A2CCED",
+"4 c #E3E3E2",
+"5 c #B2D2EA",
+"6 c #B5D3EA",
+"7 c #E5E5E5",
+"8 c #D7E0E7",
+"9 c #C1D3E3",
+"0 c #E4E3E2",
+"a c #CED9E2",
+"b c #4CAEFB",
+"c c #94C5EC",
+"d c #ABCDE8",
+"e c #43AAFC",
+"f c #C2D6E6",
+"g c #E4E5E4",
+"h c #C0D4E4",
+"i c #D7DCE0",
+"j c #C2D6E4",
+"k c #E0DFDF",
+"l c #DCDBDA",
+"m c #D9E5EE",
+"n c #4CAEFA",
+"o c #75B9F0",
+"p c #C9DFF0",
+"q c #E1E1E0",
+"r c #E1E0DF",
+"s c #C1D6E5",
+"t c #D2D9E0",
+"u c #DDDBDA",
+"v c #D9D7D6",
+"w c #DEDDDC",
+"x c #44AAFC",
+"y c #C5DCEF",
+"z c #DDDBDB",
+"A c #C1D4E4",
+"B c #D4DBE0",
+"C c #B7D1E4",
+"D c #DAD9D8",
+"E c #D5D4D2",
+"F c #D3D3D2",
+"G c #CAD1D5",
+"H c #D0D7DC",
+"I c #E1E9EE",
+"J c #D4DBDF",
+"K c #D3D4D3",
+"L c #DBDAD8",
+"M c #B5CFE5",
+"N c #D9DCDF",
+"O c #B5D0E7",
+"P c #D9D9DA",
+"Q c #D1D0CE",
+"R c #ACC6DA",
+"S c #48ABF8",
+"T c #48ABF9",
+"U c #95C0E0",
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+"j. c #D6D5D4",
+"k. c #CCCAC9",
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+"m. c #DCDBD9",
+"n. c #BEBDBC",
+"o. c #DFDEDD",
+"p. c #C8C7C6",
+"q. c #B2B1AF",
+"r. c #8A8988",
+"s. c #D0CECC",
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+"y. c #D3D2D0",
+"z. c #2F2E2D",
+"A. c #7F7E7D",
+"B. c #989895",
+"C. c #262524",
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+". . . B C D E F G H I J G K E L M B . . . ",
+". . . N O P Q R S S T S S U Q V W N . . . ",
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+". . . . . . . . . 3.+ 3.. . . . . . . . . ",
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+". . . Q.R.w S.S.T.G.U.V.W.S.S.X.Y.Q.. . . ",
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+". . . . 4.8.{+]+^+/+( /+..Z.{+8.4.. . . . ",
+". . . . . 5.(+_+:+<+[+<+}+_+(+5.. . . . . ",
+". . . . . . o.J.|+g.1+g.|+J.o.. . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . w 4.w . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
+". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "};
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAB.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAB.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e0870d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAB.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleAB_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 23 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #4F5961",
+"= c #4E5860",
+"- c #4E575F",
+"; c #4D575E",
+"> c #4C565E",
+", c #4C555D",
+"' c #4B555C",
+") c #4A545B",
+"! c #4A535B",
+"~ c #49535A",
+"{ c #495259",
+"] c #485158",
+"^ c #475058",
+"/ c #475057",
+"( c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea8d149f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleAL_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 23 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #4F5961",
+"= c #4E5860",
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+", c #4C555D",
+"' c #4B555C",
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+"! c #4A535B",
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+"{ c #495259",
+"] c #485158",
+"^ c #475058",
+"/ c #475057",
+"( c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAM.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAM.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8cdfb34e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAM.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleAM_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 23 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #4F5961",
+"= c #4E5860",
+"- c #4E575F",
+"; c #4D575E",
+"> c #4C565E",
+", c #4C555D",
+"' c #4B555C",
+") c #4A545B",
+"! c #4A535B",
+"~ c #49535A",
+"{ c #495259",
+"] c #485158",
+"^ c #475058",
+"/ c #475057",
+"( c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAP.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAP.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5dd0e4a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAP.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleAP_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 23 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #4F5961",
+"= c #4E5860",
+"- c #4E575F",
+"; c #4D575E",
+"> c #4C565E",
+", c #4C555D",
+"' c #4B555C",
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+"! c #4A535B",
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+"{ c #495259",
+"] c #485158",
+"^ c #475058",
+"/ c #475057",
+"( c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fec4da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleAR_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 23 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #4F5961",
+"= c #4E5860",
+"- c #4E575F",
+"; c #4D575E",
+"> c #4C565E",
+", c #4C555D",
+"' c #4B555C",
+") c #4A545B",
+"! c #4A535B",
+"~ c #49535A",
+"{ c #495259",
+"] c #485158",
+"^ c #475058",
+"/ c #475057",
+"( c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAS.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAS.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82b28ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAS.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleAS_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 23 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #4F5961",
+"= c #4E5860",
+"- c #4E575F",
+"; c #4D575E",
+"> c #4C565E",
+", c #4C555D",
+"' c #4B555C",
+") c #4A545B",
+"! c #4A535B",
+"~ c #49535A",
+"{ c #495259",
+"] c #485158",
+"^ c #475058",
+"/ c #475057",
+"( c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAT.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAT.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce6c7c8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleAT.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleAT_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 23 1",
+" c None",
+". c #545E67",
+"+ c #535E66",
+"@ c #525D65",
+"# c #525C64",
+"$ c #515C64",
+"% c #515B63",
+"& c #505A62",
+"* c #4F5961",
+"= c #4E5860",
+"- c #4E575F",
+"; c #4D575E",
+"> c #4C565E",
+", c #4C555D",
+"' c #4B555C",
+") c #4A545B",
+"! c #4A535B",
+"~ c #49535A",
+"{ c #495259",
+"] c #485158",
+"^ c #475058",
+"/ c #475057",
+"( c #3DAEE9",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIB.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIB.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5617259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIB.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleIB_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIL.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIL.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2a5392c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIL.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleIL_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIM.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIM.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44769104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIM.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleIM_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIP.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIP.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39c028a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIP.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleIP_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIR.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIR.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a24ed39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIR.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleIR_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIS.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIS.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..115f2152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIS.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleIS_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIT.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIT.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ad20a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleIT.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleIT_xpm[] = {
+"8 27 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #EFF0F1",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/titleML.xpm b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleML.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f7640c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/titleML.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * titleML_xpm[] = {
+"1 24 2 1",
+" c None",
+". c #E0DFDF",
diff --git a/icewm-themes/CMakeLists.txt b/icewm-themes/CMakeLists.txt
index 7984d02f..8d02ece8 100644
--- a/icewm-themes/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/icewm-themes/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-# (C) 2011 Golubev Alexander
-# fatzer2 (AT)
-# Improvements and feedback are welcome
-# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+# #
+# (C) 2011 Golubev Alexander #
+# fatzer2 (AT) #
+# #
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome #
+# #
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2 #
+# #
add_subdirectory( MenschMaschine )
-add_subdirectory( Model )
-add_subdirectory( Helix )
+add_subdirectory( Model )
+add_subdirectory( Helix )
+add_subdirectory( Brise )