path: root/icewm-themes/Brise/default.theme
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'icewm-themes/Brise/default.theme')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/icewm-themes/Brise/default.theme b/icewm-themes/Brise/default.theme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..622d254a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm-themes/Brise/default.theme
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ThemeDescription = "Brise-TDE-v4"
+ThemeAuthor = "TDE"
+Look = flat
+RolloverButtonsSupported = 1
+Gradients = "buttonA.xpm buttonI.xpm dialogbg.xpm logoutbg.xpm switchbg.xpm menubg.xpm menusel.xpm menusep.xpm taskbuttonactive.xpm taskbarbg.xpm taskbuttonbg.xpm taskbuttonminimized.xpm toolbuttonbg.xpm workspacebuttonbg.xpm workspacebuttonactive.xpm titleAB.xpm titleAS.xpm titleAT.xpm titleIB.xpm titleIS.xpm titleIT.xpm"
+SmallIconSize = 16
+BorderSizeX = 2
+BorderSizeY = 2
+CornerSizeX = 5
+CornerSizeY = 29
+DlgBorderSizeX = 2
+DlgBorderSizeY = 2
+################################################## Titlebar
+ShowMenuButtonIcon = 1
+TitleBarCentered = 1
+TitleBarJustify = 50
+TitleBarHeight = 27
+TitleFontNameXft = "sans-serif:size=9:bold"
+TitleButtonsLeft = "s"
+TitleButtonsRight = "xmi"
+TitleButtonsSupported = "sxim"
+ColorNormalTitleButton = "#f7f7f7" # Background of titlebar buttons
+ColorActiveTitleBarText = "#ffffff" # Activa
+ColorNormalTitleBarText = "#efefef" # Inactiva
+################################################## Desktop
+DesktopBackgroundColor = "#000000"
+################################################## Taskbar
+TaskBarAtTop = 0
+TaskBarClockLeds = 0
+TrayDrawBevel = 0
+TrayShowAllWindows = 1
+TaskBarShowCollapseButton = 1
+ColorNormalTaskBarAppText = "#000000"
+ColorMinimizedTaskBarAppText = "#000000"
+ActiveTaskBarFontNameXft = "sans-serif:size=10"
+NormalTaskBarFontNameXft = "sans-serif:size=10"
+################################################## Menu
+ColorNormalMenu = "#4C555D"
+ColorActiveMenuItem = "#4C555D"
+ColorNormalMenuItemText = "#231F1C"
+ColorDisabledMenuItemText = "#c2bfbd"
+MenuFontNameXft = "sans-serif:size=10"
+ShowSettingsMenu = 1 # Show settings submenu
+ShowFocusModeMenu = 0 # Show focus mode submenu
+ShowThemesMenu = 1 # Show themes submenu
+ShowHelp = 0 # Show the help menu item
+ShowLogoutMenu = 1 # Show logout submenu
+ShowLogoutSubMenu = 1 # Show logout submenu
+ShowWindowList = 0 # Show the window menu item
+################################################## ToolTips
+ColorToolTip = "#C0DAFF"
+ColorToolTipText = "#141312"
+ToolTipFontNameXft = "sans:size=9"
+################################################## Clock
+ColorClock = ""
+ColorClockText = "#000000"
+ClockFontNameXft = "arial:size=16"
+################################################## Otros fondos
+ColorLabel = "#E0DFDF"
+ColorDialog = "#E0DFDF"
+################################################## QuickSwitch (cambiador de tareas)
+ColorQuickSwitch = "#E0DFDF"
+ColorQuickSwitchText = "#000000"
+QuickSwitchFontNameXft = "sans-serif:size=10"
+QuickSwitchSmallWindow = 1
+ColorQuickSwitchActive = "#c5c3c1"
+QuickSwitchFillSelection = 0
+################################################## Scrollbar
+ScrollBarX = 17 # Scrollbar width
+ScrollBarY = 17 # Scrollbar (button) height
+ColorScrollBar = "#c3c1bf" # Scrollbar background (sliding area)
+ColorScrollBarSlider = "#e3e2e1" # Background of the slider button in scrollbars
+ColorScrollBarButton = "#E0DFDF" # Background of the arrow buttons in scrollbars
+################################################## ListBox (lista de ventanas)
+ColorListBox = "#E0DFDF" # Background of listboxes
+ColorListBoxSelection = "#c5c3c1" # Background of selected listbox items
+ListBoxFontNameXft = "sans-serif:size=10"
+################################################## Button
+ActiveButtonFontNameXft = "sans:size=10:bold"
+NormalButtonFontNameXft = "sans:size=10"